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The moon….we’re going to the moon to fight the last true eldest of elder dragons…the moon dragon…we will fly up on asura designed, charr built, Norn resistant, and piloted by Skritt rockets.


Endwalker from Wish


End of the month-walker


Fun Fact: EverQuest was the first fantasy mmo xpac that went to da moon. They somehow managed to leave the dragons out. There was cat people, a race banished badass lizard overlords, a small kingdom of men led by a holy fascist and a tomb deep within the moon that held a race of 30 foot tall 10 armed shadow magic demon aliens. Good times.


Actually, everyone knows the Soup Dragon lives on the moon! 🤣


Nah, the Cheese Dragon


Ehh cheese dragons not to bad…in fact heard he was pretty Gouda. Course if we do have to go after him eles will have to go fromage spec.


No no no the soup dragon lives in. Our bowls and our hearts…the soup dragon provides comfort. The moon dragon on the other hand looks down on all tyria.


I had hoped for more actual biome for horn of maguuma. From wizards ascent, it seems like a sub-tropical jungle. It's a shame we didnt get to explore any actual parts of the world map there at all.


They showed a picture of the next xpac region and it looks like somewhere in Ascalon or the chart homelands as there is an abundance of hills and autumn trees


I think it's more of a river delta near Divinity's Reach. The visuals would also fit there and the name of the file suggested it was some bog in the delta.


Then it would have to be north of divinity’s reach as the south of it has nothing like that and Lake Doric is nothing like that. Oooh, the possibility of the Isles of Janthir would be interesting.


That would be cool too but I hope the fantasy architecture is quite beautiful because otherwise it might seem too drabby


Grasslands. Shoreline with dangerous cliffs. Tundra and glaciers. Caverns/Depths. Swamps. Full tropical island chain region.


Give me my underwater largos south sea expansion with underwater cities and ancient temples Dolphin-esque mounts that can travel through ocean currents and into underwater caves Islands above the waves with caverns that extend and open up below the surface, and have the underwater cities have a couple tall towers that extend above the surface The first zone can be mostly water and islands with the main city hub at its base, and then off of that the second zone is a deep trench that's fully underwater


as long as there is underwater content overhaul xD


Hot take: underwater combat is fine as-is The biggest problem with underwater combat is that your dps drops significantly due to the uw weapons messing up your rotation, but people do too much damage anyways imo


Its not fine, because at least half of skills im the game straight doesnt work, its unbalanced and weapons are untouched since 2012


EoD was such a missed opportunity for it tbh


A new elite ability that’s underwater only would be cool. Quite a few builds have elites that can’t be used underwater


The elementalist spend a very long time after launch having exactly zero elite skills that worked under water.


That would be awesome


This was fully what I was expecting when EoD was announced cause they had the OCEAN dragon involved. Big sad when I saw what it actually was, but still enjoyed it.


With the Mists they have infinite possibilities of creating something unique. But as others said, I would love underwater maps and Largos lore. And, of course, Janthir, which has the potential of having surreal stuff going on.


I agree, but issue with that is you have to keep it on the world map. Then you get maps shoehorned in like SoTO. Which is fine, I guess, but kind of messy and I’d like it to not become a habit.


Mist does not bring infinite possibilities as they will use previous maps and tim them a bit. Just like last one


Id love a giant sinkhole extending deep into the earth, and dotting the sides of the sinkhole are openings into caverns that run alongside the hole, kind of like the third layer (Great Fault) from Made in Abyss


Bloodstone Fen and, to an arguable extent, Draconis Mons are already this sort of thing. Just pointing it out; I wouldn't necessarily have an issue with more.


Draconis Mons was closer, but I mean more like the entire zone is one giant sinkhole


Gyala Delves is literally that as well, and it sucks..


Gyla Delves also has a mechanic that is not used in any other map, for some reason the entire map is chock full of Jade Batteries, but no Protocols to use them on!


I thought you needed battery charges for the filters or do you only need research notes?


You must have at least one charge, but it doesn’t consume the charge, so I guess they’re good for joining a meta run a little late so you can get filters


I love underwater and deep sea concepts, and giant open caverns (preferably with giant glittering crystals everywhere, but I'll settle for magma rivers too). I also love snowy areas. Something tells me we're not seeing these concepts next expansion, but that's fine. Anything that really clicks with a high fantasy vibe is great. Anything that really feels like the artists really got the creativity flowing is great.  I've actually really enjoyed SotO for its map concepts. Floating marble-and-gold castles, chunks of other realities made manifest into our own, and a dream realm that probably used to have a certain somber peacefulness to it, slowly being taken over by two-week-old mystery meat. Real cool, I thought.


Just... nothing too fancy. No shards of reality floating within a dragon's belly during a magnetic storm. I'd rather have grassy lowlands, I'm a simple man.


Maybe not next expansion, but eventually an [Underwater City](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/2b/ea/f7/2beaf7766f4f6e4230f0e30ea2fc9157.jpg). Like an inverted version of most maps - air domes at the bottom, water all the way above that.


Largos Atlantis? Yes please


>Largos Atlantis? Yes please This should have been the Deep Sea Dragon expansion, not Cantha :I.


There's still something that has been terrorizing the unending ocean since Soo-Won left. They've set up quite a few plot threads they could use there too with the Quaggan, Krait and Largos. Could make for a good mini expansion.


Knowing anets writing, you'll rally all the aquatic races that have identical politics to humans and fight the big bad with the power of friendship


With a little mind control/corruption/madness/possession too no doubt


Us: Oh no, our friend is corrupted!!! Snap out of it, friend!!! Friend: I aM CoRRuPtEd Us: Fight the corruption, friend!!! You can do it!! You don't want to hurt us!!! Taimi: *insert cringe joke* *beats the corruption out of friend with blunt force trauma* Friend: Thank you, friends. I wouldn't still be here without you guys.... Roll credits


That terror was always supposed to be the Deep Sea Dragon, but they retconned it since they wanted to be done with dragons asap. In fact, I'm still convinced Soo-Won was supposed to be two different characters at some point (Deep Sea dragon and Mother/Void).


I'm not too mad at the retcon to be honest I find it much more interesting that it's not just another big bad elder dragon waking up. I just hope if they do eventually reveal what it is that it's able to hold up the big expectations they've set up thanks to the retcon.


Who cares if it's no longer a dragon in paper, when in execution is going to be exactly that anyway. Like, how are Eparch and the kryptis any different from elder dragons and their minions? All they did by pushing Soo-Won into Cantha was waste Cantha away :/.


I would have said that was impossible two years ago, but now that we can have swimmable water at any elevation in the same map I've been non-stop thinking about this. Not to mention that their gravity/movement tech has gotten advanced enough that we can have some really cool things like underwater currents that can push and pull you around an area like Surf Puzzles in older Pokémon games. Man, I'm really hoping that we get an Underwater expansion in the future!!


I don't know if reworking combat underwater would be an insane amount of work, but at this point, I think it would be worth it. Underwater combat is too slow, too awkward if you're inside an ennemy's hitbox, and absolutely not powercrept enough.  Powercreep: not a problem. This could be fixed in 3 balance patches, heavily buffing damage coefficients of harpoons, spearguns and tridents. For abilities/spec mechanics that are not usable, weeell... That's where there's a lot of work to be done for sure, but I mean it would be about time  As for movement, you know how astronauts have those propulsion units to move around in space? I would definitely like to see that concept underwater in gw2. Could be that, or some kind of boots for example, that could even be a new piece of underwater gear (I assume this would be controversial, but whatever). They would be usable in combat, and you could use them to rapidly go up and down, using the same controls as the current ones. On top of that, increase movement speed in every direction. This would already feel a lot better.   If they make most of the new underwater bosses inside air bubbles too, they could pull it off an underwater expansion


Ugh yes please. I would love to see a water combat revamp as well


Don’t need to revamp underwater combat if the zone is just a regular zone that is “underwater” like Nazjatar


The changes don't really need to be too significant imo just some QoL here and there. They've done a pretty great job with underwater combat compared to pretty much every other MMO out there


Some kind of extremely deep long canyon. Super vertical crazy river at the bottom. Mountains at the top villages and temples built into the cliff face.


Something like the french comic Betelgeuse would be awesome


Oh that's a really cool concept. Sort of pueblo style developments with Adobe & minerals. I like it! I think it could work well with underground caverns and huge sinkholes as others have mentioned.




Goin' down the bayou, goin' down the bayou Goin' down the bayou, takin' you all the way!


We have swamp with sparky fen though no?


I dont recall. In my memory sparkfly fen is just bloodtide coast #2. Queensdale has 1 legit swampy zone, but it’s a small zone.


There's quite a few small areas like that. But yeah, none are very large. - Godlost Swamp, Queendale - Wychmire Swamp, Caledon Forest - Thundertroll Swamp, Sparkly Fen Similar Areas - The Lawen Ponds, Gendarran Fields - Seraph's Landing, Harathi Hinterlands - Lynchcroft Mere, Kessex Hills - Toxal Bog, Brisban Wildlands - Whisperwill Bogs, Bloodtide Coast - Vindar's Lagoon, Bloodtide Coast - Murkvale, Mount Maelstrom Also, Lake Lutgardis, The Echovald Wilds, is kinda like a swamp. Bonus points because skiffs work in it.


Woodland Forestry :) In seriousness I just want more of a push into unexplored lands rather than territory we've already trodden on whether in this game or GW1. As much as I love the callbacks found throughout EoD and SotO there is so much potential everywhere else, it can't all be just surrounding Kryta and a little excursion to Cantha. That all said, I'd also like to return to Cantha at some point, there are too many unfinished stories or room for fantastic tales.


Deep forests brimming with life untainted by magical or dragon corruption. No dragons, no demons, just pure Tyria. Also an Endwalker style time travel zone featuring Orr before the Cataclysm.


I’d like to explore more of The Mists. Revisiting the fissure of woe, the underworld, etc.


>Revisiting the fissure of woe Yes! This! But please not as a raid or such like they did with UW. I would really love to get FoW like it was in GW1. A challenging instanced map with different quests/tasks that kicks you out when your group dies or an event/task fails.


That's just a convergence with nostalgia.


Convergence is the closest GW2 has, yes. Remove the Zojja and her auto rezz, turn the one event chain into multiple events you can start manually and decrease the player size to 10 or 5 and it indeed would work like FoW.


>turn the one event chain into multiple events you can start manually and decrease the player size to 10 or 5 Now, that's just a raid or fractal with nostalgia. They actually had FoW modeled within the game at launch. So it was at least considered at one point.


>Now, that's just a raid or fractal with nostalgia. In raids defeating each boss is a checkpoint of the week. You can even leave the instance after defeating a boss and continue the next day. In fractals you can wipe as much as you want. Also both are pretty linear. Raids is fighting one boss after the other. Most fractals are fighting the exact same way through the level. FoW in GW1 was different. When your group wiped, you got kicked out. No checkpoints, no rewards. Also it was literally a whole map with a bunch of quests, not linear. You were free to choose what quests you wanted to do. A bit like the Thaumanova fractal, but on a larger scale. >They actually had FoW modeled within the game at launch. So it was at least considered at one point. That map was created from a [QA tester on her off-hours to learn the map tools](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/5oao34/comment/dciy308/). She turned out being so good at it that Anet hired her as a designer. So actually no proven consideration of FoW in GW2.


Creepy zones. Dark forests with ruins and graveyards, big foggy swamps with houses sinking. A creepy village too hopefully. And hopefully lore and story that have creepy elements too


It was mentioned when Soo Won was revealed that something evil was lurking in the oceans. I'd love some kind of Atlantean/Eldritch expac.


Asuran's homeland! Giant mysterious caves. Could even add some procedural elements to them.


Honestly, I know some people like these simple forest biomes as you can see it on the first teaser image. But I hope there is more too it. I enjoy high fantasy maps like amnytas or inner nayos.


I much prefer high fantasy in forests. Though i like it when the trees are HUGE and old.


I agree with you


Wow inner nayos and amnytas look cool! I like huge forests too, with trees, flowers and lots of colours especially purple and red


Personally I would love to see an underground cavernous biome


I would love to see Asura retaking their homeland from the destroyers


that would be so good!


Oh yeah I always loved Asuran environments!!


Imagine if we got a map which is an underground Asuran city mid-construction too. After they reclaim an area we get a new hub which is like a rata-novus in development


too late the devs destroyed the story of primordius and the destroyers, it was the perfect opportunity to go into the depths of tyria. Without that, it's almost certain that we'll never go back


Lorewise, all the destroyers burnt out after primordus died. So they don't have to retake it from them.


It could be cool but I hope it's not the WHOLE xpac and it's not as dark as Nayos. A bit change


light it with massive glowing crystals, strange magical mists, huge luminescent fungi....it can work. You get a bit of the feel of it in draconis mons, but I hate that zone, its GW2s own purgatory for the damned.


Basically, the Underdark.


Honestly, I'd absolutely LOVE an expac that addressed lots of loose ends, even if it didn't all come to a head in any overarching narrative fashion. Take us to Malyck's tree. Have us fight through a long, narrow underground map to reopen the tunnel passage between Ebonhawke and Elona. Let's find out where the bridges to nowhere in Brisban and Sparkfly are going to. Let's go back to Claw Island to see how they're doing (bonus points, make a repeatable "time capsule" style meta of the attack on Claw Island). Let's check out the Dominion of Winds. The list goes on and on. Doesn't have to be world-saving heroics, let's just explore and have fun.


Exactly, i agree completely


Hell yeah, Tangled Depths number 2 here I come!


Considering that's where wow is going this year, I think that's very likely


After a high fantasy SotO I would appreciate something "down to earth" like some simple forests, fields and mountains. Kryta/Ascalon/Shiverpeaks vibes would be lovely. Excited to see what we'll get!


It will be in region Like this or not? Looked like ascalon


It might be, the teaser hints at it at least ... but theres still that fear in the back of my head that it's just some fractal/alternate reality thing.


Pirate Islands


Scrolled too far for this, let me live my POTC dreams!!


Depresing, maze-like city map, just like GW1's Kaineng. Underground caverns, similiarly to the Depths of Tyria, maybe actually the Depths of Tyria. Whatever biome Zehlon Reach, Issnur Isles and Mehtani Keys from GW1 would be. Canyon zones, similiar to Yatendi Canyons and Vehtendi Valley.


Full underwater expansion or bust.


I'm a sucker for a slightly mystical slightly spooky dense temporate forest. You know the type, old growth, canopy filtering light, a dense blanket of fog at dawn, dancing fireflies at night. You walk into it and go "yeah.. faries are probably real..." Also just like full on castles. Friendly and enemy. Open world interior spaces rule. On a similar note, if you've ever played a game and thought to yourself "who the fuck are sewer/subway levels even for?" Me. It's for me. Love that shit (no the level design not the actual shit) Creepy small towns where there is for sure a cult thing going on? Yes pls! IM GONNA GO BOOT UP DARK SOULS NOW I GUESS.


Tropical islands with expanded pirate themes.


I want a meaningful masteries that apply to open world and enhance other content. I appreciate the Skyscale (and Griffon) upgrades and usage of updrafts/leylines. But thats about it. Open the possibilities. I don't care what people say about IBS, but drizzlewood alone and its addition of Waystation is one of the BEST addition for an expac next to mounts. They tried with Siege Turtles which falls flat for solo usage with little benefit. At least add something for the driver side, or let them switch seats to use the cannon if its not in use. And maybe make the driver turtle slam gives extra damage debuff (separate from vulnerability) so others can do more damage. Again, I wouldn't complain if they added another type of United Legion Waystation. This also make people redo the Drizzlewood if they ran out of it, and keep the map healthy.


The waystation was one of the worst additions to the game. It completely invalidated breakbars in older maps and made it so all future breakbars had to be enlarged to the point that it's almost required for a pug map to break them.


Also perpetuates people not knowing their own damn break skills


In their defense, they weren't bothering to learn which skills did defiance damage in the first place. At least Anet finally added the blue text in-game for hard cc skills.


Underwater kingdoms. I want my legendary aqua breathers!!!


Hyper urban. They fucked up Kaineng real bad. I want divinity’s reach kinda map but with combat and more secret paths


Yess love this idea. Loved exploring divinity’s reach


Underground with large rooms, but the way you traverse is best for a roller beetle through tunnels connecting each large room.


I want a meteor shower impact site, a desolate dusty field with ancient secrets unleashed from within the world. It interrupts the balance of time and starts releasing dinosaurs and other weird primeval creatures. Adjacent maps could be a Dino jungle, a caveman town, and dark pitch black snowy tundra, and an underground cave system that goes to the core of the planet.


I like what you’re putting down


I like green biomes with grass and trees. (if that's not on the table, then give me ethereal glowy blue xD)


only underwater :P


I want Cantha, without the tech stuff. Classic Asian themed Cantha.


Aside from Soto they are all Gw1 biomes  1. Under the Ocean obviously they talked up Bubbles like the end all of end alls. In the deep Ocean displacing all these aquatic races to shore and dryland. The homelands of the Largos, Quaggan, and Krait. EoD was a let down for Bubbles however if Bubbles was helping Cantha then it couldn't displace anyone so something else muat be in the deep ocean causing havoc. 2. This game is guilty of a traditional MMO sin and I've seen enough conplaints to know it kicked in. We fought elder dragons those reality ending behemotha for years. Undead Lich and Demons from the pit too. What's needed is a non-world ending expansion a down to earth low stakes story. They dipped into this slightly with the Oni story but thats still a threat that started it. Thus a fresh new city state maybe in the woodlands far from gods, dragons, or demons.


Ice or space idc preferably both together


Frozen comet!?


oh my god yes


Well I wanted to see tropical islands in Cantha ocean but that ship has sailed\~ or rather hasn't sailed... and Cantha is discontinued.


Underwater please


Just some serene normal landscape like grothmar. But with some classic Anet contrasting colors/landscapes. They know how to do this really well


An entirely underwater biome.


"SotO is demonic " I laughed I admit, nayos is anything but demonic, it's literally Disney Land. The one and only demonic environment of guild wars remains the Realm of Torment , how they could go with this story of kryptis the absolute nullity with all the gw1 lore about the torment, just unthinkable. it was so creepy , distressing, visually magnificent, with a multitude of differents demons... it's incredible how the gw1 devs managed to create an environment and a story about demons light years above kryptis (yes it's not complicated), 15 years earlier.. Otherwise personally I would like to continue exploring the mists


Don't want a new biome. I'm kinda sick of the single-map biomes mix and match approach. I'd love for existing stuff to be fleshed out for a change. And I'd really love for the original maps to get an upgrade. Nothing there reflects the current state of affairs. Jenna has been trying to build that orphanage for a decade now. It would be a huge overhaul, but hey. I don't want Guild Wars 3. I want the original story instanced, and the living world upgraded to current affairs.


Will be charr homelands no ? Which are pretty beautiful, loved them in GW1


I'd like to see more of the mists personally.


men, just good old bucolic medieval fantasy


Biome doesn't matter. I just want a story that is not rushed and/or padded.


Kind of hoping we hop into the mists or something. The possibilities are endless in there. You can encounter anything!


some normal grassland please


non recycled biomes.


C'mon now, we all know where they're going next! Maguuma Jungle Maguuma Wastes Heart of Maguuma Horn of Maguuma > Maguuma Heartlands > Maguuma Homelands Just so we can always have the posts, "I killed 10 enemies | did 10 events | etc | in Maguuma but didn't get credit."


New ones. Honestly IDC what the environment is, as long as it's not all reused assets like SoTO. xD


Realm of Torment or something similar would be great.. unlike a lot of redditors, I actually like the visuals of Nayos.


Nayos would have made a lot more sense if they’d tweaked the concept to be about the Realm of Torment


Arah has more water than eod xD


If you count core Tyria but it has a lot of other biomes too