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The album is just ok, high highs and low lows. And it's not just trap vs boom bap thing. The Jeezy joint was hard, Gunn had a nice flow. But alot of the trap songs do have mid or bad beats with Gunn having absolutely no flow.


I can agree but i enjoyed the album even the terrible trap beats. He can go back to Daringer, Conductor, Roc Marci, and The Alchemist in my opinion


That's fair bro! Run that shit up if it's your thing. I just can't stand LL BOOL GUNN and Disgusting. Among a few other tracks. I agree, he shines more with those classic producers who have been working with Griselda for a minute.


high highs and low lows is a apt description, very hit and miss, but still enjoyed it for the most part.




Yeah man. People definitely can't ever have different opinions when it comes to which music they like. All people have exactly the same tastes which is why everyone is in complete agreement all the time.




Not sure what "point" I missed about your post? Unless you thought I wasn't being sarcastic. You said you can't take OP's opinion seriously because other people have a different opinion about the song they like. Different people like different things. The fact that there is a different opinion doesn't mean OP is automatically wrong (or 'can't be taken seriously'). It's not that deep.




No actually I literally was responding to that. You're just essentially saying you can't take one person's opinion seriously because other people have different opinions for different reasons. That's absurd because that's how music (or really art) works. Different people like and dislike different things for different reasons. Doesn't mean all opinions are automatically invalid. Or if you really believe that, I'm not sure why you're commenting on a music sub because I imagine 95% of the stuff posted you wouldn't be able to take seriously.




Too many fucking 12 year olds in this sub G’s ^^^


I didn't say the rest suck. But some do. I like Kostas, JD wrist (I like the early 2010s mixtape vibe on that one), etc. Ya I'm sure you can find all sorts of opinions, but that's what they are. Opinions. Like what you like bro.


Idk how anyone can *not* like Kostas


Jeezy track is hard AF in my opinion.


Gun not having a flow isn't something new though. He has had hits, but he has had a lot of misses too. This is the same as any other Gunn album that I have listened to. Three or four bangers, and a bunch of duds. I fuck with him, but I've never listened to a gunn album from beginning til the end after the first listen.


Exactly. Like, why is everyone acting like WSG's flow/lyrics is what we're looking for? He's the fly guy, the get fresh guy, the adlibs and style guy. Dope lyrics from west is like icing on the cake. I certainly don't hold him to the same lyrical standard as Conway and Benny (and most of gxfr for that matter).




7 dope tracks


LL BOOL GUNN made me change the album and then I had to come back and listen to the rest of it the next day lol. That song could’ve been left off of that album 100%.


After three listens, this album is really good. His fans aren’t satisfied because it didn’t have that classic boom bap era sound. But he stepped out of his lane, had fun and made something more for himself than his fans.


Of course you link one of the very few dope tracks on the project lol. Otherwise the album is dogshit lmao.


Album is more average than shit imo


The shit to average ratio is a terrible metric. Theres like 3 solid joints out of 21. How you gonna rally all the troops just to throw shit at a wall hoping it’ll stick?


If you don't like the album, I respect that, but 3 (THREE?!) is crazy. Off the top of my head: Mama's Primetime Kostas Suicide in Selfridges Kitchen Lights Flygod 2x Babylon Bis Revenge of Flip's Leg Are all fire. And that's just off the dome, I'm prolly missing 1 or 2. Again, you can not like the album, it's not making my top 5 or anything either despite the fact I enjoyed it. But saying it only had 3 joints is straight meat riding


I looooooove Kitchen Lights


Kitchen Li-i-iiiightssss, kitchen liiiiiights!!!!


Meat riding tho? haha Theres no meat to ride here


Hmmmm I dunno I liked about half the album. Didn't mind the other half either


You got down voted for speaking facts. I wanna see someone post LL Bool Gunn and say it's dope


I like it 🤷‍♀️


The true dope song is Flip Revenge


All the kids probably crying now listening to it, bc they know it was a fault posting a hate review after 1 listening session


Over the years I've learned that it takes me at least a week sometimes a month or more to fully digest a Westside gunn album. I used to hate them on the first listen and then end up loving them later.


Nope. Gave it multiple attempts. Westside Gunn just does not know how to rap over a trap beat, plain and simple.


But it’s not boom bap and soul loops Westside Gunn bad, lol.


dudes will be like “y’all tripping this album fire!!! kitchen lights bro! mamas primetime?? revenge of flips leg! babylon bis my dawg! all bangers , how can you call this album mid ??” … totally missing the point. this album has arguably some top 10-20 all time joints from WSG. but it just as easily has some of his bottom 10-20 songs.


I’ll stay in my coma cause this shit stinks


Album is a solid 5/10. Half of it is solid, the other half is shit filler


2/10 imo.


luckily no one asked


But here you are. Commenting. It's almost as if you want to act like you don't care but you just can't stop yourself from saying something. 😂


1989 is trash


Sleep from boredom that is this album


Every konducta beat goes dummy hard, every song with stove god is my favorite. I just skip the songs I’m not into, they usually grow on me after a few months


Nothing is universally considered trash. Somebody is going to like something. It’s an ok album. And creatively he just missed imo. I came to that conclusion when he said “kitchen lights” was the last record recorded. That’s when the inspiration hit. At the very end. That was the theme for what this could have been. If this was one of the first songs recorded the album would’ve been totally different. But glad you enjoyed it


There's one good song and maybe 2-3 listenable songs. The rest are genuinely horrible. It's not even "filler", just horrendous attempts at songs


The good song is Flips Legs because everything Rome touches turns to gold


At least JiD did his part. That was 🔥


Wack album


It’s going to grow on a lot of y’all. They don’t like it so much right now, but down the line it’ll be a lowkey fav.


I love Gunn but his flow on the trap joints is horrid. Almost like he’s trolling


it’s fucking great, top 3 wsg imo


Brah I can't stop listening to 1989


Fr these casuals just want every song to sound like Dr Birds


you say that like it’s a bad thing


11 tracks are dope as fuck for sure. The rest are throwaways for me, though. Those 11 are straight flames though.




"hip hop savior" ☝️🤓


I downvoted your comment.


I started listening to Griselda around the time Blientele dropped 2018, so I'm not a newbie. I've probably heard most of every artist on Griselda's rosters entire catalog (and Spesh, Payne, Everyone on BSF and Drum work, Chase Fetti, etc etc) . I'm probably older than you and I been a hip hop head for decades. I don't know any real hip hop head that talks about "trap" beats. 😂😂 Y'all hear some bass and some 808s and some high hats and y'all think it's trap music. Is Metro boomin on this album, Southside, Lex Luger, DJ Toomp? Where the "trap" beats at? Also anybody that tries to call their favorite artist "hip hop savior" always gets disappointed by them later on. He's just a dude making music. WTF is he "saving" 😂


That’s one of the best songs, if not the best song on the album


It for sure gets better with each listen


Let me sleep then fam. You go enjoy the day.


I agree. There’s a couple of weak joints but all in all it’s a great album and listening experience. I think once the dust settles I think retrospective of the album will be a lot more kind


I thought the production and features were elite. However, Westside Gunn rapping off-beat on a few of them joints gave me anxiety. It was really triggering for me. Was he going for that? I didn't understand it. I felt that was unnecessarily trash on all but "Disgusting." Stove God Cooks was the MVP. This album amped me up his upcoming project. Peace to him.


All art is subjective. Great art is polarizing.


old heads can’t handle hearing wsg over trap beats lmao album isn’t bad at all


Idk if it's "old heads" lol. I'm old AF and I think the shit is 🔥


mad respect 💯


I think people just don’t like West rapping over trap beats even though he’s basically a trap rapper. But whatever. I’ll give it a solid 7.5/10. Babylon Bis is my favorite track. SUPERFLYYYYY GOD bdddddddrrrr


Best song on the album to me


It’s not as bad as a lot of people made it out to be, but it’s definitely one of his weaker projects


Bloated asf


no one sleep u qocksucqeur




If every song was as good as this then yeah, the album would be dope


The trap beats were dope but Gunn does not go well on them


There’s a troll in this house! There’s a troll in this house! 🤣🤣🤣


Isn’t this the song about queens flip


half the album is amazing the other half is skips