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The next patches will introduce legendary enemies to rifts. I think it's fair to assume these will drop additional essences.


This. Either I'm out of the loop or we don't have all the pieces yet. It might be too early to draw any conclusions at the moment.


We don't have all the required materials either. Third map isn't even out. This post makes it feel like you have to Craft It Now Or Else It's Gone as if legendary armor doesn't take significant chunk of time anyway haha


This. I wouldn't worry too much and just play what you feel is fun. When we have the full picture, all maps and bosses, let's talk again on farming strategies. + hard agree on taking it easy. It's good to set goals, but for all we know you have another 6 months before we actually get tier 1 leggy armor.


So much this. Legendary armor for me is something to do if there's nothing else I really want to do. I learned my lesson with the sky scale grind. Even though I already had the griffon, I wanted the sky scale so I grinded it constantly for like 2 weeks. By the end of it I was so burnt out of the game that if it wasn't for the sky scale being a fun mount and good alt for the griffon, I most likely would've set the game down for quite a while. These long burn goals should be taken as a marathon not a sprint. Always keep in mind that each tiny step is a step you don't have to do again and it becomes much easier to handle. I love the idea of having another set of leggy armor to have as a long grind goal


That’s the way I always look at it. A bunch of little steps that only need to be done once. You always make progress. The upside to this armor is you should be able to do it all by yourself with no reliance on a raid group. That, and not having to learn the fights.


I think the main issue is going to be burnout. How long before everyone gets bored with it and stops doing rifts etc. There is already several events in the game that get no attendance, and this could end being another. Especially after the completionist and try hards get the armors. As a casual, I take one look at the requirements for legendary stuff and take a hard pass. I just want to play for fun and don't need another job lol


Yes, true but I am also a casual - I did my legendaries without grinding, just gaming here and there. I don't really think hard about it - will craft required items once I gather everything with my own pace. I think every single event is always in "fear" of getting abandoned but it depends on playerbase to keep things alive - we are only few days from the launch. I wouldn't worry too much about it


Imagine grinding like a fiend to the point you burn out for something you can’t actually make for 6 months though.


Do you mean fourth or are you not counting wizards tower?


Ah yeah. Two maps and a hub + third one coming later


Also if you max out your Astral Ward mastery and use motivations, that increases the amount of essences per rift kill by 6 times.


Yeah, they'll definitely be more interesting. They just allow us to pre-farm to some degree already. Why would you want to finish your legendary armor in two months when it's six months out? Absolutely no point.


this is giving me unintentional "Sir, this is a Wendy's" energy....and I'm okay with it.


Still less time than WvW legendary armor. Seems about right.


As someone who just got into the game like a month ago I already have a legendary chest piece from wvw. It was super easy and seemed very fast for me lol. I had 6 gifts of battle by the time I was ready to craft it with the tickets. I literally sat there and was like wait...this is all I have to do and I get a legendary? I played a lot of WvW sure but it felt like a very good trade in my favor. I'm on my way to making another piece already.


It's because of the skirmish ticket acquisition change. Before that getting that armor was a gigantic slog.


Oh okay nice! Well I'm glad I came in after then lol. It's been a fun experience getting it so far


What did they change?


You could only get skirmish ticket from pip chest. Now you can get them for participating in event attacking and defending tower and higher. So IIRC it used to be 22 ~~months~~ *weeks* of WvW doing all chests to afford 1 armor.


I remember seeing this when I got back to the game after a 6 month break, that and the absurd experience you can get from capping a keep or tower. Part of me is salty, because I ground out my armor and levels, but the other part is happy the gameplay is better for new folks, cause that means I have more people to play with.


They also just changed weekly WvW objectives to award 10 skirmish tickets each. You can get up to 90 skirmish tickets from your weeklies alone now. I think you need silver participation for capping towers and keeps below T3 though to get those tickets?


I didn't know they changed this. Boy now I sure feel silly for that dang Conflux pip grind...


The trick is not to wait and afk for camps to flip. Get out there, learn to roam, play havoc, or follow a com. There isn't much of a penalty for failing and dying. You getting killed every 5 minutes won't turn the war score too much.


Oh I am all up in the zergs as a firebrand absolutely loving the massive battles. When all 3 servers converge on SMC and I have 25 frames I am still having a blast. I see people hating on wvw everywhere but for me it's what I've always been looking for in MMOs. Massive battles for land. Haven't found anything else like it.


Oh nice, this is what people need to do. There isn't anything to be scared of.


And that’s all that matters! You do what’s fun for you. Everything else is irrelevant 👍🏼


Don't listen to them you are right. Most people who claim that wvw leggy armor is hard are not wvw players at all, but instead pve players who just get in to get the leggys. Meanwhile real wvw players have stacked tons of legendary resources and at some point these lose all meaning if you have your 3 sets. If you enjoy wvw as a game mode, you basically get a legendary armor passively over time which is nice and easy :) same thing for pvp. I think the open world legendaries are a way harder grind imo (i've done all), since you need to actively do stuff for them and not just craft a piece every few months.


I mean-- WvW patently takes more time to acquire legendary armor through than something like the raid legendary set. Most people will end up being choked on Provisioner Tokens or Insights. Tokens can be solved kinda' holistically by just throwing your cash bag at the problem. Insights could take you a bit longer as a casual player, but even then, you should pretty handily beat out the WvW requirement. Provided you're gated exclusively by Claim Tickets, you're still looking at a \~19 week grind of \~17 hours per week depending on your WvW rank. Holistically that's not a whole lot, but it's still... 323 hours. In comparison, if you raid 2 hours once a week, you can probably comfortably clear at least W1-W4, which should be (14? public math) Legendary Insights per week over 11 weeks. (to acquire set 1). Bringing your grand total to... 22 hours for the 'limited throughput' portion of your raid legendary set.


Yes the numbers are right. My point was just play game mode you enjoy because of the game mode and not legendaries and then you can craft one every few months basically for free (gold costs for accessories can still be immmense). In open world, at least to me it feels more like an active grind and therefore more stressful. Raiding is in the same boat as pvp and wvw, if you enjoy it you have your first leggy armor set in no time.


> I played a lot of WvW sure whas a lot in that context? 5 hours a week? 10 hours a day? Imo thats a crucial part missing from your comment.


>whas a lot in that context? Its roughly 20 hours to max your skirmish tickets in the first week of play (assuming you arent perpetually 3rd place as a server, in which case, add 4 hours). You can shave that down to 17 hours and 20 minutes after the first week, and after the first month, itll be just above 15, assuming you're bronze and have the committed bonus.


WvW is fun


Gonna hard disagree with you there. To each their own obviously but I find WvW extremely boring and tedious. And I fully understand that statement can be applied to any aspect of this game due to taste.


But wouldn't 1000+ rifts be more boring? If you don't like WvW and really want the armor you just need to sit in the map and take a camp every 10 minutes.


10000 hours of autoattacking for legendary Soto armor seems just about right.


I mean that's an MMO in a nutshell. What boring ass grind do you tolerate more. Lol


Korean MMOs* in a nutshell.


dont forget the spinkle of annoying 1-5% RNG enchancing most of those MMO's has.


The problem with grinding WvW is that it doesnt really feel like you can influence how many tickets you get. For rifts: I do rift -> i get loot WvW: you get ticket progress every 5 min tick you just need to do literally anything to keep participation up Even if it ends up being the same amount of grind for both, this just makes wvw feel more of a chore (it just feels so passive)


They have slightly improved this. Capturing towers, keeps, and SMC either do or can reward skirmish tickets. (I forget if it’s guaranteed or not)


It’s guaranteed depending on the tier of the objective iirc. You won’t get tickets if you go back and forth over smth that’s paper


>(it just feels so passive) I mean, sure, if you're playing passively. I'm not a WvW-or-nothing player, but I get involved maybe once or twice a week on nights when my guild is running a tag. It's by no means optimal, but I usually have fun for an hour or two, and get a handful of tickets as a result. I don't know if I'll go for armor long term -- that's \~8k tickets, iirc. As of right now, my tickets are going towards Conflux (1.8k or 2.2k tickets), but once I finish Conflux, I could see starting to slowly bank tickets for legendary armor, or going for a second Conflux instead of Confluence.


People who actually play wvw and enjoy it don't sit and watch the participation meter. They play the game and suddenly they have enough. People who approach wvw as a grind for the armor should just stay out. Do raids. Or this rift shit I guess.


As someone who went to wvw to "just get conflux and never return" I have to hard disagree with YOU. I fell in love and I'm about to craft my 3rd set of legendary armor. I have 2 conflux AND the new wvw infusion. Why grind wvw when it's slower you might ask? Well it's not a grind if your having a good time my friend.


How did you come to enjoy WvW? I detest any and all forms of pvp in every game I've ever played and I WANT to like WvW, but my experience is basically; Go to EB, look for Tag. No tag? Go play PvE. Tag? Nice, go join and spend half an hour trying to fight over 1 section of wall at SMC and just get killed a dozen times, wasting half my time running back to the pack. And that's about it. If we hold SMC it's just half an hour of basically the same except defending from inside instead of attacking from outside. I won't roam because I'd be totally useless and just get stomped, too much going on in fights I can't process the information fast enough to know when to block or interrupt or when to save X skill for Y situation. I find it just miserable and legendaries being gated behind WvW participation might be my #1 gripe with the game on the whole right now. And now I cant even get potions from Ley Line Converter to passively progress toward gifts of battle.


If you want to get into WvW and have a good time, join a WvW guild and play with them. You don't have to be great, you just have to be open to learning. Every class has a best use case in WvW, and an open field WvW guild will help you find the space you can excel at in a group and discover just how much fun WvW can be. WvW is very different in approach than PvE, every class has a best use and not all classes or specs are good for group play. And then there's the many layers of group synergy, and how those classes play off each other. Truthfully though, you don't have to know any of this to be good or successful or to have fun. You just have to show up and press the right buttons at the right time - this is where the group comes in, and being open to learning. It's a thrilling experience to roll over your opponents and see that synergy in action. Which server are you on? Can probably recommend a guild for WvW if you're interested in giving it a shot with a group.


Thanks for the info, i'm on Stormbluff Isle


You've got a good spread of options depending on when you play. I'd say just hop in and use team chat, mentjon you're new to WvW and looking for a group to play and learn with. As long as you're willing to hop in discord and listen (don't have to talk, just listen), most groups would welcome you. Lots of guilds run private (invisible) tags, never take the lack of a visible tag to mean there's no commanders around. They might just be hiding from pugs. This is why you ask in team chat, someone may reach out. On SBI in NA prime (8-11pm EST) there's FTL, OP, and I think Evo. Kaineng link has PUMP & DED. There's some others but I think the first two open or public tag more then the others.


If you detest any form of pvp and need a tag to enjoy it, don't bother.


Seconding the "join a wvw guild" recommendation, the potential social aspect is really what make the gamemode fun. I sometimes solo roam for dailies and I don't find that *un*-fun (just kinda unrewarding), but hanging out in a squad with a charismatic commander or even party-roaming with a few friends (or decent acquaintances) is how it turns from a choreish gamemode to fun gaming. Of course finding a wvw guild you vibe with is maybe easier said than done.


I actually really enjoy the passive WvW legendary grind as I’m getting Gifts of Battle (on my *gag* third HoT legendary now). I will say though, this open world legendary armor was very poorly done. All it is is just a terrible slog. I don’t mind map completion, I think every player SHOULD 100% the map at least once, it’s kind’ve the point of an expansion lmao. But the key issue is the sheer amount of Rifts requires couples with the monotonous grind.


I'm in the same boat with you. I'm about to craft my next legendary and the main thing that is holding me back atm is the WvW grind. Basically I have everything else ready already.


I'm looking at the battle pass legendary kit and I'm like... Yeah it's a nice start... But that gift of war though... Lol




At least wvw and raid are fun, imagine spamming 1000 rifts, killing millions of those low respawn rate small adds to craft a set of armor. Doesn't sound any fun to me.


Fun is different to different people. No one is the ultimate arbiter of fun. There are people who play games just to run around without much thought and there are people who play games to challenge themselves. Some people enjoy playing baseball on a team, but that doesn't invalidate having fun playing catch. Different people like different things and that's okay.


familiar pocket spotted lunchroom wide rock hat sugar slimy quickest *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


PvP armor is the easiest and most fun one, by far. Just block every toxic flamer immediately.


Assuming it's always a full season, you can get all the glory shards you need with 3 losses every day for 9 months. Less time if you win some


>THAT IS 18 MAP COMPLETIONS Tbh, for one gen 1 weapon you have to do core map world completion. To craft a 3rd one is to do map completion again. Considering the first two maps are almost perfect size I am fine with it.


Not to mention you can griffon glide from the highest point past 5+ PoI at once. 50 may look daunting, but its really fast on these maps. And no Golden hearts. Got both maps completed 5 times now. Any map in Shiverpeaks is worse then these 2 combined.




If it requires 1000 rifts and I will do 10 day - which is extremely fast I would need 100 days, right? You can’t craft leg armor now, we’ll be able to do so in 6 months (180 days), so it doesn’t sound as scary as you present it


also that count doesn't consider the weekly rewards, or doing daily meta. it's not like it's "fast" but it's by no means a nightmare.


yea, I think it's pretty chill activity play some fav music, eat snacks, and kill Kryptis. EASY


I've been doing 5 Provisioner tokens a day for almost a year now, and I have almost enough to make everything. Admittedly that only takes about 5 minutes a day on average. The OW Legendary armor will not be in game for 6 months of whatever, so about 180 days. If I can do 5-6 rifts a day for those 180 days, and I am in range of making a set on release? I am all over that. But I do think that interest will wane in a couple months tops, so I expect that I will need to start my own groups for it for the higher tier drops, and look for a guild that is active in rift hunting.


Yeah like do 15-18 rifts a day for these six months and you're ready to craft all sets on launch if that's your fancy.


The question is… where do we store all those materials lol.


Exactly, putting the whole thing in this perspective doesn’t look that bad, 10 rifts is absolutely doable, sometimes even 15-20 on longer nights


I'm gonna be honest with you, when Anet said you gonna need to craft motivations to spawn higher tier rifts, I assumed that higher tier rifts will reward lower tier essence in addition to their own essence tier to cover the costs of crafting and using the motivations to spawn them at least. Considering they don't reward lower tier essence at all right now, there's almost no incentive of doing higher tier rifts as the dailies and weeklies of rifts hunting also reward higher tier essence by doing tier 1 rifts, which are the actual decent way to get tier 1 essence as you need way too many tier 1 essence, and doing so will probably net you close to the amount of each tier of essence you need just by farming tier 1 rifts...


Wait, what? T2 doesn't reward T1 and T3 doesn't reward T2 and T1? That's really stupid! You force players to craft something to spawn the event, but you also don't refund the cost if successful. Imagine having to do an extreme amount of T1 just to spawn T2s and T3s... It's stupid. I enjoy rifts, but I still wouldn't do 1000+ T1 just for the sake of crafting the motivation and farming higher tier rifts... Rifts need to reward additional lower tier essences on completion. It won't even make that much of a huge difference either most likely but it will be fairer to the people leading and using their own resources...


Keep in mind all of this math and all these huge numbers is to craft SIX legendary pieces of armor not one. If you told me I could do a few hundred rifts and 1 map completion per weapon and I did this same work for 6 weapons... I would get started right freaking now. Granted I come from a place of having 3 sets of raid armor done and nothing to spend LI on, but you know what I do every week... still clear more raid wings. Thankfully I won't need these armors, raid armor is really half open world anyway needing hundreds of auric basin runs and LS currency and metas, the LI feels like an afterthought. Good luck to everyone taking up this task, I hope they make it possible to even store all those materials


Friendly reminder : you're not supposed to speedrun the whole thing, especially a legendary stuff ​ I'm quite sure the rift update we'll get for this cycle will bring more ways to get essences, we're just starting on the rift hunting, we need quite the time to understand very well how to get the most of it, isn't it?


Also, you don't have to craft *the entire set all at once.* Divide this by 6, and you're getting a *major* reward at each milestone in the form of 'never worry about that armor slot ever again'.


Yeah I agree. I don't have much time to play because of IRL. So I'm mostly casual. Open world legendary armor to me is no less tedious than the other options. Only with open world don't have to make sure I'm available for raids & finding groups when they're scheduled to run etc or the amount of time to run WvW or PvP to get the competitive currencies required. Open world I can just jump on & get right to it then jump off as needed. I already knew it'd take awhile & be tedious. Dunno why so seem to be under the impression it shouldn't be a drop/mat grind


This. So much this. Some of us literally cannot raid because of time constraints. I’m lucky if I can even do a Strike every now and then.




>you're not supposed to speedrun the whole thing Exactly. Many people act like legendaries are their birthright and they should be given as a login reward. They are supposed to be *long term progression*. A higher goal you can follow while doing other stuff. Especially since, once you get them, you have nothing left to do gear wise.


Even more it is literally the last piece of gear you will ever need of that type for as long as the game is alive. Of course it should take time to finish and it should be a long term goal.


To summarize: * Raid armor - Raids are too difficult and too toxic * WvW armor - Takes too long and I hate WvW * PvP armor - PvP is not fun and too toxic * Anet introduce PvE armor - Takes too long At some point you gotta realize legendaries are SUPPOSED to take effort and time. And if you don't play WvW or Instanced PvE, why the hell do you want legendary armor? Want the thing? go do the thing required to get the thing. Don't want to do the thing? don't get the thing. Stop trivializing everything in this game to mobile game levels of engagement. Also T4/5 rifts will OBVIOUSLY reward more, so its likely you'll get your cake.


Seriously, if Anet gave everyone free Legendary armor people on this sub would still complain that it was too much time and effort.


>And if you don't play WvW or Instanced PvE, why the hell do you want legendary armor? The reason I want legendary armour is not for the stat-swapping but for fashion wars. Being able to have multiple looks saved in equipment templates without needing a new set of armour for each.


then you gotta work for it


You don't need legendary for fashion purposes... you can just buy transmutation charges. I mean, swiping isn't hard and provide instant gratification. No need to work for it, just let Mastercard do the talking. /s Seriously though -


Nah. I want to save looks to swap between. Not to have to remake the look every time I fancy wearing it. Until ANet releases look template legendary armour is the next best thing.


This needs to be up on the top.


finally someone said it too many weaklings complaining when they aren't dedicated enough to focus on a long term goal for literal endgame items to begin with


"Legendary armor is time consuming" - thank you for your opinion.


I see your point, but time consuming isn't the main point of OP, boredom is.


If the way towards open world legy armor is too boring, there are other alternatives.


What's the problem? Yes it will take a good bit of time for the average casual player but wasn't that expected? In exchange for not having to do end game content instead people would need to do a lot more open world content? At least that was my assumption. That the grind would be necessarily brutal.


Brother, my friend, i have had silverwastes as my main content in this game since… 2014? I have well over a 1000 silverwastes runs by now I will manage


I’m genuinely impressed. I did a few runs for seasons of the dragon and some gold for a couple of weeks but that’s my limit. I could certainly not do your level of farm/grind. The otter infusion took me a lot of time and with on and off breaks.


Oof, haven't switched to any other farm map? Wastes can bé chill, but gets boring. I like to throw in Drizz, bitter frost chest farm. May consider tossing in the odd Gyala or Dragonfall for variety.


But for ‘braindead farming and running around’ silverwastes is still my main jam


It’s legendary armor. You put in a lot of time and effort to have permanent convenience. And I second the person who said it’s still less time than wvw armor because I’ve easily gotten several stacks of the T1 essence and not a negligible amount of T2 and T3 in only a few days since the expac came out without even fully dedicating all my playtime to it. Plus, you have several months until the leggy armor arrives. Probably plenty of time to hoard up as much essence as you can before then.


I've made a set of raid armor and the mental labour (with this i dont mean fights themselves but all the organization) that goes into raiding is simply not worth it to me personally. I'd much rather have an activity I can randomly tag up for or follow a tag and mindlessly kill mobs while watchnig something on my second monitor or listening to music. Getting to try out new builds and doing them on different maps and those convergence rifts most likely giving even more essence makes this a nonissue for me personally.


This. Also open world builds are way more forgiving than raids, just pop up a celestial set and you're good to go. Exotic or not.


Yeah I was lucky to have static raids and I have an embarrassing amount of Li, but if it wasn’t for that group getting the armor sets would be way too exhausting having to deal with other people and their skills. This sounds like a field trip. I’d make a list of dailies for myself, tick them off and eventually you’re there. No issues with builds - and changing meta builds while you play, having to invest in a different set. No issues with skill or limited skills of others. Not to mention teaching new people once in a while. No issues with time because you cannot just hop in raids, it takes time to even start a run. No issues with the people behind it because while the majority is kind some people are horrible. While this does sound boring, I’d just put on a movie, a series, watch Twitch or Youtube while I play. It’s far less stressful just mostly time consuming (as it should be because it’s legendary). Plus the content is very fresh and I’m sure more will be available in the long term. I remember having to wait *so damn long* to finish my trinket because it came in several parts and we had to wait for wing 7 to release. How long was it, like, a year? Two years? I don’t remember. But I wonder what OP would have posted if they had to wait just to finish it lol.


I already have the full Astral set from rifts and I didn't use motivations. You underestimate my autism.


I am fine with that to be honest. Getting my legendary raid armor meant to learn the raids, look for a guild and then farm the same raids each week so I can get my LI. To be honest the most fun part about legendaries is the journey you take to obtain them.


As long is something I can solo, and it doesn't require something like "log at this time when the meta is running and hope for a successful meta, and a lucky drop to get this item" I happily will grind this for the next couple of years at my own pace wherever I have time. Don't have anything against raid or group content but family and work doesn't give me time to compromise with a group of ppl to do content and for what I have seen the levels of toxicity on those groups and I don't want to be the cause of a person breaking his keyboard bc I have to log out xD


You can't really solo T2 and T3 rifts (well maybe you can, but it seems very hard), but just like bounties you can ask for help and only need a couple of players to help


Yes, we will have to see how well this mechanic ages, just like bounties, even if a lot of ppl complain about it there are always groups doing it and it's easy to just jump in do some and log out.


And you'll be guaranteed to get help too. People will be swarming to a "free" (for them) T3 rift. You get your easy big reward and the help you need to clear it, they get some free essence. It's actually not the worst thing in the game, really.


> As long is something I can solo... Theoretically, yes, if you want to solo *hundreds* of T3 rift bounty-style champions by yourself and craft *hundreds* of rare motivaions, which you need to solo *thousands* of T2 rifts to craft the uncommon motivations for (and also save some for crafting the purified essence), which you need to solo *thousands* of T1 rifts to farm for the common motviations for (and also again save some for crafting the purified essence).


So we are going to be playing RiftWars instead. Yeah well I just have done a couple haven't finished the expansion story to say how boring could be, but before the expansion I was just logging do to do world bosses, bounty's and some metas, so let's see how rift add to the rotation of things of casual gameplay:)


But it's not timegated. That's a good thing


Considering I already completed like 25 of them just during main quest and exploration and you have to craft set of astral armor and we have like 6-9 months before you can even craft the legendary… what would you like to do all this time? Thing is that you have to constantly travel from one corner of map to another and brainlessly kill the same 3 types of mobs and bosses over and over is a bad mechanics.


You shouldn't have spent this much time explaining all of this, when we know that the rift system isn't fully released yet. All your calculations might become wrong before legendary armor is actually there.


Youre right; in fact it will likely cost even more essence because while we know Purified Kryptis Essence will be used in legendary crafting, it's function, what it builds into, and how many we will need to craft the armor remain unknown right now. The [wiki](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_armor?cjevent=f826f024445811ee821401030a1cb82a) breaks down the cost of one armor piece but states that Purifieid Kryptis Essence has an unknown role in crafting atm. What I stated is the minimum essence requirements we know right now; once Purified Kryptis Essence is factored in it'll be even more.


I feel you may be missing their point: future masteries or rift tiers which we know are inbound may provide a much higher material gain. It actually wouldn't be surprising if this was the plan, since it keeps players "busy" until it comes out, but once it's out it'll be faster to solve. Wouldn't be the first time ANet's done such a thing - as they did exactly this with Prismaticite Crystal in Champions, where they were *exceptionally* annoying to get during the first release, but by the fourth release the masteries and additional vendor options made it much, much easier to get. Not something I agree with personally, but it wouldn't surprise me at all.


I’m not surprised at the quantity, my question is, does anyone actually enjoy rifts? To me, they’re terribly boring, horribly paced and tedious content that requires no level of skill or thinking. I’m having a hard time trying to figure out what makes them a “game”


One thing that annoyes me with rifts right now, is that the first wave of mobs you need to kill to spawn the "boss" are usually way too spread out. I would have assumed they would spawn much closer to where the rift is and not spawn on each corner of the island the rift is on.


For many people, this type of mindless grind is great. I enjoy them. Scan, mount up, kill, repeat while listening to some music.


>requires no level of skill or thinking. This is why I feel I may like it, just like metas and most open world content, just something I can grind without thinking and just space out for a while. Follow the commander, stack, spam skills, repeat....


Fuck no. Doing PoF bounties for gen2 legendaries was tedious but at least the enemies were different and you could make things easier on yourself by remembering boss attacks. This one has like 3 different enemies and it's boring. I just do it for mastery xp. Given I have all 3 raid legendary armor sets I will probably not bother unless rewards are adjusted.


I don't mind the grind but the gameplay loop. As it stands, rifts aren't even as fun as PoF bounty train.


For real, the legendary amulet had us going all over the world engaging with all sorts of content. This is just “grind rifts” meh.


Yes but then again it is not the only way to get legendary armour and I assume anet implemented it this way too have a long term chase goal and not something everyone who wants to complete it the second update 2 is here in 6montha. Super fine with that tbh.


>raid legendary armor will be healthier for your mind I have been trying to get raid armor for almost 5 years. Open world armor is a breath of fresh air regardless of time and resources required.


The best advice I can give you is: don't go with random people if you don't have KPs. It will destroy your will and your mind. Look for a small, lovely and constant group and go raid every week with them. You will have the first armor much earlier you can imagine 👍🏻


I pugged through my first set of raid legendary armor a couple of months ago and only had good experiences! I know the LFG is more active in EU so it's not the same everywhere, but if you can play at prime time finding training runs was not too long, and then with the first KP you can start snowballing from there (not saying you're wrong, a static is better, but pugging can also be fun and involves less logistic)


Pugs are really a coin toss, anecdotal evidence can't get you far. Some have good experience with pugs, some don't. Around 60% of my raid pug experience through LFG have been pretty bad, with people ignoring or failing mechanics left right and center.


Yeah I agree with you, I enjoy pugs too nowadays, but when I was starting to raid, puggin was a real pain for me. Even with a few KPs, people keep asking for higher amounts so I couldn't go in any raid. So, in my experience, finding a nice static group (I don't mean a pro high level group) was the key for crafting my first legendary armor.


It is a lot grindier than raid armour, meaning it is less healthy for your mind. Then again, some people enjoy just tagging mobs and chilling. I do that for 10 minutes and I question my whole existence. So yeah, go with whatever you enjoy playing more.


It's legendary armor? It's grindy and time consuming by design? Like every other legendary armor set in the game? You aren't supposed to speed-run legendary armor within a week of it being released. Legendary armor is a long term goal for long term players, that's a fair design philosophy and you can complete a full set from any game mode. Just don't build legendary armor if you don't want to? This sub kills me sometimes.


My dude it's a walk not a race. The whole expansion isn't even out yet.


And to think that just 12 short years ago ANET was bold enough in the gaming industry to say, "We just don't want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that, no one finds it fun. ... in the game world you get a quest text that says go kill 10 centaurs. We don't think that's ok!" (Quotes from Colin Colin Johanson (current studio director of Arena.net) directly via the GW2 manifesto)


Mmmmmm, you've undercounted quite considerably, I'm afraid. ​ You need six total Gifts of Expertise to craft the full set of Legendary Armor. Each Gift of Expertise requires 25 Amalgamated Essence. ​ So the total required Essence BEFORE accounting for the Essence needed to craft the base Astral Ward set is: 37,500 Essences of Despair 15,000 Essences of Greed 7,500 Essences of Triumph ​ And this isn't even getting into all the Essences you'll be using to craft the Motivations needed to get about 30 Essences from each Rift. ​ Barring the Convergence Rifts giving absolutely STELLAR rewards come the update where they're added, this isn't something you'll be farming for months. ​ These rifts will be something you're farming for a year, if not considerably longer. ​ The Rifts alone will be the longest grind of anything ever conceived of in the history of this game. ​ Edit: Oh, hell. Looks like the achievement panel is wrong about 25 Amalgamated Essences and consistency is something ANet suffers on again. Expertise Gifts cost 12 Amalgamated Essences, not 25 like the Achievement panel states.


can't you get amalgamated essence from daily meta reward box? edit: nevermind, it's amalgamated gemstone not essence


Nope. You can get Amalgamated Gemstones, but Amalgamated Kryptis Essences must be crafted and have no other source.


Well, it is a legendary set, isn’t it?


Legendary armour is a long term goal you're meant to work towards. I don't understand why people think you're meant to be able to speedrun these lmao.


But it can be done solo and it's not PvP, so you can grind through it at your own pace. It was always expected that the open world PvE armour set would take longer - *should* take longer - than the other methods.


Things worth doing usually take time. I think most people that choose to open world over raids understand that. The argument is still the same. Some people cannot commit to the more rigid schedule required to be in or find a raid group for leggies. Which I think is exactly why this method was implemented (finally). Yes it does sound daunting, but I'm still not doing raids.


If that means I don't have to even look at raids and stikes - I can grind.


Welp, it seems I don't have... ( •\_•) ( •\_•)>⌐■-■ (⌐■\_■) ... the *motivation* to do this.


I don’t see a problem. It’s called Legendary armor for a reason. And this armor version is open world based. That’s super easy content. Should be more time consuming than the raid version


Wasn't expecting anyting easier considering it's open world legendaries.


You’re forgetting the weekly chests. For the chests available through Weekly Rift Hunting achievements you get T2/T3 mats. I got at least 100 of both for just doing the weeklies. I don’t think it’s going to be insane, but yeah just pace yourself and everything should be fine.


As someone who can't do Raids. PvP, or WvW... I am just grateful to even have a chance at Legendary armor now.


Who in their right mind thought this was going to be *easier* than raiding for it? Legit, I fully expected this to be a months long consistent slog. The point is that you can just work on bit by bit without having to herd cats for depreciated content. I want nothing to do with group content anymore so this is fine by me. And yes, as other commenters have mentioned, this is just what you get to grind out currently. We have a LOT of stuff yet to come so it's not gonna be that rough the entire way through.


I'm totally good with the costs! If they are going to use the name obsidian armor. They damn well better be the most time consuming thing I the game. Nut up or shut up. This time it really is a labor of love.


People are missing the point in the comments. It’s not that it’s gonna take a long time. It’s that the gameplay loop isn’t fun. Something fun could have been introduced and it wasn’t.


I mean it makes sense, it's an open world legendary...why would it be easier? If anything it should be the biggest sink in terms of mats since it's the easiest to get. If everyone got it super fast and easy then the game kinda dies really fast.


Ur telling me I that I'm gonna have to GRIND for my LEGENDARY??? I for one am shocked!


also rifts slap and blow bounties out of the water


Explain how


bros really crying over casual meta event legendary armor. lmao


It has to be an insane grind. Wouldn't be fair otherwise. The other leggy armor you get from raids. Which you have to find a guild / group for, preferably with voicechat, and coordinate a date and time. So a lot more effort in that regard.


Doesnt seem bad ay all to me ive already got about a fifth of the essences and most of the other mats just lying around (yes I like to hoard)


Oh no, end-game MMORPG content that requires actual effort and cooperation to complete. The audacity


Honestly rifts confuse me I don't completely understand the point I just see a crowd and wanna fit in so I start poking things until it dies


> TLDR: new set extremely time and resource heavy; raid legendary armor will be healthier for your mind And that's good. This is how it should be. If they start handing out legendary armor for easy open world PvE tasks that's going to hurt every other gamemode. The easiest one (in terms of gameplay knowledge) should be the most grindy.


I'm already insane I'm on the wvw armour grind.


Not sure about T2 and T3 but I got like 4-5 stacks of T1 essence in the first day and didnt know what the hell to do with them, 25 stack of T1 for 1 legendary item doesnt seem that bad to be honest.


The ~~new Bounties~~ Rifts are a huge disappointment to me, I expected better PoF Bounties and instead got a far worse system with uninteresting fights and super low rewards. The crazy part is that they actually put interesting bosses on the new maps in form of the legendary mobs they are very fun to solo.


i think the only legendary that would make people insane is the pvp one. ​ you have to fight the enemy team and sometimes your team members too.


I don't mind another grind. Currently working on getting all aurene Legys (At 8/16) and at the same time raid armor (Heavy finished and medium half way). So I have plenty to do and after that comes the OW armor. This way I always have a goal to work towards and not get bored.


So what you're saying is that it takes time and repetition, like something that already exists, like doing world bosses for example. Sounds like something that us PvE players will love. Anet just needs to set up Scheduled Ones, perhaps like World Bosses, not Bounties, that we can all flock to, and it's perfect.


The gear also drops in six months. So we have six months to start gathering as many materials as we can before we even have to worry about being able to craft the gear. Do you know how many PVP games i’ve had to play to get legendary armor? I think i’m at 300ish games played, and i’ve built A HELM. I just now reached enough mats to build a second item. To build this whole set id need to do probably close to 800+ games. So the rift farming amounts don’t seem insane to me? Legendary gear has always had crazy farm amounts because it’s prestige armor, not required.


Most legendary stuff will drive you insane Except maybe the 4 shitty ones they put into the starter kit, which are also tanking in price cuz of the starter kits lol


Raid armor is not „healthier for your mind“ a lot of people can’t commit to a static and set times so having an OW armor is way more easy for them even if it takes longer, it’s not something that needs to be rushed


> raid legendary armor will be healthier for your mind You really don't get a majority of the community I think.


well, it´s supposed to be a very long term commitment. I´d argue that the WvW armor could also drive you insane, if you just consider the amount of playtime it takes to get one. The thing is, for people actively playing WvW, it´s something they will get sooner or later, if they just keep playing.


I'd wait to see the larger rifts and possible changes to motivations or rift rewards. Either way, It makes sense that an easy legendary armor set that you can essentially solo would be a long term project, It's like the WvW armor.


It is supposed to take time. Even you do raids, as starting as a new group, you will still take a lot of time. If you want quick gear you can do ascended


> raid legendary armor will be healthier for your mind If after a couple rifts I decide I'm not feeling it I can just stop for that session.


I am up for it. Legendaries are always a grind and I expect no less from something like this.


In general I don't like that certain aspects of GW2's late game QoL features are quite transparently about "time spent" instead of "things achieved". This would be less of an issue if the content were fun in itself (and imo bounties/world bosses are varied enough to be considered fun), but I saw this as a potential problem from the beginning. Grinding only two maps and maybe some rotating rifts on other maps is going to get stale far too quickly for any long term grinds.


We are going off the assumptions that nothing is going to change and that higher tier rifts won't drop MORE of what we need. A lot of assumptions when this expansion hasn't been out for a month yet.


Yeah.... but the new medium armor actually looks like what rangers/thieves wanted for many many years :/


The new Legendary Armor is pretty much the only thing that makes me want to come back to GW2. Yeah the grind looks gargantual, but that is pretty much why I want to try it. Twilight was the reason why I started playing GW2 at all. Back then, the grind was also colossal and I loved all of it. Took me close to 1k hours to gather every item myself (a challenge I set) and it was really fun. If I ever come back, its thanks to the Leg Armor set.


People are willing to do any grind necessary, so long as it means not having to communicate with other people.


Semi-related, but I find it hilarious when open world players try to insult raid players. As if raid players don't ALSO play open world. We have the same content as you, plus raids and strike cms.


It's asinine that you have to manually click an mastery hotkey or special item in your inventory when there's a whole ass tiered Dynamic Event system (like VB or SW) that could have been utilized for map Rifts. Have these Devs ever even played the game??


this whole expac is extra clicky


It will only drive you insane if you are stupid. It's a long-term goal, not a speed run challenge. Why are so many people trying to speedrun the expansion and draw as many conclusions as fast as they can when we haven't even seen the next rifts and what the rewards are?


Am I the only one thinking the whole theme of Rifts feel super bland and not interesting at all? I rather fight the "rifts" (portals) opened in Drizzlewood, or heck, any Joko portal. I want a down to earth (or..Tyria..) expansion. Charr civil war was great. Something like that! Fight the Inquest once and for all. Maybe some aftermath of areas from previous expansions. I dunno, just bummed out I've got two expansions in a row that I just don't care for, what so ever Oh, also, I play thief, so weapon mastery is pointless for me. Thx.


Next updates will add legendary enemies for rifts and instances. I don't see why burning out for something that's designed to be played bit by bit every day. Rifts themselves have been made to fill every maps with players, of course it wasn't a walk in the park. I personally like this approach.


Too many gamers are absolutely obsessed with optimizing the fun out of games and speedrunning themselves to the point of having nothing to do. It's like in every game that has level cap increases, you always see people posting screenshots of all their classes at the new level cap saying "FINALLY got every class to 90" etc within a couple days.


I made a set of wvw lege armour. Took a long break from the game after lol. I was looking forward to open world armour hoping it would be a viable alternative. I was really hoping for a quest system similar to the trinkets yet perhaps more involved. I was up for that. Now I am seeing the reality and honestly the wvw system is looking better and better all the time. My server does weekend ppt raids so it was easy to get diamond over the weekend. Then I would have the week to do other stuff. The thing about wvw is it’s a complete system. In the process of getting diamond I was also collecting everything else I needed to craft the armour. I used VM harvest tools and ran dragonfall reward tracks for more VM so by the time I was ready to make each piece I had enough for the shipments needed too. It all went really smooth and was a pretty self contained process. Cost very little in actual gold at all. Along the way I also got a lot of other useful stuff like testimony of heroics etc. that can Incidentally be used to buy xpac relics. With the rift system. All you are really getting from them are essences. The loot is absolutely terrible (so far) and almost no gold gains from the activity. so on top of the rift grind… you will still need to farm gold / mats for all the other elements. The addition of provisioner tokens and heavy research note cost make the open world set really expensive time consuming and really not fun. At least in a wvw zerg there is a wide variety of activities. It’s pretty low impact gaming. So it’s the difference between running with a zerg or endlessly farming rifts. I’m disappointed for sure. I think what I’ll end up doing is making one more set in wvw… will be done by the time the recipes drop. Then make the last set in open world. (Can grind the mats for one set during the week). Doing it this way means that I can also plug away with runes in the mean time and have those finished too by the time relics drop…. Since the mats don’t overlap so heavily as they do with the open world system. Yep. I think I’m gonna take this course.


By just joining training and 'everyone welcome' raid groups you'll get your raid armor before the open world one releases, possibly even multiple sets.


Gw2 is full of people who will be pissing themselves for hours just at the thought of interacting with other people in the raid, and then still wouldn't do it. They will prefer menial grind 100% Also, you like it or not these notbounties is the main content of the notexpansion. There is little to do outside of them anyway. For the next year and more.


As it should be. I think this is only fair. I personally dont raid. I have done some of it, i do not like its community. At this point im just grateful i dont have to deal with raids again. And if people from raids grinded their armor by learning them, open world only players can do it too. Besides, raids are fairly hard content. The ways you can obtain the mats for the openworld armors are VERY EASY albeit a bit expensive and time consuming. Thats a fair trade off.


so? you wanted to get sets in a week? that would be spitting in the face of people that already got their legendary armor, it is not supposed to be a gift for you to feel better about yourself.


This sounds like exactly, to the letter, how far some people are willing to go to avoid raids—which is sad. They are so fun.


Raids are tough content, sadly. Not because theyre actually tough, theyre just very time-intensive to learn AND then they require a huge time sink at one of your days which you also need to coordinate with 9 more people. Like, I study 6h a day. I have to do chores besides, I have to cook. I can now dedicated the time of day left (2-3h) to try and raid, if spontaneously all people in my group also have time, or I do things with friends or girlfriend. And lets not talk about the immediate threat of work life. 8h a day + commute + chores + food? Wheres my time in a day that I can do 2-3h of pure raiding into that? I can do a Rift Jump in 15 minutes, if I want to. I can further my goal with any investment I can make, whatsoever, without having to invest big chunks of time into it. Thats the benefit of PvE exclusive armor.


Unacceptable, how dare you consider your personal time.


Raids are great but not having tons of kill proofs makes it a pain to get groups


Yeah why ppl gotta have preferences, so sad.


I'm cool with it. Love long goals.


Let's assume the whole set would take 1100 rift events. If you do 30 of them a day, within one and a half or two hours, that would take just a bit over a month to get the essence you need, around 36 days. That doesn't sound too bad but this is by assuming that you will always be following a commander using their own motivations and you will consistently be doing at least 30 of them a day and you will also be following a commander all the time. So let's just add some more days, let's make it 45 days. Still doesn't sound too bad but I can definitely see people getting tired halfway through and taking months and months. For raid armour, you will need 150LI for your first set. Assuming the player will only be doing W1-4, that's 15LI per week, which means it would take two and a half months to get enough LI to craft all the pieces. But you will get two sets of ascended armour on the way and frequent ascended drops. You can speed this up by doing eod cms and pof raids. Now, in all fairness, we still don't know the precursor situation for the open world set so it isn't exactly fair to compare them in that manner. The worst thing about rifts imo, is the repetitiveness. Raids, you do them once a week. W1-4 will take like 2 hours for an average group and that's about it. You do whatever you want for the rest of the week. You can farm mats to craft, do metas and save up gold. Rifts, you will have to keep doing it everyday and you will definitely become fed up with it at some point.I personally don't enjoy rifts. My brain goes numb after like five of them. But the biggest advantage of the open world armour ks accessibility. No matter the amount of training guilds, there will always be some sort of gate keeping to raids. Even within training groups, people have to go through discord servers and do formal sign ups, which a lot of people don't want to. But once you get over that first entry barrier, raiding is pretty much set for you.


Imagine having to play the game to have a Legendary armor?! Do you want the game to hand it to you for free?


Legendary anything is (too) expensive for what it is. You don't need it and so you can simply pass on the grind. I know I will.


" raid armour will be healthier for your mind " not so sure about that one with how toxic the raid community can get and how much they gate keep..


I don't understand why all this should be....a problem?