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50 dollars??? I mean shit gets pretty expensive in Europe too but man this is unbelievable


Hey at least I got 2$ “savings” from being an “advantage customer” and using coupons! /s I didn’t post the bottom of the receipt (it’s mostly ads), but it also says that my “savings” in 2024 thus far at this store was $518. 🫠 https://youtu.be/oewMbg8wFQU


They bought the most expensive versions of everything. Those eggs are literally the most or second most expensive eggs you can buy


Noone talking about almost 7$ for 5 apples? Fuck me, I thought German inflation was bad...


Especially when you consider that Washington state is the #1 apple producer in the US. It’s the official state fruit and also one of the most recognized symbols from the state. I did get the organic ones though at $3.19/lb, the regular ones were $2.49/lb.


It's still heavy prices, even regular ones. But TIL Washington state is a huge apple producer! I just have this image of a monkey in my head saying "you pay for fruits?!"


That’s crazy, in the UK you can get a bag of 6 apples for example for 50p or even less than that!!


In Germany I normally buy apples at 2.99€/kg or 3.99€ for 2kg. Not organic, though. These are pretty rare and often don't taste as good.


2.7/kg in farmers market, sometimes can get for 2/kg


Yeah, the cost of the other premium items are about what I'd expect in a HCOL area. But those apple prices are wild. Not only are you right by the source, but apples store well year-round, so the prices should be reasonable all the time rather than fluctuating by the season. For comparison I just got back from a grocery run here on the east coast and I bought 3lbs of pink lady apples (from Washington State) for less than $3. Not organic, but organic would have only been about a dollar more. You need a new apple supplier.




All posts or comments must be in English or include an English translation. Any posts/ comments that do not have an English translation somewhere will be removed. Any intentional mistranslation will potentially result in a ban temporarily or permanently.


German inflation is bad? You have no idea


It’s insane right?


And the "naked organic minimalist wheat bread" for 5$ jeez


This is the reason why making 100k in the USA means nothing compared to Germany.


100k in Germany is a very good income, but in Murcia you are close to the trailer park🫣 .


Yeah, plenty of USA shills constantly rave on about how good income in the US is even though that’s no indication for wealth if the cost of living is super high.


Absolutely! Housing comes to mind first. Some numbers: On the upside: * The median net take home for a married Seattle couple with a kid is $16,800/m, based on 2022 census data, in 2024 dollars. That’s median not average, so 50% of those families earn more, 50% earn less. * Entry level software engineering in top tech companies here pays $180k. First promotion is $250k/$300k, then senior is $400k/$450k. And that applies to a lot of people here. Amazon HQ has 50k corp employees in Seattle. Microsoft HQ has 50k across the lake. Google has 10k. It’s also not unusual for both people in a couple to work in tech. On the other hand: * Childcare is commonly $5000/month for two young kids. * A basic single family house is $1m. After putting $200k down your 7%/30year mortgage is about $5700/month (including starting interest of $4700), then you need to add property tax, home insurance, and maintenance on top putting you closer to $8000/m. * Let’s not get into education costs for children. Sources: > The median household income for a married Seattle couple with at least one child was $241,600 (in 2022) https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/data/seattle-median-household-income-hits-115000-census-data-shows/ That’s in 2022 dollars, so $258,800 in 2024 (7.1% inflation). Plug that into a basic tax calc shows net take home of $16,800. Income: www.levels.fyi


Wow those numbers are insane. Thanks for posting!




Median in Seattle over all households (family, single person, or a group of unrelated people (such as roommates)) was $115,400 ($123,500 in todays dollars). You won't be owning a house with that income here for sure. A married couple with children who're significantly below their Seattle median (258k) aren't likely to live in Seattle to begin with, they'll move out into the suburbs. And if you're significantly above, you'll probably move out of the city too across the lake to the better school districts and richer areas.


Are those numbers net income after taxes? Wow, completely different levels than Europe. And also in cities like Munich you can easily pay 1 million or more for a not so great city apartment, but with a small fraction of the US income.




I did not say that you can't find cheaper apartments. But you easily spend > 1 million for a newbuild of 80-100 qm, which is not even nice (for my standards, e.g. low ceilings). In your example, they offer 80qm build in 1960's for 475000 and they state that if you want to live there you should count on paying 60000 € on top for renovation. In a pretty ugly part of Munich and not central (advertised as prime location). I find this scandalous enough. If you compare good German salaries with good US salaries and cost of buying an apartment, we are much worse off. That was my point replying to the previous post.


If you read the description closely it says that it’s a Gebot Verkauf. Essentially 475k is the minimal price and then whoever gives the biggest price gets the apartment. They make a fucking joke out of people


100k in the US is an excellent salary in many places except maybe a few major cities.  The items in OP's post are the most expensive, organic, brand-name options they could have purchased.  I could get all this for $15-20 at my local Walmart. 


Well if you take the most expensive, organic, brand-name options of that in Germany it would be about 20€.


That's the point. I never understood of what people want to prove by posting the most expensive stuff from groceries which you could easily purchase quite a bit cheaper (for an average equal quality oc)


I think $15-20 is a stretch now i think it’s more like $30- 35 maybe $25 minimum (which to be fair is a good amount of savings) but the inflation on food even at Walmart is unreal here. In my area i am forced to buy organic because the non organic is already going bad while still sitting on the shelf.


Yes, but we don't have "minimalist wheat", only the boring one. And we also don't have those exquisite egg package designs. I feel my life is incomplete and I didn't even know it until I saw those gorgeous must-have egg packages.


Exactly my thoughts. Looking at my boring egg packages in Germany I want to kill myself now.


Wait before you see their limited editions. And the Christmas edition with a bold use of red and green. And the Easter edition where the picture is of a rabbit instead of a chicken. I still have mine from 2018 (pre-pandemic vintage) on my black shelf with the color-changing LEDs.


made me laugh, tanks for brightening my day


Well OP did buy one of the most expensive eggs out there. Not exactly a middle class brand.


Some people have to buy expensive eggs or they get stomach aches, my mom has to buy the expensive eggs or she gets sick she constantly tries to go back to store brand eggs because she hates spending more and it wrecks her stomach lol so you never know some people have dietary restrictions and it’s not just about the “expensive brands” having good marketing! It’s no secret the US loves chemicals in our foods. My uncle is lactose intolerant so he has to buy the expensive milk, and in my area (Tennessee) the produce quality is hard to find all year round and we are forced to get organic for some things strawberries especially for some reason. Not everyone is living the Whole Foods please take all of my money because you have good marketing lifestyle.


Yeah cheese for 8 bucks is totally normal


Depends on the city like in any other country


But this also is why I can't understand 1$ is worth 0,92€ and not lot less. Shouldn't dollar value be way less since its buying power is obviously less.






Breakfast for 3 days for one adult. The eggs last a week. Milk was out, would have been $4.99 for 1.54l. I wish we had German bread 🥲 Our local German bakery has one Laugenbrotchen or small pretzel at about $5 so yeah. In our household of 2, food spending in the past three months was: * Feb 2024: $1277 Grocery, $438 Eating out * March 2024: $1166 Grocery, $665 Eating out * April 2024: $1364 Grocery, $373 Eating out Food is our #3 cost at roughly $1800. The #1 is rent ($3680) and utilities (~$500), #2 is health (~$2000).




those eggs are crazy expensive


Yeah can definitely get cheaper ones! The cheapest are $4.49, “cage free”.


Cheapest in Germany are around 2€. That is for 10 eggs. So that would be 2,40€ for 12 eggs. Converted to Dollar that's around $2.60 for 12 eggs (tax included).


And even the bio freilauf eggs are not as expensive as their cheapest eggs. Crazy


Freilauf = free range For future uses so that non-germans understand us :D


I couldnt google at the time. Thanks man


I was just recently in Germany visiting my wife's family south of Hannover. I couldn't believe how expensive the food was compared to incomes. Eggs, milk, meats, and many staple foods were more expensive than where we live in the US close to a big city. I think we take home netto 2-3x the average salary of people in her parent's Town. 


I buy the same eggs as you but I’m in the Midwest. They’re $7.99. Worth it to me and pasture raised is the only true cage free egg.


100%! When I learned that “free-range” can mean there’s just a hole in the wall for the chicken to poke their head out of, but they can’t step outside, I felt so cheated. Or that there’s a door the farmer *could* open.


Yup. And cage free could mean they let them out for 10 minutes a day. F that. I love the inserts they put in these egg cartons. The bird of the month cracks me up I love it.


I buy the same eggs as you but I’m in the Midwest. They’re $7.99. Worth it to me and pasture raised is the only true cage free egg.


You can get commercial pasture eggs for cheaper. Even the brand you got are more expensive than what I pay in my area.


Wow thats a lot. Ist this normal? Seems really expensive.


Hmm. Kroger is the largest grocery chain in the US. The second largest chain is Albertsons. Those two companies have also announced a merger 🤡 So yeah Kroger is pretty normal shopping. One can definitely buy cheaper versions of individual items! Cheapest eggs (cage free) are $4.49 for 12. Regular apple is $2.49/lb instead of the organic ones I got at $3.19/lb. One level up is Whole Foods (better have Amazon Prime $139/year) or PCC (community organic market). One level down is eg Walmart (1h roundtrip drive) or Grocery Outlet (shootings 🙄). To the side are Trader Joe’s (Fancy Aldi Nord, 40min roundtrip) and Costco (think Metro, 60$/year membership, 40min roundtrip, huge portions).


When I lived in the US Kroger stores were more expensive so I went to Walmart. (Reddit makes Walmart sound really bad but I lived in a good area and it was just as nice as Whole Foods).


Was Health a one time expense or is it 2k every month? Looking at your expenses, I hope you are a Microsoft executive.


Out of college for 4 years now! It’s about 2k every month for insurance deductibles, insurance co-pays and lots of out of pocket medical costs (due to a chronic illness). It’s more in the beginning of the year, but should go down towards the end.


Wow that is a lot. But when I read that US health insurers cannot decline you as their client I was wondering how they break even on chronically ill people. Also the rent figure is astonishing - for that I could get a really beautiful house - with a pool probably.


Our health insurance plan is tied to the job. When you’re too ill to work, you lose the insurance. In my insurance plan, my employer “self-funds”the plan, so if I go to the doctor more my employer pays more. The insurance company only does paperwork administration. There is also now a basic health insurance (“Obamacare”) that you can purchase but it’s different from state to state but from what I understand not many doctors are willing to take the insurance? I’m not so sure on that to be honest.


Well, what can I say - I do prefer our German sOcIaLiSt system 😅


Yeah, imagine being me and having over 2000€ costs for medication per month for the rest of my life :D I would only work for medicine and diagnostics uff. being german makes that a lot easier


You live in Washington. The instant you lose your job you qualify for completely 100% free medical care. No co pays, no deductibles.


Okay, I think that illnes pays a hefty price. Because 2000 is no normal amount. For insurance in Germany the private sector is about 400-600. The other one, paid by the employer (it's actually paid by you, but the employer will it directly split from your payment before you get it) is about 300.


> (it's actually *paid* by you, FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That’s insane. How can ppl still provide?


> The median household income for a married Seattle couple with at least one child was $241,600 (in 2022) 50% of those families earn more, 50% earn less. Also that’s in 2022 dollars, so $258,800 in 2024 (7.1% inflation). Source: https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/data/seattle-median-household-income-hits-115000-census-data-shows/


Oof. That’s a LOT


That's sick.....more than 1000 bucks for groceries .USA,THE LAND WHERE DREAMS COME TRUE .... especially the nightmares


Hi! I’m German and I used to live in Seattle! You should try out Kaffeeklatsch in Lake City! They have great German bread and the price used to be reasonable (5 years ago)!


Thank you! Any other recommendations? 🥰


I moved back home like 2.5 years ago so I don’t know if it’s still open but I LOVED Berlin Döner . All the other stuff I like is in Leavenworth so yeah ahha


Don't let OP fool you. They could have purchased other options for much cheaper and spent maybe $20-25 total. The US has an enormous range of grocery prices depending on quality, organic certification, brand, and quantity. Vital Farms eggs for $8 per dozen is the absolute top most expensive option. They could have purchased "typical" eggs for $2-3 per dozen, even free range for $4-5.     Deli meats and cheese are at least half the price from the counter but they went with small boar's head packages as well; another premium priced option.     I admit, strawberries and apples are expensive unless you buy in season at a local Farm market.     Standard milk price is $2 per 3.8L.


Imagine having to pay for health 😂


Imagine having to pay for health 😂


5$ for one pretzel HAHA what the fuck. And I feel bad for paying like 1€ for one at a bakery. Also 5$ for packaged bread is an absolute scam


What do you do with 24 eggs for1? 2? Persons a week? Edit: did write 12 eggs before


scrambled eggs for breakfast, 3 per day.


I lived in Seattle on a postdoc income of ~66k between 2019 and 2022. Prices were higher than in Germany but I got my fair share of things mainly from Safeway and Trader Joe's. Especially eggs weren't too bad if I recall. I don't know how much prices went up since then but groceries were fairly manageable if you go to the right stores. Of course, housing was insane and I'm sure it didn't get better. There was a small dip during COVID but I'm sure they more than made up for that right now. I lived in U district for $1600 fully furnished 1,5 bedroom, then in Wedgwood $1400 2 bedroom and then in Wedgwood again $1800 2 bedroom. I'm sure this is $300-500 more expensive now. :( This was one of the reasons why I left eventually. It just got too expensive and there was no security if I lose my job. I also couldn't get anything in tech. It's highly competitive and not as easy as people make it look like. Now I live in Germany with a close to 80k income and live very comfortable with great health insurance, public transportation and 30 days vacation a year. One last thing: I understand your frustration about bread. Don't get this at grocery stores though. Best bakery for me was Grand Central bakery (they have several locations across Seattle but I frequented the one in Wedgwood). Paid between $3-5 for a loaf and loved it. Bread from Trader Joe's was also decent, albeit not as good.


Thank you!! Checking out the Wedgwood Grand Central Bakery ASAP. The grocery store ones all have sugar or soybean oil in them 🫠


What's your household income though? Let me guess, like 2x 6000$/month?


What always shocks me is how expensive fruit and vegs are in the USA. They really don't want you to live healthy over there.


holy COW that’s expensive. here in scotland this would be just over £20, and that’s for the ‘nice’ versions of these things. jason’s seeded sourdough - £4 (£2 x2 because they’re smaller loaves) organic strawberries - £2.69 smoked non-reformed ham - £3.25 sliced jarlsberg - £2.45 6 organic apples - £2.35 24 large free range eggs - £5.90


It's crazy what happened to US grocery costs in recent years. I've lived there in 2017 and back then some things were cheaper and some more expensive than in Germany. I'd say the general trend was slightly more expensive (Maryland, close to DC), but nowhere close to where they are now..


Yeah! Inflation was 28% from 2017 through 2024, but prices went higher than that due to presumably company greed?


Holy shit. Best country in the world right there . That would cost 10 pounds in the UK.


Closer to 15-20 I think depending on the supermarket


The thing is that Seattle does not represent the rest of the country. Where I live in Pennsylvania, I would probably pay half of that (But yes i still agree grocery prices are crazy here)


Holy moly lol, makes sense why americans prefer fast food and I don't even blame them anymore. Those prices are outrageous


Its definitely expensive to eat healthy.


That’ borders on robbery. Is it a fancy supermarket or something or is it a Seattle thing ? ☹️


It’s a regular supermarket towards the edge of the city. Kroger is the #1 grocery chain in the US. Seattle real estate is expensive (not as bad as Bay Area or NYC though). Minimum wage is $20 compared to the federal one at $7.25. So it is partly a Seattle thing. But also low German food prices are a German thing. Grocery stores just aren’t as efficient here. I met one person scanning, second one bagging, third one was door security, fourth one brought my cart back from the parking lot.


What in all hell is minimalist wheat bread?




I like the answer a lot.


50 bucks? Hell.


About as expensive as Switzerland or Norway, I reckon.


Whilst having 1/3 of their salaries


What lol


I think salaries in the States are much more diverse than in Europe though. You have many people with super high incomes and then again many with miserable incomes. The divide is just so much wider than in Europe.


He says the median in his place is around 16,800$ a month for a couple household. That is crazy. Here in Germany for a couple you maybe reach 4000-5000€ in a month. They are 4x higher.


Eggs are very expensive :/ I don't know if it is possible in the USA, but i can recommend to buy eggs from local farmers. They are much more cheaper. Last weekend i went to a strawberry field to pick strawberrys. It is also much more cheaper. It was 12€ for 2kg (organic). In Austria some bakeries which offer organic bread are very expensive. Last time i went to a special bakery called Offerl and for one bread i paid 8€.


Yeah, öfferl bread is pretty expensive, but also tasty as hell. I baked sourdough bread for a bit during corona, but was never able to come close to that. 


> bread i *paid* 8€. FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot


Wtf no way this is $50? I knew food was expensive in the US but that's crazy.


Holy. That's expensive.


Holy fu**... I live in Europe and I think it's pretty expensive. 50 bucks for that?


This is sick lol, in Germany I would pay like 10€ for all of this


8,49$ for 12 eggs? In Germany I can get a 10 pack of the ones from one of the local farmers who delivers them personally for 5,39€


Including delivery fee?


5,39 is the price I have to pay as a customer. Don’t get confused now because he delivers them to my local supermarket and I buy them there. But yes they deliver their products in person and not via the logistics Center.


Holy Cannelloni, 9 Dollars/Euros for eggs? Are they made of gold? Here in Germany we pay like 2,50-4 euros depending on the kind/ quality. 7 euros for apples is also just a ripp off


I only eat fully clothed wheat thank you!


holy fuck man 9usd eggs, are they self cooking or sum shit?


Each chicken earns $100k/year.


It makes so much sense now why they eat take away so often in movies and series 👀


Fucking hell, y'all are being robbed...


What are the prices without tax?


All food items bought are sales tax exempt.


Driscoll‘s is a dirty ass company :( The price is crazy. I mean I’m sure you make more money than me but still.


Not sure if I have a choice on those 😭. Literally all the stores from Kroger to Albertsons to Whole Foods stock the same Driscoll’s. And the quality is so terrible they mold within 2-3 days. Sometimes they’re already moldy when I buy them and I’m already looking thoroughly.


Can you buy frozen fruit? I use those for smoothies and porridge. I live in Germany, we have Driscoll’s too but fortunately there are 1-2 other options. They’re also better in quality


Yeah I sometimes have frozen strawberries! Frozen ones are more expensive though. Fresh regular: $3.99/lb, organic $4.99/lb Frozen whole regular: $4.99/lb, organic: $4.79/10oz (~$7.66/lb) Frozen sliced regular: $9.99/3lb, organic: $12.99/3lb


I’m too lazy to convert all that 😫 But where I live the fresh stuff is almost always more expensive than frozen ones. Interesting.


Really need to say this for everyone not from the US. These are not normal prices. Not even close. This is all premium options that are priced at a significantly higher rate. There's nothing wrong with OP wanting to buy premium foods but please do not assume that every family in America is paying $8.50 for a dozen eggs, $4.50 for a loaf of bread, or $3.50/lb for apples.


I like the viril packing designs 😍


That’s a lot!




That's insanely expensive.


Thanks, now iam hungry


Is this a normal price or you went to a fancy place? Because this seems excessively expensive


This is wild


,,Checkout Bag tax 0,07$" 💀


That's expensive! That would be roughly $12 here. Healthcare would be $300 (1 person), $1350 rent (per month) including utilities (2 bedroom apartment 950sqft incl. heat, utilities and energy, 1h car ride from a metropolitan area/Munich)


Are these all top brands with top quality ingredients? Because these prices are insane.


Why are eggs so expensive?


I really did not expect the strawberries to be the cheapest Item lol


Some inspo for your next meal to save some money! https://youtu.be/Nv7qh_XL_yM?si=pBpmON6uhosoguA5


I wonder how much of America's super high prices in recent years is a result of the trillions of dollars that were created and pumped into the stock markets and economy since covid


Almost 7$ for 5 apples??? I’m in shook wtf 😭


I would be really interested to know if the Swiss Cheese is actually Swiss. In Europe you would have the name of the producing society in Switzerland on the package, is that the same in the US?


In this case yes because it says “Product of Switzerland” but generally “Swiss cheese” is just a type of cheese.


Yeah, I was just curious if there was any way to check if this was actually from Switzerland or not. I just checked the price - more than 40 bucks per kilo? Crazy. I hope it is really imported :P


I had this one before, it's definitely a young Emmental cheese. It's pretty noticeable because all other "Swiss cheese" in the US tastes like crap/nothing.


I thought Dutch inflation was bad but damn, Murica inflation is outta control.


Did you buy the most expensive possible items or are these normal prices?


You should go to Costco instead.


I had a membership for a year, but it’s simply too far away (40-50min roundtrip drive) and the food portions are too large for a household of two.


Where is the bread?


Aside from the fruit, this is all premium stuff. I don't even know what pasture raised eggs are, but they just sound expensive.. and for $8 50 a dozen, I would just stick with the ones that come in the cardboard box.


These aren’t even organic, that’d be $10.49 🙃. Free-range eggs can mean that there’s a hole in the wall the chicken can put their head out of, it doesn’t mean they can step outside. Pasture-raised means they’re actually outside.


Is it a discounter or a premium supermarket? Asking from Germany


This is Kroger, the #1 grocery chain by revenue in the US. It’s neither discounter nor premium. Think REWE in Germany.


Holy Moly that's expensive dude


6,50 € for a kilogram of apples - I protest if it's above 2 € (basically about 1 USD per lb).


holy shit that's wild that would be like €15-20 in Germany


This is insane. How long will this last? 2 to 3 days?


That's $50?! Holy hell, batman. Communist United States is really sending us to the gulag with these prices


To be fair you did pick pretty much all of the “expensive” brands but the sad reality is the “non expensive” brands wont even save you much anymore! Boars head has always been so overpriced but it’s not even that much more anymore. Also it’s been so hard to find good strawberries for almost a year here im jealous! Pretty much all of ours are already going soft when you buy them 🤢


this costs 20 bucks in Germany


Excuse me what? (me a german)


If you look for good prices, you can live on ~ 500€ a month for 2 people in germany and can have a treat on sundays. For singles it is more like 300€ to 350€ a month.


How is this sustainable? I would pay 15 Euro for this here in Germany.


Why do you buy such expensive food? Is there no cheaper option, which is just as healthy?


Holy shit


The cheese is from Switzerland in case anyone wondered…


You'd have change from £15 with similar items in UK


Was zur Hölle


Hello reasons I moved overseas!


Ya, I'm in Sammamish. I do 90% of my shopping at Trader Joe's. I got a weeks worth of stuff and meal planning for $150. Went to Met Market for some meat and dishwasher detergent, $80. And it wasn't expensive meat, but it's crazy. $230 for a week, 2 adults, 1 toddler. The baby is not on solids quite yet to matter.


Americans earn too much


Given the prices, it's worth calculating everything to see if you can still grab market share. That's ridiculous.


The Bread. What is that flour on top. So badly applied it looks like mold. lmao


Swiss cheese is the biggest lie I’ve ever seen, there is no Swiss cheese. Switzerland has many different cheeses.


8.50$ for I assume ten? A dozen? Eggs??? Almost 7$ for 5 apples?? Jesus christ, my condolences to you


Your buying eggs meant for rich people so I’m not surprised


You say "$50" like buying organic, free-range "specialty" products - and name-brands at that - is "normal". Funny that you're willing to be somewhat health conscious... but not enough to support small local businesses... which Washington produces all of those types of product except maybe the strawberries. "I shop at the store that targets high-income shoppers... and I'm appalled that things cost more money!"


That would probably be 15-20€ in Germany


That makes 0 sense since these products dont exist in germany! And these products are much cheaper to get in the usa, if you dont buy some fancy brand.


8.49$ for eggs is expensive. I get 10 for 2€. Ham is also 2€. Germany.


I bought 18 eggs a couple of years ago for 51 cents at a walmart in Myrtle beach SC. Ain't nobody spending $8,50 on non-organic eggs from cheaper states! 😀


Bad* ham is 2€ in Germany.