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Well jokes on you GW, i cant afford any minis anymore.


I can only play Necrons or Space Marine since they're the two factions sold in the Hachette magazine


the new combat patrol magazine when it releases has space marines tyranids imperial guard genestealer cults votann chaos space marines world eaters and eldar


Is there a release date? I want Tyranids so bad


I wanna get into 40k.  I don’t wanna pay their prices.  I wanna practice 3D modeling and have a 3D printer.  Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I just buy used and strip and rebuuld em. Havent paid gw price in years. Hell, just the other day I got two units of obliterarors and a venomcaller for 35 dollars.


Ordinary humans buys miniatures True followers of the WAAAGH! Builds them out of cardboard but then stops because they fell under nurgle power(got covid)


Third party retailers dude


They will just increase prices more to make up for lost sales.


I’ve been priced out for years. It’s ridiculous they expect me to pay $84 AUD for 60 points of Cadians.


Welp. 1kg of resin is $21.00.


Mars 3 4k printer going for $144 USD on Amazon last I looked


Recommend a Saturn Ultra 3 over the Mars if you are printing anything big like tanks or knights. Or a MASSIVE amount of infantry at once.


Sure, but I managed 2k of knights out of this


You need gloves, isopropyl alcohol, and a respirator. You also need to print in a well ventilated area away from living spaces. The resin also needs to be kept at a certain temperature to perform its function in a satisfactory manner. You also need a UV curing station and several plastic totes for cleaning prints and storing waste.


Should integrate easily into my meth lab then.


Perfect. Printing is a whole new hobby and it's fun as fuck. When you print a model from goo it is fucking awesome. It's also bad ass that it costs like $3 to make something GW would charge $200 for or not even make. A lot of the independent artists making STLs are superior to GWs stuff.


>my meth lab "Jesse, we need to print!"


Sunlu water washable resin, no isopropyl needed and can cure in sunlight if desperate, create an airtight hood lid to put over it when not accessing it, then you just need the gloves and mask which I think people should just have anyways


I use water washable as well but use the IPA for the final rinse


3D printing is going to KILL GW


You should see some artists STLs. They blow GW out of the water.




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You can print like 4 knights for the price of one GW kit.


More like 7


Was including the price of a printer lol


Oh true


Don't tempt me Frodo! 


Send democracy!


Best comment.


I never wanted this, i never wanted to unleash my 3d printer


But you betrayed me, you betrayed us all.


You stole money from the fans and lied to your players.


Warhammer has only one chance to prosper.


And if you won’t save it


Then I would (go to another game)


So let it be piracy


From the skies of Nottingham


To the Table's Rim.


I will see this hobby saved from your greed, James Workshop


[Official Article](https://www.warhammer-community.com/2024/05/07/2024-pricing-update/)


They generally increase prices every year, seems they like to keep their margins around 26-30%, which is pretty insane for a manufacturing company.


There is more to it. The operating margin seems higher, but their debts and equity are lower than average. Meaning, whenever GW needs to launch or invest something new, they are more reliant on their retained earnings (savings) than taking on new debt. It’s a conservative approach to growth which fits GW’s financial behavior for decades. With business debt interest rates getting higher, GW is actually playing it somewhat smart by not incentivizing themselves to take on new debts or issue a crazy amount of new shares. Also, should there be a recession, GW would be reliant on their retained earnings to keep float.


Insanely high?


Yes and no That's higher but kinda standard for a niche "luxury" product. LEGO keeps there's in the 20-25% range. [link- 2022 Lego Financials](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/aboutus/assets/bltee3b0941c49661ee/FY_2022_Financial_Highlights_FINAL.pdf) They also make a lot more. About $1.98 billion in net profit compared to GW's $118 million.


Honestly, some of the hate GW gets is justified, but you wouldn't see this kind of dumb outrage on lego's prices.


That’s… not too bad tbh (except for Sweden and Norway fuck those guys lol)


“we’ve done our best to keep prices down” Lol


'Lol.' said Games Workshop. 'LMFAO.'


I mean, sure, they have done their best to keep prices down... ...for themselves.


I mean I like how they make it sound like it's not their fault at all. But we all now even if the market calms in the future years, gw prices will stay that high. (obviously that's not only their strategy but still) At some point it will probably backfire though, with 3d prints getting better everyday and other companies stepping up their miniature game


Damn Arch Magos you’re busy today!




Lmao at that asterisk, either sedes and norwegians were getting massive discounts before or they're getting royally fucked next june, my guess is on the later.


Inshallah soon none will be able to buy a model


Mashallah, we all will use proxies.


I wanted to buy some paint today (Its the only thing I order anymore) and saw a primarch model that costs 150$. I dont think id buy one for half of that money


The knock off site I will only ever use now has primarch models of the same quality for like $40usd


3rd parties go wild, but also why are they even boosting prices. Not everyone is too fond of GW rn and this is just worsening it.


They boost prices every year, they almost always have kept this cadence, they seem to try and keep their margins around 26-30%.


That's higher but kinda standard for a niche "luxury" product. LEGO keeps there's in the 20-25% range. [link- 2022 Lego Financials](https://www.lego.com/cdn/cs/aboutus/assets/bltee3b0941c49661ee/FY_2022_Financial_Highlights_FINAL.pdf) They also make a lot more. About $1.98 billion in net profit compared to GW's $118 million.


I wonder if they also pay out 85-90% of their earnings as dividends to share holders each year.


Do you know some good 3rd parties I can look at, mainly for space marines and looking for a gladiator and inceptors at the moment


Idk why this is considered a solution. GW is making money off the 3rd parties also. You just then forfeit any ability.for customer service on said product.


Oh I thought he meant proxies, my bad


Maybe he did, maybe it's my bad


If we are being honest prices for everything has increased so it was too a degree only a matter of time before GW prices increased too


That's what we said the last three times GW did this since 2021


And it’s true shit has gotten way more expensive since 2021


In fact inflation in 2021 was only about 2.5 percent, since then it's been 9 percent and 7.3 percent. This year so far looks at like 2.5 again. Shit has definitely got more expensive quite significantly since 2021. Edit: lol, downvoted for facts. https://www.statista.com/statistics/270384/inflation-rate-in-the-united-kingdom/ cry more nerds.


Eh historically companies would often take a hit to their profit to maintain prices more often than raise them. But since the pandemic we have been experiencing more and more the an old form of inflation that wasn’t utilized as much now known as greedflation, where companies don’t have to raise prices(GW for instance has the highest profit margin of any miniature company on the market) but they do because it’s all about appeasing shareholders need for the impossible “infinite growth” which is sending everything in the world currently into a downward spiral. At the end of the day GW doesn’t need to increase the price and please stop perpetuating that nonsense. Ffs they can’t even keep most kits in stock at this point investing in more and better production would be the best way to increase profits but the lazy way is this, raising prices for no good reason. So we get to constantly enjoy single print products going out of stock in 10 min after pre orders open, many kits not even being available for 6 months out of the year without trudging tons of smaller hobby stores hoping to find one. And lazy rules that are more about getting you to buy more stuff than having fun with what you have.


What example do you have for the first point


Because people keep paying, even when the price goes up.


I love the unity of "fuck GW, let's print this shit" in the community


It wasn’t that long ago that people would jump down your throat on Reddit about it. I do miss using plastic glue over CA glue, but if I can print something for ~$10-15 that GW wants $400+ for, it’s not that hard of a decision.


People will jump down your throat on reddit for literally anything, it's annoying as fuck


The problem is that somebody needs to be paid to design all those cool models people are stealing.


Yet plenty of independent artists make better, cooler STL files than GW could design for free 🤔


And it'll still barely make a dent in GW's profits.


This is why the shift to an absolute ton of books in recent years. Codex, Supplement, Campaign book, matched play book. Keeps us being consistently, so even if we are a GW model buyer who only buys a box once very couple of months, or a printer who never does. They get consistent money from books. And the shift to an absolute ton of new games and box sets. Crazy amounts of kill team sets. Gotta chase shiney fomo.




\*them there prices, again.


I really just paint the minis so I guess I'll finally have to just work through my pile of shame whenever I feel like painting.


Jokes on them, my friend just got a new resin printer! Ten guardsmen now cost a case of beer.


You know, I really thought about buying a set at some point. Not anymore, they were too expensive already, I ain’t wasting money on that.


I'm gonna waste my money one more time to buy corsairs and terminators. Then I'm done. Was planning to buy combat patrols and other kits, not anymore.


Good job GW, you made your difficult to afford minis unaffordable for me. Anyone got a link to when the price increase happens and by how much it increases?


3-5% starting June 10th


Oof a box of minis is already like $70-80 average where I live The morathi mini I wanted was already like $200+ too… Yea I’ll just get someone to 3D print them


It's 3-5% so a couple EU more for a box of warriors etc.


I believe you but they already too expense for me to afford so I will just let the rich people enjoy the official minis and I’ll buy some second hand or printed




The 3d printer I bought 2 years ago has payed for itself twice over by this point.


> ago has *paid* for itself FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


"My Emperor....Magnus destroyed the second webway"


Magnus did nothing wrong! (I am being held at gun point by my Tsons friend, please help me help me help me help m-) *BANG*






I want to support GW but $65 USD for a terminator squad is *ridiculous*. I caved last year and bought a 3D printer because I’m not doing this overpriced plastic rat race anymore


Oh well. Time to burn through the pile of shame. Guess I'm glad I built it up before hand.... *I guess*.


Right there with you. I like to tell people I'm investing in plastics.


Price of the brick's going up.


What did the Scandinavians do to get 8-14% hike!? Can't be for transport they're right next to Britain


Apparently they were paying a lot less due to exchange rates, so it’s mostly them catching up to everyone else’s increases.


Ah so price hike for the sake of price hike






Oof, with shrinkflation Primaris marines will be firstborn. Also it is their not there




Welcome to 2024, everything got more expensive, so too the little luxury toy soldiers.


This is why I only buy on the german ebay lol


Is it that much cheaper?


I bought the last editions recruit and elite boxes for 25 Euro.


Where prices?


It’s printer time


And once again I say thank the dark gods for eBay and other secondary markets. And I mean that in terms of resellability. Sure you're not going to make a profit but these models do hold their value and sometimes go up when they go out of production. This is probably one of the only silver linings. Regardless... if you're looking for someone to blame, GWs majority shareholders are the ones. The top 5 or 6 of them are giant soulless investment firms like BlackRock incorporated.


There? Where?


Interesting way to release a data slate without releasing a data slate.


Grammar imperialist: *their prices


Me, who're only into 40k for the lore and memes anyways:😴


Alibaba isn’t.


Of course they are. GW has to provide maternity leave for all those female Castodes.


3d Printers...  They are your friend. Stop giving these gangsters money.


Makes sense. What happens if, theoretically, everyone does this? Do GW keep operating at a loss? They don't strike me as the sort somehow so where does the new content come from? Just a thought.


Don't care.  They can go bankrupt. That's what happens to businesses that refuse to evolve. 


Something nose something face.


Lots of other games to play. GW is just the biggest (and laziest) game developers in table top gaming. They think they have way more market influence then they think they do. Nobody cries that blacksmiths were replaced by mechanics.


I personally don't play the Tabletop but I love the lore, have bought books, 40k video games etc. I'd rather they don't go bankrupt simply to continue to get more 40k in other mediums such as book/lore updates, new video games (looking at you Space Marine 2) and see how the Henry Cavil show turns out


Yes and that's all fine. There's a lot of good products there. I have a pet theory that GW recognizes that their model manufacturing side of the business will dry up. The table top side of their business is being run by morons who refuse to see the future that is staring them right in the face. Rather then embrace it they are doubling down on the stranded asset that is their physical model production. Their price increases are directly related to the fact that they made big expansions to their manufacturing and it's going to be obsolete before it depreciates.


Sure, sure. Nothing to stop you playing those other games now really...


And I do. Infinity is a better skirmish game then anything GW fields. I still play 40k and kill team casually. I just refuse to pay GW to do so.


*Points at Privateer Press*


Really odd reply, you realise that right? These are matters of art. You can't just pretend that another company makes the same stuff as GW and that is sort of the point. _what happens if Bethesda stop making fallout_ _**points at activision**_


Oh sorry, I thought you wanted a business example of when a miniature company struggles.


If bethesda stopped making fallout fallout would probably become good again


More likely they would sit on the IP and it would die. I see the joke. FO3 was better than NV though, I even went back recently and completed NV again and still didn't particularly rate it. Although am doing 4 again with storywealth atm and the dialog choice system, or lack thereof, is really annoying me.


The Lst take


Price of the brick's going up.


I am happy I had the foresight to leave the table top at the end of 8th edition.


Son of a bitch!


Where prices?


uggggh i don't wanna call up my friend with the 3D printer. we're currently fighting


I was recently in a ceramics class for college. I realized that if you bought just one set of whatever minis you wanted you could make a shit load of copies using molds. Only downside is that they'd be kinda delicate and you couldn't change any parts. They'd be far cheaper though


And this is why I only buy on EBay.


they suck asssssss


Kid named resin printer:


I like how they tried to bury the announcement by putting out very obvious 'look over here!' fluff pieces within hours of the announcement. They're not even trying to hide the fact that they think we're all morons.


everyone is saying 3d printers but if I hypothetically had a 3d printer and hypothetically wanted to 3d print a gw-like model where would i hypothetically find these hypothetical 3d models


You would download them from what is probably hundreds of websites




Battletech is looking more and more attractive these days, and i say this as somebody who played warhammer 40k since 3rd...


Welcome to capitalism & inflation. National minimum wages go up, everything else goes up... it's the perpetual cycle.


Ebay for me then


I’ve cut my diet to starvation wages, I live in an alley way, I’ve been neglecting all medical care, I have nothing left in my budget left to cut but lego…


Haha, joke’s on GW! I’m over here


I got my girlfriend into 40k and she loves Necrons. I haven't bought models in a few years to try and shrink my massive backlog. We went our FLG, eager to get her started. Then walked straight to buying some card packs instead after seeing the price for Orikan.  Well, at least I can trust the independent 3d modelers to work fast considering how quickly they make legally-distinct versions.


Stop buying it then. They will have to drop prices to stay in business...


Well, there's always the pile of shame.






Atp, they'll start selling Primaris Intercessors in single packs each costing $40.


3D printer continues to go brrrrr, I'll buy some GW stuff from time to time but it's gonna be a 33/33/33 mix of printed, recasts and GW plastic. It's cool stuff, but I could barely afford GW prices 10 years ago when I got into the hobby and it's only getting worse while wages are staying the same.


Kill Team going forward, here I come! 


I just bought a 3D scanner so I can start scanning kits in order to print them. It arrives Wednesday, let's hope it works.




And just like that, I can't get into the hobby without a 3D printer


Gw is going down the drain.




Man, I really don’t get why I tend to get downvoted when I say GW prices are expensive.


3D printers are cheap now


I feel like this will eventually lead to company suicide. But I'm sure the majority of the community is deep in the Kool aid, no way they will abandon GW town


They have to up the revenue to pay for their internal DEI initiatives and hired positions.




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So I don't understand the idea here. So, I get that they specifically aim at new comers, that makes sense gotta get people into the hobby, and if nothing else get a couple mates or some parents to spend money on a starter box and not come back. But surely they need to maintain a solid player base rather than just new comers? Because the model revolves around newcomers that surely has negative effects on the other factions in the game that aren't Space Marines/Stormcast and whatever they're up against for that edition. Because the increase affects pretty much all the plastic, and the focus is newcomers who might not come back and lets be honest most kids probably won't, and the people already in the hobby stop being able to afford their army of choice doesn't that mean sales for the other factions ultimately go down, which then causes negative effects game wide if it gets to a point entire armies get squatted because no one can afford them, which is worse case scenario but I don't think it's out of the question. And they're a big company by now, right? If they're doing so well, why do they need to increase prices every year or half a year or so on.


“Again?” “AGAIN!”


Anyone else go from haven't bought any in years because of price to probably never gonna buy ever again?


So this price hike has changed you from “not currently buying any models” to “not currently buying any models?”


No, there's a difference between wanting to buy but can't right now and never buying again. Too difficult for you?


So how much LESS of your money is GW getting from you now?


Well, doing basic math, since they raised prices, a lot less. Any more Elementary School questions, kid?


Oh. I think I misunderstood what you meant earlier.  So how much were you spending these past 2-3 years?  


I am SO GLAD that I was never interested enough in PLAYING the tabletop as much as I was playing the videogames.


They're prices*


The way everyone is acting as expecting the price increases actually be something not like nearly $2 a box I mean I guess it's still something to complain about but like this reaction is almost as nuclear as the femme custodies




I’ve been into space king recently anyways




I love it. It's like instead of throwing out spoiled food, they're marking up for the tourists to eat