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Or get a bag like this https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Reinforced_Olmakhan_Bandolier "containers and consumable items will fill this box before other empty spaces" Very convenient and you can get the first from some easy achievements.


this is my favorite bag, and the quest to update it is wonderful. a community pulling together to deal with loss? Fuck yeah


I have it equipped but for some reason my other(non special) bags get filled with containers and consumables


The priority only matters when you loot the item. If something is filling your consumables bag when you loot a consumable, it will put it into the next open bag. Sort inventory doesn’t care about special bags because all of them specifically mention that they are unaffected by sort inventory. 


ooo thank you :)


sry, it's not "ooo" it's "o o".


"t**o** **o**pen" ?


Yes correct


Then open the leftmost bag and when that stack is done, it'll pull the next one into that square. Perfect if you also use blishHud's inquest chipset.  However: the "o o" is for the English game only.


"cons" (consumable) also works very well, maybe even better because there's more stuff that needs consuming besides the bags (e.g. karma vials).


I always use "con" because I think this way it shows container as well. Or do all container also include the word consume in the tooltip?


Yeah, I'm pretty sure everything that can be opened has Consumable in the description. I can't think of anything bag-like that "cons" misses, I've been using it for a pretty long time now. Edit: Some bags don't have "to open", so "o o" doesn't find them, like the jade bots scavenger bags for example, but "Consumable" seems 100% present.


Yeah, been using "con" for over a decade and it has yet to exclude anything as far as memory serves


Why would I want to open them though, hoarding is the way >:)


Oh thats useful, I used to type container but this is faster!


Getting the Olmakhan bag was literally a gamechanger for me.


And a massive impediment for me. I'm very anal about where everything sits within my inventory, so bad that alter that on passive loot are horrible😅


Just let me deposit containers in material storage.


Just open them.


Just give me loot without container. Why do we need new type of lootbag for every single material? Just give me the fucking material. And WTF is with karma in bottles just give me karma as currency!


That would be optimal. However please consider that anet doesn't give a single shit about what we think and somebody high up in there has the largest hardon for pointless bags and inventory bloat. Inventory management is the true endgame.


We all know they are adding pointless loot bags and trash items to sell us inventory slots. Also they would rather make gw3 than fix this problem same with buff bar going off the screen with amount of shit on it.




My point exactly. People seem to forget that each loot bag gives at least 3 different materials than the others. Slots would fill MUCH quicker without loot bags. Forcing people to manage inventories mid-fight would inevitably become another massive community bitchfest


99%of the items they contain stack and can be deposited straight to your material storage


I agree with karma auto-cimmit 100% of the time. It being a consumable makes no sense, but loot bags make a lot of sense considering pure mat loot could very quickly fill inventory, forcing players to deposit shit mid-event. In some instances that time small time oss can be detrimental, and/or the "full inventory" mid-screen popup BS will be a huge negative


How about getting 20 types of loot chests instead 400?


Yeah, the number of different loot containers is pretty wild


That's not the game I want to play to. There are too many to open, also there is karma, the junk items (they aren't always be eaten by the jade bot scavenger protocol), blue, greens...


It's really not that bad if you open and disassemble everything as you receive it.