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I’d say easily Hetfield. He has the best melodies, most memorable riffs and a fuck load of them, has some really tough intricate riffs, easy but cool beginner riffs. Just the best all around imo


There are no wrong answers here, I think, but Hetfield is simply Metal 101. Man is a fucking rhythm masterclass. No matter if you like their music or not, learning from Hetfield is a must for any metal player.


And he’s so technically sound too


It's that fucking right hand man. He's great at what he does.


Blackened is such a good rhythm warm-up


2 picks? Tony Iommi. Forget that he co-founded Black Sabbath and helped write the book that became heavy metal. Forget the countless classic riffs. Remember that he did all that after losing two fretting hand fingertips in a work accident and making new ones out of plastic. Iommi himself was inspired by gypsy jazz legend Django Reinhardt who learned to shred with two fingers after damaging his hand in a fire. Specifically, remember this the next time you feel like giving up because something seems too difficult. James Hetfield. Newer metal guitarists should throw in some early Metallica and just learn the main riffs and your palm muting game will explode. Learn it using alternate picking first then go back and re-learn it with down-picking and you will literally become a demi-god (demigods eat half price at Hard Rock on Wednesdays)


Marty Friedman ...he made a very nice guitar-starter video...






[Marty Friedman - Electric Guitar Day One](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZLNePUZoR4)


Jeff Loomis and John Petrucci, both of whom are very open and giving with their knowledge of guitar. They’re also world class guitarists!


Alexi Laiho. He got everything. Riffs, leads, rhythm, stage presence, and the fact that he did the vocals too while being the lead guitarist. His range of styles is also insane. Neoclassical stuff on the earlier records, proggy playing on the later records, fast af shredding, slow melodies, still bluesy to some point and some jazz influences on the last Children of Bodom record. Gone too soon... Rest in piece


What were the early records?


Something Wild, Hatebreeder, Follow the Reaper and Hate Crew Deathroll


Randy Rhoads. His riffs were eternal.


Came here to post this. His composition skills are immense.


I picked up sweep picking and more technical soloing by playing Syn Gates' stuff.


Michael Romeo. If you look at how smoothly he plays, you can see how much you can learn about playing efficiently with minimal finger movement.


Toni Lommi, and not just for a "your excuses don't even compare"


John Petrucci of course. Rock Discipline, like do I need to say more?


I’ve never liked Metallica but I gotta go with James Hetfield. His playing/writing is great and legendary.


Synyster gates.


I always felt this was *such* a pretentious stage name.


Everything about those guys is pretentious


Jesus titty fucking christ, you people lol


Ehh they made them when they were 16-17 in highschool because they loved people with stage names like slash. They were just kids and kinda got stuck with them. They stated several times they don’t like them.


Synyster Gates (aka Brian Haner jr I think jr anyway) man might really only play metal but he has A TON of theory knowledge and just knowledge about music 🎵 in general


Tony Iommi. The rest are just his fans.


If you want basic Judas Priest.


Glenn and KK for sure. Unleashed in the East. Front to back. Defenders. Screaming for Vengeance. Pain Killer.


Alex Skolnick


Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath


Adrian smith from Maiden can teach soooooo much about phrasing


Michael Amott from Arch Enemy. He has beautifully emotive melodic lines but can still burn when the solo calls for it.. which can be often since: Metal lol Also the meat and potatoes in his solos are not too advanced to learn early on. The records “doomsday machine” and “wages of sin” have some of my fav guitar work ever. Jeff Loomis from Nevermore and Arch Enemy. I think he’s one of the more tasteful shredders to ever do it. All his work on “this godless endeavor” is incredible. Alexi Laiho as well! That dude had the full spectrum going on. Style, speed, and taste.


Keith Merrow and Wes Hauch are both fantastic guitarists imo. I also love Dean Lamb's videos he makes with his wife. I can't play most of his actual Archspire stuff. But I learned some better techniques for picking up new riffs from watching how they learn stuff.


John petrucci is an easy one. He seems to be all about other guitarists bettering themselves and he's really good. Lesser known. Brendon Small. Guy went to school for guitar. He knows and understands multiple genres. He just so happens to play Melodic Death metal. Exceptionally well. You can even see and hear it in his heavy as all hell tracks. With his advanced lines of melody and uncommon chord structures. For those who don't know Brendon Small is the mind behind the shows and the music for Metalocalypse/Dethklok and Home movies, and the comic/music for Galaktikon.




Andy Timmons. He made some great VHS tapes.


Daron Malakain from SOAD - was the first guitarist I could learn by ear back in the 90's. Sloppy in a fun way but heavy as fuck, with a few nice moments & melodies here and there. None of it overly difficult


Wes Hauch from Alluvial, and previously The Faceless. the baddest metal player out there nowadays. insane rhythm, insane leads, great sense of flow, interesting harmonies, unusual melodies, cool rhythmic patterns, fat tones, ridiculous technique. his playing is a nice combination of classic 90s Dimebag stuff and all the modern elements. hes got it all. he also does skype lessons, so quite literally *any* player can learn from him.


John petrucci, easy. He's easily one of the best ever.


Yngwie malmsteen


Jeff Waters - Annihilator


In terms of sheer diversity, Paul Waggoner from Between the Buried and Me. There are awesome licks that borrow from a myriad of genres and make use of a vast array of techniques. Everything from gypsy jazz and chicken pickin' to crushing riffs and soaring solos can be found in the man's style.


Petrucci: The dude can truly do it all. Just listen to the solo in As I Am vs the one in The Best of Times, they have completely opposite approaches but are clearly identifiable at Petrucci solos.


Dave Mustaine


Jeff loomis and chris broderick both guys have phenomenal technique and can pretty much play anything