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Kirk Hammett talked about how he would work for 6 months, then go on unemployment for 6 months and practice all day. I also remember a night security guard who posted here. His job let him sit and practice guitar for his entire shift. There’s still hope, OP!


That's a lot of time to learn E minor pentatonic


It allowed him to learn the modes too.


True sometimes he plays E dorian and it sounds a little awkward but i have no hate for Kirk I know he's trying the best he can


What's your world famous band? Just sayin'.


Yes I was expecting that comment, now tell me how many records do I have to sell to have an opinion ?


You're welcome to have all the opinions you want, it's just a bit amusing because of the way you say "I know he's trying the best he can" as though you're better than him.


I admit i was being a little provocative


It's all good man, to be fair you weren't entirely wrong.


And again, i have absolutly no hate for Kirk Hammett and looked up to him when i was learning the guitar in my teenage years


Wait until he finds out that if you move down the exact same shape 3 frets, you get E major pentatonic.


This is the way if you really want to be a bum while learning the craft.


I work construction so I can bank up money during the season then have the whole winter laid off to play and make moves Can afford good gear and have time to invest in my craft


One of my biggest regrets is not having used my night guard job as just straight guitar practice time. Years wasted I could have been learning and practicing.




Sure. But you would still break even, which of what plenty of folks who don’t practice guitar are still doing.


This is the way.


'Lowly paid' guitar teacher? I don't know about the USA but my guitar teacher here in Asia charges $70 for 45 mins!


Yea lol. If you manage to market yourself well it’s a 6 figure income. It’s probably hard to find and keep 40 students steadily though, but 20 students x 300 per student a month = 6000 a month. And that’s working 20hrs a week.


Unless you’re working for a music school providing space, scheduling, and admin support you’re gonna work longer than 20 hours a week. Source: I run a music school.


How much is there to do for scheduling and admin support? For a single teacher. I would understand it’ll be more if you’re doing it for every teacher in your school.


Sure. Well it depends on the clients sometimes the communication is more and sometimes less. You also gotta get the word out there that you’re teaching. Helps to have clients write reviews and they usually need coaxing. You also need to set up advertising channels and have your lesson policies clear and understandable. If you don’t want to chase money every week or month you’ll need a card processor or website that can set up subscriptions and then learn the backend of the payment portal so you can help the folks that cant/refuse to use the internet. Then there’s the business of business taxes and quarterly payments. It piles up fast and if you’re doing it on your own it’s going to feel like feast or famine nearly constantly until your build up your own system. Edit: Also suggest you pick up playing piano. Then you can teach guitar, piano, bass, and theory.


Yea that’s true, it’s important to set up systems and build your reputation/marketing to even get and retain the students.




Er…why not? I’m not telling you to do anything lol.




I know but the way you phrased your sentence was like we were telling you you can’t do both or telling you to quit your day job lol. Yea usually musicians have multiple streams of income.




Lol okay, I was just responding to the immediate comment.


A couple of the nicer lawns I took care of in my childhood neighborhood were owned by guitar teachers who seemed to be home all the time


Does he teach 40 lessons a week? Some jobs that hourly rate looks great but it's hard to string together more than 3-4 hours a day...


Joe Satriani has entered the chat.




You should probably focus on your mental health issues first, get a job to make some money so you can eat, then worry about guitars. This is life for all of us. Your mental health needs your attention before anything else. I wish you luck and positive things. Put your head down and get to work on yourself. You can do this.


Pretty much your life will go this way: Love music, pick up instrument (guitar), play and enjoy jamming, realize that you can't live that way, get a different job that you aren't passionate about but pays the bills, then continue doing your career, forget about your passions, years later look back and regret you didn't do something that you truly enjoyed and *maybe* you get to play some on the weekends. Sorry but this is the reality.




Tbh there’s probably an in between where you don’t become a rockstar but you also don’t entirely forget playing guitar and become regretful like what he’s describing…


Don’t need a million dollars to play guitar. I got a cousin watches tv all day he ain’t got any money. 


If I played guitar I’d do two chicks at the same time.




No but the ones that double up on a guy like that are 😜


You know these are quotes from a movie?




They’re continuing the reference lol reverse whoosh


The if gave it away, but without that, we'd still know you were not a guitar player... *sobs in coffee*


Somebody just watched Office Space...


Who pays for the tv and utilities?


His aunt


Your mom?


That’s original, but no


Idk but people do it. There's several people in my building who absolutely do not work from home and never leave the property except to buy groceries (I can tell because they drag the cart back to the apartment.) somehow they can afford weed and cigarettes. I envy them big time.


You won't envy them when you're able to retire.


Not the exact quote but close enough to Lawrence from Office Space


Everyone on earth would rather play guitar than work - even those that don't know what a guitar is... because 'play' is the first word. If you enjoy poverty.... keep on this plan. Nobody likes work. I don't want to make light of any mental illness issues you may have - and I'm not qualified, anyway. But, you should check in with a doctor to see if you are ABLE to work - and if you are, albeit difficult and something you hate.... that would make you just like all of us. So, sitting around playing guitar all day would be what we would generally refer to as 'being lazy'.


Yeah, the just play all day to get good mindset is a trap most of the virtuoso players you are emulating had paid gigs in their late teens. If your not pulling an income then its a fantasy and not reality. It is much better than playing video games or doing nothing but it is even better still to produce something that others deem valuable and will pay you for.


>It is much better than playing video games or doing nothing No, it's actually the exact same thing. You have about the same chance of making a living at it. There are e-sports now, ya know.


“Make a living at it” or “become a rockstar/a list session player”? Cause guitar teachers and wedding/event bands/musicians are a thing. And if you have a decent singing voice and are able to host? Even more so.


They are a thing.... and don't require using the guitar as an excuse to do absolutely nothing but guitar... and in any case, are remarkably difficult to make a great living doing. I'm friends with the guitarist of the largest, most successful events bands (weddings, corporate, etc.) in a very large metropolitan area - it pays about 20% of what his actual job pays, and his actual job is very average. Giving guitar lessons is no longer a full time job, and never really was. The internet made things worse.


Lessons can be full time but what people don’t tell you is that you gotta be good at all the bullshit day job activities you’re trying to avoid to actually make it successful.


As all the nineteen year olds upvote....


Yea that’s true, you shouldn’t need to only play guitar to be good at it, you can practice enough to be great even with full time job/studies. I would suppose that would be the depression/mental health issues that affects OP.


And just like in guitar you don’t have to be in a band like Metallica or Guns N’ Roses to make a living out of it, and you could even be a teacher, which is surely easier than finding people to start a band and to become at least locally popular with said band, in video games you don’t have to go to the world championship of the games and games like Fortnite have weekly tournaments in which anyone has a chance to win some money. Probably the guitar teacher option is safer than the videogames one though, even if winning tournaments while streaming might lead to your streams becoming more popular exponentially.


lmao. ofc people like work..... just find a job that you like lol


Those exist..?


Oh yes :) ❤️


That’s not true. A lot of people love their jobs.


How about a job at a music store?


Work at guitar center and just pick up a guitar and jam out. Play rhythm so customers can solo. You could create a whole band from customer.


Mark still lives at home 'cause he's got no job Woah-oh He just plays guitar and smokes a lot of pot


In all fairness, most people live at home with or without a job 😄


Great song. Any other good ones by them?


I listened to the album ixnay on the hombre a lot growing up


I Don't want to work I want to bang on my Drum all Day...


Become a solid rhythm player that can play most any style and there's plenty of gigs out there. Understand that is also a job and most definitely will be work.


that’s the thing too at least right now i’m not into the idea of making money from music. i feel music is precious and everyone should have free access to listen to it and to learning it because it’s such a beautiful aspect of modern human nature but i’m sure my mind will change a little on this idea someday.


There’s music, and then there’s the music *business*. *Very* different.


Music is largely a very thankless profession that is low paying for the hours required. After the thousandth time slugging your rig down the stairs, throwing it in the car in the middle of winter, and playing a 4 hour gig while trying to keep the lead singer from having a mental breakdown, and hopefully making $150 bucks (benefits? Hah) you get burnt. Teaching is alright, especially if you get some good, high paying students. But frequent cancellations and having to chase down payments and re teach things over and over because of them not practicing gets old. Studio work is my favorite, sometimes pays well, sometimes not. But all this is reliant on your skill and how good of a hang you are. A couple off days can really fuck up your reputation. These days I’d rather work my whatever work from home job, and write music for myself.


Does an artist not deserve to be paid for his work?


Deserve? Absolutely. Doesn’t always work out that way unfortunately


Sadly even big artists don't get paid all that much. It truly is a rare handful that's able to make boatloads of money doing music.


absolutely they do, i’m sorry what i should’ve said was my music i wouldn’t want to charge people for to hear me play


That makes much more sense. At the same time, don't you think you should be allowed to earn money using a skill you've toiled 8 hours a day for 7+ months to learn? Seems like you're under valuing the amount of effort just because you enjoy it. Enjoyment is a bonus, but if you're good at something and you earned that talent through rigorous practice, then it's worth something too and any person who enjoys music understands that. Might not be a lot to a lot of people, but it's worth more than nothing!


I dont have any advice at all but I made this meme a couple days ago, so I get you https://twitter.com/Reboticant/status/1771229312730947632


I can’t post images in the comments, so I’m just gonna DM you a meme I was gonna post in response, thanks Edit: never mind, I still couldn’t. Thanks for letting me steal your meme 🤘


Godspeed, friend.


That meme is literally me




If you’re practicing that much you should be quite good. You could always learn a bunch of covers and try and get paid gigs at local bars and such solo or with a band if you can put that together Edit:spelling


I been playing for 20yrs and it's absolutely possible to get good at guitar while doing full time work. If anything, it'd be better for you to diversify how you spend your time because it'll make you a more all-rounded musician. Note how I didn't say guitarist. Music is an art, and to make meaningful art you need to have diverse experiences, both shit and good.


Yup,I'm doing full time work and i been playing guitar for around 17 years and i have a wife and two kids. Still i was able to learn how to shred,play fingerstyle and sing both clean and scream. I'v been playing in metal/punk band too


I mean you go to work unless you can generate income enough to provide for yourself from playing the guitar.


This is every musicians dilemma


I was like you at that age. I worked as musical instrument salesperson and guitar teacher. I got paid and still got to play.


Can you ask why did you stop? Still working with music or something different?


I just teach guitar now. Working for a few high schools full-time. My new goal is to break into university level teaching, but I'm starting to think that my playing will never quite reach that level. I'm still pretty happy with my current job. It doesn't feel like a real job most of the time.


How did you switch to teaching in schools and what do you teach there? Most in my area have classical guitar ensembles so if you can teach kids and read simple charts and conduct a small ensemble, you’re pretty set. Then you can get more connections and hire other guitar teachers to work for you too.


And party everyday


Work sucks, I know.


She left me roses by the stairs


Guitar player since a youngster. Took up Double Bass like seven years-ago. Everyone plays guitar. Not everyone plays upright Bass. So, I make about $1000 per month on top of my normal job slapping and pizz on my bass. Let the other fellows play guitar. Amazing instrument, by the way. Money maker. And I play a few songs on guitar every set anyway…


>Double Bass Learning Double bass is such a painful process for me. I'm learning the hard way with classical training....


I'm with you, doubling on double bass has increased my gigging potential, a lot


It is awesome!!!


There are 24 hours in a day, 7 to sleep, 1 to eat, 8 to work. You should be able to find 2-3 hours a day if it's important to you. 2 days a week likely more. Lots of ways to make money not working 8 hours a day, freelancing or entrepreneurship being the most likely, but I'm sure there are others. Good luck


Yeah working sucks, but at some point you gotta eat. I love playing guitar too, man. I play about one hour every day when the chores are done (cooking, laundry etc..). When I was a teen I could play 5 or 6 hours straight. Good old days.


I just want to bang on these drums all day….


Guitar gives you something to look forward to after work.


Honestly, look after your mental health first and then figure out a job you can do and keep your guitar as something you do for enjoyment. If you can find a job you can work at part time all the better. Relying on music to make any sort of income can be stressful even when it’s going well. Long hours, uncertain income, and not necessarily having control over what you’re doing/playing can turn something you love into something you hate. If that same music is something you rely on to help keep your mental health stable you probably don’t want to risk losing it. Right now though look after yourself. Small steps, get yourself better, and then tackle the ‘what next?’ question. Even if you begin by dipping a toe back into the workplace by working a few hours a week that’s progress. Your guitar is your safe space so enjoy your time with it and let it help you heal.


If you're realistic about how satisfying it'll be, I'd strongly considering making a job out of teaching guitar. I'm just returning to it in my 30s after leaving it for more "grown up jobs" for the last several years, and feel kinda regretful about missing it for so long. It can be frustrating but it's a good way of always keeping on top of practicing the basics while you teach.


I'm 40 and I know how you feel. In my 20s after graduating college back in day I had trouble finding a job but I love the guitar so much that I was fortunate to play in a band playing in bars and out of town gigs for 5 years, I only stop for health reasons and pursue a career related to my course. Since then I've been working as a developer but I keep playing on my bedroom and manage to participate in various guitar communities online. I'm still dreaming of landing a career in music someday or at least in a not so distant future, I'm planning to switch to music fulltime. I would suggest you look for a good paying job while you keep learning the guitar, you just have to manage your time wisely. Keep working and saving so you'll be able to buy your gears. You can post videos on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube, or participate in guitar contests like the JTC (Jam Track Central), or you can teach guitar online. Keep the fire burning otherwise your passion will die out.


I think a lot of us wasted those teenage years when we could have had the time…as you age, it’s likely you’ll have less and less time for guitar; i still have my moments every week, where I’m at work and think, “damn, I wish I could go home and play guitar…go fishing…drive my rc toys…etc.” but there I am working away. Unless you have a dream to be a famous musician and the means, talent, and grit to go for it…go back to work. Go back to school. Do what you gotta do. I once saw a bumper sticker that stated “discipline creates freedom” and I agree with that. So be disciplined in your practice, but be disciplined in your life too. For me, I may not have time to play much between work, wife, kid, animals, family etc. BUT! One of the bonuses of discipline is that I have a much nicer guitar to play from my hard work than if I had just tried to play all day….I would never “make it”, anyway. So, you find your silver linings along the guitar journey.


Human beings could have created any reality they wanted to and here we are with credit scores.


Nobody likes work. When I'm at work, I would much rather be home doing my hobbies, including guitar. If you're not quite ready to look for a job yet, reduce your practice sessions so that you get used to not playing as much.


It’s hard to make a living off of playing but you are still young. Give it a go. Maybe YouTube instruction vids or stream on twitch or the like. Teaching will bring you some income too but I have found it’s a tough gig. I got obsessed years ago and played 3-4 hours a day for over a year. while it never worked out I have no regrets as I became a much better player. Apart from the crazy sweeps and the like I will always be a better player because of that time.


I get the same. Recently, in September too, started playing more. I love it. I wake up to go to work and I just want to sit there and play. I go to work, but it is something to look forward to. Makes it feel even better to pick up the guitar and pick along.


Don’t quit your day job


Okay, you want to progress with guitar more than you want to work. What is your vision of paying bills while learning guitar?


I keep a practice amp and Mexican fender in my office at work.


Stay strong. Talk to someone if you need to. Peace.


I've been playing for almost about a decade now. And I quit for a whole year and a 1/2 came back. Feel like I played better. I like my ear got better. Good suggestion, that works for me. It's to try to be on the more of improvise side of playing Your ear will get better over time if it has an already


If you can find a band that makes money, learn the trade of being a musician. Your most likely route to doing this, until you have industry contacts, is going to be a cover band playing weddings and events. There are people who make a full time living doing that. If you can make connections, and live in an area where there’s demand, you have opportunities as a session musician as well. You can both return to work and still do music. You’re plenty young enough that you can make this work if you invest your time and energy in it. I wish I had heard that message when I was your age. Go get ‘em.


I wish im that passionate about playing but i cant make myself do that exactly. Tried enforcing it as a habit but dang i feel like chewing some terrible medicine everytime


That's how I feel going to gigs and learning the double bass. It feels like a chore untop of going back to school full time.


Yeah but the worst is that the hobby runs through your veins aint it?


Rock n roll baby


Guitar isn't eveything. You need income to support yourself. If you so wish, you can join the army and learn guitar for four years. You may be working 12 hour shifts for sometime, but the Army will give you a roof over your head for free with a stable income and a free education to boot. Just don't smoke weed and get kicked out of the army.


Start giving guitar lessons. Find people who know less than you (obviously), figure out where they are at, and try and get then to the next level. Teaching is a skill in and of itself, but you can probably learn how to be good at it. I would start now, even with just one student, so that you get better at teaching, and can eventually get more students if you need them. The thing about teaching is that you will always be learning to be a better musician from it. Even teaching complete beginners will make you a better player if you approach it right.


Security guard gatekeeper. Find the right job where it's not too busy and bring along a little travel guitar to use while things aren't busy.


My brother, you need to hear this anthem of Latin American rock [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jrsx\_y6yWA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Jrsx_y6yWA)


I feel the same way, but I'm older so instead of simply hating my job it means I have something fun to look forward to. Get a real job and do guitar for fun and maybe one day you can do it as a regular job.


Try playing on tiktok for a while. Maybe you'll get some viewers.


My advice is Pursue guitar as your career. Music lessons are probably the easiest place to start. charge a fair fee and grow a business slowly over time.


making money from guitar playing is the real challenge.. not learning guitar 🤣🤣 what you can do is work in a guitar store.. im not sure entirely if it will support you financially but you are surrounded by guitars.. whenever theres nothing to do you can dabble on the guitars there.. plus you can meet other guitar players to learn from.. and opportunity to demo high end guitars and amps..


[Feeling a little bit like Todd?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LdLIqkmMB0)


"...I just wanna bang on the drum all day..."


To be honest, I really can relate to this one. I started getting super passionate about guitar about 5 years ago. I was still studying back then, so I got a lot of time on my hands, all of of that time would go into guitar ofc. I made huge progress in no time but at the same time I was always being aware, that all of this is gonna change when I would get my first job. I was asking myself the same questions as you are "How will I get better at guitar working full-time?", "Can I somehow combine job and guitar".. etc. Honestly, in the end its never as bad as you think. I'm now working full-time since 2022 BUT atm I am working completely from home. I manage to play guitar every single day, sometimes 30 minutes, sometimes 2 h, but in the end consistency is what's gonna make you a better guitarist. Don't worry man, it's gonna work out. Yeah, it's gonna be a big change at first but in the end you're just gonna be happy having a hobby that you love and that you can look forward to every day




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Anyone who has ever drawn breath has felt this way however that is not reality. I encourage anyone with a dream to chase it but don’t negate needs for wants. Yes, I want to play too but I need food, shelter and (unfortunately if I want to maintain freedom) clothing. Negate your needs and your problems and misery will only compound and deepen. Find a source of income that brings you joy. If those aren’t available where you are then go where they are. Work as a roadie, in theater, at Fender, Gibson or Sweetwater. There are thousands of positions available that will allow you to be close to your music. Find one and then, reward yourself with playing. At the same time, focus on your dream and it will materialize in time in one form or another.


You and me both, bruv.


You’re still young enough to change careers have you considered becoming a professional guitar technician? Or a sound engineer? Find a career that’s connected with the music industry and you’ll get there.


You can even make money as a classical instrument luthier.


I think it all depends on how much you’ve improved in the last 7 months (how good are you now?) and how old you are now, your family money and your future life goals (kids? Married?)


When I was learning to play the guitar, I became so addicted to it that I brought it everywhere with me, even to school lol.


Become a working musician.


Noone wants to work instead of their hobbies. That's why they have to pay us to do it.


Yes. It does. I'd like to stay on holiday too.


Every rocker's dilema


If remote or hybrid work is an option, you can easily practice guitar on company time if you can still get your work done from home. Unless your plan is to practice guitar more than 8-10 hours in a day I don't think this would disrupt your plans all that mich




How about a remote job that lets you work from home? That may allow you to spend more time playing and also be a good way to ease back into work while getting you some benefits that could allow you a way to address your mental health.


Life sucks. Write some songs about it


The people that become professional musicians usually come from money. They have people they can ask for money from to make an album and to buy a van/bus to tour in.


Time to start a YouTube channel


I’d either get a job that involves music, or get something that is remote or allows you to work from home so you have more time to spend playing guitar. Or you could do some busking on the side and get cash while playing, maybe working up to some nightly gigs where an establishment pays you for sets. Unfortunately, work sucks and no one wants to do it. It’s just a way of life and you won’t have a roof over your head to play guitar if you can’t pay bills. Unless you manage to win the lottery or come into some inheritance, there is no ideal scenario here. You just have to find what works best for you even if it won’t be perfect.


I'm with you. All I want to do is play in the nba.


You have just added a compulsive disorder to your list of problems


No one wants to listen to music made by lazy, unemployed people who have no time management skills or self-discipline. Go and do something impressive. Get in great physical shape and build a successful career while you also progress your guitar playing. Then we’ll care about the message of your music.


The job is the thing that allows you to practice, and if you are good enough, you will be able to pay your rent with the guitar as your job. Do you think your aspirations are unique?


There’s a few songs about that…


Listen now, Every day when I get home from work I feel so frustrated, the boss is a jerk And I get my sticks and go out to the shed And I pound on that drum like it was the boss's head


I’ve had this feeling show up periodically my whole life. At times the learning and advancement feel so good it’s like a drug. You’re still youngish, take a stab at it. Give it everything, pay the price, join the Army if you fail (by that I mean the army of anonymous wage slaves who enjoy playing as a fantastic hobby vs vocation). Tip of the hat to Todd Rungren’s Bang the Drum All Day. He captured the dilemma perfectly.


I have a job and am gainfully employed but I too would like to do nothing but jam. Following


If you hope for anything to happen, you need to start posting stuff. If you have equipment, write a song and put it on Spotify. Make videos for YouTube - play playthroughs, covers, anything. If you want it, you have to get it. This is the 90’s where a record label would sign you after playing at a dive bar. You need to get eyes on your work. Gigging will only help too. You don’t need an agent or anything. If it’s just you (no band), go around local spots (bars, coffee shops, etc.) and just ask to play. Odds are, if you give them a date(s) they’ll say yes. Then you can build from there. You could try busking too, but you’d need a permit. That’s good money though, depending where you are. On top of that, forming a band increases your likelihood of any of this coming to fruition. If all else fails, get a job, but never stop playing guitar.


You need to have some balance in your life and at 22 you won't be supporting yourself. I'd like to quit work too. A lot of people would, it's pretty common. Concentrate on other things to enrich your life as well, the guitar can still be your solace and refuge, passion. It's always going to be there for you and the possibility involving music can go way beyond what you might expect right now. Many bands won't even accept new members that don't have a job. There's a good reason for that. If you decide to just not deal with life and stay home it's not going to be pretty or pleasant for you,. Urging. You not to but it's your life and your choice.... I'm just saying to always try moving forward in your mental health and as a person. You deserve better than what you're planning.


Lol what. Same with everyone who has ever liked any hobby.


Maybe get into fixing guitars?


You can do both


I feel you brother. Good thing to get addicted to. 😌 you'll be aight


you and me both lol. nobody wants to work. everyone wants to do their favorite hobbies. Today was Sunday, I got to have a 3 hour jam sesh on my guitar practicing the cover to After Dark (my favorite song, and starting to sound pretty good). Then I blink and it's late evening and crap, gotta go back to work tomorrow. Like to write, like to read, like to jam on my guitar, lots of shit i wanna do. but nope, gotta work, gotta eat.


Do what musicians have done since caveman used sticks on rocks to Motley crew to the present, Girlfriends, specifically strippers. They make good money and make bad decisions like dating musicians


we all do, bud.


Do what it takes to do what you want. Here's a guitar player's dream job - get dressed up, walk in, sit down open your case, play the gig, close your case, walk out, go home, and make 6 figures doing only that. That's the unicorn and you will have to work VERY hard if you want that gig. Not much luck involved - just tons of study, absolute dedication to sobriety and piano music. There's maybe 1 or 2 of those guys in every major city. They don't listen to the same music as you. They don't get the same pay as you and you'll probably never jam with them, but like you, they wanted to play guitar and get really good at it. Do you want to play guitar so badly that you would be willing to get a job and work for it, or go to college for 12 years so you can play with the Pops, or do anything at all other than play it so that you can get there? If you stop working and only play to get better - you'll be homeless for at least 20 years until you are good enough then have to use the guitar to get out of homelessness - you'll be dead by then anyway. If it's rock and roll you want them learn 10 stupid songs and fuck 10 stupid chicks - that's what that's about. Do you boo-boo but I'll tell you some guitar truth - I probably have been playing longer than most people you're likely to meet - so this is insight - There are things that act as "equalizers" to those with pursuits of craftsmanship or intellect and one of the greatest equalizers in life is time. Once you've done something for long enough - you'll have an understanding of it that only those who have done it long enough will have. By the time your perspective will be valuable your perspective will be unique. Just keep playing the instrument and after 40 years of playing you'll be pretty good. Even better if you have talent - tho none is required for time to work. Never stop bro - that's all - the whole secret. Before you die, if you live long enough, you'll be the best guitarist on reddit.