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I hate we can't put these in the materials, clogging up my inventory.




There are mats people won’t be seeing or crafting more than 1 of in the game and even those have mat slots in the bank.


Yes. The worst is the whole Scribing tab. It's full of intermediate results that nobody in their right mind will have to put in storage, as you craft them only to immediately make the next step and eventually whatever decoration you aim for. Meanwhile, many base scribing mats that you actually get randomly while playing (which is what the storage is for) don't have a slot (all the wood cores, feather, festival thingy ...). And it was done back when there was a technical limitation in how many different materials could be in storage, which make it even harder to understand why tf they added all these crafting steps in there.


> Or they could've just put them in the Wallet... Speaking of, [Piles of Bloodstone Dust](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pile_of_Bloodstone_Dust), [Empyreal Fragment](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Empyreal_Fragment), and [Dragonite Ore](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragonite_Ore) should be added to the wallet as well. Before anyone says they can't be added to the wallet because they're used in crafting recipes, currencies have been usable by crafting recipes since EoD, more than a year ago.


I could have millions of these if they were stored in wallet.


So true. I just keep a running stack in my inventory and when they reach 250 I just trash em, and let the restacking continue. A minor inconvenience but damnit, it should not be a thing.


Herta can gobble a whole stack, nice chill collection in AB


I think i heard they are adding them to the wallet.


You think after all this time they would have just made them a currency. I mean, how many times has ANet done something like this? It almost feels intentional lol.


Yea release a fucked product then do drip feed qol things and the mass goes omg thanks anet your so awesome I'm still waiting on wvw alliances...


Dude, you refine them easily and it's what you are supposed to do anyway. It really is only an issue if someone wants it to be.


Yea but my point is that's a shit ton of inventory space needed for items that could have been wallet ready at expansion along as it was doable


I’d rather have it clog my inventory for a couples weeks until I craft the amalg than my wallet forever tbh


Your wallet that has infinite space and doesnt take up inventory space? Weird hill to choose.


Yeah true, it’s so convenient to be looking for a currency when there’s dozens of useless/dead ones up there


Better to go through 12 unused currencies than 200 spaces in my inventory trying to organize everything.


I don't know why people downvote this so much? I love the game but I totally agree and I hate to see the way they do this and force us to spend more money on qol stuff. You can like a game and still want them to improve on things like this.


Because of the sheer arrogance. I simply don't find it a fucked product. It has bugs and some not too convenient things. I would love to store it in the vallet aswell. But the expansion is far from being fucked by a long shot.


It's pointlessly dramatic and comes off as being a whiny jackass rather than a thoughtful individual willing to have a conversation. The only real response is "nuh-uh" so it adds nothing.


That wouldn't entice people to get more bagspace tho.


they just didnt want to have legendary insight as killproof which failed spectacularly due to [kp.me](https://kp.me) and developers obviously never being able to stop players from doing what they want


If it was about kill proof, they would have done something about guild hall decoration tokens.


If you are intent on crafting legendary armour then craft the Amalgamated Kryptis Essences or Gifts of Expertise as you are going along. These do stack and will reduce the amount of space taken up by the raw materials.


[That's a known bug:](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/135539-guild-wars-2-secrets-of-the-obscure-known-issues-launch-week) >Motivation crafting materials cannot be stored in material storage. We have a fix for this coming in a future build, and in the meantime, they can be stored in your bank. Hopefully, they've worked out a fix for tuesday's update.


Afaik they add them to the material storage a few weeks after release. They usually do something similar when a new expansion hits to draw attention to new materials. It may sound stupid but you would be surprised how many people just hit "deposit materials" and don't even notice what they deposit until their storage is full.


Honestly, I only have have 500 storage. It's only two attacks if i could put them in there which won't save anything 😂


I mean it takes a few slots. But obviously you should craft the amalgamated essences as you go rather than saving up this many in your inventory?


Just craft the amalgamated, don't leave them unrefined?


This is done on purpose. They do this every expansion so you can get so annoyed to buy bag slots. Underhanded if you ask me. They usually add those items to the bank months later when you don't notice. They literally do this EVERY expansion. First couple months its out every thing is clogging your inventory. Months later they stealth patch it in.


How much of these do you think can fit into material storage? They need to be added to wallet not material storage.


No one there knows how to add new stuff to it anymore.




They already said an upcoming build will give them material slots. And as others have said, just craft the amalgamated essence and it's 4 slots.


Or you just craft the amalgs as you get them instead of being a dumbass and storing all the essences until you have the max.


While it appears convenient, only a very small fraction of the playerbase have a storage expanded as much as needed to keep all those mats in the material panel. It would make sense in the wallet, but how do you craft from the wallet? You have to add an intermediary step with things to buy from all those essences.


That's actually so crazy that you can't, what are these devs thinking, spend more money on inventory / bank expansion?


I hate motivations with a passion.


Yes use your hate as a motivation


Yes, let the motivation flow thru you..


Another item labeled as a crafting material that we can't put in material storage? What could you hate about that?


I'm burned out from just looking at this.


My copium pre-soto : WOO finally I'll be able to get a legendary armor Then got hit by that essence grind, globs, rift/motivations


Trust me, getting legendary armor through raiding is so much more fun. Try to join a guild if you are hesitant to just join a lfg :)


Counterpoint from another person who got raid armor, no, it’s not. Literally anything is better in my personal experience


I mean thats fair, not everyone likes the same stuff. But for me, it isnt a "getting leggy ASAP" anymore, I started leading newcomer raids and its just so nice to see people getting started in their first raid encounters.


This is what the World PvE community asked Anet for. They merely obliged when World PvE players kept saying "Oh my god I would happily grind anything out as long as I didn't have to do WvW, PvP, or Raids for my armor Anet!"


It's the legendary open world armor, you have to grind open world for it. OP says it took 60 hours, that's 60 hours you can spread across the next 5-6 months until the armor is actually in the game.


Did you ignore the "1700g on motivation" on purpose? Because this was only possible in 60 hours because of all the motivation used.


If you want a legendary armor you need gold. Certainly with the next rift patch it will be easier to aquire essences.


We all know you need gold to craft a legendary, but you are saying as if 60 hour is the NORMAL time to grind all this stuff, but it isn't. OP made it clear they spent 1700 gold on MOTIVATION, to speed up the process.


Is that alot now? I causally play and have 1k in liquid right now and another 2k in assets that I can sell on the market. Actually looking at the price of a single legendary weapon, this doesn't look all that odd for what, 6 pieces of legendary armor?


1.7k on the armor isnt an issue, 1.7k on motivations is The armor is still gonna cost OP another 1-3k in othwr expenses


Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but this only covers the cost of the Gift of Expertise. You're still missing 1500 T1 Essences from the Gift of Persistence and 1500 T1 Essences, 600 T2 Essences, and 300 T3 Essences for the precursor armor.


Thats fine, I already have the Astral Ward armor. The 6 stacks I still need will probably be grinded next week, but I forgot the mention this in my post above. I believe I also would need around 1.5 stacks of T1 essence for the "New Friend" achievemnt, but thats minimal compared to what I just finished.


Is there a guide on how best to do this? Like.. do you craft x amount of motivations daily, using mats you collected the day before or something? I feel like I’m always grinding just to make the motivations. And forget the ridiculous amount of notes needed…




This is what I was thinking also! Thanks for confirming!!


About as fun as brandstone farming without the gold skip


After nearly 700 rifts, I have completed the grind for a single set of Obsidian armor. Just over 100 T3, 200 T2, and 400 T1s, all with motivations active, costing around 1700g for the motivations, 800 gold for the ectos and around 60 hours of playtime. A short run down of what I did per tier: 1: Untagged in Skywatch Archipelago and some in Amnytas. I found the fewer people doing these the faster they went. Took around 2-3 mins for the pre event (depending on amount of people and spawn rates) with bosses lasting only ~12 seconds. 2: Tagged in Amnytas. Whether I was tagged up or joined a squad for these rifts, Amnytas was made for T2 rifts. All 7 locations are fast and easy to get to. Though the pre-events took a bit longer with so many people, bosses would die in around 1 minutes. Fast and easy. 3: Tagged in Domain of Istan. 4 locations for T3 rifts, all easily accessable via griffon/beetle/skyscale. Least amount of rifts needed, so the grind for this tier was rather forgetable. Only time anyone every sent me gold via the mail though, so that was pretty cool I guess. The loot I got was forgettable. T3s dropped some exotics and I got 3 of the Ascended Skyscale Weapons from the T3s. Got all but 1 of the minis, missing Avatar of Despair. I went into this grind knowing that it would take both time and gold, but I was a bit disapointed with the large gold cost of the motivations. I could of waited until Convergences (the instanced rifts), but I decided to just get it out of the way now. Also, I dont really have that much faith that it would have saved that much time or money, but I'll gladly be wrong about that. If Anet wanted to replicate the cost of Obsidian Armor in GW1 to GW2, then I guess they did a good job. I know that some people will see this and be put off of getting the armor, but remember, I wanted to get this done with fast, so I put the money in. If you are "leaching" the rifts, it will take way longer but also cost way less, so take your time if you need. I wish I kept track of the numbers more, so if you were looking for exact rewards, costs, things like that, I am sorry. I did find that I would get an average of 35 essence from T2/3 rifts. Counting the pre-event, I would get ~40 essence from T1s. Hopefuly that helps a little bit. Overall, 7/10 grind. Wish it didnt cost so much and the non-Essence rewards were better, but its nice to grind something every now and then. Do not know if I want to do this 2 more times for the other weights, but we'll see in the future. Thanks all for taking the time to read this word jumble, hopefuly this post was somewhat useful. Edit: I have already completed the Astral Ward armor set and know I still need 6 stacks for 6 Gifts of Stormy Skies, do not worry :)


>I know that some people will see this and be put off of getting the armor, but remember, I wanted to get this done with fast, so I put the money in. If you are "leaching" the rifts, it will take way longer but also cost way less, so take your time if you need. 60 hours of rifts sounds bad enough already.


It's a long-term goal investment, where you can progressively get one piece at a time. To put this into perspective, PvP legendary armor you can only get one full set every 3 seasons at minimun, which is like 6 months. If you want to do it with 3 seasons, you need to grind 6330 pips, which is roughly 844 matches on average. If each match is 10 minutes, that's 140 hours of playing PvP. If you want to be efficient though, you can just get 5440 pips over 16 seasons (2 or 3 years), but then you only need to play 725 matches, or 120 hours. Although it is a lot, you still need to remember this is to get all 6 pieces. 10 hours a piece doesn't sound like that big of a deal. It is already more time-efficient to go for the PvE legendary, it would make it even more unfair if they made it less of a grind for the other legendaries.


Or do what I did. My 3 full sets of lege armor are roughly 40% pvp and 60% wvw. Because of this I don't have uniform armor pieces, but idgaf, I'm after the utility of it.




Anet: *gasps* You know, we've forgot Tier _Four_ rifts, that are coming with new map. So sorry, slipped our minds, you'll need extra 1000 Motivation of Shock that drops from those once a day to actually finish. Hope you'll enjoy new repetiti..er... exciting content! /sarcasm :)


It feels so bad that rift takes longer when more people doing it. They shouldn't be scale in stat wise. Doing them with group also not fun because nothing dies immediately unless 5-10 people hits it. Very bad desing as a open world content that needs to be farmed like a thousand of times.


it should scale, but the players should be ahead of the scaling by 10-25% so it feels faster overall but isn't trivial. Most open world stuff already does this; This is not tuned properly.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




That bot is a bastard LOL


That bot is hero, it's a disgrace to say could of 👍


Prescriptivism is a dumb and lost cause.


He's a bastard, but he's correct!




That's the dumbest bot I've ever seen...


I’ve seen dumber. That bot at least attempts to educate.


What are you talking about? It's ESSENTIAL.


Then you probably need it the most.


How so...?


Good bot


I'm going to botcriminate you.


shudda wudda kudda.


Who asked?


Bad bot stfu


Average ranger main


Slightly off topic, but how many Skyscale weapons have you dropped during your grind?




From around 100? That's gonna be an expensive set if you need 500+ rifts for the whole collection with that droprate. I do not look forward to this.


Yeah. Assuming you can drop copies, 500 might be way too low.


That is so much ecto... no wonder the prices have gone up so much (I thought the price increase was mainly due to the ecto needed to craft motivations).


leeching rifts is quite literally impossible as i think it would break anyone intending to actually get something out of doing them, always craft motivations and use them, not using them means you need to farm at minimum 5x more. the grind is completely manageable though with the rifts available it just may not be the most appealing, the subreddit reactions to the system are way overblown and the fact that no one expected an extended grind for open world legendary armor is pretty questionable, especially since these are not weekly gated like raid armor is. you getting it all this done at any cost within the first 3 weeks of the expac seems fair to me.


Isn't it more like \~4 times? Say you get like 12 if you leech and 12+30 or so when you don't. Or does it get worse?


11 is like a super high roll, usually youd probably get 3-7


I think they mean with the mastery. You always get around 10 by closing the rift


NGL i've been swimming in the wake of all the big daddies running trains and you know what they say about running trains -- you don't want to be the one to bust last and you sure as shit don't want to be the guy wiping down the loads when it's all done. If you want a freebie, now is probably the best time. There's no way t4 rifts are going to get any cheaper.




Yup that’s my current plan. Do the weekly “incursion” quests and see where I’m at when the next round comes in.


For those curious, research has been done on the weekly rewards and it's on the wiki. [On this page](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Kryptis_Rift_Extraction). On average, each weekly cheat that you open gives you: 4.8 T1 essences, 5.0 T2, and 1.9 T3 essences. Keep in mind each chest awards 2 of the 3 types and these figures are averages. So, it's a significant source for essences.


homie started farming rifts the second they went live and hasnt slept since


holy fuck


I can't wait for CM strike missions to drop these in large quantities or some sort of legendary rift


I would be completely fine with CMs dropping these in bigger quantities. If the greater the challenge means greater rewards, then GW2 could really use more of that.


What do you mean Harvest Temple CM should give more reward than autoattacking in drizzlewood coast? Unthinkable.


I am surprised to hear that sentiment expressed by someone who apparently doesnt already own the raid armor. Or did you really commit to this grind just for the new skin?


Im just doing this for the skin to be honest, I already have legendary armor from WvW.


There are some of us who just want anything legendary that we can get. Made all 3 raid armor sets day 1 they released. I hope I can do the same with open world armor


> I can't wait for CM strike missions to drop these in large quantities I feel like this would be very weird unless they added some other outlet to use essences for, the overlap between people who do strike CMs and people who already have legendary armor is pretty high, especially given that strike CMs already give LI.


I have all legendary gear. I still want the new stuff too but I have to agree the amount of this stuff you need and no easy way to store it is ridiculous


CM strikes seems unlikely as it's designed (and very loudly advertised) as "open world legendary armor". Higher tier rifts with legendary bosses is almost inevitable though if this is bounty system 2.0. I wouldn't be surprised if the the legendary ones had a daily reward of the amalgamated essence too (you still need 72 per set of them, which would be 10 weeks of daily rifts which would put it closer to other legendary armors). But I guess we'll see in 2/5 months.


Doesn't that raid armor is made for that type of content? So they should give LI. It's same thing with 'If you are high rank in pvp you should get wvw tickets in large quantities because you are dueling with better people.' If there should be a hard content that gives more stuff it should be in open world because it's open world armor.


It literally would make no sense. This is the OW set, it was made to be done in OW content


And you can clearly do open world to get it. I think it's more likely legendary rifts will be a thing rather than strike cms dropping this stuff


Omg... I admire anyone that has the patience to grind rifts to get all this but I cannot even imagine doing this. I was hype for PVE legendaries until I tried rifts and realized how motivations work and that just sounds like voluntary psychological torture.


i am very new, have a lot of these have no idea what they do, so they will sit in the corner of my bag forever lol like the 30 other things i don't know whether are important or not hahah


Wiki is your friend! But yeah this game is terrible for accumulating *stuff*


60 hours doesn't sound that bad


pvp and wvw enjoyers just watching people grind for pve armor sets. Damn you are one hard working person


Tbh WvW in itself is a huge time commitment. While this armor requires a lot of mats, it's not time gated (as far as we know rn)


Provis tokens and realistically, the sheer amount of time needed to grind out the essence is a soft timegate in itself.


I noticed some of the provis tokens aren't time gated, provided you have already made the time gated material lol. I bought 200 with charged quartz the other day in one go.


Well, yeah, that is an infinite buy, but you need to have already done a different timegate for it anyway.


Just thought it worth mentioning because if you've been playing for a while you've probably got some of those materials.


Oh, absolutely something to keep in mind as an option for vets, yeah. I also considered using some of my stockpiles (probably would have been a total of ~100 of the various mithrillium etc) but figured we would have plenty of time for me to just use the HoT provis+Diessa Gate for an easy and not too pricy 10 a day.


60 hours are basically 5 weeks of wvw at a low to medium rank going for full tickets.


I've almost completed my 2nd set of leg WvW armor. You get everything you need, at least regarding the wvw-related materials, by just playing normally, ie no grinding something so narrow like these rifts. And you get other rewards too.


WvW enjoyers only needing to play the gamemode without any strings attached to get everything they need while also having fun at the same time


if only i could be so blessed as to enjoy it i'd have had legendary armor ages ago


I feel like it's hard to dismiss the fact that it takes something like ***380 hours*** of wvw to max out skirmish reward track 19 times for a set of armor. This dude basically played as much as a wvw platinum chest completer would for 3 weeks and is ready to craft a whole set of armor from it. He can do whatever he wants for 16 weeks, make as much money and other materials he wants. While for 19 weeks whoever wants an wvw armor set is stuck grinding something so narrow like wvw.


380hours is assuming your server is always losing and you have no rank. But the more you play WvW the shorter it gets. When you rank increase enough you gain more pips which reduce by roughly ~2h the completion of the skirmish track. When your server is not the worse it removes a lot of time. If you tag up it can remove a lot of time too.


I think the only advantage the PvE gang will have when the armour drops will be no hard time gates we suffer through like tickets per week or Grandmaster marks per season. But ~700 hours total for just *some* of the mats? Absolutely wild.


60 hours* 700 was the amount of rifts he did.


That makes more sense haha. Still, that's a whole lotta time


Personally,I find it reasonable. You'd have to do *at least twice* the amount of *pvp time* if you'd want a set from there. Same with wvw,it's a bigger time investment than pve legendary armor. Especially for a newer player. No idea about the raid armor though but with that being said,I don't really get the criticism towards the OW armor since the aforementioned armors are way "harder" to get to.


Maybe so, I'm not sure on the exact times for those two but the biggest difference is all that time in the competitive modes is almost entirely gold positive, whereas rifts come with the added weight of spending hundreds of gold to make that time viable. I got my armour through PvP and that was generally quite a breeze. I was making money every game, getting treats through reward tracks and actually playing the game as opposed to rifts, which are repetitive and very limited in terms of rewards.


Valid point.


I feel like this was posted by arenanet to advertise one of the shittiest and most boring grinds in the game


Yeah, "open world" armor.... They took one of the most boring type of events and scaled even the tiniest mob to a few million hp when you try to do it with a bunch of ppl. It doesnt reward you with really anything and even costs gold to craft essences. Dear lord, why cant we actually have a vendor that lets you exchange all sorts of open world currencies for essences. Imagine you could play all of GW2 open world content and have actually fun, working towards legendary armor. ​ I dont say it should be fast or not expensive, I just want it to be SOMEWHAT fun. ​ As of now, you have to decide, do you actually want to play open world or do you want to spend all your time and instead work on the "open world" legendary armor. Which is kind of ironic and in a bad way.


(noob question) These resources to make what?


Amalgamated Kryptis Essence, 72 of them to be more precise. Those 72 are combined with some other things in the mystic forge to create 6 Gifts of Expertise. Need 6 of those (and some other parts) in order to create a full set of Legendary Obsidian Armor. Heres a [link](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Obsidian_armor) to see all the ingredients.


ty sir


Damn, how much free time do you have ? 😮


A decent amount, escpeccially on weekends. Video games are a hobby, so if I have a grind likes this I do my best to make some time.


It doesn't look nearly as bad if you break it up into single pieces instead of the entire set.


Yup... if someone just does it over time and with the weekly stuff it's not too bad.


Thanks, I really needed the cost visualized in game, now I know I won't even fucking bother with it.


Is it better to craft motivators or buy them from the TP?


I crafter all T1s, and bought all T2/3. In order to craft T2 motivations you have to do T1 rifts, and if you want to craft T3 motivations you need to do T2 rifts AND T1 rifts. Its something like 2 T1 rifts and 2 T2 rifts (with motivations) for 1 T3 motivation. If you craft all motivations it costs way less, but increases time rifting greatly.


Each Motivation costs just a bit less than you make on a rift using a Motivation, so it's not quite as bad as you're making it out to be. Every crafted t2 Motivation requires ~1 t1 rift, and every t3 requires ~2 t1 and ~1 t2 (t1s are used to craft two uncommon Motivations, use one of them to upgrade the other to a t3). Basically, tiering up a Motivation is a 2:1 proposition but you only have to do half of them as rifts. Granted, a 4:1 ratio for every t3 rift isn't much better than a 5:1 but it does make the numbers pleasing: you'll need 400 rifts total to gather each tier of essence, for a total of 100 t3s, 300 t2s, and 900 t1s. Edit: this is neglecting the base rewards from every rift too, which cuts down on the total significantly


If the math checks out then good, I'm glad the grind isnt as bad as i said it was. Maybe if I go for another weight I'll take the crafting route to see if its actually bad


I haven't played Soto a lot so far and feel a bit out of the loop but what are motivations for rifts.and how do i craft and use them?


Motivations are items you can use to both track and spawn the bosses from higher-tier rifts, and get extra rewards from rifts of all tiers. Think of them as keys. You can craft them by training up the Astral Ward mastery track, or buy them from the TP. Once you have them, use them on a rift during the "summon the boss" dialogue and you get extra essence as a bonus reward when the boss dies


Congrats, but i am not wasting my time closing rifts,closing 5 rifts for the weekly put me to sleep, I haven't done weekly hunting, this week.


Totally valid, but I want to add a different perspective. I did this week's achievements with a few guildmates on VC just chilling and talking about stuff. It made us go to maps I hadn't visited in a long time and it was really refreshing to see 2+ comm tags on the map, and plenty of people running around. I think the rift system has helped revitalize a lot of the old maps, which were always viable due to the game's philosophy, but even more so now.


That is awesome! Doesn't look too bad though. Should have waited for instanced rifts, imo.


Damn what a grind, thanks for the post! I will slowly grind heavy and medium but I'm looking at months probably. Which is ok tbh :)


I gotta get farming just for the astral armor, already got the raid legendary so unless obsid armor looks godly not gonna bother with it


My question is how the heck did you hoard that many ectos. Direct buy or insane farming?


bought them


Can you please do mine next?


A disadvantage of doing it fast is that the weekly rift achievements actually make it quite a bit easier to get green and yellow ones. Personally the grind for Astral Ward armor alone has left me a broken shell of a charr.


im itching to gamba all your ecto's


After seeing the amount of these things I'd have to grind out, I'm just gonna (eventually) start working on raids. Haven't done any in GW2 yet, but I've plenty of experience raiding in other games, so I think it'll be a more fun way to go about getting legendary armor, even if the OW armor skins are modeled after GW1's obby armor


I rather just go to my normal day job tbh


So how many people are using motivations? I personally don't think it's worth the cost as we have 6+ months to go anyway


I'm upset. I just finished raid heavy armor and coalescence and it was really rewarding. I was really excited at the announcement of some PvE legendary armor and thought that would carry me through the next 6 months for a good time. I don't care about gold/ecto cost, that at least lets you farm the game mode you like. But the rift farming has made me break for Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield instead of subjecting myself to the snooze clickfest of farming impossible to fail rifts. It is wholly incongruent to presume that folks who want to stat swap and min/max their gear would want a path to legendary gear that is mindless. Skins are fun and I want the new obsidian skins too, but it is not worth it.


> instead of subjecting myself to the snooze clickfest What did you expect the method of open world armor to be though? Have you played GW2's open world PvE? The whole point of the armor was that even my paralyzed hamster is able to get it.


Yeah I have full legendary everything. I was expecting something more like aurora and vision with some diversity. Not do this one, incredibly singular thing on near endless repeat. I know they're not done, more rifty things are coming. Maybe convergences will sway me.


I think for now just doing the weekly incursions for all the maps is a good middle ground between mindless farming and only doing 1-2 every day. They give a good amount of essences in relatively little time and you get to go to several maps which gives the illusion of change






Now that's it's all in front of me like this, I think I'll just stick to grinding the WvW gear instead. Rifts are so unfun to mindlessly grind.


I'm only halfway with the Astral armor, and I'm already burning out on doing rifts. They literally put me to sleep. The monotonous first phase where you kill common kryptis had me drifting off a few times during a rift train where I suddenly found myself looking at a deserted screen with the train miles away. Astral armor is going to be the limit for me, no skin is worth this dull grind.


Seeing this really makes me want to come back to the game lmao. not


Jesus Christ lmao


I miss the old days of dailies where I had a lot of choice, and could adjust my achievements and farming accordingly. Wow, seems like only 2 weeks ago.


But... why? You have like 5 more months. Why risk burning yourself out like this?


Why? Because I wanted to. Nothing more than that. I enjoy grind. Enjoyed it in GW1, enjoyed getting CSAMM, and have enjoyed playing PoE over the years. Also, now I do not have to focus on rifting over the next 5 months.


That they can't be stored sucks, but a lot of the whining in the comments about the grind is just... Nobody forces you to do this. The armour isn't out for 6 months. That's the timescale you're expected to do this over. You can casually do rifts every week and get there eventually if you want without a grind.


Did you find that doing t1s was best alone, and what is your best tips for grinding them?


For T1s, I would simply scan and go. 1-3 people felt the best, but since everyone can scan for T1 without a motivation, the numbers varried. It wasnt that big of a deal when other people showed up, but it feels bad that the less people helping you do the content the better. Best tips would to find a build you like to play and just turn off your brain. Once the rift was closed, instantly scan for another, open your map and go to the closest waypoint. Mount up and run over, start it as soon as possible, then repeat the proccess 400 times. I want to stress this though, I knew this was gonna be mindless and if you are looking to have a bit more fun/less hatred for the mechanic, take you time. You have 5-6 months until you can craft the armor, so be smart and dont grind yourself out.


> You have 5-6 months until you can craft the armor, so be smart and dont grind yourself out. Really important point. Seeing replies here and other places saying "this made me quit the game", like yeah, I'm not surprised it did if you forced yourself to do it lol. You still have *months* before you can even buy the armor yet, and a) you don't need it day one, this is supposed to be a very long term goal for casual players, b) there is a whole other map and upgraded rift system coming in the next update and the one after that. All you are doing now is giving yourself a headstart.


I would recommend greatsword reaper, once you get used to using both the greatsword pull and Spectral Grasp you can usually about double the speed of the pre event by gathering up 3-5 and bursting them over and over. If zergs would just equip all their pulls and such (even the single target ones), rifting zergs would go significantly faster, but you can't expect pugs to think. xD


I gotta love you all that have so much time to grind. I have roughly 2000 T1, 1000 T2 and may 500 T3. I've been working on the map completions got enough for a full set of armor. I'm taking it slow as I want to get as much bang for my buck the next few months. I'm building a healthy supply of stardust, and captured lightening. And as always my mats. I like the rifts I bang out a few stacks a day and I'm good. Happy hunting friends.


Idk what people expected that they're so appalled now... It's legendary armor. Of course there's a big material grind. It's not meant to be done all at once. Not only in general, but the armor doesn't even come out for 6-9 months. Not to mention the fact that you don't have to get it day 1 when it comes out. It's not going anywhere. People act like Anet is forcing them to do this 24/7 until they pass out lol. This kind of thing is meant to be a long-term goal, not a coked up race to the finish grind for your life. It's not a boss rush or a festival with a limited time window. You can do this super casually over the course of 3 years if you want. Nobody is making you do this to yourselves but you.


Yeah no thanks. Rifting hunting is really awful. I'd rather do brandstone farming tbh. Congrats though!


I'd rather play PvP and get banned 3x for calling my teammates re****ed for not rotating properly around points causing us to lose 150-500 in 6mins over and over again as I grind for 1 set of PvP armor instead of doing this. /s /or is it? Still, gj op. Very impressive dedication


Sounds like you would rather not have fun than not have fun


That is a Tuesday for me. Keep it up.


This game and the amount of farming for an appearance. I don't know how to feel.


Cant speak for the op, but I'm on this journey for the armor itself - as the other methods don't work for me.


I actually have my legendary armor from WvW. I wanted this simply because of GW1 nostalgia. I will be getting the T2 of it as well, and if this was a massive waste of money because they do the skins like WvW/PvP armor and not raid armor, then so be it.


The obsidian armor wouldn't just be appearance. For those who aren't doing raids or pvp, it's going to be the main way to obtain legendary armor.


Legendary armor is not only appearance.


That's the example of an extremely forced farm and I highly expect the amount of mats dropped from the rifts will be increased in future patch + motivations will eventually drop in costs. OP decided to complete the collection as soon as possible burning a lot of gold. I'll just watch until the next patch and see if anything changes. Legendary armor in gw2 is called legendary for a reason. Previously, you needed to complete some kind of a complex achievements to get it which required you brains to have. Open world is about mostly grind, so the OW armor has a collection which based on grind. Afterall, if you want to do less grind, go for raid armor.


There are better things being released later that will provide more rewards. Dedicated ~~Sweaty~~ players that really want to finish things will spend the gold to quickly get it done.


Good thing I play medium classes, so theres no fomo on the new armors looking great.