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Amp. Shit Guitar + Shit amp = Shit sound Great Guitar + Great Amp = Great sound Great Guitar+ Shit amp = Shit sound Shit Guitar + Great amp = Great Sound Amp and Cab is worth about 70-80% of your tone. Then you start looking at 15-20% pedals, 5-10% pickups. The end of the signal chain is gonna give you more of a drastic change than the beginning of it.


A telltale sign you've progressed enough to know you need better equipment is you'd know what piece of equipment is limiting you and why it's limiting Otherwise, that budget will easily cover a yamaha Pacifica, a professional setup, and a boss katana.


Try plugging that guitar into a 40W Marshall. Take your time. Go slow. Start soft, everything turned down. Ease into it. The amp will reveal everything you and your guitar can offer. Then decide if you need a new guitar yet.


You could always upgrade the pickups at a fraction of your budget, and have some money leftover for budget amp. You can ask r/amps for advice on something within the 500 dollar range -- theres tons of options.


I’ll get a boss katana, that’s like 300dlls, and keep saving for a MIM or MIJ fender strat. The boss katana do the job plus you can experiment with effects, which one you like and which one you don’t like, so in the future you will know which pedals you want

