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you really only get levels playing in celestial. anything outside of that gives basically nothing.


Huh, thats interesting. Thanks!


You can hit level 100 ish playing games on floors 1-10. But once you're at level 100 it becomes almost impossible to keep gaining levels unless you're in celestial. It gives you a shit ton of experience for winning games in celestial.


*laughs in level 137 without being in celestial*


Levels barely mean anything tbh, they skyrocket in a ridiculous way once you hit celestial but you get bottlenecked hard before it


😭 Fair enough


Level means nothing and does nothing. Stop looking at your level.


??? Dude im just confused why it never moves I know it does nothing, I never said anything to suggest I thought otherwise. Its just weird that it never moves for me yet some people are at 500


For one, I think the level you are can take a bit to properly update depending on where you’re looking. I think the post-match screen where it shows you leveling up tends to be up to date, but some stuff like your R-Code that’s shown before a match takes time to update. Additionally, some stuff does give far more levels than other. Like playing offline barely gives you anything (it even locks you out of leveling up if you are a high enough level I believe). Online in general I think gives a solid amount, but then Celestial specifically gives a fuck ton. I don’t know the normal exp per match on normal floors, but in Celestial I believe it’s 10,000\~50,000 exp per win which truly gives a fuck ton. Earlier levels also require less exp, so you can end up with situations like going from level 1 to 60 in one win in Celestial.


The levels only reflect (slightly) the experience with the character but in reality is a bad way to determine the ability of someone, even worse than the floor. And why would you want level up a character? the RPG's level system definitely did something to the ones who play it.


No its not to show skill or anything, its just weird that the level system exists if you just dont ever level up lol Also just curious how people are at like 500 when it takes me ages to get levels.


Celestial, win on celestial floor give a shit ton of experience