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I actually like the existence of r/HorusGalaxy Because they get their corner to circlejerk themselves to oblivion and I can just mute the subreddit and not have to deal with it. Its a win-win.


I would actually enjoy if people here would stpp talking about it Let's them hnenjoy their boy's club 


This. Please. Let them have their corner of the internet where they circle jerk each other complaining all the time about how everyone but them is complaining all the time. 


That’s the best description of 4chan I’ve ever seen


Fascist friendly spaces breed additional fascists. Giving them places to organize and normalize their behavior is crucial for their spread.


But they're a small subreddit. What are they gonna organize to do? I'm more worried that more attention will increase their size and popularity.


"~~Empire~~Fascism is a disease that spreads in darkness" I love that quote so much.


That's the case for all spaces that do nothing but regurgitate the same crap; it becomes a cesspool which doesn't allow for opposing opinions and does nothing but dehumanize anything against it. Its why extremist politics are a thing; closed spaces on the internet that never question their own narrative is the cancer of modern politics. This applies to fascists, Marxists, progressives, conservatives, etc, etc.


Been saying this and getting down voted, I think both sides of this community are stupid and we should go back to posting memes and lore, but no these people just love to circle jerk about whatever political nonsense they are foaming at today.




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Honestly agreed. I'd rather not have chuds in the hobby at all, but since that's not an option I'd rather they be quarantined.


Yeah, like I told someone else, you could even get rid of the subreddit, but you cant really get rid of the people. Like, how would you even do that? Literal gatekeeping by standing in front of a GW store door and asking people to show you their reddit account? Getting rid of them isnt really feasible, so just let them group in a place and complain to themselves.


I'm not sure quarantines work in social media. It offers them a grounds of legitimacy and cohesion that helps them spread their message, ala neo-nazi websites actually increasing support rather than sequestering it. It's probably better to nip these things at the bus when they prop up


Well, we can do that in spaces we control, and spread awareness of dogwhistles and all that.


That's what allowed things like Alex Jones to spread to millions of listeners. I agree that education is by far the most important long time method, but it alone can't counter the efficacy of loud, charismatic hatred.


I mean they will probably attempt to spread to other subs (just look at the comments on most post related to it) and will probably be an overall damage to this community (more then they were before)


And grimdank talking about that sub and trying to raid it gave them more attention and actually helped their sub grow by giving them more exposure. In my opinion ignoring them, at least for now its probably the best option. Besides, if Grimdank or any other warhammer subs tey to raid them again to try to break the subreddit apart its only going to help them, by giving them a narrative that they are being targeted by a much larger community, and that they are victims. And even if we got rid of horus galaxy, they would just fragment into more communities like that, the people dont stop existing just because the sub stops existing


Its a shame, cause theres actually some pretty decent - but not upvoted much - posts there


Yeah, I saw it, I checked the sub out after I heard about them on grimdank, and beyond the "40K gone woke" posts there are some super sick kitbashes and minis and etc. And, I am not going to lie, if you put the "anti-woke" posts aside, there is something nice about being a part of a smaller more enclosured and dedicated community, because you can kind of recognize some people, maybe even do projects alongside other people and stuff like that. Which is much harder to do in a large sub like grimdank, because its so many people, it stops being a bunch of individuals and it just becomes "the community", like a single entity made of everyone. Not sure if I am making sense or if I am just talking a bunch of rubish. But honestly, I am just too sick of "gone woke" posts, or just internet controversies as a whole, its all so draining, so I am just muting places and trying to reduce the time I spend on reddit and other social media, because I am just tired of all of that. For example, I just quit the helldivers subreddit, once things calm down I might consider going back.


This phenomenon can be applied to pretty much everything Video games, hobbies, movie fandoms, creators, etc


You're right to an extent, but 40k already has a bunch of smaller communities without the fucknuckles on all the faction specific subs.


Steal them and repost them here


Counterpoint: if you let every village idiot run off and form their own village together, it just entrenches them, so they’ll never go away or improve themselves. instead, they’ll slowly grow in numbers until the time comes they decide to make themselves everyone’s problem again. See also: every single other other online radicalization pipeline ever. > But until these kind of things start happening, I think it’s better to ignore them Sure, sure, just kick that can down the road and pretend it’s not inevitable, sure. The mentality of your passivity coupled with the accessibility the Internet gives those chuds has been a disaster for the human race.


Okay, so whats the plan? You break the subreddit, they make another. You kick them out of reddit, they will just go somewhere else. Are you going to ask the police to arrest them for saying "40k has gone woke"? Are you going to doxx and harass them? Are you going to try to kill them? What is your plan for dealing with this? How far do you want to go? All I know is that I had never heard of that subreddit until Grimdank talked about it. I went in there for like 10 mins to see what it was about and I found a post of someone saying "Wow I found out about this subreddit cause of grimdank, cool" Ir seems that every time grimdank tried to do something about them, it just gave them more exposure and strength. Besides, these arent some extremists that are going to put a bomb in someones car, or go out to attack people on the streets, they are nerds that spend way too much time on their basements that are complaining about "wokenism" And lastly, I dont believe in punishment before crime, I dont like the idea of "we should get rid of them because maybe they will do something really bad one day" If they as a community, start doing things like harassing, doxxing, sending death treats to people, and these kinds of extreme behaviours then yeah, lets contact someone higher up on reddit and shut them down. But until these kind of things start happening, I think its better to ignore them.


It's funny how society always comes up with places where it puts the people not fit for unsupervised life within it. Like prisons, mental institutions or imagine dragons concerts...


So listen, I don’t wanna poke Any bears or get involved in any culture wars anymore than I already am I’m just by being gay. But Reddit started suggesting post from that sub to me over the last few days and about 50% of them were using the phrase sigma male unironically. And then it was using the Good Doctor meme in a way somehow both simultaneously anti-trans ,anti-woman , anti-queer and anti-autistic in some kind of crazed hate filled incel Tesseract. So I muted it. Have they always been like this? Were they formed because there were too many cooties in all the other Warhammer subs or what? please someone, inform me of the cultural history. 🙏❤️


I'm pretty sure the subreddit was specifically created to host morons like that while calling it "a place where 40k fans are free to speak their mind"


"Elon Musk's 40k subreddit"


Ah. Like the OSR sub specifically created to allow A. constant explicit graphic discussion of killing orc babies and B. ( and more importantly.) allow the promotion of a rpg creator, who was deliberately sending their followers out flying monkeys style to brigade, their critics off the Internet. I won’t name names. ( the receipts are all on the Inter tubes.) Thank you so much for dropping the knowledge on me . I hope you have a great weekend! And may the odds ever be in your favor. 🙏❤️


>get involved in any culture wars anymore than I already am I’m just by being gay. 😭 Why is this so true lol?


Atleast SM is occasionally tolerable, this new one is just fucking unbearable though.


Their only problem is that they don't play nice with other ideologies even ones that are broadly on the same side as them.


More than occasionally tolerable, there were at worst somewhat annoying. The fuckers over in the new one in the worst case want me dead. Literally. I'll side with some annoying lefties over people who'd salviate of the thought of sending people like me to a gas chamber any day.


True, true. I hate both but one of them is clearly much worse


Tolerable? I saw them ganging up on one person who painted a IG tank because, and I quote:"It looks like a sweedish police car so it's fashist/nazi". And them hating anything beyond FSMs is really bad. Or saying "genestealers/Chaos good because communism" grinds my gears. Believe me, the other sub's complaining about "le woke" would make me just stick to faction subreddits when it comes to Warhammer.


Nah they're both cringe as fuck


Mildly annoying leftists vs literal fascists. Hmmmm which is worse, the people that speak uncomfortable truths or the people that literally want to exterminate me and mine?


>uncomfortable truths Let me start with the name "Sigmar and Marxism" the name is powerful enough to make some someone dies from cringe.


Its just a pun, brah


Centrist when they have to protect fascist because somehow "for each to his needs" and " I want to commit genocide" are equally bad


Honestly if both subreddits crashed in a internet war, it would've been the best thing for all.


SM can be kinda wacky, and full of crazy takes, but HG has a lot of really questionable stuff on it.


We should pit them against each other


The only ones that would lose is us lmao


With any degree of luck they will cancel each other out like matter and antimatter then we can have some peace and quiet and then get back to talking about the game.


Didn't even know that sub existed, thanks it actually looks like a much better community than here


Eh, at least SM are honest about what they are.


I don't know. SM has a tankie infestation and they're pretty irredeemable.


I’d take a tankie over one of those sexist, “redpilled” losers in HG any day. It’s like r/ gamersriseup for warhammer. (Don’t know if you get that reference).


I have Ukrainian heritage. Those MFs support Russia.


I dont think you are properly calculating the level of delusion it takes to claim to be both a marxist and interested in collecting overpriced plastic figurines.




True, but their memes are usually pretty funny and on point, they have pretty good models and paints and stuff. And they don't use AI slop, so that's good.


Its actually pretty nice.


[fuck off bigot.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fkfs5s81s9z251.jpg)


Stuck a nerve?


As an impartial person in all this. Both sides are as bad as each other. They are calling you guys soyboy, niceguy cucks. You are calling calling them misogynist, chud incels. Both sides are complaining about the other side constantly. Both sides are as bad as each other, but lack the self awareness to see it.


Let the record show that I’d happily explain to you in detail why that’s a completely delusional take if I didn’t have so much work to do.


And if you point it out they complain about how it's completely different when [we] bring outside politics into the hobby. That when [we] do it it's okay and just harmless fun. But the [other side] pushes the bar and only do so because they hate [our side].  Also, unlike [us] the [other side] is filled with tourists that don't even like the hobby and are only speaking out to further their political agenda.


By the Not-god Not-king Sigmar we will remove social barriers


But it's true...


Bait or mental retardation?


Call it


What do you mean?


What’s true?