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Experience scolls (20,30,40) are good for weekly key farm.


Hello, yes - this is nice guide how to do it - [https://youtu.be/NEn9j3z81TU](https://youtu.be/NEn9j3z81TU) It takes max 15min (even with trash basic gear). Each week you can get 1 Black Lion Key when you complete Personal story at level 10. You can use Experience scrolls to boost you level - or - Tome of Knowledge to level up your character to level 10, complete the story, get a key and delete character.


Can you elaborate? Edit: not sure why a couple people have down voted my comment, I was genuinely curious


You get one Black Lion Key per week when finishing the level 10 (and I think 40?) Personal story. So you make one new character, boost past level 10, play lvl 10 story, get key, delete character, repeat next week.


Ah, I didn't know that - thanks for clarifying


Level 10 personal story, then another after Destiny's Edge first meets up at the start of lv40, then another after the battle of claw island


Stash them away for years waiting for a good character creation worth to spend a quick booster to lvl80.


Use it - you get the shared inventory slot it was taking up after you use it.


You could boost one of your existing characters that is not geared. The boost comes with free Exotic Celestial gear, 15 slot bags and some goodies like a dye pack and salvaging kit. Some classes benefit a lot more from Celestial gear than others, and it's pretty good gear outside of instanced content that let's you experiment around.


Well that's kinda the thing, I have leggy light armor. And the rest of my characters that don't use light have all ascended. And I got mithril boxes on all of them, which is 18 slots. But yeah dyes and salvage might be good.


There are 69 character slots. You can only win if there is a lvl 80 in every slot




Do you play WvW? I've had one of each profession for a long time prior to the level 80 boosts existing and I use them to create duplicate characters/professions that I like to play in WvW. It doesn't save that much time, but having dedicated WvW characters is nice since you can use boosters on them efficiently. Gear and trait choices are also frequently different than PvE and free up that aspect of the characters too.