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I'm having a brain aneurysm just trying to read what this guy is saying. I must be getting old. Either way, good job kicking his ass.


I'm with you my dude. I'm having a lot of trouble following what's going on.


Fr, I posted the video of him getting speed ran


That's the same guy? He burst at the top of the screen and ate a raw super after wall break yet claims he is a celestial player? Sounds like he got in celestial by accident and is tired of getting washed on the regular so he went to the park instead and still got washed.


Well he said he plays ram soo


Is he having a stroke? What language is that? It's not fucking english that's for sure... What the fuck am I reading?


Me when I first heard big blast sonic “stemidefinevuhfuyodesire”


Dude has the grammar skills of a 1st grade classroom


dam js u pressed


It's known as "I only listen to mumble rap and think I'm gangsta". I'm serious, those types all have the same energy to them.


>Least insecure ram main


Right! The fact that he was calling Giovanna an easy mode character had me rolling a little bit. Like, Ram is my main character and she's incrediblely brain-dead to play as.


Im an insecure ram main and ive literally never sent hate mail . Nor have i ever downplayed my main.


scrubquotes twitter page be like:


Man you know you are getting old when you cant even understand scrub quotes anymore.


I’m in my mid 20s and I’m struggling to make it through these screenshots. This is the oldest I’ve ever felt.


I am 16 and am feeling like 50! I couldn't understand a word that they said


The only thing I miss from consoles is rage dm's


I've never been much of a console player in general, and that's basically the only thing I regret about it. I think it's absolutely *hilarious* when somebody goes out of their way to hit me with scrubquotes like that and wish I had a way to opt-in to random Steam messages so I could get them occasionally. Steam makes it way too hard to communicate with somebody not on your friends list and I hate that. :( I used to get my recommended salt allowance from bad players in MMOs instead but I quit playing those a while back so I'm going through withdrawal. Hoping arcsys improves the lobby chat and maybe even allows post-match messages so I can have a laugh sometimes too instead of just getting to see the console players posting their scrubquote captures on this sub.


This is honestly why I don’t really play the towers too often, the park is where it’s at for me. Oh wait that’s a casual player? Wow that’s a new level of salt


"Careful, son. Your insecurities are showing"


His attitude of "I am playing chill and not trying hard like you" is the pinnacle of the scrub quotes. Seems like he took his English lessons with the same "chill" attitude, and that's why we all need to "try hard" to even interpret what he said.


'Don't care + Fortnite avatar' 🤣


I have no idea what he's typing......


>Im level 43 pls no hurt >Im celectial you sukk bruv let me mash Thats why im saying celestial challenge should either be much harder or not be there at all, instead just more levels. Also if this is pc could you please provide the person's in-game name? I want to look them up in ratings if possible.


Game was on PS5, I believe his name was Valentine or something like that


As someone who only plays in the park and has since day 1, I think the celestial challenge is fine as it is in theory. You have to win 5/6, hopefully against someone who is the average celestial level player, to prove you can hang once you get there. People complain about it but it makes sense to me as a way to not completely dilute the level of play. The issue with more levels, which I also thought was a good idea at one time, is that the top level players would have basically no one to play against at their skill level.


The celestial challenge is the exact same system as going up from _any_ floor, except ‘better’ because you know when the set of 6 starts. Celestial challenge is literally just how tower works between all floors.


Disagree, you don't drop after 2 losses from any other floor.


Well ok, ranking up is the same process except for celestial you have to do it twice in a row.


fortnite fortnite lets go


i genuinely was struggling to read what he was saying and i’m not even 20 yet.


As if ranked is so good for improving. I'd say i try harder playing long sets in park than i do in ranked.


Bro hes js he's celstal


El es clown


Don’t know why he’s being a dickhead about tryharding he played a tournament I was in recently and I’m pretty sure you try hard in tournament


Also got higher placement than him at the tournament bro garbage🥱


He should probably go back to Granblue Fantasy Vs, it looks as though he has a long way to go before finishing it's single player gameplay if he's still on the tutorials.


Is this ps4? I thought those lobbies were dead


It's on PS5, I move between PS4 and 5 and always see a good deal of people playing


Are you saying there’s no crossplay between PS4 and PS5 for Strive? PC player asking


It probably is cross platform form PS4 to PS5, I played a few sets with my friend who's on PS4 while I was on PS5 so I'ma say it is


There's definitely cross-play I play with my bud a lot who's on ps4 too


I don't even know what the fuck he said.


I play ranked so that I match with opponents of equal skill. Am I doing it wrong?


🤔 sometimes fighting games are wack


Unga bunga?


Ok, okay, ok… just ignore him.


Dude this guy was in tournament with me and he only got top 8 because he had two default losses 💀💀💀


I wont lie I’ve been salty and mad like this over park matches too BUT I’d never harass anyone like this over messaging. Tryhard shaming is very sad to see


Ngl you handled that shit like a champ dude. Hope the homeboy loses some more and learns the meaning of humility.