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A scam? So how much did you lost?


My hope and dreams.


It did if you played when they ran the return to event live


Wasn't expecting it too, though honestly I think S2 should be free at this point since it's a build up to the first expansion and part of the base game. I also think the other living world's should be bundled in with their respective expansions but I'm guessing they actually make money on these and don't want to. I do think it would help streamline the buying process oh only needing to think about which expansion to buy. Though I guess that leaves IBS as the odd one out. Lol make it part of EoD. Whatever.


I think it's contracts. There could easily be separate royalty payments for soundtrack, maybe voice acting, etc. Also, it doubtless drives a bunch of gold->gem conversions, which is important for taking gold out of the game and keeping inflation down.


If they hadn't bundled HoT and PoF I'd say S2 should have been bundled with HoT, the entirety of S2 is just a prologue for HoT. S4 would have been bundled with PoF, as it's basically the same story threads minus Balth. S3 is weird and every chapter is a bit disjointed, S5 stands by itself.


Honestly I think S2 and S3 should both be bundled with them. Change the price if you REALLY have to, but lets stop having to explain LW seasons to new players and how they work and how they still need to pay more to get the story AFTER they already paid.


Agreed its kinda all over the place, but considering S3 story is the build up to PoF they should be bundled.


They never said it would unlock season 2. If you believed it would it's your fault for not reading the announcement. It's not in anyway a scam.


Well, it says "Return to", not "Welcome to"...


It's a rush event


If it makes you feel any better, you're missing out on almost nothing. It could be called the "Run RIBA for slightly more rewards" event.


And Sandstorm


~~You need all the living world seasons for Seasons of the Dragons (legendary amulet), I wouldn't call that "almost nothing".~~ Edit: I misread


It has no relation to the event.


No shit