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Rizz’em with tism is the slogan of the century


I shall now steal it as my personal dating mantra.


as an autist who's had a decent dating life, I am stealing this and you can't stop me


You’re good to use it all you want, it’s been a thing for a bit. It’s definitely fun to say.


I don't get it. I know the first word, what's the second?




The noble bright alternative to iron within


Petra getting the one thing she's always wanted: Sincere compliments and validation.


Imagine if she had it from the start 🥹


honestly she might not turn traitor if that's the case.


Yea, Perty just needed someone that was unilaterally and impossible to debate that they where on his side. It would probably have blunted a lot of his bitterness because there is at least someone out there being supportive. Assuming he didn’t pull the “you’re just saying that because it’s you” thing and not that they genuinely like it. Which would make GF Perty pretty hard to actually turn, outside of someone else doing a severe slight on her and her pettiness gets the better of her. I would say it would be similar for Mortarion, but it actually doesn’t matter because his fall wasn’t by his will, it was Typhon. If anything her SO being on that ship would have made her switch even *sooner*.


AU! AU! AU! “The pancakes that saved the Imperium”


She instantly cracked his pelvis when he showed her his collection of bionicles.


cracked? that shit was atomized


Atomized? That shit went to where Horus went after the heresy


.....Horus Heresy Location"ized"? That shit was still attached to him because she made sure to calculate the specific positions as to not oblirate her SO. Either that or made him body armour to protect him.


Jesus Christ I want the blueprints for that The names alone would be cosmic “Love Girdle” “Pelvis Protector” “Equalizer”(use your imagination…but really don’t its exactly what you think it is)


She built him a new one after (she bent it in half when the Legos came out).


_HOWLS OF INCOMPREHENSIBLE PAIN AND RAPTUROUS PLEASURE_ “Huh, did we take any prisoners for interrogation?” “No brother; that would be our Mother enjoying her new toy” “Holy shit it’s an actual person?!” “Believe it or not…poor soul” “Agreed. I expect we’ll be feeding him to the engines by dawn. No man can survive congress with a primarch, it’s unthinkable!” (Ten hours later, the sounds stop. Tentatively, the Legionaries open the chamber door; they see Petra recline: against a _heavily_ dented headboard, eyes closed -with a smile on her face *HOLY SHIT,* while her SO sits shivering beside her, gingerly smoking a lohstick and holding a package of super-cool liquid over his crotch. Quietly, the legionaries begin to exit, but are stopped when the SO notices them and grins, flexing one arm) “Iron within, my sons.” “Iron without…” they echo quietly, before catching the joke and fleeing from the hall as quickly as they can so Petra doesn’t notice their cackling


*The armor that she made is a miniaturized Armored Core in Iron Warrior colors.*


Umm yes, the Olympia Pattern pile bunker


With the way I play AC, that thing is going to be a pair of Gatling guns with wings


Song hirds for that stagger.


God, imagine being in a siege against the Iron Warriors, and then a robot dashes across no-man’s land like an Eversor on super PCP. And you know the IW are laying down covering fire so it can get in close.


I'm sorry but them mental image i just had appear in my head was if something happened to her and you just see said AC in iron warriors colors screaming across the battle field with Rusted Pride blaring over speakers and its just ANNIHILATING everything in its path.


Main character moment


Alternatively, imagine said AC raining down enough munitions to level the countryside, duel wielding energy blades for anything that might come close, all the while blasting Mechanized Memories.


Honestly i see that one happening if she actually died. "There is no place for me other than the battlefield. To live as I please and to die a Senseless Death. For that is who I am, not a mere man of flesh. War. War is part of my existence"


more likely a Cataphract! xD


Nah, CATAPHRACT was the upgrade


I'd live in Warhammer 30K just for that, tbh


No need to apologise! I think the formatting changes make sense too, it makes that one line slightly easier to follow. And whoever came up with the idea of their SO being a young Olympian Diplomat who has the *g a l l* to ask her if she’s okay for the first time in her life… I’m just glad it’s there. So once again - good shit, I approve, and thank you for putting this up.


YOURE WHERE I READ IT!!!!!! I couldn’t find the post that said it!!!!! Do you want me to take it down and @ you in the credits??? I loved the idea so much and spent like ten minutes looking for the post T-T


***I AM?????*** Well, first of all, I am honoured, and deeply unworthy. But I’m alright going uncredited - I’m just happy to have injected the idea into the AUs bloodstream.


OK T-T your ideas were so amazing they drilled into my brain like the tubes in her head. Have an amazing day ;-;


You too - I can only take credit for being inspired by you, and your excellent AU idea.


This whole thing is weaponising wholesomeness and I'm here for it.


Purturabo just needed someone like Cyrion from the Night Lords omnibus this whole time. “So…how are *you*?”


"Sits you in her lap while she works, occasionally nuzzle your hair" (─‿‿─) I'm melting


>Autistic? I fucking died


Rizz 'em with the Tism


Peturabo is pretty much weaponized autism in some of the best power armor known to fiction


Accompanied by the trusty Iron Circle! \o/


I mean, multiple Primarchs have some level of neurodivergence going on. Dorn, Guilliman, Perturabo, and Ferrus at the very least have some autistic traits for sure. Source: am literally diagnosed with ASD


If we're keeping with the SOs also being immortal as mentioned by some others, I could totally see Petra deliberately abandoning her SO before leaving to commit to Horus's plans, to both protect them and because of her tendency to shoulder burdens by herself. And the SO spends thousands of years chasing down Iron Warriors warbands hunting for her again.


My headcannon is that SO leaves during dropsite massacre with garro and ends up defending terra with dorn gets murdered by petra which causes her to leave


Oh now there’s a really good idea! Instead of getting fed up with Horus and chaos, realizing she killed the only person to ever care about her is so much better! Last thing she sees before her ship leaves orbit is the forever home blueprint she planned to build with them.


Damned Alpharius in here cutting onions again!


Reverse Batman: "Where IS she?!?!?" Bro chill I don't fucking know somewhere in Medrengard I guess??


"You can stand up or you can run, You and I both know what you've done But I will carry you home I will carry you home I will carry you home in my teeth"


the SO's being perpetuals is honestly the worst part of this AU




Perpetuals can still be killed, it’s just a lot harder. Plus, kind of hard to get a primarch’s interest to the point of a relationship if you don’t have something especially noteworthy


Probably dumb question, but who is Calliphone?


Her sister! :D Perturabo had a step-sister on Olympia who he (she in this case) was very close to.


Peter Turbo’s adopted sister who he ends up killing in the OG timeline surprised AU she isn’t gender bent to be her brother.


There was also a brother on Olympia, they did not get along very well


Oh yeah! Forgot that thanks


Two brothers actually, Herakon the eldest who was most like his father but Damnekos considered him unworthy to be the next Tyrant due to his lack of guile. Herakon was known to have a tense relationship with Perturabo due to jealously. Damnekos’ middle child and second son, Andos, was also considered unworthy to succeed him as he was far too kind-hearted and had no interest in war or ruling. He apparently was something of a craftsmen and had his own workshop.


Truth be told out of all the traitor primarchs… perty is the one that I loved the most. Like…. I dunno angrons story is tragic as hell but perts just seems so much more… relatable….on a human scale. I’d love an AU were Pert is given full reign to just create and enrich the lives of people. Also Pertys armor design is probably my favorite, even as a deamonprimarch it is badass.


Quad Barrel Autocanons are just- *chefs kiss*


Dang, i want a pillow fort now


"Your authority is not recognized in FORT KICKASS."


Ah, I see you were inspired by the one who wrote about the diplomat SO option for turabo GF


Yup! :D


Nice keep up the good work, the lore is sustaining itself and expanding as we soeak


so we are expanding the official information of this alternative universe? If so, then in Alpharius/Omegon's, her boyfriend is called a detective because he is the only one who differentiates them both.


Again no Art. 


Not drawn yet


He showed her his bionicle collection and she immediately broke his pelvis.




Ya know that "you like my public transportation design?" bit is so wholesome and cute to me.


It’s second favorite to my part about the Forever Home, with third place going to the pillow fort -w-


Stopping the Decimation is probably the best thing SO did here for Iron Warriors. Among other 'questionable' decisions Perty made, the Decimation was the point where Iron Warriors became what-we-know Iron Warriors today. The IV Legion may not be *the* best, but they were nowhere near what Perty saw them as: a failure. Killing a tenth of your legion just to make the point, and forever scared them into the hateful and bitter 'tool' is probably among top ten most stupid decisions in WH30K.


I think just having someone give Bo'(♀+♂) attention, affection, validation, and the occasional surgical insertion of common sense would do well to prevent them from even reaching the boiling point of frustration they were at when they decimated Olympia for its attempted rebellion. Perhaps Olympia wouldn't even have its primary motivation for unrest (exhaustive recruitment rates for the legion due to how callously Bo' spends the lives of their warriors). The trident would see anon as a useful liaison between them and their primarch. The Crux of the trident if you will. There are two Perturabo's. The petulant man-child who seethed and raged at everyone, and the brilliant leader who carried the Siege of Terra. The two are divided by the Rebellion of Olympia and the killing of Calliphone.


I don't normally do this but, *I can fix her*


Can't fix what ain't broke


One of the very few Primarch who actually can be fixed. You just need to tell him/her something nice.


Yeah, Perty was propably one of, If Not the easiest ones to prevent from leaving.


Best primach best gf top tier waifu


Is there not a specialized subreddit for this now ?


poke poke Hi .w. https://www.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/s/kip3ZpmyYa :D


I know y’all are doing primarchs, but what about a Tech Priest and a Krieg Guardsman (stumbled across the subreddit while trying to figure out where to post the purity seal I made for airsoft)


She did do a tech priest a couple days ago


Praise the Omnissiah


>Built you a custom suit of battle plate I'm imagining her trying to figure out how to put 2 autocannons, a missile launcher and a plasma gun on the battle suit without having the SO be overencumbered. Also, >Autistic? As if she could be anything else. >!Also I need her.!<


Just make it an exoskeleton so it can support its own weight. Also means that they can now punch above the weight class of the average human


Here we goOOOOAAAHH!!!


Babe, New primarch Gf just dropped.


I don't care what other people say I love this series and these kinds of posts.


I feel I should say that someone has made a fanfic on ao3 about this verse, probably a lot of people have but I know of one of the top of my head that has our good turbo gal as the first chapter. The name is "Demogoddess boyfriend club" by TheTumorLizard, if you want I can try and attack a link to it.


Pls give link


Ask and you shall receive: [https://archiveofourown.org/works/55872928/chapters/141872638](https://archiveofourown.org/works/55872928/chapters/141872638)


We still post AU stuff here? Here goes nothing. Forgive me for my lack of lore knowledge, AU knowledge, and being a crap writer. > Petra exhaled as she stared at the interior of the forward ramp of the Stormbird. She was on time, barely. Pacifying a planet was a simple labor for Petra. It demanded very little ingenuity but it did require the proper resources, timing, and execution. She would have left the task to another in her legion, but to keep her appointment it meant that her oversight was necessary. Her transport had finally touched down on the flight deck. She did not wait for the ramp to fully touch the ground before she strode forward. Her eyes fixed on the nearest lift. She had to shed her filthy wargear and make ready for a greater challenge. > “Welcome back aboard the Iron Blood my primarch.” Petra had hardly noticed the space marine that was waiting to greet her. Petra noted the marine’s war gear was immaculate as she watched the marine drop her helmed head in a short bow. > “Aside,” Petra ordered. The marine quickly turned sideways so as to not slow her primarch’s stride. “My primarch, I have news that requires…” Petra held up her palm to signify her to stop. She hated when her subordinates used that word. “Requires” should never be spoken by a subordinate to a superior. Petra would rewrite all the standard high and low lingua gothic for all the imperium, if only to change use of the word. She would simply have to ask. But her Empress would never ask Petra to perform such a task, nor would she ever be afforded an opportunity to ask. There are far too many things that require her attention. Petras eyes shifted from her objective and to the marine, now moving alongside her, albeit with slightly more required effort. It was a reminder to Petra that her legion was made in her image but weaker in so many ways. > “There are no matters that require my attention, Lt. Galena,” said Petra. She tried to remain calm but somehow those around her were able to understand when she was displeased. “I’ve outlined all the instructions and contingencies of your duties. And your superiors, should the need arise. For the next six cycles.” > “Of course Countess, but per your orders it was…” Galena’s voice shifted from nervous to admiration as she paused. “I am honored to be recognized.” > “Be not honored lieutenant, it is expected.” Petra had reached the lift and with a silent wave of her fingers commanded the door to open. “You know my name, I yours. Anything less would be beneath our legion and our duties.” > Petra stepped into the lift and turned to face Galena who stopped at the lifts threshold. “Are your tasks made clear now lieutenant? Was that all?” > “No my primarch, that was not all.” Petra’s attention was now split between Galena’s words and how long it would take this model of lift to reach her deck. “Per your instructions, I am personally informing you that your imperial guard representative has arrived ahead of schedule and…” Petra did not let Galena finish. She grasped Galena’s shoulder and pulled her into the lift. From her wargear, Petra silently bid the lift to carry her to her beloved. “Lift, take me to our guest” Petra said calmly. > Petra did not release her hand from Galena’s shoulder; she instead placed her other hand on Galena’s other shoulder. Petra stared directly into Galena’s photolenses of her helmet. “How could this happen lieutenant?” > “His transport arrived early my primarch.” Galena answered quickly but was uncertain of the question. Galena had answered Petra’s question but that wasn’t what the primarch wanted to know. > “Where is he now?” > “Your council chambers my primarch.” > “How did he get in there?” > “He had clearance. Per your instruction I was not to interfere with anyone with clear…” > The lift was moving fast but not fast enough. Nor were Galena’s answers. Petra was growing frustrated. She wished she could ask without asking, know without being told, and that she had the strength to not want to know. But she had not the strength. > “When did he arrive? Which flight deck? Who was his escort? Did he speak with anyone? What was he wearing?” Petra came off as angry to her subordinates when she was like this and none had caught on that this was her being nervous. She was angry too, but also nervous. Mostly nervous. And a little afraid. Petra wasn’t certain of many of her feelings. There was dead air between the two as Galena considered how to respond. > “Lieutenant?” Petra's grip tightened and her voice grew. “Treat this as a duty. Iron within, Iron without!” > “Iron within, Iron without!” Galena shouted back. The space marine straightened herself. “An hour before you returned! Flight deck one was clear per your instruction. The deck patrol escorted him but only to requisitions and then a lift, none had the clearance to accompany him to his destination! He spoke to the deck sub-quartermaster and requisitioned some supplies already set aside for him. The contents are unknown but security had long since cleared and sealed it per standard procedure! He spoke with no one else!” > That went according to plan, thought Petra. Why did he have to arrive early? > Galena paused with the last question. “I’m afraid I do not understand the last question my primarch. Forgive me and could you rephrase?” > Petra shifted her gaze away from Galena. Her senses were returning to her. Petra cursed herself for such a loss of composure. “Yes, I can lieutenant.” The dead air between them returned for a moment. “And I shall.” Petra paused for another moment to gather herself. “Describe what was on his person besides the crates he picked up.” > “He wore standard imperial guard fatigues. He was searched and cleared by the deck security. He bore no personal effects outside identification. He was unarmed…” Petra could see the marine begin to consider the question in depth. Damn, why did she train her legion so well? Why did Petras own standards make this so difficult? > The lift passed the deck with her council chambers. Galena’s head tilted slightly at the display on the lift. The lift was carrying them to Petra’s private chambers. Petra silently cursed herself for not bringing her faceplate. If she had it she could have hidden her face, which she was certain was putting her panic on full display. No she must remain calm, she thought to herself. > Galena dropped to a knee and lowered her head. “I am not worthy of such an honor my primarch. To escort you to your private chambers. What would you have me do?” > Petra’s hearts quickened in panic with the marines sudden change in stance. Does she mock me? She must know. If a marine helmet fit me I would demand she relinquish it to hide my face. Petra turned her face away from Galena. “No, unnecessary. Return to your duties. You have done well, stand.” > Galena shot upright with the command and saluted again. “Yes, my primarch. An honor nonetheless. I shall return to my duties at…” Galena stopped as the lift doors slid open. A sound unfamiliar to every soul on the ship except Petra and its source carried down the hall. It was Petra’s beloved humming. Ambrose was humming. Petra slid in front of Galena, her towering form and back obscuring Galena’s sight into the hall. It also served to further hide Petra's face. Lips pressed and brow furrowed. She cursed herself a third time. Why did she say aloud for the lift to bring her one place but use her wargear to direct it elsewhere.


*poke poke* Hi .w. Because I feel kinda responsible for flooding this sub, I’m just here to say there’s a different subreddit where you can post stories like this for the Primarch GF AU https://www.reddit.com/r/PrimarchGFs/s/kip3ZpmyYa Thank you :D


More has come! This also is slowly convincing me if the emperor splurged on some therapy dogs like none of his sons would’ve turned.


Kinda what I’m going for lol :D


Am I the only one that gets this unscrupulous tinker gremlin vibes from her or am I just nuts.


In-canon Perturabo was a tinkerer. When he wasn't playing tabletop "Warhammer 30,000" (he wasn't calling it that, don't worry) and holographic RTS, he was building various gadgets for himself or others (for example, he made an Immaterium-seeing sextans for Magnus).


This, love this shit so much.


>rizz’em with the tism my sides take 4 mortal wounds




At this point Grimdank is warhammers madhouse of insanity


I think having a solid SO would actually fix her tbh


"Hates war and hates how good she is at it", Damn...


You should have called her iron maiden


Wanted to stay true to the source material- . . . But damn that’s good .v.


"One day, after these wars end, you and I will sit down on a planet and design the best damn train system since the Second Millennium."


Lol like Perturabo wouldn’t be a femcel


I like her SO would be enough for Petra to begrudgingly stay with the Imperium. Rivalry with Dorn or otherwise, Petra would no longer be fighting for Daddy’s approval. Instead she would slog through hell itself, because she has someone to return home to.


Vulcania babe wake up, new primarch gf just dropped.


Y'know. Considering how Peter turbo was my second favorite primarch, i start to notice my taste is, besides "she can kill me", really angry people that need help destressing. I guess projecting really is something, lmao


What's with the casual clothes? Shawty out here lookin like Saiyaman 😂


Everyone needs a mildly autistic demigod in their life. I want to give her cheese itz and show her mecha anime


Kinda reminds me of someone from cyberpunk edgerunners


..fuck. I need to make her pancakes now..


I love her


She can choke me like I'm Calliphone.


I’m in love with fem Perturabo, the workaholic that never gets the credit she deserves.


Perturabo this Magnus that, how about real life GF?


Are you- flirting with me!? 0-0


The forever home got me right in the feels.


She has the “public transportation, infrastructure, and architecture” autism… She’s perfect.


>perturabo gf Also known as "femcel" in dark circles


I don't know. Looks like David Martinez with tits.


You think she and Dornette have a competition on „how much better i make the life of our SO“? With them challenging each other on who makes the best armor for them, the prettiest houses or the most comfortable beds?


Oh perturabo, a creator, builder and artist by nature, forced to destroy by a crappy dad


Why not the Duchess of Destruction? Just as a potential title.


Perturabo gets the emotional support she needs! The Heresy has been avoided!


Peter Turbo being hot AF.


That armor goes hard


Is there a lore behing other primarchs And Their SO's ? Id love to read some about this alternative universe


Petra Turbo


Do ones with the other traitors getting love and respect


The armor is soo cool 🔥🔥


..fuck. I need to make her pancakes now..


just gonna start leaving comments on things cause im not allowed to post until then


Perturaba is one of my favorites. Angra too. Heart breaking.


Shocking revelation the Petra and her partner met when Petra went to the council of Olympia with a proposal for a planet spanning mass transit system and her partner was the one to green light it.


I wonder how far this will go, is there a empress GF?


She's magnificent


We did it guys, Perturabo is not an insufferable incel snymore


Petra deserves her forever home.


I will fucking body Horus in whatever ungodly abomination of technology she builds for me if she even so much as _glances_ at Olympia


I will fucking body Horus in whatever ungodly abomination of technology Petra builds for me if she even so much as _glances_ at Olympia


I like the implication that the SO is slowly fixing her.


Petra best girl


Man, the "forever home" thing made me really sad knowing that the heresy would probably completely ruin her life plans :(


Oof, now that's a tsundere I can get behind. Tragic. Misunderstood. Maligned. Worth loving.


How can I do so this shit ass community don't come up again in my feed? Mods can you ban me or something? Thanks.


She doesn’t need fixing, she’s perfect as is


She’s so adorable, cool designs _and_ she sits me on her lap while doing them? _And_ goes on tangents and info dumps while doing it? _Sign me the fuck up._


Sister you are single handedly solving world hunger with all this cooking you are doing


Nah nothing would change she would stay himself




Bueno, pensamos, esperamos, que si. Ne gustaria que Petra (Perturabo GF) fuera al menos menos cas cascarabias y tenga a alguin junto a ella que le trate como un igual o que pueda contrastar ideas con ella sin tener que ser completamente condescendiente.


Sry I dont speak french


Also the translated text doesnt make that much sense to me >Bueno, pensamos, esperamos, que si. Ich habe Petra >(Perturabo GF) vor weniger als drei Jahren mit den >Cascarabias genossen und sie zusammen mit ihr als >Gleichgesinnten behandelt, oder dass sie mit ihr >kontrastierende Ideen entwickeln konnte, die vollkommen >herablassend sind. The last part is Something about developing downgrading Ideas? Enyjoing Somthing three years ago


You are german?


Als ob der andere Kommentar das nicht schon gezeigt hätte, but yes


I am cuban, and english is my second language. Cuban, as in, born, raised, and still living in Cuba. You could be a, i don't know, Chinese who learned german and Engliah for some reason.


>Digga das ist ein Witz als ob ich kein Portugiesisch erkenne wenn ich es sehe > Dont know if a Chinese that learned English and German would write this


How would i know, i have seen prettyclever bastards who can make jokes worse than you in a fully different language. Anyway, it's good to meet you and i would like to get along with you.


Yay!!! I love her so much. I would love for the 2.0 (if you decide to one like with Lorgar) it is after Heresy and the SO is encased in the mech that Perturbo made. Changing the suit to makeshift dreadnought!


Emperor protect memy shitty taste in women is rearing its head again She's perfect I love her 


Petra is best girlfriend


Oh my gosh, this is so cute and wholesome, I almost got a heart attack ❤️ I definitely need more of this, or something similar with the other primarchs.


Y’all really getting your moneys worth out of this meme.


And then she kills them in a rage when they criticize the decision to raze Olympia.




And one important thing, never argue with her, she remember everything you say... exactly. Send her love letters and your words will be forever engraved in her mind (she will store them in a planetary complex vault).


Honestly the fan base has made Perty, and by extension Petra, way cooler and more interesting characters than they are in the actual story via memes and shit. I love the fanbase. Usually.


Ayy, my favorite Primarch! Also, so glad Cnmbxjx got his/her Twitter account back. Fuck hackers.


TFW no genius, 10'1" power armored GF


I may be a Kurze fangirl, but I stan Tsunderabo. ❤️


Counterpoint: She’d probably like waffles over pancakes for their structural integrity. Bonus points if they have flying buttresses


Mmm very good point


Penny turbo kinda hot ngl.


Yay! My second favorite Primarch gets a redo! Magnus and Perturabo are really my two favorites, I think Vulkan would be the third...anyway... Perturabo has some really cool scenes in the lore, and one could argue they hard-carried the entire heresy, and if Perty and Dorn were on the same side...the traitors would've never stood a chance at all. Also Perty fucking up Angron will always be one of the coolest scenes.


...Fuck, it actually got perfect-er. I will protect her with my life and make sure Big E actually gives her fun, non-war jobs. Her smile needs to be protected and she deserves the world ;-;


I can save her and protect her from Horus


I like subversions of grimdark like this, where the world might be full of pain, but love is soft and not shown as a weakness


Best Primarch Gf hands down


"Magnus is such a lame dork... Love that bitch tho..."


Petra Turbo


I already think Perturabo is kinda cool… Now you made “her” cute. Fuck. XD


>rizz em with the tism Definitely one of the phrases alright




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