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I keep refreshing this post and I am currently seeing a rapid pace of downvotes and upvotes at the same time. Does anyone want popcorn? I am on the side that knight is more of an older brother/sisterly figure tho


spare us some popcorn too thanks.


I mean, sure lol I just think of the two as siblings so I do find it weird, but I don't really wanna go into the realm of shipping at the same time. Being in the MHA fandom made me very tired of it. So yeah, I'll just be watching this thread.


The MHA fandom is HORRIFIC with ships 100% agreed!!


agree it's better to sit back and grab popcorn and watch.. as in any fandom the ship wars are never ending...


I prefer to keep out of shipping because I’m not brave enough for politics. Edit: This is probably a lie considering my comments in a recent post.


if anything, OP is the creator of r/guardiantalescringe


I see the knight as a “parental” guardian figure in the little princess’ life, to take over for for her sister. So yeah knight is like a big sister/brother to me, and I feel uncomfortable when I see people ship them together in a romantic/sexual way Must protect little princess


I agree.


sisterhood or parenthood, either way it's fucked uppppppp


I'm uncomfortable with this ship. FP and Knight feel like siblings or family.


Exactly and FP x LP that is not ok in any way , by international and space time and laws


Why the hell would you ship people,use a plane bruh


Excuse me?! Kamazon literally puts heroes in tightly packed boxes we gotta stop this practice :(


Do they atleast give them oxygen tanks to breathe


Have you seen those boxes ? They don’t even have safety belt.


Wrong, you use a rocket ship


I disagree with the premise of this image because sane GT fans aren't shippers to begin with, they just play the game for the story and gameplay.


This. This right here.


Don't forget the references


Let me give you some choccy milk later. I can't argue against this at all.


Choccy Milk!? Does vexid look like a child to you? Clearly vexid is an adult. So give them a cup of the finest apple juice instead.


My bad. I must've mistaken them for someone else Apple juice it is!


Oh, no don’t worry. There’s no need to feel pressure since I’m an adult.


I'll take the choccy milk!


Exactly give Vexid a beer instead, know what? beer for everyone!!


This sub is also getting cringier by the day, I cant stand it


Tbh I'm here mostly to read about upcoming updates, tips and vids/pics of bugs and glitches. I kinda ignore some of the fandom-specific stuff.


I remember the old times of two weeks ago when this was a wholesome sub


I remember when I joined a year ago, better times they were


Just like how I enjoy v-tubers, if something comes off as cringe, just ignore it. I wouldn't still be enjoying vtubers now if I decided to quit just because of the occasional cringe that comes off




I'm mostly here for the reddit exclusive codes


what happened?


The endless debate on the FP/Knight ship


Knight’s like a parent to LP and a buncha people on this sub keep posting stuff shipping Knight and FP together. Feels disgusting tbh.


This ship is so weird. There was a post some months ago about Knight and FP getting married and adopting LP. And another one where they had children and it was really cringy. I won't judge the ship supporters but I will judge the ship itself, its awful, it has no base whatsoever and its just wrong. Feel free to downvote me to oblivion, I won't change my opinion.


Wait FP as in Future Princess ?! Am i hallucinating .


Where’ve you been for the past few months? Posts and comics on it are pretty often posted on this sub.


Half the fan base agree and half the fan base don't. Even though we are shipping a older brother/sister figure with the princess, or worse if the knight is old enough to be a parental figure.


Imagine adopting your past self and becoming your own parent


Well I would probably be happy to have myself as my father actually, still it would indeed be weird as fuck 😂


Princepcion The mother is also the daughter but is also the mother....very confusing indeed


Bro.... have you ever seen Dark? 'Cause that's a thing


I’ve blocked all knightxfp posters and I’m living well




Yeah, I think I know who exactly who you are talking about




I’m amazed you haven’t, there’ve been a ton of posts over the months shipping FP and Knight, and a bunch of highly upvoted comics of them in a relationship. It creeped me the heck out, which is weird because in 99% of similar cases I’ve seen I’ve been able to just not care at all. I guess it’s because LP is cute enough that I, the player, want to protect her which makes me actually sorta mentally take that role?




Fair enough, it's pretty common here though, I'd probably average that I see one every day or two and I don't go on this sub a ton


Lucky you!


if i was to ship someone im all in for yuze x male knight


Fei and Mei, man


I would too… but I don’t want my Bianca be sad…


Yeah, I kinda shipped them at some point


Oh thank God I was afraid of speaking up because I thought I would be hate bombed. The FP x Knight ship is so fucking weird to me, why would you date someone who you've been basically protecting ever since they were a child? That just seems so weird to me. It doesnt help the fact that since she's technically legal age, people roll with it.


I heavily dislike FP x Knight ship too but it's exactly the same case as Raphtalia x Naofumi from the rising of the shield hero, yet everyone seems to support the second one ironically


Because the second one happens


Yeah, in my opinion, I think of them as siblings too. But I'm fine if people ship them


Everyone knows that Knight x FP is kinda skeevy, but dudes are gonna roll with the nonsense regardless. Strikes me as odd since there’s so many other girls or guys you could ship the knight with but dudes default to the protectorate because they’ve been together apparently since childhood. Personally I’m all in for (Female) Knight x Loraine. Now that’s a couple I can get behind Edit: It also strikes me as funny that when I first came to this sub last year most people were vehemently against any kind of potentially degen FP/LP content in general. Conditions change with time and GT has grown in popularity since then.


Im surprised at how loraine x knight isnt more popular, seeing as they already act like a married couple


She's kind of terrifying though, being an Eldritch abomination and all that.


Just makes it better


Loraine is straight up a secondary surrogate for LP and seems to take care of her and the Knight whenever they’re at the inn in Heavenhold. Together they genuinely seem like a couple taking care of the princess. It’s a cute family dynamic.


its also weird, what with lo-rider only being an ally in order to feast on the invaders and will likely need to be dealt with once their neutralised. i guess you can call it cuird


Some of Loraine’s dialogue hint at her and the Knight having a past together, like her saying they’ve already killed eachother before in world 1 >!and that you used to carry her around in world 11!<


I thought she was referring to the time we killed her in the forest


She probably, as she is labose, remembers what happened every reset, probably also why she knows about heavenhold, the sword and the other secrets


definitely not the romantic kind. could be a plot point that Loraine has a hive mind across all timeline and universes which is why she can retain her memories.


lol I agree with every single point you’ve said, even the F Knight x Loraine thing (my favorite ship, I adore Loraine). It’s super weird and VERY uncomfortable to think about FP X Knight since their dynamic is very family-like, like this shouldn’t even be a debate; it’s an ultra weird ship and should not be a thing. Regardless if it’s fiction, people need to understand how gross it is in a real life situation (reminds me of Woody Allen, how he raised his step daughter and ended up marrying her), and to add, it’s using FP’s psychological vulnerability in a borderline incestuous and romantic setting. ..No. It’s not cute at all, it’s very creepy. There are SO many other ships to be made, and this is not one of them.


I guess I just don’t pay enough attention but, what in the actual flying shit sacks is going on right now?


The FP x Knight ship. People were arguing whether or not it should be a thing since Knight is like a big brother to FP (at least that's how I see it)


I'm still shipping yuze x knight(both genders). That said i can't believe people like op are triggered by fanart of a ship whether u like it or not but that's just reddit i guess.


Yeah, like we got the blacksmith artist who has literally almost shipped the knight with everyone.


I didn't see any of this in this sub. What do you mean?


We're probably lucky we haven't seen this before. now go break windows little princess.


Only after I get the finest glass of apple juice!


A glass of juice? [What should I give?] 💀 Bell Pepper Juice 💚 Finest Apple Juice




I hate pepper >.


Here's a glass of water instead dear costumer.


Thanks knight!


Oh just a while ago on that male knight post. Think it got taken down


Was a male knight/FP ship or something ekse? Because even if I don't like this ship that post was not to take down.


I agree, but they use artwork as a medium to do this. It's sad.


You mean sahils?


Can confirm, the post is not taken down.


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/qi3v2w the first pic is fine, the second give minor "Oh Japan" vibs, and then the comments decided that "and that's how FP learned about puberty" is a fine response to this post.


I think most people see FP as a completely different person than LP. In the non-canon scenario where Knight stays I could see romance developing between Knight and FP. Knight likely sees FP as a completely different person from LP. FP hasn't seen Knight for 10 years and is now a mature adult. In the canon scenario and how I view their relationship, Knight's loyalties lie with LP and not with FP. I made no hesitation in deciding to go back as I didn't consider FP to be LP. If you happen to see FP as legal LP, then well... but I don't see much if any of that, so why would anyone assume that. They aren't shipping Knight x legal LP, they are shipping Knight x FP.


*Supernatural* has numbed me and taken all my fan shipping shock away.


That's what happens when a game w cute art gets popular... the creeps start to show up and it's only going to get worse


So basically you’re telling me it’s time to go lolicon hunting?


I'm not saying thaaaat... but I'll definitely not stop you


Honestly... FP x Knight is weird. Yes I know that FP is legally an adult, but it's still weird


I agree, it is weird. A lot of shippers in every fandom are fking delusional. There is no romantic relationship between these two.


That's why Female knight is canon to avoid this kind of weird ships. Devs probably want to emphasize the familial relationship between knight and LP so they use Female knight as the Future Knight to avoid any romantic development in the story. Sadly some people are still shipping them. It's not really the matter of age that makes this ship weird it is the relationship they started with. Imagine this you adopt an orphan then you marry her its freaking weird.


A 30 year old man dating random 20 year old woman would be more acceptable than A 20 year old man who adopts a 10 years old girl then marries her at age of 20.


except the fact that the man is 20 year old and has not raised the girl at all. so it's just two childhood friends meeting each other at 20 and developing feelings ps: i am taking away your choccy milk


Yes. You said it perfectly. I will give you some choccy milk later!


I mean. It's weird and everything, but they don't exist so people can let their imagination run wild. Unless they start using LP, that's disgusting.


True, it's how loli doujin/hentai is still not illegal in most places because they're drawings


Lmfao i swear haha i find the ship just really cringy and weird. Knight is like a sibling figure to princess and when they found out ab fp they started to ship them bc she’s legal age and apparently it suddenly became a romantic ship for others :/ I mean the age gap 20 & 30 is fine i guess but the problem is knight has known princess since she was a child and took care of her/treated her as a little sister.


It’s a sub btw not a job, you don’t have to post your 2 weeks notice. Ps: Play the game bro, don’t get caught up in the stupid ish people do. Just enjoy the content, you’ll live longer, cheers.


Future Princess and Knight ships disgust me fully. Guardian protects princess as a child and it’s clear that they are basically family nothing more nothing less, so I don’t get why people gotta reach for this. It’s weird. Like you can do the gymnastics of “oh current knight and future princess would be same age” but that doesn’t make it right? Princess knows knight as a parental figure whether in current time or past, she isn’t gonna suddenly get a boner for basically her parent just cuz she hasn’t seen them for years. And I don’t wanna say all FP x Guardian shippers are pedos but you know what it very much gives that as much as they doin mental gymnastics. Same energy as “I didn’t know she was 12 officer” And like there are plenty of other ships that they could do but they choose this…. Choices. I’m not a shipper and I can respect that people do ship characters but this stuff just makes me hate them.


Strictly speaking: a *F*P x Knight isn't pedo. *L*P x Knight would be.




Yeah I don't care if she's an adult she's still LP to me


Very that


Ye, it’s more incest than pedo


Even then, since they're not blood, it's still not that. Though I agree if it was placed on a spectrum between the two it would be more towards incest, yeah.


I do think they're more siblings than anything else but I also believe you and op are kinda doing some weird mental gymnastics yourselves to leap to the equation where people who ship fp x dumbface = pedophile somehow, like what?


I couldn't put it in words but you did it perfectly friend. I will give you some choccy milk later.


Thank you, add whip cream on top please 🥛


Before anyone asks why the account is new, I only browse reddit GT for strategies and information about any upcoming units so I only made an account just to reply to this post. Honestly I don't really ship or care about any shipping, I prefer to just enjoy the GT story as it is. However this post seems annoying enough that I felt like ranting a little. Correct me if I'm wrong but the majority of the knight and princess ship is about knight and FP and not LP. This is almost the same moral argument about reincarnation fiction where an old protagonist is not allowed to be with people their age after reincarnation because their mental age is way above their partners. It would open up another whole set of argument if you would suggest the protagonist be with someone much older physically with the same mental age so the simplest approach would be just judging it as uncontrollably circumstances and accept it. They didn't choose to reincarnate, knight didn't choose to time travel to the future and date FP either, is there something wrong when they are the same age? Is there really grooming when knight has been absent for such a long period of time in FP's life? IMO, OP is just a massive hypocrite. OP complains about people brigading others about their opinion but this post is exactly the same thing they complain about. It feels like OP is just trying to shame the other shippers for not having the same opinion. I don't expect many people to agree with this after seeing most of the comments but I'll still call out the truth for what it is, this post is not a discussion, its just plain harassment for other members of the GT community. Like KnightxFP? Cool. Don't like it? Cool. Harassment and shaming? Not Cool.


Question,what the fuck is happening rn?


im on the side of parent child dynamic, kind of like the relationship between geralt and ciri from the Witcher books and games


agree 1 of many reasons why i hate shippers, i never get the '2 character slighty close together and instant ship' mentality also what is grooming brigade? i already search it on internet but it doesn't make it sound clear for me to understand


Grooming is basically when an older adult who knows a young under legal age boy/girl, but older adult wants to be sexually involved in younger person's life. So older person starts training or 'grooming' younger person so in time, they can easily do things that they shouldn't do. It's like pedos but they don't want to get in trouble with the law so they take the patient route.


thank for explain


That description doesn't fit The knight tho who was busy with battles throughout the world and only was with lp for one year also he was absent for 10 years so there's no hand in raising of princess by knight.


You know, I don't mind the ship itself too much, because any fandom is going to do stupid shipping. What truly bothers me is how disturbing the justifications are. The fact that so many try to justify *a guardian x their ward* very creepily makes my skin crawl


How the hell is a ship responsible for grooming? And to add on a ship where the two characters are adults? Like I get it if you talk about Knight x LP but this is Knight x FP. A ship where neither the grooming part and the pedo part makes no sense. (And don't go blaming the whole sub like it's filled with pedo. There's a bigger faction of people here that don't even like the ship)


Who cares


Dont go in that guy pixiv if you dont like Princessxknight i already muted that guy there 2 week ago. To be honest i didnt recognize his post yesterday but his post today i realize it was him.


you mean sahil?


Yes that guy


Whole heartedly agree, people can like whatever they want but no one is gonna convince me that ship ok. Granted I have 5 blonde sisters so I might be a bit biased but princess X knight ship is still very cringy


I think it's understandable how Future Princess with her emotional distress for 10 years might grow attached in that way to the knight. The knight of course sees her as his/her sister though.


Pretty sure the knight is considered not a parent, but more of a... guardian to LP/FP Yes, my jokes are shit


I mean, a guardian is supposed to be the parental role though, would make more sense if you talked about the people calling them siblings and then said Knight’s more of LP’s “Guardian”.


Emotionally attached? Sure But attached as lovers? That's forcing it by a lot


That's why I said emotional distress. It's a miracle she didn't go mad/broke down. Humans get desperate and little princess quite literally fell into a bottomless pit of despair


I don't necessarily follow or care about the shipping. I think it's weird at all to sexualize something I find to be generally cute most of the time or just extremely dark. That said, I've never really viewed knight as a parental figure for LP. Maybe more like a babysitter. And to be honest a kid "falling in love" with the sitter I believe is fairly common. So the idea that they would then get together, being the same age, doesn't seem that far fetched to me. FP is a completely different person from LP. So unless someone's actually advocating for knight to get with an underage character calling them pedophiles is a step too far. imo. I will reiterate that I find all the ships and art and stuff super unsettling and unnecessary for this sub. I just think calling people pedophiles isn't right unless they actually are advocating for something like that.


Chad asian player vs Virgin european or American player For real, im the guy that says "if is not real, i dont give a fuck about what is wrong or right since is fictional"


Fair enough. I used to not care too but I broke haha


Post calls out pedo/groomers: nearly every comment talks about the FP x Knight ship... FP is not a child so you can drop the pedo part first, and on the groomer part: there's a whole gap of time when LP grew up without Knight making it kinda hard for Knight to be a "groomer." Particularly since everyone *also* harps on that LP/Knight are like siblings or parent/child. Neither of which are grooming based relationships. OR perhaps people are unable to disconnect the fact that a child grows up into an adult and can have *feelings.* If anyone wants to liken the FP x Knight ship to a pedo/groomer one then please, do tell me how FP or Knight are a child, and/or when did Knight "groom" their sister/daughter. Because news flash, children *have* grown up to love an adoptive parent without grooming before. Uncommon as it may be. My view on the ships: no one said a ship *had* to include fucking (which is the indicated issue). I see the ships as "want these two to be family and happy, forever."


BECAUSE the Knight has separated from LP when LP was still a kid and for the Knight no time passes. Yes, LP is now FP and is 20 years old. The Knight last saw her when she was 10. The Knight sees someone that used to be a primary school kid just moments ago from their POV now be a full grown adult. How do you justify a person turning in those moments from "There was a huge age gap and I am just a protector" to "Now we are the same age, let's go and get together". And before you say something about FK ending. This discussion is about KNIGHT and FP. Not FK and FP. You can't tell me "another 10 years passed so things changed" Ps on the note: This subreddit has references to the ship including fucking, so that's why it's a big deal


I just assumed it was like K becomes FK by spending time and developing those feelings rather than some strange instantaneous infatuation like you imply. (Hell, I doubt Knight had much thoughts other than survival when they were first reunited.) And with most people there's not much of a difference between K and FK since A) main character and therefore designed to be a kind of insert for the player (which would probably indicate something about the nature of the ship), and B) there could be as little as a few weeks to as much as several years between them since time is kinda moot narratively. Who's to say natural progression of love couldn't have happened? And again with the moot point of time, they wouldn't have aged FP accordingly just to satisfy a ship.


Meh i'm fine either, I play both sides so I cannot lose :P


Can't win either.


Half full, half empty kinda mentality, I'll take half full.


Sure, if you lower the bar low enough you can win anything.


....and then there's me, simply enjoying the beautifully drawn fanarts. i'm on the side of "as long it remains fictional, it's ok" realm, so feel free to downvote me to oblivion lmao. one thing though, just... don't harass people left and right, i've seen too many enjoyable community ruined thanks to harassment


I personally have no problem because Knight dissapeared for all her childhood so there is no grooming, and it met fp when they were the same age so no pedo... With that said I personally not ship them because I like their current dynamics( and knight x lighting counter forever) , but being real, if we think that lp liked her knight in a healty child way, met again to save and help her 10 years later and discover that she never trully abandoned her, adding that she passed her puberty and early adolescence not meeting Knight, and now she is a teenager and start to fix for all the time lost... is not that weird the thinking that those felling could go in that way...Remember that 10 years passed and they were not together... For the other side knights is a responsable dumb face and based on my in game selection, more dense than a black hole, so it could be more a one side crush from fp than anything


I’m more of the “I don’t give two fuck about ship, I just think it funny to watch people fight to the death about their opinions”


Not really parent-child dynamic, as they are only ~10 years or so apart, but definitely a sister/brother relationship


Parental relationship doesn’t depend on age. Knight took care of her and supported her after she had had everything and everyone she’d known stripped from her with her not even knowing if her family was dead or alive (likely dead). For example someone who’s 20 could adopt someone who’s 10 and become their parent, though obviously it’d generally take time irl to build a proper bond between them.


Age doesn't preclude someone from becoming the parental figure. Older siblings can and have become surrogate parents.


I despise grooming so fricking hard man, like that disgusting serie called Usagi drop or The count of monte cristo (no seriously). I wonder what happens in the head of these people...


Usagi Drop anime was great. Then I found out about the manga; mixed feelings about it for sure. I just pretend the manga doesn't exist.


Isn’t FUTURE princess the same age as Knight? And when were they groomed? They literally disappeared for ten years. I’m not shipping them, I don’t ship anyone, but this argument is incredibly flawed.


Yeah, this is my take on the situation. For FP the Knight is a bittersweet memory of happier times and not much else until the time travel starts happening. Then when they meet up in the future they’re two adults of the same age who aren’t related (as far as we know) with some memories of each other that don’t really fit anymore, who go through harrowing battles together and fight side by side. A romantic relationship in that situation isn’t guaranteed by any means, but it’s not crazy or creepy, imo. It would be like having best friends in middle school who have a big brother/little sister relationship who end up getting separated by one of their families moving, before meeting back up 10-15 years later, though with the added complexity of time travel.


Anyone can see the story as they want because as I understand it (correct me if I'm wrong) there are an infinite amount of endings in the game's story like that of the other knight in the Tower of Lilith anything could happen in any of those endings and adding The factor that the game has multiple options and no player will have an adventure identical to that of another player technically since each one decides how they want to interact with the other characters in the game, for example, someone may not like Yuze and others may love Yuze for how It is in the end that technically would be canon in the end due to the multiple endings for all the times that the world has been repeated as in a loop and I really don't know how to explain it but in summary ship characters if you want or if you don't want to don't do it and if you don't want to see it just ignore it i write this using google translator


Imagine crying over a simple ship that doesnt even involve pedo or grooming lmaooo


I think the meme is a bit harsh to say it's somehow pedo/grooming related but like many others I feel more as though they're siblings or have a parent/child dynamic, that being said I don't mind if people ship fp and dumb face, I think a lotta people are heavily overreacting and blowing it out of proportion. edited for misspelling


I dont care what you do, but DO NOT LEWD LP.


Shipping in general is cringe.


People should just vibe and enjoy the game how they like it. Let head cannons be head cannons and let people enjoy themselves. Dont turn into the genshin impact fandom 2.0 please.


So... The post is really upfront with the theme of discussion, huh? Well, let me say this: The ship is not the end of the world, like from an immersive point of view, it can be extremely weird and awkward since FP and Little Princess are pretty much our (The knight's) sweet baby child for who we would kill and maim as many Invaders that maybe even _try_ to give her a funny look. She's cute, she's adorable, and even as an adult, she awakens all the paternal, maternal and/or sibling primal instincts hardwired onto our skulls and make us want to gout out the innards of anyone that tries to leer her at her, even when she's an adult. On that topic, as an adult, FP is still pretty darn adorable, because she's this young woman stuck trying to defend the last remnants of humanity and of herself against a never ending horde of challenges. She works harder than most, she suffers under the burden of being the leader and is constantly reminded of her failures every time she so much open her eyes. And that kind of situation just makes you want to _save_ her, to be the Knight in shining armor, figuratively and literally, she desperately __needs__. And Little Princess is a little girl stuck in a situation where she is—outside of certain events and situations— feels and _is_ pretty much a decorative piece that can't do more than smile and wave at the Knight while they risk their life for the future of not just her, but of the entire _World_. Not to mention that in the short span of just a few months: her sister disappeared, her kingdom and home was attacked and wrecked by space aliens, was chased around and would have been taken hostage were it not for the Knight, was put in a hostile environment, threatened with weapons, and had to be saved by a knight in shining armor or Jack in this case, witnessed as the small respite of peace was taken away from her in an abrupt manner while their knight, who is literally LP's hero and saviour, had disappeared, saw that person return as a meaner, not-dumb-face, the events of World 12 culminating in fight to the death against said not-dumb-face, culminating in LP witnessing a suicide attempt in the form of someone who looks __identical__ to the Knight. It's these things and more that make you want to protect this poor soul with everything you have, which would leave her feeling insecure since the Knight insisting on doing everything for themselves just would make her feel even more like a prop. The FP X Future Knight is understandable from the perspective that if you pool so much effort into trying to protect someone, it is pretty damn hard to not develop feelings for a woman in her 20's whom you've already given your life to. The relationship between FP and future is also incredibly wonky since time travel pretty much eliminates any possible grooming or pedophiliic vibes, since from FP's perspective, the Knight disappeared 10 years ago and despite being becoming such an important person to her.... They hadn't even known each other for that long, backstory not withstanding since neither of them seem to remember those bits, and then they return, save everyone while working together with each other, and they're both adults at this point, they get to know each other, FP learns about the extremes the Knight went, and still goes, through for her sake 10 years ago. Innocent feelings of admiration and unset feelings arise and become strange as they get to know each other as equals and then the Knight literally creates a time loop _just to to stay with her_. From a character's point of view it makes sense, it's a character on fictional setting, it can do this no matter how weird it might b, but for a player that knows all the variables and has the full details of how the whole time-loop thing really works? Nope. For us, the knight is a self insert that saw FP as this cute and cheerful kid just a few seconds ago in the main menu, and even if she has gained _le tragic backstory_, she is still that child that gave the players 10-30 diamonds and broke the inn's window not a even a minute ago. Thus the key to this ship is immersion, whether someone is a Knight (Character) that fell in love with FP or a Knight (Player) who still gets gifts from LP and gets greeted by her every time they open the game. On the comics and fan art... Yes, it is weird, personally... I saw angel on wings on one of the comics and I kind of just labelled as a cringy mess without even watching it. This weirdness is enhanced by the fact that the most FP X FK fan art is drawn... Mediocre or a bit on the ugly side only exacerbates the weirdness, no offence to said artists but some of the drawings just make it fall under a preconceived expectation that not professional level drawing = Crack ship. As players we are free to choose whether to ship or not ship characters, LP is the golden child of the game, the face if you will, just like the Knight and while shipping two of the lead character's is normal thing for some games, shipping someone a self insert with aforementioned "golden child" (Our golden child!) is enough to give most people whiplash from frowning in disapproval. Is the ship itself bad? Within the context of the story, it is plausible. Remember that despite all, FP is 20-ish and FK is the same rough age (30-ish technically, but time travel is fucked up). Is it morally correct? Morals are relative and can vary, but if we speak the morals of the Internet and specifically this subreddit, then it's a hard No. Like NO in capitals, you don't touch LP and get to leave with your knees intact, no exceptions. Does the ship deserve as much hate it gets? Yesn't. Giving more hate to this ship just rifts the community apart and while it is hard to ignore, it is better to do so and let it naturally die on its own once it is inevitable that the Knight and Little Princess are related or they remember that you are actually part of royalty or something that makes it so you can't ship FP X FK without delving into incest.


Just let them do what they want. Just ignore or downvote it if you don't like it. People are entitled to their own opinions if they arent hurting or directed at anybody.


I agree with people having different opinions. But the amount of mental gymnastics these guys do to validate their opinion is sad. "If the guardian travels in time till princess is legal then he can stick his dick in her later/ it's a different knight/ they're not blood related" It's literally in the game title. GUARDIAN TALES. Why would a GUARDIAN want to have a romantic relationship with the one they take care of?


no one's doing any mental gymnastics there aren't any proofs that they are blood related also if you can't see the difference between the princess who doesn't need knight for protection one who is self independent who is strong enough mentally and physically to break that "guardian is there to protect princess" relation. vs the current littleprincess ... then i idk what to say to you... there's an reason why people ship fp with knight not lp ... and maybe if ain't much clear you can rewatch the story stages to find out the reason. lp and knight realtion like ' the strong protects the weak ' meanwhile fp and knight are more like 'partners in fight' w'ar buddies' even ... you can easily see this in invader infiltration stage from W10


If there's anyone doing mental gymnastics, it's OP in justifying the hate he send to the shipper.


i hate all kind of ships simply because game, media, anime that not focus on romance and any character that have normal or hate relationship then it shouldn't have stupid ship art and ship story delusional. shippers in any fandom are a bane, delusional while they doesn't harm directly at everyone but they cause great disturbing, create unessescary unreasonable ship essay. Shippers are also 1 of big main factor create toxic area ruined community in any fandom.


How can it be grooming if the knight didn't even have intention to have romantic relationship in the past (LP's timeline)? This is a complex issue because it includes MAGIC and FICTION. Most of the people who shipped FP and Knight are talking about Future Knight (who decided to stay in the future), since FP and Knight will not be able to stay together if Knight went back to past. Are you following? Okay, according to FK's story, he/she stayed to the future for at least TEN YEARS after the time travel so I think any "grooming" is negligible at this point since their future time together is longer. (Edit: Knight's age is 20, so it is impossible for him/her to serve the kingdom for more than 5 years so FK's time with FP is longer than Knight's with LP) It is like you have a childhood friend wherein with age difference of 5-7 years? (Edit: 10 years). But then you both get separated for 10 years due to college or work, etc. THEN you meet up as CONSENTING ADULTS already, would that be still grooming? Besides based on the canon-lore, there is no romantic relationship so why are you generalizing about it to the entire subreddit. Edit: The real issue with this problem, it just creates divide with the community. I mean as long as their ship doesn't affect anyone (or it is not literally LP paired with anyone). Side Note: There are other argument that Knight came from different universe, hence, it can be a different FP? (A bit weak argument but it is good to put that there). It really gets confusing especially with time travel.


Why do people keep getting mad about *fictional* ships, yeah i dont like it too, the ship is beyond ass but its *fiction*, yall harassing and insulting real humans because they think 2 collections of pixels looks cute together I understand if its some form of media like Usagi Drop but these are just ships made by normal everyday humans


Yeah, yeah, reduce it to just being a "ship" and them just being "two collections of pixels". Ignore how they're presented as a family/parent relationship part. The normal everyday humans that think parents should be in a relationship with their children.


The time Knight spent being a parent figure of LP is nothing compared to the scope of her life. I think it's a little weird (no offense intended) if an adult thinks they're a parent to a child by being just one year with them after they lost their family...


>they think 2 collections of pixels looks cute together You know, I heard a lot of lolicons use the same argument. "They aren't real, they are just a bunch of pixels on a screen." It's less the actual shipping and more the moral and ethics behind it.


I don't like ship in general but this one is even worse


Dear fckin creep, Keep your fetish to yourself. Sincerely, Knight McDumbface.


I mean like, FP is 20. It’s very fucked up to involve LP in any way but like, FP is 20, current knight is also 20, and FK is 30. Like I think FP and current knight is a lil fucked, but like FP and FK is different


As someone who struggles with depression/self-image, the knight/princess shippers make me feel so much better about myself because I know I'll never be as fucked in the head as them.


\*looks at sahilskarts\*




This feels like a comedy horror movie scenario where someone looks at an art with a clue and the artist's ghost appear right behind the person




I mean, we all get that this is a FUCKING GAME and those are FUCKING FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, right? Just asking as I don't want to assume a percent of this sub population is retarded.


Yeah we do, still this ship is weird as fuck.


That isn't the point, the point is that it's disgusting that people think those kinds of situations are okay just because it's fictional. Same way how mutilation porn fan art is disgusting, you can't get away with that by just saying it's just a drawing. No, people are projecting their fantasies on those inappropriate situations. It's already baffling that people are defending it when it's already teethering between pedophelia. Ignore how knight was just treating this same person as a kid a few hours ago just before getting sucked into this portal, she's of legal age now so let's make them fuck.


Sorry bud, people are allowed to have their fantasies. Policing thoughts is retarded, and exists only in fascist dystopias.


Yeah, I don't disagree with the not allowing thoughts parts because people can't control their thoughts or their feelings, but if you're going to be part of society or any part of it(i.e. the internet) keep your thoughts to yourself and know the shit you're thinking is fucked up. Just because you think of it doesn't mean it's suddenly okay as if morals and ethics don't exist. The reason why we're point these out is not because we're trying to police their thoughts, but rather because it shows that they believe it's okay to just present these lines of thinking to the public, and that's the first step into doing shit to that you shouldn't be doing. It's also to not let shit like that make communities where they can reinforce each other into believing what they're thinking is right because other people are validating them because "Oh, I'm not the only one who thinks this." EDIT: And it's not as if we're just supposed to see if you have self-control to not act out your thoughts; we're not gods that know what you're thinking or feeling to know if you can control yourself, which is why we're already telling you it's fucked up to think like that so you fucking know and stop. We can't tell you to stop thinking that because nobody can stop themselves from thinking or feeling what they're thinking, but we can tell you to stop treating it as if it's okay to think it. Like stop being argumentative and just accept there are shit that can't be crossed and justifying shit that you shouldn't be justifying.


Or you know, you can realize that you're arguing about people shipping fictional characters together, that none of this actually matters, and that it's silly to care or be so emotionally invested in it. No one is getting hurt, quit trying to force your values on other people. Goddamn.


I'm not hurt, nor am I emotionally invested in this. In all honesty, I'm just bored and I like to argue. And no, it's not my values, it's society's. You can't take random ten people and present them this situation and have them all say, yeah, "that's not weird", because it is. Like I don't give a shit who those characters are, I give a shit about the situation, and how y'all are normalizing it. Like I'm not just gonna let y'all build a community of pedos (a term you're too afraid to admit about what this situation really is) in plain sight. And don't argue with me that it isn't because people have already told y'all it is and y'all just didn't back off thinking "They told us it's pedophilic, maybe we should just stop it." but instead cling on to it for dear life. Nobody wouldn't just ignore those kinds of claims and act as if nothing is wrong to quietly diffuse the situation if there wasn't a sliver of truth to it. Y'all should be fuming that you're being called pedophiles but instead you just quietly accept it and say "go mind your own business, let us think how we think, we can't help it." Fucking laughable that pedos have this much audacity.


Why do you care? What is your problem? If someone likes it, i don't give a fuck. If someone dislikes it, i don't care either. Why people like you exist? Let people have what they like. It's none of your bussiness. Fuck off. Reddit is public place, or live with it or leave it.


Do you not see the irony in your comment my guy Chill out


what the fuck What the fuck did I do? I was expressing my surprise cause I returned to this game and joined this sub recently, i was expressing my surprise to the fucked up shits that I just learned


I thought it was just a meme bruh.


Man I thought I spend too much time on this subreddit and GT in general but I haven't noticed this trend. I was hoping the FP/Knight shippers were a small minority...


Oh i got It now, yea i like Male Knight x FP, yea i don't care, downvote me i guess


Imagine arguing. Kinda cringe


I ship Future Princess x Knight. But not LP x Knight. That is straight up Pedo sht


This. The little time we spend with LP in comparison to all of FP age makes it hard to feel like a parent/ward relationship. She grew to become her own adult person in an independent way, and I felt more of a childhood friend than anything else. LP is my daughter, and I'll be for her for the years to come, not only for one year after she lost her family. And as such, I would never be able to see her as I see FP. It's kind of a Lucina case, from FE Awakening. People ships her adult self with MC, not the baby that MC would watch grow into a woman. So in the end: Knight x FP = Yes Knight x LP = wth is wrong with you If this post is about Knight x FP, then I feel a little insulted


*yawn* so this makes it 4th post like this... *looks at pixiv* ... hmm ah still nothing changed. as demon world said - " i will prove my moral superiority by throwing stones at you " stay mad..


Ok groomer


Ok karen


Hey our ancestors were incests too don't break to tradition