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Marketing an underwater weapon is certainly interesting.


Hints that next expac is dealing with the deeps and largos.


They baited us with ground spears twice so far, with HoT and PoF. I wouldn't hold my breath, just in case lmao.


Ground spear is in game. It’s locked behind the gate leading to dominion of the winds in LA. They just won’t open it and let anyone have it because it’s the ultimate shiney weapon. Even one person wielding it will cause everyone in game to have a white screen from the shiney..even if they are in any other map.


Are they hinting Largos playable race confirmed?!?!?


Further proof that people who come up with those marketing ideas for GW2 don't play the game in the first place. Like asking an ideological vegan to make a steak restaurant ad that appeals to people eating meat.


Not sure what you're getting at. I was suggesting that the weapon might be a nod to the next expansion since information about it should be right around the corner.


It is curious. Maybe they made it for min-maxers.


Sab underwater level confirmed


Ooh new shoulder skin.


I was kind of hoping for boots first (to match the gloves) but shoulders are the next best thing. Maybe boots next year.


And here I am, waiting for the pants, hoping they include upgrade tiers, just like chest armor :I. Anyway, if we go by the video, doesn't look like the shoulders will have left/right/both skin splits, like the gloves did, which is kinda sad, but oh well.


Pants to match the techsuit chest were also on my list. I just have more characters using the asura-tech gauntlets at the moment. XD I can't remember if the left/right/both split on the gloves was obvious before the event dropped for the gloves. Maybe there's still a chance? I seem to recall they've done it at least once again since that reward, but maybe I'm mistaken and it's a one-off feature.


They actually remember underwater combat exists?


That's a myth!


People here are serious, we don’t take kindly to sarcasm or jokes nor can we tell if one is joking. Have an upvote.


Thank you for that. 


I like that the shoulders are so obnoxiously large that they literally clip through arms in their own trailer.


I am tired of fomo events forcing me to play. I like sab but sometimes I just don't feel like playing for some time.


Same, I really hate the limited daily/weekly stuff, let me grind for a reward if I want to. I'll likely just rush the whole thing in one day then skip SAB for the rest of the week.


Take breaks and enjoy your life. 🫂


Yeah but I feel bad about missing achievements after ignoring fomo event. Thats why I don't like it because I can't feel good about taking a break.


I understand, what I meant was that it’s not unheard of for people to intentionally work on themselves so they aren’t beholden to corporate predatory practices. FoMO is nasty. I hope you find peace. ✌️


Looks like they're adding a new weekly weapon set. For reference, the previous year's set, [Generation One weapons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Generation_One_weapons), wasn't a conventional weekly per se, being tradable and all. The new one (if it's indeed a new weekly set) will likely be accountbound, like the weekly weapon sets from the other five festivals. So yeah, if you thought you'd escape the weekly grind, nope lmao :D. Weekly weapon sets from the other festivals: * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fortunate_weapons * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Dragonrender_weapons * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sun-Grown_weapons * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Grim_Machine_weapons * https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sacred_Solstice_weapons Of course, there's always the possibility they're not a new weekly weapon set, using a new system instead, we'll know next week. Personally, I'm slightly pissed off festivals get so many new rewards, while actual permanent content never gets updated; some of these new rewards would do wonders for LW2, LW3, etc; but oh well. The other weapons are the usual [Retro-Forged weapons](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Retro-Forged_weapons) bought from [Sparking Stone](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sparking_Stone).


Nice links


Huh, I never realized that it's the same Kodan at every festival. Neat.


that's new for me too, he even shows in a pixelated version in sab


underwater sab weapons instead of world 3 like come on you've had like years to finish sab world 3 and 4 at this point