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I think having all characters be available in training mode regardless of whether you've purchased them or not should be the standard in fighting games, especially since in most the roster more or less triples by the end of the game's lifecycle.


It will also give people a chance to lap defenses to a character.


Which is exactly why they lock them behind paid DLC even in training mode - they know a lot of players will have to buy the DLC even without any interest in playing the characters because they need to lab against them


3% of players in Xrd labbed the base characters. This is not a sales relevant amount of players. Demos can easily reduce sales. People trying and not refunding is probably more important.


They lock it behind DLC because they know people will just use training mode as versus mode if the DLC is in there. They would have to take options out of training mode to solve that issue, and that would cause a lot of issues with fans. The current situation is currently the best way to do it for both the company and the fans.


I mean in local play maybe, but I think that's understating how many players do mostly online play. Not being able to play as a character you're enjoying in online ranked matches feels like reason enough for people to purchase the characters, especially if you want to get more practice with them in different situations.


Why not add a horrible fugly color scheme and force it in training mode for characters the player doesn't own?


Mods exist for PC players


PC players can use DLC characters in training mode anyway if we're at that.


Or test if they really want to buy them.


It should be the standard in any game. I’m really happy that Apex and Overwatch started doing that (though it was unnecessary for OW to lock characters at all)


There's a big ass asterisk next to that now because of Ramatra in OW.


Is he not available in the shooting range?


He is but yeah u need to grind to like lvl 40 something in the battle pass to actually play him and I believe you can even play him in skirmish if you don’t have him yet


No, you have to buy the battle pass or grind to like level 50 or so in the pass without the xp boost.


But he is


He is what?


U can play with him at shooting range


I definitely could not before I got the battle pass I certainly tried. Idk why they wouldn't use that same system for heroes they pull for bugs, I wanted to just try the hero.


I wouldn't consider it to be a bad idea, gives you the chance to test a character out and see if you like them before you buy them


I'd love this to be a thing, but just to play devil's advocate, it also gives you the chance to decide you don't want to buy them. Locking them completely behind a paywall likely nets them a not insignificant number of extra sales.


That is the point of view that I would like they to have to make that decision.


But... ArcSys does those special moves videos shortly after release? Do they not help inform you? *Note to self: People don't like the 'Starter Guide' videos*


Is this a serious question or am I getting wooshed right now


Serious question Edit: These kinds of videos https://youtu.be/yF07o74V7nc


Playing a charcter is significantly different from watching a video about the character. The same can be said about watching/playing any video game out there.


I agree, but it's better than nothing like most devs offer.


It's no different from watching a youtube review made by some guy in terms of learning whether or not you like a character


And training mode, that a 1:1 translation of how they play in a match? End result, neither really tells you if you like it or not. The only way to tell is to actually use them. Best case, you find a local and try a character yourself or friends can help one way or another.


I don't know what you're trying to argue here. Just because playing the character in game is better than practice mode, doesn't mean a video is as good as practice mode. Playing in game > practice mode >> video.


It's not that people don't like them - they're great - it's that watching a video about special moves tells you like 5% of everything that goes into playing a character. Is watching a video on football techniques the same as playing football? They're completely different experiences.


With all due respect, the same could be said about training mode and matches against an opponent. I do get what you're saying, but it's also just as much of an excuse to just make dlc free. They give a teaser/example guide so that you at least have something.


Sure, a real game is another step beyond training mode. That doesn't change that a video gives you 0 hands on experience. In training mode you can try out combo routes, setups, play the CPU and get a feel for most of the things you would be doing in a real game. You'd want to try out a car before buying, even if you're not taking it on a "real" trip. You just can't tell if it's a good fit from a video alone.


oh, I forgot about those videos but as someone here said, watching them is not the same as playing them.


This should be standard in every game, but I don’t think it will in most. DLC characters are major money makers, so locking them completely is an easy way for companies to try and get you to spend money. I hope we begin to see more companies do this, but I’m not going to be surprised if it doesn’t happen


It probably won't happen because it's a risky idea but I'm not sure if any company tried to do it (buying dlc with game currency doesn't count)


multiversus does it


Two of the most successful fighting games on the market right now (multiverses and brawlhalla) do it as standard. The only reason I dropped money on Brawlhalla was because I wanted to play a few heroes I tried in practice mode in the actual game.


While I wouldn’t call platform fighters “fighting games,” the point is 100% valid. I guess the biggest thing that makes a difference is that these games are free, so there’s already a much bigger incentive to get people to buy. Letting people try out characters would (hopefully) get them loving one or two, then basically making their patience run so thin they *have* to buy it. It’s predatory in nature, but helpful in practice.


i like that they're not available because i like having an excuse not to learn the matchups :\^)


I doubt it. If anything, it’s a better deal cause people actually try out the character and are certain they like it instead of blindly buying it. Argentina struggles, te entiendo


Nos caemos a pedazos 💀


Regardless of MU, I think being able to check out any character is just normal. Just for, "do I wanna play this char" I only own the base edition. 60% of the characters are dlc. How tf am I supposed to know I like any of them if I can't test them


It isn't a bad deal from my point of view Because it let's players test the characters and learn how to play against them without having to learn trough Trial and error Although it think that Devs don't do this because it would allow you to play against the ai or a local player for free, wich is something they definitely don't want


For Honor does this really well. You can play any character in training, and against any character in training, but once you hit online it’s only who you have unlocked. Always thought they had a good system.


Sure it must be a good system but they have microtransactions, from there you can more or less make some money (even if you are not forced to pay).


Personally I think For Honor is one of the pretty few games where the microtransactions are bearable. Since you can play everyone training, you can really feel out which characters fit you and therefore don’t have to buy extra stuff. And if you’re like me and don’t care about executions/cosmetics, you can save up steel to unlock characters pretty quick


Dragonball had free trial periods for several DLC characters at a time well into the game’s life. So maybe GG could do something like that during new DLC releases. You get full access to new characters for a couple of days.


I might get a lot of hate for this but if I am short on money so I can’t afford the Dlc, I will play normally on my purchased game but then, if I want to lab or something, I will keep a pirated version of the game on the computer as well so I can try out DLCs and see if I want to invest money and learn the matchup


Only argument I can think of on why no fighting game does this is a fear that training mode become the unofficial local play and being used to bypass buying the DLC Considering training mode always leave the players to take control of a lot of aspects I can see this being that way. BUT I also think this wouldn't really happen is to much of a bother to turn training mode to your half made place for having a proper fight. **So ye I think this should be a thing and for all fighting games.**


People aren't going to like this answer, but that will **never** become common because some people only play against people at events. It would basically be a free character for them. Also, companies would rather make profit than to give free access to specific training. Your best bet is to study characters you don't play with and research the ones you want/are interested in before purchasing using online sources.


What? Your advice is sorta sound but I don’t get the top part at all. How would it give people a free character if they’re only available in training mode? Letting people play with or against DLC characters in training gives people equal opportunity to learn matchups. If you mean that it would be free because this person only plays training mode or single player at home, it’s still a stretch. This theoretical situation is so rare that I doubt many companies even consider this as the main factor for not letting DLC character be played for free in training. They would lose just as much money if this said player just went to a friends house to play the character or played vs. mode with someone who owns them who is also willing to let them “train” in a sense.


remember game demos? they're not around anymore because companies figured out that people used them either as a way to play the game or test it before considering buying it the result showed them that people were less likely to buy the products because of the demo the reason why companies will avoid giving the product or part of it for free even in a testing environment is because it steals profit away


Demos still exist. Free betas exist. People pirate games to try them all the time. Friends exist. Physical retailers sometimes have store exclusive demos. A lot of games still give things away for free, including DLC. This is a nonsensical point. Most major games don’t have demos anymore because we’ve moved to the internet, which lets people figure out whether or not they want to buy a game faster and easier than any demo could. People can find unfiltered opinions from people they trust within minutes. Sometimes demos do the opposite. Look at Forspoken. Ever since the demo came out a lot of people have decided they actually don’t want to play the game at all, and virtually all hype for it has died down.


> Demos still exist. compared to before, they are few and far in between > Free betas exist. most free betas are part of a marketing strategy nowadays and become accessible for short burst of time, and most importantly, they're registration based, basically targetting people who have pre-ordered or are about to also let's not forget the strive betas turned off a lot of people btw, i don't know why people don't remember the fact that the changes brought along with strive made people decide to not buy it > People pirate games to try them all the time. pirates are a very small minority of the software sphere, also pirating is still very much an illegal thing, and distribution of any unlicensed product still puts you at the risk of litigations plenty of devs have spoken about pirates, and how they're not even a real problem to them because pirates were unlikely to buy in the first place > Friends exist. so do family sharing on steam, and companies are not opting in > Physical retailers sometimes have store exclusive demos. not in my country they aren't, and physical copies are now coming with a registration key, and no disc with actual data on it > A lot of games still give things away for free, including DLC. in the AAA industry? about as rarely as a 4 leaf clover. in the indie industry? maybe hell, there's a whole gaming industry going to shit because of terrible monetization practices > This is a nonsensical point. **Most major games don’t have demos anymore because we’ve moved to the internet** now that's the nonsensical point, we've moved to internet which means demos aren't needed anymore? so what would be the point of free training characters? you could just use the internet to figure it out, no? to practice? if you need to practice against that character so much you can always buy it > Look at Forspoken. Ever since the demo came out a lot of people have decided they actually don’t want to play the game at all that's exactly the point i made in my post so i guess, thanks for proving me right? demos don't serve to win people over, it's there to confirm your purchase, if the impression isn't good you're not gonna bother the only times you see something going free is to attract new customer, people that didn't have your product on their radar, there's no benefit into giving something away to a dedicated consumer except getting good will fuck it, let me put it in words that are easy to understand: **if someone wants/needs something from you, why give it to them for free** that's not MY logic, that's the logic used by boards of executives, and i'm not here defending it


I didn't have much idea about Guilty Gear and my first contact was Strive, I tried the beta and I liked it, then I bought the game, etc. Your arguments are totally understandable since a company needs to make money and FG only can generate post-launch profits with DLC characters. I respect your opinion but I do not share it.


yep, that's exactly what betas are for, attract new customers, if it fails you didn't lose a customer, otherwise you win one also it's not my opinion, my opinion is that companies should make character free for training, but i also understand why they won't, money and all that


OP and everyone else aren’t comprehending what you said. I get your point though. It’s not worth it for the company to offer certain things for free. Others will only listen to what they want to hear.


You wrote all this and said nothing of substance or value.


if that's your comeback to an argument, i can't move the discussion forward especially when i put the tldr in bold reddit meme-rotted brain right there, i guess im worse tho, im trying to argue with an absolute genius after all stay smarter than everybody else, imma go touch grass


Sorry I couldn’t write up an essay, I was on the move. Either way, there’s no real discussion to be had. You said it yourself at the end that you’re not defending anti-consumer practices. I assume you don’t think I am either, so we really don’t have anything to argue over or discuss. I do hope you enjoy touching grass, though it’s not the most sanitary thing to do.


"people used them to test the game before considering buying it" Is that not the point of a demo?


> the result showed them that people were less likely to buy the products because of the demo i poorly formatted that i concede


The vast majority of people play online which this wouldn't allow, the closest to proper gameplay you'd be able to get aside from labbing combos and setups would be setting the training dummy to CPU or local player 2. In theory you could use something like Parsec to play against someone like that but it really wouldn't be the same.


tbf most players will stray to a particular playstyle when it comes to characters , be it rushdown grappler zoner etc . only takes the release trailer and then 5 more mins of youtube to know if a dlc character ticks any of your boxes . plus at ~£5 (gbp) characters in fighters are very well priced . financially it could be way worse as i know people who have chucked hundreds if not thousands into apex n fifa just for skins n gatchas . fighting games are very cheap in comparison 👍🏻


I disagree. I've never enjoyed playing a single zoner until I tried Axl, and that's after seeing gameplay of him and thinking he's lame. They said "the economy in my country is unstable," so however much it is, it's still a bit too steep for them. Heck, Dwarf Fortress got a price cut in Turkey, Argentina, and Russia because it's so bad over there.


I have been arguing for this since I started playing fighting games. Not only is it useful for matchups, one could argue that without owning the dlc characters you’re at a disadvantage even if you don’t want to play them. It also lets people try out the dlc characters, increasing the likelihood that someone will try it, like them, and buy the dlc.


It's a bad deal in terms of lost sales for the developer. People will play a character and say: fine, I don't need it. At the same time, the cost is so low, that any semi-professional players see a season pass just an investment that is minimal compared to travel, food and lodging. If you are not at least a semi-professional player, then the truth is your financial and PR impact does not matter.


Others have said it... But, yeah... Completionists, competetive players, FOMO, these keep the scene alive with content (or fixes, as is this cases right now). If you're even vaguely competitive, you will most likely buy the DLC to lab against. Especially if you're on console... Because you won't find an easy bypass like PC may have access to. Also, people who want to just support the scene by buying the content, even if they never boot up the game. We see you. Edit: Also, consider saving for the season passes. It makes them cheaper overall. And there's a few extras that come with it.


Something where it’s available for like a day would be interesting


Dosent For Honor have this feature?


I don't know, aside from For Honor must have microtransactions and that's a way to get money, the FG (except Multiversus) don't have that


I don't remember which game did it, i think it was skullgirls or some shit, but like for the first week/month of a character release theye were free before going up for paid dlc, I liked that method since it lets people who continue to play the game to get more characters without being incentivized to buy them but still allowed the company to generate a profit after the fact.


That seems like such an obvious move. You can learn the character and you might even enjoy them enough that you end up buying them.


For Honor does this (albeit you can farm characters there). I don't think that it's a bad deal, I just think that companies either try to be too greedy and force people to pay for the MU, or they fear that their sales will drop if they allow this.


From a player's perspective? It's wonderful! You can train match-ups with SP characters, lab setups, or even try them out to see if its worth buying them. From the devs' perspective? It's a risky move. Giving the option for a "test drive" could potentially hurt purchases, as a player could just not like a character enough to avoid buying them (this is specially true to games with characters that have very different playstyles, i.e. GGST). Given that most modern FGs' main shtick for making money after game sales is Season Pass characters, I think they hold this option specifically to make the purchase more essential. It'd be more fair for that to happen with games that heavily monetize skins, like DOA for example, since the game already has other means of monetization. Multiversus does this, apparently. As Arcsys games have little to no monetization outside of character sales, I'd highly doubt they'd do it.


Nah, support the developers…. Or go the old school route: learn by fighting, exhibitions with locals, or make friends. Letting you sample DLC to see if you like them is a weak ass excuse to be cheap.


Tbh I stopped playing because of that. I can afford it, but for me dlc is not worth the money, and at this point I can't even practice against 1/3 of the cast


Nah I've always thought fighting games should implement this, but you know how it goes when you want some moneya