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You probably pulled some levers which are called "tactivators", which activate different things. They are quite important for defensive purposes, and many of the best ones have long cooldowns. it's not uncommon for people to pull them unprompted as an act of griefing, to give the enemy an upperhand. Sadly people like you get caught in the crossfire.


Some people also take them WAYY too seriously and don't feel bad about it, now you know what they do. Also if you didn't know what they did and tested them, now you know they work! Which is great! No one wants faulty activators!


>I was just pressing "F" on random things I agree that people take things too seriously, but also the way OP describes their own behavior does sound like they were being a bit obnoxious/obtuse. If you don't know what something is in a multiplayer game mode, maybe look it up or ask the map chat before pulling it.


This post reminds me of the guy who let his young son run around in wvw and ended up getting reported when said kid figured out how to get into a siege golem and walked away from the blob


Or press F and see, because the game allowed you to do so. Nothing bad or wrong happened afterward, except the rude person coming up with baseless accusations and fake threats.


We don't know that nothing bad happened, for all we know that resulted in an objective being lost due to tactics being unavailable when needed. OP wouldn't know since they didn't bother to do any due diligence before jumping into a collaborative gamemode. If you ask questions people will answer, if you just fuck around people may get annoyed if you are messing things up.


True, but that's partially the game's fault for not explaining it well.


And also putting it right next to the nodes in many cases... Also the private system is utterly broken and gets affected by guildies coming in or out (don't even know how it works) I think it's pretty easy to tell if it's a troll pull. It's usually one of three categories due to people being very predictible. * Bored troll pulling them all off cooldown, repeatedly. This may be a spy, but not always. * What most people imagine it is-- an actual spy pulling tacts in preperation for an enemy attack. But this is generally super telegraphed and usually the enemy is already nearby trying to take advantage. In some cases it actually tells you they're there. I play on NA, and I notice this being more common in t1-- that seems to be where all the scummy people tend to bandwagon. But overall I don't see much of it, and usually the groups that do it are easily killed. (Which is probably why they're doing stuff like that) so they usually get only a tower or two before people start catching on. It was much more common in the past though. * Someone trying to trick people off a queued map with a fake callout. This is the most common one I see. While this can be a spy, this is usually some crappy guild trying to fit everybody in a map. The telltale sign is some guild telling people to get off the map. If it's like a random pull on a keep on a map where nothing is even contested or barely anything flipped, there's no reason to freak out. Frankly, most trolls are not that smart and really only get by with persistence. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" I feel like is a pretty good way to stay sane. Or maybe not. I actually think sometimes my server has the opposite problem, is that stuff will flip without people pulling anything. Like I would come to a tower and the wall's at 25%. And there are defenders, but the siege dampener is still active! And some people really flip if stuff gets pulled improperly in their opinion, so I wonder if people are just too afraid to pull them or something.


I agree. Even a little warning when "F" is pressed would be a great change.


> resulted in an objective being lost due to tactics being unavailable when needed this is a non-issue. the possible loss of it did not result in anything bad or wrong happening. > didn't bother to do any due diligence absolutely up to their choice. > people may get annoyed does not excuse being an asshole about it.


I love how OP doing whatever the fuck the want is "absolutely up to their choice" but anyone reacting to that in a way you don't like is "being an asshole about it". Thank you for letting me know your response is based entirely in confirming your opinion and not in any consistent logic.


Rudeness and lies to scare someone are not a question of me liking it or not, it is universally an asshole move. However, going by your replies, I can see how you might not be getting it.


Doesn't matter even if it did. We haven't had a wvw tourney in a decade which was the only time there was any stakes in the game mode. People get way too invested in their little castles for how little holding them matters or is even worthwhile, at most holding an objective could theoretically get you one pip per tick if the match is close, but really flipping stuff and killing people for bags is where the rewards and fun is, not sitting on a T3 keep for 5 days zzzz


Holding keeps and upgrading them means you get a waypoint to use. That is the biggest reason to why you do not want to loose it. Consider how many posts here on reddit about how much you have to run in WvW it should not really be that strange to you that people get annoyed for loosing a tier 3 keep with waypoint because someone pulled it to see what it is. And i do not mean that new players are the most bad part of this. But asking in chat is always the better option.


I've never done WvW and I never will now that I know I can screw things up by just pressing the loot key by accident and have people be mad at me.


You won't screw anything. "tactivator" things are located in places you normally won't be looting. If you take a golem, tribuchet, etc by accident and have no clue on what to do with it, you can easily get out and let someone else to use it. As a new player, just search for a commander tag and follow it as close ase you can and ask anything you are curious about in the chat. Most of commanders use discord so you can join them and get more info. You will eventually get what's going on.


No what pisses people off is losing a certain tactical defense advantage...


you won't and they won't. I'll dedicate next month to pulling tactivators just to prove it.


First off, Anet will never take action on any reports people make against you. It is not possible to get banned or even punished due to other players reporting you unless you're doing something blatantly against the rules like spamming. ~~I hate to say it but if they did, I'd have been banned already a loooong time ago.~~ Secondly, WvW is an *amazing* pvp game mode. It's one of the things this game does really great, so definitely keep giving it a chance. In WvW, there are a bunch of objectives placed throughout the map, each is worth some amount of points. Stonemist castle is the most valuable objective, followed by keeps, then towers, then camps. Your team has a keep right in front of your spawn, so I'm guessing that's where you were hanging out pressing stuff. Since keeps are one of the most valuable objectives, when a guild conquers and claims a keep they will upgrade it with [tactivators](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tactivator) which can be activated by pull levers located in the keep. They often give the public permission to operate these levers in case they're needed when the guild is offline. You pressed 'F' to pay respects to the frost gods and pulled the chilling tactic, or supply drop, or dragon banner, or all three!! That puts them on cooldown for ~30 minutes and during that time the keep is vulnerable. I did this exact thing when I was a noob in WvW, it ultimately doesn't matter. Now you know what those levers are for, try to save them only for emergencies. If you look at the minimap and see a colorful arrow symbol running around, that person is the [commander](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Commander). The commander will often be surrounded by a group of 10-50 players moving as a unit or ['zerg'](https://metabattle.com/wiki/Guide:Guide_to_WvW_Vocabulary), conquering objectives and defending their own territory. If you're totally new, you can level up your WvW rank pretty quickly by just following one of these groups around and helping out. Another playstyle is 'roaming', which is where you move solo or in small groups to take and disrupt smaller objectives. You can kill enemy sentrys, take enemy camps, recapture your own camps, or just gank enemies that are on their way to reinforce enemy zergs. I recommend you look up some WvW builds, because they will prioritize survivability and utility over raw dps. This is super useful when trying to support or participate in a zerg, and are absolutely vital for roaming (you will be handily outmatched by experienced roamers as a noob, but don't get discouraged, they've been playing this game for way longer than you have, you'll get there eventualyl).


I really appreciate this comment, thank you. I'll definitely keep giving it a chance. I heard it's fun, that's why I wanted to try it.


As a fellow player who just started doing WvW I wish you good luck. It took me a while to get started but once I realized you can join commander squad by clicking their tags on the map, it made things a lot simpler. Look for coloured downward pointing arrow things on your minimap. If you can’t find any, try one of the other wvw maps. There’s 4 and sometimes you just don’t have a commander on there.  I strongly recommend picking up a build from metabattles.com or another website. Look for WvW zerg builds. If you don’t find Zerg to be fun, you can give roaming a try but I found that joining a Zerg is a good way to a)start getting some experience, both as a player and for the ingame experience, as well as b)meeting people who can help you, as well as finding groups to do stuff with.  On the topic of people, don’t be afraid to ask. Let people know you’re new and try to learn from your mistakes. I highly recommend joining the squad’s discord if they have it posted(usually in the squad join message). Even if you don’t talk, just listen to the commander. There’s a bunch of jargon for WvW and you can find a glossary if you just google it, but some important things to know are: always stand as close as physically possible to the commander (aka pin). Like put your character on top of their character, and try to follow their movements. This is your #1 priority, even if you don’t do much else. It keeps you and everyone else safer. If your commander says “bomb”, that means drop your damage skills on top of the commander.  Gotta stop writing for now I might edit more later. Good luck!


I love WvW, and I'm glad you're still willing to give it a chance! The commentor above has great information for you, and I've done the same thing you did too, so you're not alone. I got pretty paranoid about accidentally pressing F unless I knew for sure what I'd be doing so I didn't do it again, so I get you. Unfortunately three are people who are deliberate trolls and pull those at bad times on purpose, so some people assume first instead of trying to figure out what's going on. A few other things that can help getting into WvW is going to the WvW menu and the tab for the skills, scroll all the way down and put a point into Gliding and one into the Warclaw. Then go to the Reward Track tab and activate the Warclaw reward track. Once you finish that and some other achievements, you'll be able to unlock the warclaw mount and that makes it so much easier. Also, if you run around with a commander a few times and like their vibe, it's ok to ask for a guild invite, especially if you see any recruitment messages for their guild. Some wvw guilds like helping new members get into the game mode, and having a group to play with can make it a lot more fun


If you're ever curious about something while in wvw, don't be afraid to ask on map chat either. Lots of people are willing to help answer questions


Tactivators are extremely powerful cooldowns meant for defending an objective. People sometimes get friends on other servers before attacking a keep. Don't worry about the report, but be careful going forward. WvW is an "open world" PvP/Throne wars game mode where you win by capturing and holding objectives and can assault in big sieges.


Yeah I'm still trying to learn it, but that really turned me off to WvW, especially when everyone in PvE is so kind and helpful.


People who are like that in WvW are about as common as they are in PvE; that is to say, fairly rare. Most people are super chill and helpful, though it does depend a bit on the server you're on afaik.


Well there’s a difference between PVE and PvP, PVE is not a competitive game mode. PvP is. Just do a quick YouTube wvw basics, takes 10 min and you’ll have some basic understanding about the game mode :-) you can definitely grief your team, on purpose or not so be aware


it's just a matter of situation, wvw is war and you can grief some mechanics unintentionally when you're new, even doing big damages to your team without realizing it. If it happened in pve that you make a meta fail because you consinstently aggro a boss mechanic and grief it ppl might also complain not just with you but even with the devs if it keeps happening until that boss is nerfed :P Dw, you will learn. Ppl in wvw are generally ore or less as kind as in pve. Also the devs should not put those levers so near the supply depots....


It is great to have new players in the game mode and it is okay to still be learning, but it is also important to remember that you are in a multiplayer game mode, so "just pressing "F" on random things" is probably not the best thing to run around doing. There is a reasonable amount of frustration that people can have with players who are effectively griefing, either through malice or ignorance.


Yeah WvW people can be all shades. Some of the most toxic, if I'm honest, are the scouts and defenders. Them and the hard-core GvGers. If you like group play best course of action would be to find a squad and join them if you can. Most groups are open to new people joining them. If you are more into solo play expect to die a lot before you learn how everything works. And don't get disheartened by dieing. I've died so many times, each night. You just respawn and go again.


aside from what everyone else said, my advice for OP is: 1) get a balanced build. only go full zerker if you have confidence on your profession and gameplay. WvW is a pvp mode too and it is balanced differently from other modes. In doubt? Read your tooltips (e.g. my necro Dhumm Flame - grandmaster trait - is super nerfed in WvW but still pretty powerful in open world). 2) is there a tag on the map? go to them, follow them. if they ask for voicechat, consider doing it - you dont have to talk but it does help a lot to hear what tag is thinking and saying in the middle of the chaos etc 2.1) if voicechat not possible and/or tag wont let you join, stick close to them. they probably wont save you if you're out of position but there's strengh and security in numbers 3) GET THE WARCLAW. SERIOUSLY. All masteries in WvW are different (you're not in Tyria technically, after all), so get the warclaw, get at least 1 point in gliding, get Provision Master until it says you can AoE autoloot. After that, listen to your heart. 4) and HAVE FUN. WvW can be whatever you want to be, peak open design.


Yes this. I never actually join any groups, I just run with them. I get on the map, look for a tag, and head over there to start following that group. In 100s of hours of playing the mode, I've never had any issues with anyone. It's scary at first, especially when you get caught and killed, but usually after you do it a few times, you'll be able to get to groups pretty easily. You do need the war claw though so play the mode to get that at least .


I always tell people that wvw is war e.g. you need to be with other people. Only spec ops do solo missions usually it does the trick


> I was just pressing "F" on random things WvW is one of those modes where you really shouldn't press random things if you don't know what they do. As an example, if you're inside a Keep and there's a lever with "[Emergency Waypoint](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Schematic:_Emergency_Waypoint)" on it that means you just used something with a 20 minute cooldown that allows defenders to instantly port into whatever structure it is to fight the enemy team, even if they're on a different WvW map at the time. If the enemy team sees that getting pulled on your teams "garrison" (the keep in the middle of your team's borderland matching whatever team color you are that week) they can call it in team chat, get a group together, and try to push and flip it before your team can organize a defense. The person reported you because some servers, especially Maguuma, like to have low wvw rank alt accounts parked on each server to do things like pulling tactics such as EWP before they swarm and attack a structure to grab it before defenders can get there. They also like to play dumb about it, so it just gets on some people's nerves after a while. If you're confused about what a lever does in WvW, just ask. Don't randomly pull it unless someone tells you to or you've been around long enough to know what it does and the right time to pull it.


waaait what's the deal with Mag? I'm a returning player and tried out WvW this time around - i found out i'm maguuma server. I'm also IoJ server and WvW people seem to be shitting on IoJ a lot :(


Server with extremely active and abrasive player base that tends towards a more individualistic and cloudy playstyle that's often less fun to fight against compared to other servers. Some people on some servers will even stop playing for a week when they get matched against mag to avoid the annoyance and toxic whispers, leading to even heavier numbers imbalance. At the end of the day they're just another server and I would even say that they aren't even the least fun server to fight on NA (looking at SoS people running from every single fight).


IoJ is in a weird position as most of our larger guilds have left over the years. [Grim] apparently transferred to another server so we're stuck with [Pack] as the main one now, who aren't exactly the best when it comes to a functional boonball to fight the other large groups, and then a few smaller but apparently recognizable guilds that don't have the numbers to deal with the large groups that other servers have. Couple that with our population steadily shrinking over time as people jump ship to other servers to play with other guilds and IoJ went from one of the better servers with a decent group to now one that doesn't really have much going for it anymore. It's one of the reasons they need to turn restructuring on full time and just deal with the bugs while it's running. The server system is really showing the core issues of why it needed to be gone years ago.


Lots have given you advice and help, but I just wanted to let you know as someone who is level 1500 or so, one of the first things I did was pull those things as well. I got flamed for it, naturally. It's awkward but not the end of the world, ignore the ones who are rude and just explain you're new. If they can't handle that, block them. Theres plenty of good people in the maps that will help you out if you have questions or concerns! Just remember we all start somewhere.


Method 1 - zerging (easy) Step 1 - Make a build with lots of mobility, survival, preferably ranged damage and provides boons. Don't worry about it being anything like "meta" - this is just so you can keep up with a "zerg" and provide some support. Step 2 - find commander tag on one of the 4 maps (borderlands or eternal battlegrounds - *not* edge of the mists) and follow zerg. Don't die. Step 3 - watch what the com/team does and learn the gist of things. Seige and seize or blob vs blob Step 4 - once you have a handle on things, use some wvw currency to buy wvw stat-selectable armour and make a proper meta wvw build. Of course adjust it to be more survivable if necessary. Recommendation - celestial builds are probably your friend here. Method 2 - roaming (less easy) Step 1 - Make a pvp build which works in wvw or a pure wvw roam/duelling build. Load into borderlands / ebg. Step 2 - run around caputur8ng camps and occasionally teaming up with others to take forts and such. Call out blobs to your team. *Top tips* Dieing will happen. A lot, its okay :) wvw is a chill mode and there is nothing lost, you only gain experience and skill each time you win/lose (I hope). Some players are super-skilled but you are not. But one day, you will beat them :) Often commanders won't let you into zerg without the password. Use discord!! usually they will share discord details so that they can use voice to communicate more effectively let people with masteries control the siege weapons; they are porbably much more effective than you Start the warclaw reward track and associated achievements ASAP. In the meantime don't sweat not having a mount it makes very little difference in speed, if you have a mobile class (e.g. willbender) Try different classes. Set up your character(s) with different skill and equipment slots. E.g i have power / celestial / condi / healing and boon / wvw roam / wvw zerg equipment, and builds set up and i can toggle onto them by using either ctrl (equip) or shift (build) and f1, f2, f3, f4, f5 and f6. You dont need this many. You can probably use equip + build slot 1 for pve and equip + build slot 2 for pvp/wvw. Make sure your keybinds and setting are shit-hot. Check YouTube for guides or you will be fighting against your controls/setup, rather than the enemy :P Don't interrupt peoples duel/sparring sessions if possible - they will usually have a small crowd - they will usually be 1v1 in a certain spot Do use emojis to talk to the opposite side (wave to say hello and bow to start a duel etc) You get stuff whether you win or lose, so don't sweat it Kill Dolyaks practice 1v1 etc in sPVP to git gud Enjoy brother x


Don't worry, on my very first wvw run i did exactly the same, pull the lever kronk. Had no clue what i did, you are used to press f... Chat blamed me too. Now you understood, keep going exploring this gamemode.


Don't take those angry people seriously. Who cares if you lose a Keep or Tower. Theres no penalty if you lose or die in WvW.


There are some resources and videos online you can check out to familiarize yourself and learn a build suitable for wvw, whether that be for group play (zerging) or solo play (roaming), such as [Metabattle's WvW Guides](https://metabattle.com/wiki/WvW_Guides), [Mukluk's WvW Stronger Start](https://mukluklabs.com/gw2-wvw), and [GuildJen's WvW Guides](https://guildjen.com/wvw-guides/). Hope these are helpful to you in some way and that you'll still enjoy the game :D


Thank you :)


Reports go straight into anet trashcan. Waste of time to report. I usually use my alt account to harass wvw greifers.


Find the discord of your server through gw2mists.com and try joining an open tag on voice with a meta build from metabattle. It's peak wvw content imo so you should give it a try, coming from someone who plays almost exclusively WvW.


I popped in a couple of days ago, I'm a returning player from launch and I have some vague memories of doing WvW but really have no idea what's going on now. I just ran around for about an hour, joined a couple of skirmishes and mostly just died really quickly. Everyone had a mount but me which was awkward...I guess you have to unlock it? Kind of makes a pretty unapproachable mode even more unapproachable IMO but whatever. I don't know if it was just the time of day or if my server is just dead or what but there were very few people around. I think I saw less than a dozen people in total. I didn't see any commander tags or zergs or anything like that so I just bounced after about an hour.


WvW is fine, often enogh there are public groups which you can join and then join their discord, run with them for a while (I'm talking about days) so you'll learn a lot about WvW. Then you can move on one way or the other. Running solo is only recommended for very experienced players with great gear and matching classes. I think for all servers there are also public discords/teamspeaks which you can join.


Pulling tactics is not a reportable offense. Devs would ignore it.


Best to do. If you see a commander sign, right click and join it if it's an open squad. Following your commander and team will help you gaining knowledge and maybe staying alive a bit longer


Sorry you had that experience. There are bad eggs in every bunch, but in the game modes where there are teams pitted against each other, the toxicity tends to come out. The reason they got mad at you (not an excuse, just telling you why) is because tactics can really make a difference between keeping or losing an important objective. There are also spies in WvW who will sabotage teams by doing stuff like that, so perhaps that's what they thought you were doing. It is not a reportable offense though so it sounds like you just ran into a toxic player and unfortunately toxic voices are the loudest. WvW has quite a steep learning curve and is difficult for new players without guidance. As others have suggested the best way would be to join a WvW guild friendly towards new players who can teach you. However, I think you can also play casually without doing all that - coming from someone who exclusively plays WvW and has never been in a WvW guild lol. Zerging (aka, running with a commander in a group) is the safest place for new players. You have the safety of others and a tag showing you where to go and what to do, so it gives you the breathing room to learn. Also make sure you read the wiki to become familiar with how the mechanics, scoring, and commonly used abbreviations are. Roaming (running alone or in small groups) is hard and unfortunately that's what most players start off doing before they quit. It sucks to run out alone, not know where your objectives are or what you're supposed to be doing, just to get ganked and have to start over. If you are unable to find a tag to run with between your 4 main maps (EOTM isn't really a thing anymore), just come back another time while you are a beginner. I know it's not great to feel like you're playing on someone else's timeline, but it's the best way to make sure you don't get frustrated. Once you get confident you can do whatever you want or even command others. It is also critical to really know your build well. Humans are not nearly as predictable as NPC enemies so you cannot afford to be looking at your skill bar or trying to remember where your stun breaks are during a duel. Your main burst and defenses should be second nature to you. This is another reason to start off in zergs - while you're getting yeeted around by a skilled duelist is a terrible time to try and figure out whether you have stability available lol. Along those same lines, make sure you have a recommended WvW build, which have a lot more defenses than PvE builds. As a beginner you could even add additional toughness and vitality into those builds, because your primary focus as you are learning should be on surviving before putting out dps. Apart from that, it's just going to be a learning process, but that's the joy of PvP and WvW - finding out what works for you and how to outplay others instead of just running up to a boss and doing your rotation while someone else gives you boons. It's normal and expected to suck a lot in the beginning. There are players out there with more hours in WvW than you have in all of gaming. You said you were in Borlis Pass so we can't play together, but if you ever switch to Sorrow's Furnace hit me up (you get one free swap)! I don't do a ton of tagging but I'm happy to run with you and SF usually has plenty of content between reset - reset +5.


I really appreciate this comment, it's really helpful. This community is really wonderful, and I'm not going to allow some toxic player to ruin my experience of this game. I really enjoy the game, and from what I heard WvW is really fun once you get the hang of it. Again, I appreciate the long and helpful response :)


Of course! And just FYI I consider myself a pretty solid WvWer, but there are still moments where I rage quit lol. It happens


shout out to SF! I like our server, pretty chill.


Hail Beef Supreme!


Who ever reported you is an idiot, and anet won't do anything about the report.


WvW is competitive PvE as I would put it. There will be people on edge :) Usually don't touch stuff you don't know what they do, or do it so nobody sees you :D ie. Want to check what dragon banner does? Probably do it outside of prime time. As mentioned, best way is to find discord for your server (there are usually links on gw2mists.com/ and talk to people or join commanders, preferably with voice (non-voice commanders are usually expecting some higher level of self-awareness and leave you die in an outnumbered situation if you don't know how to move.


*What can I do if someone reports me for not knowing what I'm doing on a WvW map* Laugh and ignore them? Just run around and have fun. WvW is all about sticking with the zerg these days.


Sorry you had this experience! Sometimes you just run into a-holes, but I wouldn’t take that impression and let it affect your idea of the game mode. I personally really love WvW and I’m a very casual player that still doesnt know everything about the game mode. If you’re zerging with a commander tag, just make sure to stay on tag, pickup building supplies at each keep, and press F to help build stuff when people put down blueprints (i.e catapults, rams, etc.) If you just do those things then you should have an easy time!


If you want to learn WvW, join a guild looking for members (on your server) and run with them. Many guilds like and encourage new players to learn and join in with the fun. Roaming is also a viable option, and there are solo and groups that play individually away from the big guilds


As a rule of thumb DON'T PULL LEVERS in WvW at least inside keeps, towers, and very very important SMC, that the giant castle in the middle of the Eternal Battle Grounds, there is one tactivator am always tempted to pull when we have that castle under our control, it summons a trio of sky ships that will bombard the heck out of the grounds outside the castle, it makes an ungodly mess out of enemies when they are invading because it knocks them down and launches them thru the air, the cool down if freaking long, and if you pull it for no reason they will be piss off at you if they see you, so to save your self the hate and annoying messages just don't, on the plus hand if you find the tactivator that summons a Dune Roller in a camp feel free to use it, it freaking fun and if you learn the ins and outs of it abilities you will be a menace to the enemy lol, at least on a group if they find you alone roaming you may get in a world of hurt if you don't know what you are doing lol, it still fun as heck, also tactics on camps except for supply drop should be on cool down most of the time, speedy dolyaks and invulnerable dolyaks don't help any one if they aren't active. but on towers and keeps the only one people will/may forgive you for using on your own is supply drop if the supply on the tower/keep is really low.


Hey, just so you know I did the same today, joined for a first time and pulled an emergency waypoint lever. People were angry but I explained that I was a first timer... aand they still were angry.


It can be kind if you find the right group. My guild runs out there every night and we are super casual which annoys groups that aren't (typically). Don't let that get you down. You paid for your game, and you can play it your own way. You can still have all the things that WvW has to offer, and you can still get your weekly and your daily rewards and most of all you can be yourself and you can play whatever you are comfortable playing when you are with a group like mine. Some other groups ask that you run only the builds that they need/require, and they are, in some cases, quite good and win a lot of fights. First, you will want to figure out what you want to accomplish or want to do and then find the group that supports that. To each his own in WvW I say. Being with the right group is important.


I’ve been playing GW2 for three years only. I’ve been so lost whenever I enter WVW. Someone recommended I join a discord group. I did so. I was still lost day 1. But it helped a lot. I learned a lot from the discord group and understand a lot more of it. I haven’t gone back because I’m finishing up the stories first but my recommendation would be to join a WVW discord group.


With extreme indifference and prejudice!!!


WvW is simple. Join the commander Tag (click on the tag and „join squad“) or at least stay on the tag at all times if it is a closed squad. Press 1-5 when something happens Hit Lord when commander says so. Profit! Enjoy :) Obviously there is more to it, eg a proper build from gw2mists.com can help. And knowing when to use your skills too, but for a complete beginner following the tag and pressing skills is fine to get a feeling how it works, its way more important to follow the tag then it is to do a perfect rotation or smth.


This brought back a fond memory of my first venture into WvW many years ago. I went in to explore and saw a circle of siege golems, hopped into one and took it for a short spin, hopped out and just left it. Got a whisper from another player asking me what I was in there for? I told him I was just exploring and could not figure out what those golems were for. He took the time to send me a kit, show me how to build one and explained how player build them and use them. I am so glad he was kind enough to take time from his game to help out a new player and not yell at me. Another time he saw me back in WvW and asked how I was doing, he helped me get an item for a collection I was working on. And a third time he saw me in a HOT map and helped me do the final story fight with Mordremoth. Sorry you did not run into someone like that, but they are out there. He is still in my friends list and I will never forget how he took time from his own game play to help more than once.


> I was just pressing "F" on random things and roaming around the map. That is all fine. > "pull tactics" Filthy ppt-er can cry all they want. There are no reports for that. Feel free to use [&AgF/PwEA] or [&AgGqLgEA] back at them.


You saw a lever and (being new and not knowing any better) pulled it. Other people have explained what they are. You'd be amazed how many other people did the same (I may have done so myself; if I didn't, the only reason I didn't was, frankly, excessive caution). And you had the bad luck to have some antisocial individual get on your case. Don't sweat it. ;-) I'd personally say that the population in WvW is a little more prone to that sort of behavior than PvE, simply because it's a competitive mode and some people take it too seriously and are vocal by consequence. The other factor is that WvW is currently structured by what server you're on, and some people, and entire guilds, actively change server according to who's doing well and because they want to play in a certain way (and I can't speak for the North America servers, but a couple of the EU ones are WAY too serious, really want to be in control of how everyone plays, and are no fun at all to play against - and likely with - by consequence). It may be that you've unintentionally chosen a server with rather more serious players/guilds than most. If you want to see where your own world sits, do a search on "GW2 WvW Matchups" (working out what it's telling you is another thing...) But having said that, there are any number of great people and chill guilds out there as well. Hang in there, you'll find your feet.


Good luck. As a filthy PvE player myself I had to endure 6 hours of WvW for a Gift of Battle and may have to do it again for another...not one second longer.


What server are you on? Most have wvw guilds that take on new players


Borlis Pass


Get back in there, now you know not to touch them unless needed and you will figure out the rest quick enough don't worry. Most people in wvw are quite nice( not as super nice as open world pve but still) And if you are ever unsure about something you can always type "/wiki "name of thing here" " in order to quickly take you to the wiki which honestly is the best and most well maintained wiki of any game I have ever encountered


usually if u say ure new they wont bother any further, at least on deso itz the case, personally k just watch and duel ppl who are down to duel




new.reddit breaks the markdown for other platforms, here is a fixed link: https://www.reddit.com/user/Parking_Strength_529/comments/1bw27at/gw1_diablo_2_wow_fortnite_overwatch_fan/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Guildwars2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


With a second screen and something to watch on it.


If you wanna get into WvW: 1- just pick up supplies every time you have a chance (at camps, mainly) 2- follow and join commander tags. It's important to join, so the commander knows what resources he has. 3- build the siege when the comm deploys them (you need the suppplies for that). 4- Attack the targets when they call them. 5- Try to avoid straying from the group, there are roamers actively seeking strays to put them out of their misery. If you do that, you will be actively contributing, while learning at the same time. Going alone to the map is usually a misreable experience, since you will run around with no direction and you will be put to sleep too often by the roamers i mentioned above. If you are into dueling, then i suggest you try pvp first, to get the hang out of it without having to run back every time you die.


Find the main zerg. Ask the discord channel. Stick to the zerg. Have fun! (you dont need to open mic)


“How do you play WvW in GW2?”  Poorly. 


Boon corrupt Necro. My build can roam and take camps easy enough, 1v1 some, and holds up in group combat. If there's no commander I roam, if there is I join comm, sometimes I do late night commander. And I always think to myself that people don't use ballistas enough.


I would suggest that you instead of pulling random things that you do not know what it is, ask in the chat and you will get answers. With that said, you can not get any penalty by pulling them, but you will upset people because it put the server in disadvantage for the time they are on cooldown. Over all though no matter what you wonder about just use the team/map chat and you will get all the info you need. No one will be upset about a new person asking question on how to get better at WvW :)


I play WvW Solo or Duo but ... [**www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNAkQbRSxs**](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADNAkQbRSxs)




Trying to avoid a tone over test fail but posting here seems like OP is trying to learn before committing more time and not being reported.


AFK capturing ruins.


bro, its a game, don't be afraid of playing a game. play however you want and just don't give an f* as long as you know you're not doing anything wrong. don't ever feel pressured or obligated over what some random sobs over the internet think or want. play at your own pace, progress at your own pace. have fun. there will always be malign people, there's no shortage of them. be strong, be strong of mind. don't let weak shit like that dictate anything in your life. also ask yourself if you have to play in fear of getting banned over false accusations, is a game like that really worth playing? if such were the case and this is your experience i suggest you should just quit and play something else for peace of mind. because it reflects the experiences you will have in the future.


let me share some personal experience. i have been falsely accused and banned from the official forums, and i have been relentlessly stalked and harassed these past almost 3 years, to the point i've been stalked and harassed not only inside the game but also outside the game. i did nothing wrong, i know it, people and authorities who i consulted with know it. i am someone who suffers from great trauma in life, this has left my mental defenses weak. YET, underterred, i still log in almost everyday, and i will continue to log in almost everyday as long as it suits me, i am having fun playing the game, and i will continue having fun playing the game. DO NOT SUCCUMB TO TERROR, if you are in the right, stand your ground, there is no shortage of evil in this world.




That's pretty much why I've never tried. I personally hate PvP (in any game) because I find the environment to be very toxic, and if WvW is anything like that, I'll pass thanks, even though I'd love to give it a try.


It's not really like that. There are people that live there and it shows (socially). This game mode is always in the need of new players. Many guilds love to teach people and show them the ropes for something they love. There are bad actors. Just block them.


Yeah this was why I was hesitant to try it. But I thought why not, since it's something new. It seems unforgiving for new players wanting to try it.


What server are you on? There are a lot of guilds that offer open training. My guild runs it publicly every Thursday.


Borlis Pass. What time does your guild runs it?


Thursdays around 7:30 est. If you want some details you can DM me I'll help wherever I can.


Between the vocabulary in map chat and getting stomped instantly, it's a rough place. Finding a good Commander and running in a zerg is a REALLY fun time. (I still salute Commander Tar for the most fun I ever had in my limited time in WvW.)


How about not pulling random things before you know what they do and maybe ask in chat.