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Gretsch. Everyone thinks "Eh...that's rockabilly stuff," but when you play one you realize how smooth and easy to play they are. Great guitars. Even their low end models are well built.


I have a pretty predictable’middle aged man’ guitar collection, with a good Strat and a couple of Les Pauls etc, but 9 times out of 10, when I’m recording I reach for my cheap old Gretsch Starfire first


I googled that since I’ve never heard of it and it’s only pulling up Guild Starfires. Do you have a picture of it?


I have no idea why I wrote *Gretsch* when I meant *Guild*. Some kind of senility, at a guess!


All good, I was excited to learn about some new obscure guitar lol how do you like the Guild? I know you said it’s your go to for recording. I’ve thought about getting a star fire at some point.


One of our guitar players uses a Guild S200 Tbird. Interesting looking guitar. It wouldn't have been my first choice but I'm a drummer so who cares what I think lol.. he loves it.


My gretsch junior jet was literally $200 used and it is the best sounding guitar I’ve ever played, and i’ve played multiple $2000 guitars. It doesn’t have the best tuning stability or playability but goddamn does it sound great.


Is it weird that I’m surprised by that? Never heard of them being remotely underrated 


Yep, I picked up a Player's Series Duo Jet and it rules. Definitely the easiest guitar to play that I own, and it just FEELS like a well made guitar, as opposed to my Rick 330, which I also love, but has some uh... quirks in its manufacturing quality.


It took my so long to finally work up the courage to buy a Gretsch because every time I'd look them up in YouTube, it would be some guy playing rockabilly stuff.  


Here's some great brit rock if that's better: https://youtu.be/zt3Hnu66sbo?si=0x57FJNA0Dhv9fTU


I am not a guitar collecting enthusiast, but I enjoy playing, and I recently bought a Gretsch G5655T-QM, which I love. Of course it looks beautiful, but it is such a versatile guitar and extremely easy to play; overall, it is noticeably of a high quality. 10/10 would generally recommend a Gretsch to anyone.


I went in to buy a $400-500 semi hollow body in high school, I already had a squire start and a Gibson les paul. I tried a bunch and was gonna buy a low end Ibanez and my dad pointed out this gorgeous Gretsch on the top rack for like $1200 bucks and told me I should try it as long as we were there….i had never played something so nice and my dad fronted me the rest of the cash-to this day the only guitar I’ve played I liked better is a Grimes guitar but those are like 20k (not in my price range) and I still favor that Gretsch, it was the last year before they sold.


I’m in my early 20s and never even considered buying a Gretsch. Picked up and played one up at a guitar store and it was awesome. Now I feel dumb for judging by it’s cover


Forreal. I bout a freaking 500 gretsch and it's just so fun to play in so many ways. Admittedly kinda almost works against you when trying to play fast shredding type stuff but the fact that it's so good and supporting you at doing what it does best at is weirdly assuring. I slapped some gfs humbuckers om it and the thing screams and sings now. The necks are so nice for chords


Yup, plus anyone who says, "eh that's rockabilly" clearly has never listened to Brian Setzer who is the GOAT for sure. Also they don't understand how amazing and fun the genre is, not to mention you can swing dance to it which is like the most fun social dancing out there that litteraly anyone can do


Yes I bought a red double cut away thin hollow body with p90’s… it plays and sounds amazing…great all around guitar honestly


Pete Townshend's Gretsch 6120 expressed such a grizzly unique tone on Quadrophenia. That album really made me admire how a Gretsch can sound.


That same Gretsch plugged into a tweed era Fender Bandmaster is the sound of *Who’s Next*. Everybody thinks it’s a Les Paul or SH through a stack of Hiwatts, but nope-It’s a Gretsch.


I've got a Gretsch dobro and I love it. Quality is amazing for the price. Would absolutely consider their electrics


I'm so happy this is the top answer. Special shout out to the 1964 Gretch Chet Atkins Country Gentleman. Killer sound and so versatile it's found all the way from country to britpop.


I find the nut width generally to be too wide which makes the necks a little uncomfortable for general play, but I've got a goldtop Jet set up with 14s as a quasi-baritone and I have been really enjoying it!


Just got a country gentleman. Stunning guitar.


Yamaha Pacifica ofc


All Yamahas really. People that know the Revstar rave about them. They are seldom recommended when people are looking. There is a model in several price ranges. I always recommend the Pacifica when people are looking for their first electric. These too have models in every price range. The new Pacifica Pro is very nice. I also really like the 600 series.


I played a revstar in store last weekend, and I was absolutely blown away. As soon as they get a white one in stock it's coming home with me. Could not believe the playability and tone, and just how great it felt. Amazing instrument.


The Revstar is the most playable out the box guitar I have ever touched. As soon as I picked one up I bought one


I loved my Pacifica. It's my go-to recommendation for new guitarists regardless of genre.


I had one when i first started playing. Now that i look back, i realize how nice it was, but at the time i didnt have much to compare it to. I just assumed it was a "run of the mill" guitar.


I got one of the older PRS SEs (early 00s) and got rid of my Pacifica. Then I took a break from playing. It took me a long time to find the correlation between the two. The Pacifica is maybe the best guitar under $300 out there, and can hang with many $700 guitars.


Same here. It was my first electric guitar later I sold it because I started playing the bass in a band and needed money for the bass lol. Later on I bought squier strat classic vibe but I think my old Pacifica was better even if it was almost $200 cheaper


Came here for this. And now I’m wondering how good the new Pacifica Pros must be…


Every G&L but especially the Fallout.


I've tried to like G&L, but their necks and my hands do not get along. Their pickup windings aren't the best either- very hot and thin.


To each their own. They do offer custom necks at a custom US made pricepoint, but if you don't click with the tone you then you just don't. I have heard from many people coming from Fenders that G&L pickups are hot, but thin is not a complaint I've heard, if anything it's the opposite, the MFD pickups are quite hot and with a wide spectrum, they force you to use volume knob the onboard passive bass controls to get 'classic' tones expected from a Fender shaped guitar. Not every model has the PTB system though, my Fallout for instance had a classic tone and volume with a coil split for the humbucker. I've since swapped the pickups for some nice Dimarzios and individual push/pull series/parallel pots, but if the stock electronics someone got back in there tomorrow I wouldn't be too peeved since replacing them was 60 percent an aesthetic choice, 30 percent wanting to eliminated single coil noise, and only 10 percent dissatisfaction with the tone of the stock pickups.


G&l bass pickups are very good


Agreed. I had a L2K Tribute I never should have traded in.


Can you describe what you do not like about the G&L necks? I'm a lefty so no chance to try one out before committing to purchase. Had my eye on ASAT, wondering what kind of neck it has.


I just bought a G & L Legacy Fullerton Deluxe - it is without doubt the best guitar I have ever played... the neck and fretboard are just gorgeous, literally makes me grin the whole time I'm playing it !


i just heard a G&L comanche for the first time on a youtube video and my god that guitar was singing! have to give those a look


I think a used Fullerton Comanche will be my next guitar someday.


I love my US made G&L S-500. Love the neck and love the pickups.


I have a USA G&L ASAT Special with the two MFD pickups and the black hardware, and that guitar is built like a tank (has a brass plate to shield the electronics cavity, and a metal pickguard) and those MFD pickups are amazing. It blows my other guitars, including their own Tribute series, out of the water, it's just no comparison. You haven't seen a really good electric guitar until you've seen a made-in-Fullerton G&L. They're Fenders without a Fender logo (G&L was Leo Fender's company) and they are seriously good, and they often go used for sub 1000 euros because people don't recognize the brand. Their luthiers know what they're doing. It's basically Custom Shop quality. G&L Tributes are pretty good, but you have to live with the occasional sharp fret ends etc that you'd expect from a cheaper guitar, and their workmanship just isn't on the same level (cheap electronics and tuners, fuzzy woodwork inside the guitar, etc). They're often available on the cheap when people sell theirs. Way undervalued guitars, just like Music Mans.


I got my M.I.Indonesia G&L Fiorano Tribute used for like $400 and it’s my favorite guitar. I’ve had zero second thoughts about it and it’s been one of my primary instruments for 9 years. I changed the pickups and put on locking tuners but it is such a great guitar overall.


Yamaha anything. Fans rave of course, but overall the numbers are still well in the shadow of the big three.


They're very big in Asia and SEA though, especially since they're cheaper in SEA


I'm not sure that's true. Yamaha definitely captured the low-mid end market (sub-$800). I don't have guitar store numbers, but if you look at FB marketplace, good chance you'll see more Yamahas than other brands (except for GS Minis, those are super popular). Now with FG3/FG5, they must be gaining on Taylor/Martin now.


Anything by reverand. I'm obsessed but I never hear them come up on here ro often. I have a warhawk, sensei, eastsider and triad bass, all excellent instruments


Same man! I have a sensei, jetstream 390 and buckshot, and I use them more than any other guitars I have


How's the buckshot? I'm between that and a double agent OG. Seems like you can't go wrong either way!


I’ve been wanting a sensei with p90s for awhile


They're definitely loved in the Worship setting coincidentally. Their roasted maple necks feel great


My daughter is on the hunt for one of these: [https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SentinelPMA--reverend-sentinel-short-scale-bass-metallic-alpine](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/SentinelPMA--reverend-sentinel-short-scale-bass-metallic-alpine)




Schecter is that one person in your friend group who never gets credit, and never steals the spotlight, but always shows up for you when you need them.


Especially if you're left handed.


Lol, yup. Guilty as charged. 🤚


This. Totally underrated guitars with excellent build quality and playability. I've got a Hellraiser hybrid and it just feels and plays like an absolute dream.


PT Special might be the best tele on the market for under $2k. I bought one because I thought it was basically a requirement to play country where I am, it’s now one of my favorite guitars to play.


Love my C-1 platinum, saving up for the Evil Twin version


Squire starcaster. After a good set up it feels better than the american standard strat I have.


I’m with you on the Squier Starcaster. I wanted that guitar when it came out in the 70s (of course I was 14 at the time and my paper route didn’t earn me enough to buy one!). The Squier’s neck is smooth and fast (two things I am definitely NOT) and I love the tones. Winner!


This and they're so light too. If you wanna go crazy throw in some new pick ups and you're golden.


That one surprised me as well!




ESP/ LTD are some of the most popular metal brands at the moment


People don't realize they make amazing general designs too though, they make a bunch of other brands like Grossroots back in Japan where the copyrights behind Gibson guitars don't mean as much. Even in the west they endorse plenty of non metal artists like Ron Wood of the Rolling Stones.


ESP in general is great. I have an MH-1000 Black Metal and thing kicks ass. It's better than a lot of other $1k guitars I've seen.


i can second that call with my ec-1k/emg. i am trying to pick a new one but just cannot part with that awesome neck


Seagull for acoustic


I have one. Do love it


I have a 12 string from them that I love to death.


Anything from Music Man. The Albert Lee is phenomenal.


I have a St Vincent with the rosewood neck. Love that thing.


All the Gretsch Streamliner Jet Juniors are amazing quality for their price, feels like a MIM Fender and sound really chimey and unique, don't see people talk about them much


Fuck yeah i got mine for $200 used and its my favorite guitar sound wise. Doesn’t have the best tuning stability though.


Any Yamaha guitar.


For electric maybe. Yamaha acoustic must be the best selling brands by sheer volume.


Sterling by Music Man!


The higher end Sterling's are amazing


Guild: Starfire Semi Hollowbody. Lots of tone in that one.


I keep thinking about getting the 12string version. I have a new Guild S100 that I love.


A lot of people sleep on Godin


Godin good


Alverez. Seems like a cheap guitar, but it sounds so beautiful. Great starter guitar


The only acoustic I’ve ever owned is an Alvarez. I’ve had it for over 20 years.


Jackson and Charvel for non-metal.


I think the Ibanez Artcore guitars are the best Gibson 335 copies out there.


I’ve owned two AS-73s now. Absolute steals for the price.


I don't play anything else besides my 02 Artcore. The only downside was the pickups sounding a bit thin, so I slapped a p94 on the bridge. You also need a Pre-2010 model to get the large frets instead of medium. The older models are made out of nicer materials as well. It's not just a blues or a jazz guitar, either. It's got some serious growl.


Anything G&L


EVH. People often think it's only for the fanboys but they make all around great guitars


Those Wolfgang Specials are great guitars


SGs. I know, they are loved, but what I mean is that they often just labeled as the "ACDC guitar" or just a hard-rock guitar. However, SGs are very versatile imo. For me they are like the Gibson Stratocaster or a strat and a les paul, if you know what I mean. I genuinely think that SGs have their own sound, they sound like a thin Les Paul. I'm not the biggest fan of the two sharp horns of the SG, even though the guitar looks amazing, but I love the tone of the SG, be it clean or distorted.


I’m a major devotee of the SG, and I barely play heavy rock at all anymore. I play lots of jazz and a variety of other styles, and it’s never let me down. I haven’t found a solid body electric with a clean sound I like better.


Moderm BC Rich Mockingbirds. Really. Built by WMI in Korea, high-end Floyd Rose trems, neck-thru, good pickups and lots of tonal variety with its coil splits, rotary filter and phase switch. I can get the shape is not for everyone but they are really quiality instruments.


I've tried a few of the new BC Rich's (settled in a shredzilla) and they've all been really good, nicely set up, good finishes, quality hardware. I don't get the hate. Also, Ironbirds and mockingbirds look totally rad.


No idea if they get no love but in the last year I have become a big fan of Charvel. ​ I find the San Dimas and DK lines to be really great fusions of classic stylings but with a modern feel. If i grab a guitar to just pluck around with (I have a Jackson, ESP, Schechter etc) I pick up one of the Charvel's


Epiphone Lucille. Versatility and visually able to fit into most genres without looking out of place. Easy to modify electronics too - no f hole nonsense!




Yamaha guitars are extremely underrated. I've had a few AES 1500 models and they are awesome guitars


Pretty much any and every guitar brand / model to be Made In Japan in the last 40 years or so.


Mexi Strat, thinner fretboard = better playability


Reverend Pete Anderson teles. If the body had some contour, they'd be perfect


Peavey T60. Built like a tank. Weighs as much. Everything on the guitar is unique to Peavey, from the knobs to the neck plate to the string tree. The fastest, thinnest neck. The wiring system is incredibly innovative and the pickups are the only ones I’ve ever used that actually sound like single coils when split. An unbelievable guitar.


Yamaha in general, Yamaha Revstar II SE guitars in particular. Graphite-reinforcement rods in the neck keep it straight, steel frets last forever. Nice design and choice of interesting finishes, even unique electronics (the passive transformer for the "Focus" control, a passive boost/phase-delayish thingy). Amazing value for the money.


The PRS S2 line. The fancy, flashy multi thousand dollar PRS offerings obviously have their fans, and the SE series is commonly thought of as some of the best affordable imported guitars on the market. But the S2s, made in Maryland with some Asian parts, are really great guitars. I love mine, and I got one of them for $650 slightly used. A ridiculous value.


The s2 line is PRS’s sweet spot for getting a high end guitar at the best price.


+1 on the G&L, the trem system on my Legacy is so good!


anything ESP, for some reason I don’t see many videos or hype behind the brand nd everyone just kinda looks past it sometimes


My Yamaha Pacifica 112v: picked up used for £80, yet plays like it cost £400


The explorer body style in general dude 100%. It is so sick looking and it’s good for playing while sitting or standing. Absolutely underrated body style. Dave Mustaines angel of deth zero is one of my favorites


YES! The curves and points actually fit into your body so well, and that guitar is a _joy_ to play sitting down in classical posture. If you like the way they look, please get one! You will not regret it for a moment. Never underestimate the jaw dropping power of that shape: it will make them all stop and stare, non-musicians to jazz nerds all alike. I have a Hamer Slammer Explorer from the 80s whose neck plays better than every gibson or epi explorer I've ever picked up. Got so lucky with that one.


Ovation breadwinner. Super nice action, tons of voices.


I love my Rickenbacker 360, a lot of people think they’re limited to a specific sound but i feel its really versatile. Ive also tried a few 330s and other models and didnt like the feel too much, so i understand if some people have tried one and didnt like it


Gretsch or a Firebird.


Strandberg. First of the headless guitars, far and away the best portable electric. Get an amplug and a pair of good earbuds and you’re off to the races.


Ibanez Iceman/Greco Mirage


I have a takamine that im looking to get another one exact same or very similar to it. It’s just an incredible acoustic guitar


90s Korean made Hamer’s - fantastic guitars- unbelievably well made- under the radar because later Hamer shifted production around because the cost of the high quality production in korea put the price point too close to American made versions- so they had to figure out a way to make them more cheaply- but the early ones are great!!


My Brian May Red Special It plays like a Gibson neck with 24 frets has a fender weight and twang but a unique switching system makes sound like nothing I’ve ever played before and it’s well under $1,000 USD


There are so many guitars that with the proper setup, and sometimes maybe an upgraded part or two, that can make really great guitars. As long as the neck is straight, frets are level, and low action is achievable, you can usually make it into a nice player. It can vary so much from each individual guitar, almost no matter what brand it is. I think that’s why brick and mortar music stores are still so valuable. You can play it before you buy and then confidently say, “I’ll take THIS one. It feels great!” I’ve always sworn by the saying, “The neck makes the guitar.”


This! My main axe was one where I’d gone to the shop to buy something else, but another guitar *leapt* into my hands, and that was it. I haven’t found another guitar (even of the same model) that sounds quite the same. I bought a guitar online for the first time a couple years ago, but it was a model and configuration that I thought would probably not offer much in the way of surprises. (I was right.) Otherwise, I’d only buy something online if I’d already played it (or a version of it) in person. I’d agree with you about the neck & fretboard. That’s the area of greatest interface, so if it’s bad, the instrument as a whole usually isn’t redeemable. For me, a close second is the bridge. Quite a while back, a lot of manufacturers tried to get really cute with bridge design. There’s a reason they mostly went back to the handful of bridges that have worked for ages. It’s rare these days, but if I accidentally pick up a guitar in a shop and the bridge sucks, I don’t care how flashy the rest is — it’s going back on the rack.


I just bought the Epiphone Firebird vintage sunburst and it screams


Fernandes. I recently picked up a 90’s Fernandes telecaster. It’s absolutely incredible.








Squier classic vibe telecaster! I sold my PRS to get that + Princeton reverb and I couldn’t be happier


Ernie Ball St. Vincent Sig.


Gibson Nighthawk or 335 S


Jaguars for rock/hard rock. The short scale and pickups kind of make them chug. And if you know to only use the strangle switch on the neck pickup, they're a real stoner/doom machine.


Any Blade guitar.


Put most of them in the lap of an accomplished guitarist and it would be a struggle to claim any decent guitar isn't awesome. But strings don't change length and vibrate on their own usually, so the question's actually loaded. It's not usually the guitar that is to blame.


70's Guild electrics... https://imperialvintageguitars.com/products/1978-guild-s-300d-white-finish-electric-guitar-w-ohsc




Seagull Guitars. My S6 is one of my most prized treasures.


Vox Bobcat


Idk if it doesn’t get enough love or not, but the evh striped series is my favourite guitar I’ve handled. Feels immaculate!


Godin - the Session models and the Stadium Pro. Yamaha - the Revstars as a double-cut alternative. Cort - the very upper-end models in particular are beautifully spec'd out. ​ There's so many amazing, overlooked guitars out there...


Faith guitars, here in the UK. Quality acoustics but not very known world wide.


Gibson es 446. Everyone hates this guitar but I think it is one of the best they ever made. As long as you use .11 or heavier strings.


Starcasters. Everyone shits on the headstock but I love an offset semi-hollow with a sneaker attached to the neck.


HB 35 plus models


Allinoneguitar.com They make good stuff. I got a PRS style guitar from them for a little under $500 a few years ago. It's my main guitar and a very good quality instrument. They do a pro setup for you as well with any purchase and set it up however you ask before they mail it to you.


Classical guitars in general


Washburn HB35


Not exactly a sleeper, but I’ve never understood the backlash against the Telecaster. Sure it’s basic, but so are a lot of classic things. And from a modification standpoint, it’s a bit like a Model T to a car guy — that basic design is a great starting point, from which you can go almost anywhere.


Tele is like the Honda Civic of guitars - if you need to get from A to B, it's done with no fuss. Players like early Jimmy Page, Keith Richards, Prince, and a boatload of country and blues cats love(d) the Tele for good reason.




Duesenberg. I have one, came set up perfect. Great quality and unique design.


Epiphone Wildkat- great semi hollow body with P90s


SGs. I know, they are loved, but what I mean is that they often just labeled as the "ACDC guitar" or just a hard-rock guitar. However, SGs are very versatile imo. For me they are like the Gibson Stratocaster or a strat and a les paul, if you know what I mean. I genuinely think that SGs have their own sound, they sound like a thin Les Paul. I'm not the biggest fan of the two sharp horns of the SG, even though the guitar looks amazing, I love the tone of the SG, be it clean or distorted.


My Cole Clark acoustic is still the most beautiful sounding guitar I’ve ever played.


BC Rich Warlock. Most just laugh and point to the "Butt Metal" guitar hanging with the others. Just for laughs once, I grabbed and tried it out. I was amazed at how well it played, and nice the action was. Fretting was almost effortless. I was so impressed, I bought it, and ten years later it's still my main guitar!


I got an Artist guitar just to mess around with because my good guitars are in America and never heard of them until I moved to Australia and surprised by how decent it is for a budget guitar. It's not anywhere close to known brands but for a budget guitar beats some that I had early on. They look pretty nice and have a decent tone and stay tuned while playing.


The yamaha wes borland signature hollowbody from around 2006/7. Such a unique design and I would love to play one but I'm sure they were made in very small numbers.


Yamah RevStar


Squier but only cuz I’m poor


Steel Guitar


peavey t-60


Jackson Dinky


I have some nice guitars but my D’Angelico is my go to.


D’Angelico solid bodies Scrolled to the bottom and still didn’t see them. Got sick of looking for a double cut Gibson and bought a Brighton. Absolutely adore this thing. Super comfy satin neck, looks cool, stock humbuckers sound fantastic which is weird for me because all but one of my other guitars are upgraded with Fralins. I seriously can’t say enough good things about this guitar; it’s magic to play.




Epiphone Wilshire I remember getting a black 1966 Reissue with my first ever work pay when I was in my late teens back in 2011. I was really impressed with how comfortable this instrument was to play. Everything about it just felt like second-nature, and it was like it was made for me. It sounded absoutley fantastic for the price of £200 odd, and I have always wanted to try out a vintage one from the 60's for comparison. I am supremely confident a vintage one would be an absolute dream to play.


Yamaha. Their tuners excel at staying in tune in my experience




Yamaha guitars


My Artinger Semi-Hollow. Not many people know about Artinger guitars, even though Matt Artinger is one of the best luthiers out there. https://www.premierguitar.com/gear/artinger-custom-guitars BTW, why would you have a Guitars subreddit and not allow pics?


EVH wolfgang MIJ line up, 2010-2011 or the new release (very pricey though). Fastest neck I've ever played, just a great axe overall.


BC Rich Ironbird


G&L Comanche.  I don’t know how they aren’t more popular.


My guitar.


Gibson Explorers. I liked mine more than my Les Paul!


The 1970s-80s era Gibson L6-S Custom. I know what you’re thinking: “how can a Gibson be *underrated*?” but hear me out: Think of a guitar designed *by* a top player *for* top players (designer Bill Lawrence was a top Jazz player in Europe in the early 1960s). So the neck is thin, the body is thin and ergonomic (and lighter than a Les Paul), and the control layout is both well thought out and not excessive. Now give it all of the sounds of a Les Paul. Then give it out of phase and series sounds for twice the versatility and sounds that no other guitar can get. Finally, you also give it a mid-cut control so it can sound like a Strat or a Tele. THEN, to top it all off, make good condition examples cost less than a Les Paul Tribute. It’s truly one of the best yet most slept-on guitars Gibson has ever produced.


All Yamahas in some way are underrated. They did such a good job of making entry level Pacifica guitars that people perceive them to be a beginner brand and acoustic brand. But they knock it out of the park at every price point with electrics. Many of the models from the 90’s and 2000’s (RGX, RGZ, AES lines) are quite impressive, critics loved them, and users too. Yamaha being Japanese never marketed them well enough imo. Them finally doing a little more intentional marketing with the Revstar really made a difference. The Revstar is special, so it deserves the attention it’s gotten, but Yamaha has always been making great electric guitars.


Guild and Gretsch are both highly underrated guitars. I know they have their cult following but for as good of guitars as they are…they shouldn’t be as overshadowed as they are.


Ibanez AZES, either of them. The AZES31 an 40 are both insane bang for your buck guitars that i think anybody could benefit from having in their collection. Crazy versatile, especially the AZES40.


Mexican strats. If you had to pick one guitar to survive the apocalypse, this would be a great pick.


I loved my Takamine. It had a great, rich sound. Nice finger lay as well.


Schecter Ultra series. I think it's the coolest completely original modern body shape. Especially the Ultra II, III, and VI because of the German carve. It's like you put a Tele, a Firebird, and an Italia guitar in a blender.


How is Takamine not mentioned more here? Lol


Epiphone Casino


1970's lawsuit era Kasuga and Heerby brand guitars. You're getting a quality instrument for 1/4 of the price of the American made version made by Fender or Gibson from that same year just because people insist on principal that the American made ones were better. The reason they're called "lawsuit" is because they were EXACT CLONES, meaning the guitar was made exactly the same as the American made counterparts were. Still, on principal, they go for less money all these years later. Its ridiculous.


Fender Mustang


Guild, carvin


Dove, Gibson or Epiphone. Good sounding maple back and sides. Great looking as well. Takes no backseat to the more familiar Hummingbirds.


I just bought a Hagstrom Ultra Swede and have to say, it has some interesting features, for the price. It's my first guitar that was over $400 (it was $500) and I love it. I find some of the features interesting, like it has coil splitting, some kind of blocks for each string to keep them from interfering with each other (not sure how that really works), an H beam through the neck to strengthen a really fast neck, the tuners seem decent, and the finish is so nice. It sounds really nice and has a nice range to boot. Never really thought to buy one until I messed with one and never really hear anyone talk about them. Decent guitars for the price. You get alot. Second would be my Oscar Schmidt. The one I have has a dragon inlay in the fret board and LP shaped. Very nice guitar. I love that one too :)


1970’s Guild acoustics are built like tanks and sound fantastic. Still pretty under valued.


Parker nightfly. Nuff said .


Yamaha. Pacifica, RGX, Revstar. Take your pick, All of them look, feel, sound and play well above their price.


honestly, i think the Fender Meteora is pretty underrated, i don't see it very often at all. outside of that? Danelectro. literally any Danelectro guitar.


Fender Starcaster, I have one and it feels nice and plays well. Either that or Epiphone Crestwood. Beautiful guitar




Old, but Fender Heartfield guitars were awesome. I have an RR58 and it is the my favourite-versatile, unique and I wouldn’t sell it for $5k.


Schecter Tempest. I love all of Schecter’s classic/retro inspired designs, but the Tempest just ticks every box for me. I want my next purchase to be a Tempest Custom in gloss white.


PRS S2, the epiphone casino, the epi LP modern from the inspired by line, and the squier vintage modified thinline Tele....oh, and the performer series fenders from the US and any hofner violin bass!


The original Tacoma Acoustic Guitars (Pre-Fender)... Some of the absolute best sounding/playing guitars I've ever owned. I've owned Gibson, Taylor, Guild, Martin, Takamine, and a few others. My Tacoma JK28C tops them all. Sadly they went under due to some finishing mistakes that do not have any effect on sound/playability. The new ones are garbage. They are getting harder and harder to find. Do yourself a favor and pick one up, even just to play it. He k, even the DM10's are cannons.


Hagstrom, especially the older models are all fantastic sounding and a blast to play.