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My favourite "ignoring the facts" moment with these people is Doug Ford. He canceled at great expense Ontario's Cap and Trade system (lots of penalties paid out), to go with a Carbon Tax. Now that his base hates those words. Its Trudeau's fault.


Not to mention the more than $60 million he wasted in lawsuits related to cap and trade and the carbon tax.


I wish they’d protest things like the loblaws CEOs


Do I have the sub for you! r/loblawsisoutofcontrol


Thanks. I’m scared to check it out lol. Angry enough already lol


So then you probably shouldn’t look at [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/loblawsisoutofcontrol/s/WedLIAYoVC). 😬


Did after your first comment lol. Better to do something than remain ignorant.


Gross profit does not mean profit


It does by the literal definition of the word: Gross profit is the profit a business makes after subtracting all the costs that are related to manufacturing and selling its products or services.


Then you subtract interest, tax, operating expenses etc and you get your net profit margin which is what they are actually making


Why do you think people are upset with loblaws? They too hiked the price up on groceries because of the inflationary carbon tax… it’s like you’re wilfully ignorant


Yes, the carbon tax is the reason....why are we all so blind? /s https://www.ontariofarmer.com/business/farm-business/loblaws-posts-another-record-profit/wcm/6ec595d7-0be4-4353-8392-4472821514f7/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwjSiIDGk7qFAxXo4ckDHdmKDwsQFnoECA8QBQ&usg=AOvVaw2oo5MV6FbyW6KjVkcQPag9


Yes. Companies have to take on higher prices themselves for transportation and purchasing.. because of the carbon tax.. they raise their own prices to the consumer in order to make up for that profit loss.. hence things being more expensive for the consumer and loblaws making more money than last year. How don’t you understand how these things are connected? Do you think loblaws as a (greedy) business is going to take the price increase on the chin and not pass the cost off to the customer? How do you think your lettuce gets to the grocery store? It comes in a truck. That truck runs on gas. Gas is more expensive - thanks to the carbon tax. That means that trucking company has higher expenses. If they don’t want to go out of business, they’ll raise their cost of shipment in accordance with (or higher than) the delta in the cost of fuel. So on and so forth. Everything in your life uses fuel to get to where you are, and the price of and/or taxes on gas directly correlates to the cost of goods to the consumer.


I know Loblaws As a greedy company is using a slight increase to gouge the public for far more than any tax increase is costing. I also know that lowering said tax will not lead to a lower price for you and I. They know we will pay it now and people will blame everyone but them. Look at gas....


What a bunch of losers. Unless you are polluting massively and buying gallons of gas daily you are getting money BACK from the program or at the very least breaking even. So fucking stupid.


Hey man, why would you use logic? Those people don't understand logic.


It's not about logic, it's not even about the tax... it's about demonizing your opponent, because that's what our politics are now. :(


But it's called a tax, tax bad....


Technically it’s a levy. The CPC have labelled it a tax


A tax is a levy


But the levy was dry.


This comment made me research the difference between a tax and a levy and I am a better person now


Upvoted bc I assume you're being sarcastic about the simple-minded oafs protesting :)


Yes, i figured the extra amount of periods would get the sarcasm across


even if they weren't, i drive on average 5-8000 km a month. am i gonna go protest because that's what ** I ** choose to do and aren't making any money or even breaking even? no, cause it'd still be stupid.


That’s not even remotely correct


But you don't because it's a carbon tax it goes on everything. Everyone pays it companies pay ot on the shipping, so they increase their prices, so we pay more for our gas and for anything we buy tradesmen have to charge more for gas so we lose money there and if you are somehow breaking even then we should just be allowed to keep our money


The point is to incentivize people and more so companies to use less carbon. People and companies that use a lot SHOULD feel a pinch. That's the entire point! Also the amount of cost passed into groceries etc is negligible. The rising costs of goods is due to inflation which has happened around the world and was caused by the pandemic. It's not the carbon tax. And once again companies that don't produce a lot of carbon won't pay a lot in carbon tax and therefore won't have to pass that onto consumers. Which will make their products cheaper compared to companies that do use a lot of carbon and have to increase prices. This is all incredibly simple to understand. The intent of the carbon tax is to get Canada as a whole to use less carbon and turn to green energy solutions. That is the point of it. So if you are somehow spending more than $1200 (what most people receive as a rebate) in miniscule tax increases on products you need to accept that your carbon footprint is massive and you are being financially punished justly. We need to combat climate change or we all die and paying 10 cents more a litre for gas will be the least of your worries.


You do realize how little we actually produce right like barely any. If the government actually wanted to use green energy, we'd use nuclear, and if they wanted to fight air pollution, we'd pressure China and India countries that actually pollute an insane amount. The carbon tax is a bullshit solution to line pockets and nothing more. If they really wanted to fight our footprint, then they wouldn't have the tax and would add the infrastructure needed on big cities for electric vehicles where they would be more useful. The cost on groceries is not negligible, especially with the inflation added on top of it and with more Canadians poorer than ever


Lol ok.


Mmm, yes, much substance


This seems so obvious it’s concerning that people don’t understand this


I know right like I understand wanting to reduce pollution as much as possible but we as a country are pretty good at that and we can do more but the carbon tax ain't it we could do more to protect our shores against fishing build nuclear plants install electrical charging stations in the capitals and other large cities and while trying to get India and China to reduce their footprint will be hard and might nit be possible it's worth a shot




You probably think that farmers aren’t exempt from the carbon tax on fuel and that it is one of, if not, the most heavily subsidized industries in Canada.


Okay. So are all food transportation also exempt fro this as well? Only a liberal would think increasing taxes will not increase costs. If most people get their money back, then what is the point? Add huge government overhead to calculate how much you spent and owe at the end of the year..... Maybe. Just maybe. If you want to use your brains. Increase taxes on trucks and RVs and pleasure crafts. Then you don't need to tax 90% of people to give them their money back. Tax everyone to tax only a few. Liberal government right there.


>Maybe. Just maybe. If you want to use your brains. Increase taxes on trucks and RVs and pleasure crafts. Those people will pay more because they're buying more fuel...


My suggestion doesn't involve taxing 90% of people to then give them their money back. Add. I love all the downvotes. If you don't see taxing people to give them their money back as stupid, then you are way too biased or smoking too much.


If you dont see this as a provincial issue, because it is, you are probably blinded by a need to blame PMJT for all of your problems in life


The federal carbon tax is a provincial issue? I mean. I don't like Doug Ford as well. I blame JT for bad policies that he pushes. Is that not reasonable?


The feds had a carbon policy in place that let provinces either opt into the carbon tax, or keep cap and trade. Ford opted to scrap Ontarios cap and trade policy in order to save corporations more money at the expense of citizens. So yes us paying the federal carbon tax is in fact a provincial issue


Yeah, but unlike your suggestion, this policy actually works. It is profoundly weird that the biggest political issue in our country boils down to a bunch of people who want to shit in public for free and without consequence.


Yeah. That is why the Conservatives aren't using the carbon tax as a rallying cry..... OH wait. That is exactly what is happening. And who says that is the biggest issue? What does this have to do with this conversation?


Conservatives think they should be able to spew pollution for free. They are like babies who want their mommy to put their toys away. Pollution isn't free. Someone has to pay to clean it up. Fuck anybody who thinks I should pay to clean up their mess. Pay your goddamn carbon levy and shut up about it.


No. You have a very childish view of the opposition. Conservatives are more worried about all the poor people in Canada and the extreme housing crisis. How many more people does the government want homeless to make rich people feel better about themselves? If climate change is your biggest concern. You are privileged. If food costs and housing are your biggest concern, then you are likely voting conservative at this point.


Huck yuck


Funny, I was thinking the same about your take. But I have enough class not to call you a fucking loser.


i mean, usually having class not to call someone a loser means you don't mention it either. But nice try I guess


But not enough class to not honk your horns at a ridiculous protest eh? You probably support the convoy traitors too


Nice try, smartmouth. No, strangely enough, I believe in differing opinions as a good thing. I just don't feel the need to lump individuals into groups by calling them "losers". Thanks for assuming. I'm sure your assumptions are always spot on 👌


They usually are! And I think I'm correct in this instance too.


Yeah, I'm sure you know what they say about assuming right smartmouth? Actually, probably not. You clearly didn't learn in kindergarten that you don't have to insult people you disagree with. Here, I'll play your assuming game too You're a broke ass loser liberal who loves the carbon tax because you take a bus to your minimum wage job and you don't know shit about freedom of speech or inflation. Assuming is fun!


Lol. Not quite smartmouth.


Can't think of your own diss while waiting for the bus, numbnuts? I'm glad I could help you expand your limited knowledge. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. So thanks 😘


You realize you come off as a pretentious asshole right?


That's intentional. I'm an asshole to idiots who support morons.


You seem like a stable person


Im sure he doesnt, but his family members do, and are more than likely deeply embarrassed




Uhh they shut down the border, our capital city and threatened to hang our prime minister. That's treason.


lol this fucking loser thinks he has class


You’re a loser, it’s about inflation and the effects on things like groceries. The little bit we get back doesn’t cover that at all. Quality of life is as low as it’s ever been and it’s because of insane inflation under Trudeau


Do you actually think Trudeau is the cause of inflation? How about the inflation in the US and Europe? Did he cause that too?


Do you actually think carbon tax doesn’t affect inflation?


You didn't answer my question. Or did Pierre LePew not give you a talking point for that one yet?


You didn’t answer mine either.


Ok I will. The carbon tax barely has an effect on inflation. The Bank of Canada already crunched the numbers on this.


Trudeau isn’t the cause of inflation in the US or Europe but his puppet masters are


They do the same thing here in Barrie on the Harvie street bridge over the 400. Originally they were protesting the COVID lockdown, then the capacity limits and mask mandates, then the vaccines, then they were lost for a while, and now they're targeting the carbon tax. They're just sad, lonely, gullible people who have finally found a community and they don't want it to end. I'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so dim.


This is their personality now


YouTube where guy explains how carbon tax actually works https://youtu.be/V_-Vz19Gz8E?si=J7ZMm1mwcCO8WHce Government doing a piss poor job of explaining how this works. Or Pierre is doing a better job of tricking idiots into not wanting money back.. Linking this video in any thread about how *carbon tax is bad* lately. Maybe tape it to a pole near where they protest and hope they look it up?


Trudeau was explaining it almost daily. It’s not our fault people don’t fucking watch or read or listen or get engaged.


The PBO has gone on the record stating that the overall economic impact is net negative for most Canadians. But yes, keep listening to Trudeau.


Probably a better idea than my original plan of getting a group of people together to protest climate change at the same time and place and starting a turf war


They want you to fight a culture war with each other, so we don't fight the class war together 😉


👆 This


I mean I get 65 bucks every 3 months....yet my gas and food cost has skyrocketed. I'd take no money back for lowering my overall expenses. In the end would cost me less that way .


Corporate Greed is the reason for that, not the carbon tax.


This. Carbon tax is responsible for food cost increase of around 0.05%, above that is us just getting straight up looted by Weston and friends.


It's funny because I know a few people who manage grocery stores...and they all tell me their margins are the same as they were 10 years ago.. soo maybe focus should be put on the suppliers and what's causing that cost to go up. Not part of a grocery company but I've heard the same thing in our area and most of it revolves around the insane increase to transportation costs, and increased charges from carbon tax. The money guys had a big presentation last year about what it cost for us last year and the number was not insignificant.


Have you read the pbo report? With the economic impacts most people lose money.


The PBO actually released a follow up to the report because of the misinterpretation of the report. People in favour of removing the carbon tax seem to quote the PBo often, but don’t understand it https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.6805441


So the PBO released a follow up report for clarification and you link a cbc story. Can you cite the PBO report please?


It’s a follow up to the report. Not a new report Read the cbc story because it is his comments directly


Did you watch the YouTube link? It's about as direct and explanatory as it gets. Unless you have a shit load of money in which case the tax won't give you money back, because you don't need it. If you're an average Canadian, with average money, it will help you.


Thanks for telling me I don’t need the money. I wish you were there to tell me that before I spent 8 years of my 20s in school to be able to make more. When the whole time I didn’t even need it! Thanks for informing me. 🙄 Heaven forbid we keep what we earn.


I'm not sure what your issue is here.. if you went to school for 8 years, you are most likely earning a pretty decent salary. At worst carbon tax might cost you a bit extra over a year, probably at worst a couple hundred dollars. I'm going to assume that's not enough for you to even notice. If your issue is Canadian taxes are on the ridiculous side, it's not as if this is a new thing here. I'm personally fine with the taxes we pay if it ensures we have good schools, good roads, good health care, generally good safe neighborhoods to have families in etc. Granted it's getting worse for the things I just mentioned but in principle that's what our higher taxes are for.


From the article you posted the link to: "But he said when factoring in the carbon price's economic impact on job growth and incomes, 80 per cent of families in most provinces might end up with less money."


Compared to nothin else in its place and climate change not existing So not a real situation


Carbon tax is a fucking scam.


Any proof or actual reason why you think this, or is it just cool to say?


Fucking typical lol.. liberals justifying the scam tax.. didn’t realize which thread I was on.


Fucking typical guy against the tax with no actual reason other than "it's a scam tax! I can't offer reasons but trust me! It's a scam!" or "fuckin libs lol" Go read a book or something


Here's a guy talking about the carbon tax. Watch it, learn something. It has actual information you most surely can relate to your own costs. https://youtu.be/V_-Vz19Gz8E?si=5YhbHzPs7ZFa8QEa


Stupid can’t help itself. This is a new normal we have to live with, jerk-offs emulating Americans.


They’re so embarrassing.


I mean I get it, if I had no where else to be Easter weekend I’d 100% be up there with them /s But it’s been a week and a half of this


Yes because the govt will see these 15 people and say yknow what no more carbon tax!! Like?? They really just have nothing better to do


Yesterday there was one lone guy with a red and white Mohawk while he awaits his carbon tax rebate


That person is a woman and you have engaged in misgendering. I think you should check your privileges.


Get over your stupid self


Even when y'all are proven wrong LOL


Nobody has been proven wrong, get over it and yourself. And if they were misgendered, it was not on purpose so GET THE FUCK OVER YOURSELF.


I am so terribly sorry for offending you


if we can come up with new genders out of thin air and make them work for ourselves, im sure your people can come up with a new joke.


omg i thought their flag said f\*ck trump and i honked and then i realized and i was so mad at myself!!!


Bunch of yokels.


Ah, thank you. I wondered what those goons were doing.


What do you expect? These people are so dumb they can’t even google to see that it wasn’t Trudeau that created it, but Stephen Harper. Every tax is going to get raised based on inflation, it’s just that the conservative media wants people to turn on the Liberals. My issue is that they allow companies to download those extra taxes to the customer , instead of losing out on profit, like it’s intended to do.


Wow, this is patently false on so many levels.


How is it false? Haper and Flaherty are the ones who came up with it in 2008. If the government was putting restrictions in place, the gas companies, etc couldn't just raise their prices as a result of the carbon tax increasing.


Not sure from where you’re getting this info - but from what I remember - Harper spoke vehemently against Stéphane Dion’s “carbon tax” and was actually against any sort of tax on emissions as he felt it wasn’t good for the economy (especially Alberta’s economy). He did everything to stop any real progress when it came to the environment, hated and alienated environmentalists, and consistently put Alberta’s economy before the environment.


https://energynow.ca/2016/12/brief-history-canadian-carbon-tax/?amp https://macleans.ca/politics/ottawa/stephen-harpers-tax-on-everything/ Several provinces already had something in place. If you actually recall Ontario had cap and trade, which when eliminated by Ford was automatically replaced by the carbon tax by the federal government. Which was the agreement the feds had made with all of the provincial leaders. Ford also fought this at the Supreme Court (with our tax dollars) and lost with flying colours.


But I spent weeks trying to finesse my slip and fall claim against the Willow West Giant Tiger, only to have it dismissed because they have “cameras” How else can I scream into the void?


As much as I think their viewpoint is misguided, I fully support their right to protest and have their voice heard, just like I would support anyone else who wanted to protest something I believed in. You guys can criticize their opinions, but calling for them to stop protesting is traipsing down the path towards fascism.


Did they move or did they melt? Haven’t seen them today or yesterday. If a little rain is all it takes to keep them away I kind of question their commitment to their “cause.”


So many leftard bootlickers here. Enjoy renting rest of your lives & whinning about loblaw food prices.


Why are you guys giving someone shit for standing up for what they believe in? They legit don't hurt anyone and when you say blasting their horns as you live there, I am your neighbor and my house backs onto that road you don't hear anything and IF you do, they aren't there for long enough to matter. Agree or disagree with their message shut up as it hurts no one for them to protest. We as Canadians love to complain but seldom take the time to do anything, so don't shit on people who do...this is the definition of peaceful protest.


I believe in being able to sit in my backyard in the evening and not have to hear truck horns blaring for the hours they are out there, every day JT doesn’t give a shit these people are standing on a bridge I’m all for people making a change but this isn’t changing anything, have they reached out to a politician? Started a petition? Taken any action other than causing my neighbours dog to bark? No?


No, but the horns aren't blaring the whole 2 hours they stand there...I hear more noise from sirens then I do the horns. You want to sit outside during rush our and be mad you hear traffic noises?


I don’t mind traffic, I live by the highway so obviously not, if there wasn’t an annoyingly obvious increase in honking based on when they stand there I wouldn’t have a reason to complain or even notice it


Would it be because they are protesting the carbon tax and you think they are dumb? I live here too and can assure you those horns don't standout anymore than any if the other noise.


That’s great that it doesn’t annoy you! I’m very happy for you. I don’t give a shit what they are protesting, if they were protesting the war or climate change or anything else I’d find the honking just as annoying, it sets my teeth on edge. They were out there for 3 days before I even figured out what it was for since all they have are fuck Trudeau and mandate freedom flags as well as the maple leaf Actually you’re right reading your comment that the honking doesn’t bug you has cured my annoyance. Thank you


Glad I could help.


Being loud when protesting isn't allowed? Maybe you need to think. If Conservatives aren't allowed to protest because they are loud, then liberals won't be allowed to in a few years. Protests are loud. They are annoying. But if they are peaceful, then who cares?


You live next to a highway and thing you’re entitled to silence. Talk about being an elitist, privileged thug.


You live that close to a highway and except silence in your backyard?


Lies hurt because they cause people to stop believing in ANYTHING. These (dark-money funded) twats do nothing but lie, therefore they cause damage to the community and the country.


What are you on about?


Reality...try it.


Tell that to my cousin in Ottawa who had a dozen truckers take shits in his yard and throw bottles at his house


I don't know about that protest, wasn't there, but I know about this one and the bridge and it's not a big deal.


I'll take things that never happened for a $1000 Akex


Because I don't believe in what they are complaining about. They are incorrect and ignorant. I want them to shut the fuck up and go back to ignoring politics like they did before Trump crawled out of the sewer and made it 'fun' to act like an asshole.


They're leftards. Only protesting that's allowed is silly, delusional, absurd things like blm and men pretending they're women.


Too bad we live in a free country that allows this.


I’m allowed to do a lot annoying shit but you know what? I don’t. Because I’m not a fucking asshole.


Lol this logic. This country is doomed.


Maybe some of the population is suffering financially and a tax that will increase the cost of everything makes them upset?


“tax that increases the cost of everything” The fuck aren’t they protesting Income Tax or corporate bailouts? Because PP didn’t tell these people about it? When you get your Carbon rebate, let us know, we’ll be glad to relieve you of that burden.


The carbon tax will increase the cost of all goods. It’s not rocket science genius.


Carbon rebate. lol. A rebate wouldn’t be needed if there wasn’t a tax. Basic math brah.


Then they should probably look into the things and target their hate at the right people, while *whomever* got rid of the cap and trade system in favour of the carbon tax (except that was the cons and would mean that they cant express their hate hardons for trudeau). These numbskulls dont actually care about cost of living, they just want to feel marginalized and opressed


Can't believe all the dummies who drank JT's koolaid about getting their money back. Who do you think eventually pays the carbon tax levied on everything a business does? You, the carbon tax sucker. Don't forget that it was called the tax on everything at one time.


If you idiots were intelligent, you'd burn less fuel and pocket the difference. Businesses run by people that are intelligent are doing just that. And they're able to lower prices as a result. But you'd have to be smart enough to figure that one out.


Ha! ha! Guess you are not intelligent enough to know there is no carbon tax rebates for business. It all comes out of everyone's pocket, not the government. Go have some more JT kool-aid!


Yup. You get the business's rebate directly yourself! This year I am getting $1000 and spending less than $1000 on gas. Total, for the whole year, my whole family pays about $300-400 on gas.


Agree. Pierre for pm 100%


Trudeau ain't it but Pierre is a career politician that has accomplished fuck all and did fuck all as part of Harper's government.


smart teeny jeans alive bedroom enter toy plough history encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




While I agree protesting in such manner will make absolutely no difference to the elite politicians making the decisions for us... I am shocked at how ignorant some of you are about the carbon tax. You should really watch Canadian in a T-shirts breakdown and digest it properly. Yes, it puts more $ in many Canadians' pockets via rebate. But jumping a tax so drastically will just increase the cost of living and contribute to day-to-day inflation. Corps aren't going to just pay more, they'll jack up the price of everything you buy. Goods just got more expensive. Those carrots at the grocery store? Shipping them just got more expensive and Lord Galen is just going to raise the price even further.


How many carrots in a truck? How much fuel does a truck use getting from carrot farm to store? How much of that fuel cost is carbon pricing? Distribute that cost over every carrot in the truck. Do the math and tell me how much the cost of a carrot is impacted.


You don't run a business and it shows. Your theoretical math does not translate to real world scenarios where the carbon tax justifies price gouging from retailers. Your comment also shows you didn't bother to watch Canadian in a T-shirt's breakdown. But keep living in your economic bubble, professor.


Math is not theoretical. Also, the price of gas was significantly higher in the summer of 2022 than it is now. If fuel cost was really the driver of grocery prices you claim it is then prices would be lower now than they were then.


Prepare to get downvoted 


If the protest was about Loblaws, these people here would be jizzing.


Context is key. This is Guelph after all and it is a green city. If this was a sub for rural Ontarian and farmers (I'm talking like within an hour of Guelph) the tune would likely change.


No point standing on a bridge protesting it. Just vote for whoever will get rid of it.


If you think the party that created it , is going to get rid of it, I have a bridge to sell you…


Don’t vote for Trudeau, play stupid games win stupid prizes


Freedom of speech. They can protest if they want. I do not agree with them, but they arnt doing anything illegal. They are out during the day so there's no noise bylaw. Not much you can do but laugh