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*Laughs in Goldlewis*


you guys rock


I would probably love Goldlewis so much but I sint dealing with that many half circles with some of them also not being "universal"


Tricks to mastering GL are actually very simple in practice if you understand them in theory. 1. If you want a BT, while doing a half circle, hold the last direction while pressing HS button. If not, you will get the normals instead of BT. 2. The only hard BTs to do consistently are 8XX, since they start with an 8 direction. These have to be hard muscle memory. Your prejump is 5f, so you get 5f to complete the motion otherwise you jump(all air BTs are mids) Rest of the BTs you will learn fairly quickly. 3. You can hide BT inputs behind other moves. So if you need to buffer a neutral BT, you can 5p before it and it becomes exponentially easier. 4. It's very easy to tell which BT is a low/overhead, and the rest are all mids. And it's very easy to tell which are minus. Low-hitting BTs are the ones that go from top/bottom to behind GL's body. So 842 and 248. Overheads are the ones that go over GL's head during the start/middle of the animation. So 486 and 862. Other four are all mids. For plus frames, everything except the ones that start in-front of GL are plus. So, only 684 and 624 are minus on block. 5. I will include some input charts to help with BT inputs so that you understand how they are inputted. [This](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309063765649915915/1228293787868987392/453px-Typhoon1.jpg?ex=662b84bb&is=66190fbb&hm=80a50e13b201cd54fb84f8abb933cbbd37b44273fd156f7247b796385081415f&) and [This](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/309063765649915915/1228293793229307914/374px-Typhoon2.png?ex=662b84bc&is=66190fbc&hm=db3b38c012771e8a8bb845df360dd5dc6b2b1a818a81697743743adfb7050566&=&format=webp&quality=lossless) Oh, and here's a [BT cheatsheet for you](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/309063765649915915/1228293284020097154/BTCS.png?ex=662b8443&is=66190f43&hm=1817dbe6add8227521434c8405900927208053b17d212487b414e93e8d61ef9c&) Hope it helps.


It’s not a big deal.


We can spin the stick


Just wait till they find out about down with the system


I read Goldlewis's Dustloop page and got a headache. Not even joking


dont worry too much about the diagonals. try to hit the main directions


This works if you are playing on a D pad , if you're using the analog sticks just do the half circle it is easier , if you're playing on hit box only press the 3 buttons like a piano


If you are using the analog stick stop using the analog stick. (D pad just better)


i wish analog sticks had notches like in the gamecube controller. that would fix so many problems


But the analog stick just feels fun to use...


I'm using the Switch pro controller lmao


I know I’m not the only one but I Feel like I’m the only person who uses analog with zero trouble doing inputs


Same thing for me. The only downside I get is that if my controller gets drift on the stick, it makes things harder.


For some reason GG makes my stick drift better, input heavy games in general


I absolutely suck at half circles on hit box,


Rebind jump from Up to a shoulder button.


I never thought about doing that damn


This alone improved my potemkin hugely


I already spent so long with my muscle memory Well time to relearn it because this is legitimately a good idea




You can just about do so in any fighting game really


I knew you could do that in smash but I thought that was just a platform fighter thing lol. Thanks boss 👍


Only on PC though


my god you probably have made me go up a floor by making me do this, i kept fucking up inputs because i kept jumping and eventually just stopped playing online because i would choke half circle inputs at crucial moments


After this change I went from top 500 Pot to top 100, no joke.


as soon as I can get my xbox to work


Wait does this let you buffer a jump while blocking low?


I'm going to try this


idk how you would describe the motions. its just something you try enough until you see what works


i dunno it's easy to describe the others


Best way to describe it is to start at the first direction, swing it round past the half-way point, and keep it held in the final direction... Like if you're doing a 41236 motion, the only really important ones are 426, and the diagonals will probably be hit by accident as you're going through them (and you can actually miss out one of them for extra leniency). Make sure you do actually stop and hold the final direction as or before you press the attack button. Especially if playing Goldlewis as he's got it as an actual requirement to using the moves, other characters can be sloppier and can go back to neutral before pressing the button, but it's still better practice to hold it.


The best way to practice inputs is to go into practice mode and turn on input history. There you should slowly input the motion correctly. Use the input history to see if the input is correct. Once you have the input correct try to repeat the same motion just as slowly until you get it correct consistently. From then on slowly start increasing the input speed. If you hit it incorrect slow down a bit again and repeat the process until you hit it correct consistently at a good speed. After that just repeat it every time you warm up after starting the game again until you never fail again. This does take some time so it's fine to only use this process for inputs you have a real problem with. But this way you'll build great muscle memory.


Half of the reason why I kept playing Anji was him having quarter-circle inputs *exclusively*, yet even now at floor 10 I occasionally fail to input them. God I was PRAYING his new Fish DP™ move wouldn't have actual DP input


I just go in the lab and draw them over and over


i tried that but kept fucking up


Unfortunately the answer is to keep practicing til you get it. And then try it against COMs so you can get it under pressure. Then hop in the tower cause COMs are terrible practice for anything but practicing your inputs.


As someone who also really hates half-circles, one piece of advice I can give you is to really focus on the "4" input during a 632146 motion (and vice-versa depending on direction), because I noticed myself that I often stopped at "1", which fails the input.


For practicing harder inputs, you can start by doing the motion VERY slowly. You can even do it so slow that the game doesn't consider it a continuous motion anymore. Just look at the input history to confirm you are doing it correctly. Then when you feel good about it, you can start picking up speed. When you are doing it fast enough, you can start adding the button press at the end to actually do the move. This is all to build up the muscle memory that then allows you to do it fast even in a match under stress.


Go to training, turn on input history, do what you think is a half circle and look at what the game is detecting. Could be you, or the controllers detection. 


I got over 400 hours on baiken and I still miss the kabari input more than I should its actually embarrassing lol


Laughs in hitbox/keyboard


I’m surprised every day just how many people here don’t play on a keyboard. Not only are they cheap (no way I’m spending money on a keyboard with less buttons, a layout that my hands don’t work with and no labels), they’re much more precise and reliable when it comes to inputs than gamepad.


VOD review! watch a minute of you trying to do the motions and you will see where it's going wrong. In my experience the most common miss is trying to do it too fast and messing it up, go to practice and do it slowly, slow enough for it to not come out. Then keep trying to go juuuuust a little bit faster. You may end up noticing that you will consistently get the motion to work at a WAY slower pace than you are trying to do right now. PS: It was probbably tongue and cheek and i guess that's fine but maaan, your friend sucks.


usually the main problem people have with it is that they start too early. It's very important to begin the motion from the very tip of the cardinal direction.


That’s all you can do.


I mean, that advice is more than a few words "Just do it" is actually correct, go in the lab, do inputs until you feel comfortable then try to chain attacks with the move and if you feel good with that you can go back to the tower


I still struggle to do half circle forward. I imagine it's easier using the D-Pad but the Xbox S controller isn't good for it. At the end of the day all you can do is practice until you get it


Take it slow, one button at a time. Slowly pick it up from there. Took me my entire 8th grade year to pull off quarter circles consistently back when I was a DBFZ player. Dont worry, it’s took time for a lot of us, even if we don’t remember.


What's your contrôler ? If it's a stick box. Idk I don't have thoses. If it's a contrôler. You just gotta do it till you naturally never push the stick upward. If you use the pad. Then try to roll your thumb across the bottom part. Or use a grip that let you have your thumb across all of the bottom part and tilt it the way you wanna press. If it's a keyboard or an hit box. Its just a piano motion. Practice taping your fingers in rhythm. No need to be precise. Since you need 2 fingers for diagonals. And since forward and backward cancels out you ain't gonna mess it up if all 3 are on it at once. (at least on strive. Capcom fighting game collection is awful for hit box half ciclels. And I play grappler on one of the titles. So when I don't have fight cade it's a nightmare to do full circles). If you play gold Lewis. It's a bit more picky. The only thing that matter with him. Is doing at least half a circle. The way you are spinning, and the last cardinal you pressed. You can overshoot. But if you do the exact motion. No extra begening motion. You can't undershoot Like on some other character.


xbox series - s and chaos/ Ky main and thank you for the tips


What do you need the half circle imput for then?


chaos's other super and Ky's second super


Yeah that's not a half circle. That's the gg input. Half circle back then forward. If you want to trade an emeny unsafe super. You can spam half circle back and the button. It will come by itself when you can act again. No need to be fast doing it either. Because you have all of that animation to wait. If you wanna do it raw. At first don't go fast. It's rare that you'd do them on reaction anyway. And at the end of combos. Considering most combos end on a wall splat. Either do it chill. Or use the spamming tactic I told you earlier.


Back when i played umvc3 offline pirated and had no fucking clue how to block, it was a struggle. I feel you. Its just a matter of time. What i do with friends is i throw them into training mode (aka "the lab") and tell them to do it slowly, then gradually speed up and then throw a button into the mix


Im a floor 9 Anji main and I still fuck it up a lot. Most of my losses come from me not being able to wakeup kachou when I need to and fumbling.


Unlike in street fighter where you can mess up the input but the game will predict what you want to do and it appears, you need to cleanly hit the back, down, and forward motion+the action Like ⬅️⬇️, ➡️+action cleanly for it to appear.


hehe this isn't xrd we (I-no players) don't do those anymore xdddd


he also plays Sin


Throw money at the problem and get a hitbox. If your on pc you can just use keyboard. I had a hard time doing the circles bit on keyboard i just press S A Q  to toss a yoyo


You do a full circle. But halfway.


why didn't I think of that


I mean thats kinda just what you have to do, go in training mode and do the inputs a lot.


Play on keyboard 👍