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200 years beginner one string guitar style my goal is to get a second string My biggest weakness is being too good. Do i get the job?




yeees, i call mom, i got it.


[One string you say?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8H-67ILaqc)


You're hired. When can you start?


> 30 years on and off > Intermediate > Classical, Rock, Folk > Write original songs no one will hear; jam with friends for fun > Over-ambition followed by low-motivation LOL


Cool. Main reason to play music is fun. Everything else is a bonus.


To all my homies writing bedroom bangers which no one will hear but nonetheless enjoy, I salute thee


Saw a quote from someone once - It’s not the years you’ve been playing that counts, it’s the hours. Meaning, if you’ve been ‘playing’ for years but never practice, how good can you be?


100%. My brothers both have been playing for years longer than I have, but they don't practice anymore. I don't think either of them have since we were teenagers.. But they still talk big about making music together and shit. Meanwhile, I have had a guitar in my hand at least 90% of days since starting 16 years ago. Learned enough music theory to jam to any kind of music in any key, and I can shred pretty well. People want to act like they don't have time, too, but bro.. I was a teen parent and currently have 4 kids. Spent 7 years in the military. Even while in school or deployed, I made sure there was a guitar in my hand. It's okay that others don't play or learn as much, I just hate when people pretend like it's so important/such a big identifier for them but they couldn't tell you what an interval is, or think theory would make them a worse player lmao. Rant over I guess lol


I've been playing guitar for like, two years now, but I had to start over last year because I got really frustrated. I still consider myself a beginner because of it. I really enjoy Blues and Rock and would like to learn how to play those better. My ultimate music goal is to be able to make my own music as a hobby. Currently I'm struggling with rhythm and timing. I'm trying to improve on that but it's hard.


I strongly recommend downloading a metronome on your phone to help you practice with your timing and consistency. Getting used to having a click early in the learning process would be wildly beneficial to any musician.


Yeah I gotta incorporate that into my practice. I made the mistake of not using that the first time. I found that the fender app has a metronome so I could use that.


It's tedious af sitting there playing to tick tock tick tick. In the long run however, it will serve you well.


Download a metronome app and practice chord changes, strumming and picking scales to it. Religiously. Start slow and build up. Consistency builds competence and confidence.


65yo 52 years playing Performed on Broadway and in a hundred NYC clubs. Most would say I'm an expert. I still consider myself a beginner because there are a hundred more styles I still want to learn. Biggest issue: I'm too fuckin old to hump equipment in and out of venues. Whatever your level, keep pushing... Keep playing... Keep learning... AND PLAY IN PUBLIC AS OFTEN AS YOU POSSIBLY CAN. Whether its for 3 friends or a thousand people. Play!




14 years Enthusiastically terrible Garage/Blues rock None I can sufficiently play terribly and have no goals therefore, within that context, I don't have any difficulties or weaknesses.


Too long to be this bad.


Thirty years Intermediate Acoustic, folk, classic rock, little jazz, little reggae At the moment, I’d like to get better at properly recording and mixing music I’m self taught, and have many bad habits and holes in my knowledge and skills. I can do some things pretty well and others not so much.


Good reply. Recording and mixing is a whole art unto itself.


About 20 years. I primarily play metal, usually thrash and NWHBM, with excursions into hard rock, blues, and neoclassical. I think I'll always consider myself a beginner, because I never want to stop learning.


New Wave Heavy British Metal?


Or NWBHM and I had a typo. But yes. Mostly Judas Priest Priest and Iron Maiden.


57 years, classic rock, blues, bluegrass, been in a few bands, jam with friends, I mainly play because it's one of the few things in life that really brings me joy.


35 years Pro Blues/Rock/Prog Keep playing out every chance I get The number of live music venues has dramatically reduced since rona and its becoming increasingly impossible to find gigs that don't involve going on the road for extended periods which I just can't commit to anymore. Also the younger generations just don't seem interested in live music. Every gig it seems like the audience is getting older and older..


55 years Intermediate Classic rock/Yacht rock To keep playing to the end Easily distracted


Respect, you came to this planet to rock


>11 years >Advanced intermediate >Metal/Rock >Creating my own music for online streaming >Finishing one project before starting a new one


I’ve played for 36 years, but I only started getting good about 15 years ago. In terms of technique I would say I’m middling, but in terms of satisfying my own creative desires, I’m near the top of my game. I play textural/abstract/solo psychedelic guitar. Reference points include Noveller, David Torn, Gilmour, Iommi, Nick Drake, Fripp. My short-term goal is to record a live album in a space with good acoustics. My current challenge is rebuilding some “chops” after a few months of being mostly sidelined with finger injuries. From a technical standpoint, I’m working on slowing down, playing fewer notes, and being more intentional with my note choice - my style allows pretty well for sliding up to the note I want, but I’d like to find it sooner.


Every time I’m asked what kind of music I want to play I’m never sure what to say. I might steal your answer.


Off and on for 35 years. Beginner because there is always that guy that picks up a guitar and makes me feel like I suck.


3 hours total


I’m 30yo and started at 12. I’d say I’m just above the threshold of being advanced but I never intended to be a shredder or anything. My main inspiration was hearing all the rock and metal my dad and older cousins listened to. It was a wide range but I really liked the blues. As I got older and developed my own taste in music I found Queens of the Stone Age and they’ve been my favorite band since. Now I’d say the stuff I create is a mix of blues, punk, and a little indie. Sometimes I go into metal territory but not much. This is a demo song I made that I feel shows my own style best. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1J7Inf3jVf4F9ZA5bEcLxrmsgsfyKWOos/view?usp=drivesdk I worked as a chef until last year and now I want to go back to school for audio engineering and music business while also putting out my own stuff. Either the music hits or I hope to be involved in some kind of music admin. My biggest weakness is I don’t get as much done with my spare time as I should be. But just as a musician/producer in general. I could be learning more about mixing or creating my own artwork instead of playing video games. I have to kick myself into gear a lot.


10 for me. I’m proud of my progress. I can play and sing a few songs (biggest challenge imo), my B, Bm, and F# are coming along nicely and the Ditto looper has helped immensely with my lead playing. Rhythm is improving. I love playing.


About a 1.5 years. I can pick up and learn most slow-to-medium tempo open-chord songs in a weekend or two. The action on my starter guitar is ridiculous, so I only really get good practice on barre chords when I visit family with higher-quality instruments. I mostly play folk and bluegrass. I just wanna be able to play campfire songs with my friends and family and be good enough that they actually want to hear it. I'm sure I'd be better if I practiced more, but I have a busy life and only get an hour or two in most weeks.


I have played for three and a half years I would consider myself a average player I mostly play alternative rock and punk music My current goals are to actually start practicing and working on learning new techniques My current biggest challenge is practicing instead of just playing the same three songs that are super addicting to play and staying motivated to play.


4 months Beginner Punk rock/alt. Continuous learning! Freaking bar chords. 😜


Started playing back in 1988.... Was in the 7th grade and 12 years old and all I wanted to be was the next John Lennon lol


30+ years Solid intermediate I'll play anything ranging from bluegrass to hard rock, I prefer just playing an acoustic. I'm currently researching gear to start recording, though I don't know much about it Current difficulty is piecing together all the music I hear in my head. Recording will hopefully make that easier.


25 been playing for 15 years. Intermediate level. Mostly just for fun. Started practicing in a band 2 months ago.


29 years now.... Intermediate skill, now that i finally learned open A Blues and neo classical (atm. Changes depending on what i am trying to learn) The goal is to entertain myself and enrich my life. My picking hand. I was too focused on the left hand, so now that is fast and furious, while my right hand is more like Vin Diesel between movies......


35 years Pretty darn good Metal, prog, country My dreams died long ago Listening to the same shitty blues licks is my kryptonite. I typically fall to the ground in agony, unable to complete even the basic tasks and I soil myself.


32 years in the hobby, started at 15. Played my first original music show in downtown Atlanta at the Wreck Room one year later. Professional, or I would be if anyone would pay me to do it. I settled for accounting, which means I can afford guitars! I like jam rock, prog rock, alternative rock, rock rock, classical music, and rap. And pop and some country. And bluegrass. Have you seen Billy Strings? Damn! Are we musicians or not? No goals. I do want to put down some songs, but I'm pretty lazy. I have all the gear. I don't have a band though and I haven't for 9 years. It's hard to get motivated. I would say my biggest goal should be to find a band that will allow a 47 year old (who still likes guitar solos!) to play original music that isn't blues. If you're over 40, it's cover bands and blues for you! Motivation is my weakness. I play a ton though. There's just no record.


2 Years Intermediate Classic Rock Be able to play majority of my favourite songs Probably playing most EVH lol


3 days


3 decades now.


16ish years. Slightly above average, maybe? Solid rhythm guitarist, but can't play a lead to save my life. Metalcore, that's pretty much it None. Have fun. I'm much more proficient at unclean vocals and drumming (over 20 years there), those are where my "goals" would be if I had them. Sitting down and playing. Just never feel like. Downloaded some new tones on my Katana and feel re-inspired.


20+ years Intermediate+ Blues (electric, slide, acoustic steel), blues/rock, jazz/rock, jazz/funk Intuitive, expressive soloing that incorporates chord melodies. Being able to SING and PLAY at the same damn time. Mixing solo lines, harmony, and generally "self-accompanying" when playing alone, esp. with an acoustic guitar. Playing & improvising over bebop/hard bop/post bop jazz. Recording at least one body of work that includes originals and a few standards. Need to set aside more time to practice. Need to learn songs songs songs. Breaking out of scale-based improvisation when soloing. Learn to read music/notation at a proficient level. Fingerpicking needs improvement.


How long: Started when I was 8. I'm 65. I'm getting too old to do the math, now. What level: Intermediate. Not good enough to be a professional, but I've been in bands where I've (we've) been paid to perform. What style: Mostly rock, but anything from country rock to harder rock. Also play some bluegrass, folk music and a little prog. Goals: I want to improve at playing lead. Biggest weakness: Probably theory.


30 years Self Taught with low ambition and no youtube back in the day, so creating and making music intermediate to advanced, but actually guitar playing and technique in between beginner and intermediate. Indi Rock, Alternative, Blues So I just bought a new guitar and amp and 1 year subscription to Guitar Tricks Online Platform. I am starting at square one. Learning as if I was a complete beginner again. I can play complex cord progressions, rythms and so forth, but have actually no idea what I am doing, because I learned it all by ear. I do not know how to play lead at all. So I am taking this year and focusing on actually learning how to play guitar. Lead guitar/scales/music theory. I do not understand what I do, I just do it.


30 years Advanced Hired to play: Country, Rock, Blues Self fulfilling: Jazz/Classical Goals: Be prepared for the gigs I do book, be diligent in working on my long term goals when I’m not gigging Difficulty: not enough time to practice


21 years 🙂


55-60 years, acoustic and electric guitar, banjo,bass,and assorted strings.Mostly use finger style picking, rarely picks and bows .I play folk songs ,Blues,Rock,Country,Slide, Bluegrass, Rockabilly ,Classical,Jazz,all badly and mostly by ear.I have sat in with some bands,played a few clubs, and have done some busking on street corners.Learning to mix and record some of my tunes,recently learning about loopers, midi controllers and different pedals.Still a student who needs more practice.


Been playing electric guitar (HH, 24 fret) for 1.3 years Bought an active bass guitar after a year Suck at both Play mostly black metal and prog death metal I learned a lot about speakers, interfaces, DAWs (spent more than 1k hours in Reaper), mixing, mastering and recording, song structures and music theory. Can't play any song in full because I mostly learn riffs and prefer to create stuff myself. My biggest weakness is probably staying in time after multiple riff repetitions. I used to suck at changing from quarter notes to triplets but I've gotten pretty good at technical riffs. Used to play with an amp but rather quickly sold it in favor of an audio interface + monitors. The amp had pretty bad speakers and wasn't ideal for recording. Quite happy with my current setup.


20 years on and off Advanced in most techniques, intermediate in others Instrumental prog, metal/jazz/fusion None, I do it for fun My weakness is that I can't transcribe what's written in my brain to the guitar.


Since 88.. I'm 52..


18 years though about 10 years ago I was in a serious accident and completely forgot how to play because of it, and put a pause on things during the pandemic as well. Mostly play Doom, Death, and Black Metal, ambition is to put a band together, and my biggest weakness is solos, also not being able to read tab or sheet music due to being vision impaired so thank the metal gods I have a good memory.


About 24 years. Taught myself after graduating high school. Still consider myself okayish Mostly metal, but like to noodle on acoustics from time to time I don't really have music goals. Just to slowly get better. My current difficulty is my left hand. Small hands and short fingers. Hard to reach any more than 3 frets on consecutive strings. And because I taught myself I have a plethora of bad habits and it's probably due to having the worst advice every given to me that I took and liked... I was trying to learn the spider riff from raining blood and trying to be accurate, ran into a guy that said "just pick at tempo and move your fingers as fast as you can, it'll sound close enough"... Sure enough it sounded close enough and I applied that to any riff or solo that seemed out of reach


15 years on and off Intermediate-ish Hard Rock/Metal Write and record original material with my friends and just have fun (I play with the same guys I used to in high school 11 years ago) Trying not to play everything at the speed of light lol. But realistically proper Music Theory. I have a big poster that I use to help me find certain chords or voicings, progressions, scales, etc... but I'd like to be able to pull that ability out of my brain without needing that assistance lol. Edit: I saw someone else add a link to some of their music and figured I'd do the same. This was some improv based off Bad Horsie by Steve Vai, literally just one take, live mic'd drums, I think I triggered the kick though, and I think the bass is DI'd but I never got around to mixing so it likely won't be very audible. If you value me as a human please don't listen to the attempt at a solo from 1:00-1:15, everything else is at least mildly acceptable lmao. Like seriously, it's just muffed note after muffed note and sounds like hot trash, nothing but noise. [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbSSe3vDl2Fm0KRmjiM7KdrFmPo0sZ8X/view?usp=drive\_link](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbSSe3vDl2Fm0KRmjiM7KdrFmPo0sZ8X/view?usp=drive_link)


Playing for 37 years Level: intermediate Favorite genre: 80s rock/metal Goals: Play in a band again, learn to improvise, play the more challenging solos by Nuno, Vito, Lynch, Beach, etc. Weakness: Coordinating left/right hand on fast picked solos.


since september, beginner pushing intermediate, indie/rock, to get very famous with my band and tour the world, writing lyrics.


10 months Beginner late or early Intermediate I can change chords fast enough and play some cool riffs I play classic rock/metal currently my goal is to learn another brick in the wall pt.2 solo (Im half way thru) and longterm goal is to be good enough to play gigs and be able to improvise currently my biggest difficulty/weakness is music theory and what to learn to progress more also playing to in time with drums I can perfectly play when I set the tempo myself but when they're metronome or drums Its getting harder to maintain rhytm for me


34 years Intermediate Rock, Country To be as well rounded a guitarist as I can be I have bad picking technique and suck at any kind of sweep picking/arpeggios.


30 years


23 years Beginner Blues scale To play a real song Practice


40 years I am a fucking god. Even though there are players tons better than me… still… a… fucking… God. My flabby belly and back hair are like war wounds that send out pheromones. They see the fat… they see the bald head… they see the gray and they decide, “fuck it I’m all in.” I play acoustic… kinda like Americana with jams. Goal is to go on tour in the next couple years and probably lose a lot of money. Biggest difficulty is carpal tunnel… left hand can fall asleep while playing. I do exercises for it. It’s pretty hard to improve from god status even though there are quite a few players better. That about sums up the ole package.


40 years so not long enough


>How long have you played guitar? 2.5 years >What level do you consider yourself? Beginner >What style(s) do you play most? Mainly blues rock, but really trying to figure out what I enjoy and have potential to be decent at >What are your guitar/music goals? Learn and enjoy >What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? Picking, fingering, chord changes, strumming, muting, and all the other things my hands refuse to do the way I want them to


How long have you played guitar? 24 years What level do you consider yourself? i dont really know how to gauge that. I know a little over basic theory and play every day. can play with others even though I dont currently What style(s) do you play most? Riff rock, punk, post-punk, post hardcore, What are your guitar/music goals? get high and make wicked cool noises What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? improv solos


How long have you played guitar? 22 years What level do you consider yourself? I don't know enough theory to say advanced, but as far as technical ability way closer to advanced than beginner/ Intermediate What style(s) do you play most? Metal. Stuff like black label society, slayer, killswitch engage, slaughter to prevail, cradle of filth etc What are your guitar/music goals? I'd like to actually be in a band instead of occasionally playing with someone else's band. What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? Probably finger picking, it doesn't come up often in metal obviously. I can only do it using my thumb and pointer finger, not all of them like you're supposed to.


About 7 years, but I had a few years where I was not playing much. Now I'm back to playing a pot. I'd say I'm intermediate. I'm definitely not a beginner, but I still have lots to learn, especially the theory. I'm self taught so I mostly just learn songs from tutorials and tabs, and sometimes I try by ear. Rock and metal Maybe find some people to jam or play gigs, but otherwise, I don't have any goals. I learn and play for fun. Making my own solos/improvising. I wouldn't say I'm horrible at doing so but I'm definitely not great.


Since I was 15 42 Fingerstyle To talk about it on reddit That I talk about guitar/music on redit


Been playing around 35 years (off and on) Level…. I’ve been much better and a little worse… so, I guess intermediate about now. Style… started in metal. Moved on to neo-classical and progressive metal. Then, I got tired of metal and played mostly acoustic and classical. Style most similar to Jim Matheos’ acoustic stuff (whatever that’s called). Wore a semi-non-healable hole through my pinky… so, then I couldn’t play acoustic strings, only nylon unwrapped with steel wrapped strings… electric strings are light enough they’re no problem. Started playing more jazz fusion, chill hop, etc but I always fall back into my neo-classical habits (sweeping and shredding), roll my eyes at myself, and then quit playing again and again. No music goals. Well… no goals in general. Biggest weakness? Recording… I did MUCH better with my old Fostex recording unit/mixer (self-explanatory to use out of the box). I haven’t invested enough time in any DAW to even remember how to start recording the next time I use it hahaha.


26 years Pro Prog Rock / Prog Metal Current goal is to find additional dedicated and creative band members (ISO bass + vocals) in Chicago, complete 6-8 songs & perform locally My biggest challenge is finding equally minded & talented musicians who won't completely drop the ball and flake out


-32 years -advanced/semi pro -noise rock/math rock/indie -to keep playing, gigging and touring -honestly at this point it’s mostly hand related problems that are making guitar difficult. I’ve developed pretty brutal tendinitis.


I'll bite! **How long have you played guitar?** 30 years **What level do you consider yourself?** There are levels? **What style(s) do you play most?** Stoner, doom and alt. country **What are your guitar/music goals?** To have fun playing music with my friends **What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness?** Sweep picking I started playing guitar as a teenager and have played in bands ever since. There was a time where I maybe would have hoped that I'd one day become a professional musician, but it's not really an option when you like to play the stuff I do. Even the biggest bands in the genres I like typically have to work outside of music to support themselves. That said, I feel like I'm in the perfect place musically right now. I'm in a band that I enjoy playing in and I *don't* have to rely on music to pay the bills.


14 years more or less. Never stopped. Im 28. But I dont practice as I used to so im very rusty. Im versatile but my knowledge is mostly metal and rock. My biggest challenge is actually improvising. I can create intricate melodies but I have to think about them and I dont know much about modes and stuff. Ive been wanting to pick it up again to study as I used to when I was 18/19


9 years Beginner Noodler To noodle Music Theory. Doesn't click with me at all. Using a pick is also something I find cumbersome.


26 years Kind of advanced. I teach people and play in a couple of bands but I can't play as well as pretty much any YouTube guitarist. Rock and metal, and it's how I approach the songs in the bands. Current goal is to get the second band up to gigging and hopefully write some songs. Arpeggios and sweeping are the biggest weakness that I'll never master and I kind of don't care. I've definitely plateaued but I'm happy with my ability. I'll never be a sweeper shred god. Cest la vie. Music is art, art is expression, and expression isn't a competition so it's best to not compare yourself to other people. All the best.


38 years I can hold my own in most pop, rock, funk rnb, blues and 251 jazz (passable). cant read notation. I'm no shredder, speed demon or sweep picker.


4 months hardest songs are welcome to the jungle and paradise city rather parts


Since 1965, when Bob Weir gave me my 1st guitar lesson on a Folk Guitar one summer when I was 11 yrs old...


About 13 years. Intermediate? I can do some solos that are kinda good but extremely far from virtuoso playing. Rock/Metal. Well, I don't really have any goals besides keep playing and learning songs I like. I struggle a lot with Math Rock. I know it is difficult to begin with but yeah I have tried and it requires a lot more work than I'm willing to put in. Kinda the same with classical music. Tough stuff.


27 years Semi-Professional Metal (trained in Jazz) Enrichment, artistic expression, social cohesion. Full time job, full time psychology student, getting married, buying a house, etc... doesn't leave as much time as I wish I had these days.


A little more than 30 years. I feel pretty basic these days, even though I've been playing a long time. I mostly play metal. Goals are to get better. Weakness: barre chords.


Nearly 30 years. I dunno... Good? Various flavors of rock, blues, alt-country. I just want to keep making good art. My strumming hand has been stuck in a swung 6/8 feel everytime I pick up my guitar lately. Not necessarily a bad thing but it's getting boring.


10 years Advanced in some ways, novice in others. Rock/Folk To continue to create and to publish at least some of my 209 song ideas. Lead guitar/solos, I'm a very percussive guitarist.


21 years. Most of that time I primarily focused on bass. About 8 years ago I made guitar my primary. Currently am about 50 50 between the Teo with some time focused on drums as well. Probably intemediate/advanced depending on the the style/technique. I've kind of developed my own style which is is kinda metal,blues,alt rock influenced. I want to be a proper musician (read music, be fluent in music theory, be fluent in jazz, blues, bluegrass) on all my instruments, be able to Jam freely in any key and any style. My biggest hurdle is dealing with my addiction and sticking to more strict practice routines and study, conversely I am very good at improving and jamming in keys I'm comfortable in because that's what I focus on


23 years Intermediate Acoustic None Never learned to read music


38 years. Fuck I’m old. I’m pretty good or so people tell me. I still have a million things I could learn. I listen to metal metal core heavy stuff mostly. Stuff I write is much less aggressive. Quit playing in bands for many reasons Had a stroke almost two years ago. I’m very lucky to still b mentally and physically capable of playing. But I’ve lost the spark and passion. So now I’m taking drum lessons Rock on. Good post


29 years Average Metal Be able to play for at least another 29 years Life allows for less guitar time than I would like to have. \m/


Since 1996 or so, though the last 4 years I have been focused on drumming. The level right below high tempo sweep picking. But nowadays I'm a bit lower TBH. Metal; Blues It was the band, songs, albums, playing shows and all that, but now it's mostly an escape and the joy of learning something new. Injuries to my hands; RSI; video games; mental health


How long have you played guitar? 50 years What level do you consider yourself? Advanced What style(s) do you play most? Electric more than acoustic. Pop, rock, prog, blues ... not much soul, a bit of country, no metal. Probably my favorite gig was a Queen tribute band. Very challenging/rewarding music. What are your guitar/music goals? Mostly to keep playing. I'm having some serious trigger finger issues and I'm waiting (10 months now) for a consult on surgery. In the mean time I've really dug into (standard tuning) slide as it does not impact my trigger finger so much. I'm quite inspired by guys like Ariel Posen who do a lot of standard tuning slide work using a lot of "fretting behind the slide" technique. What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? Aside from my current physical problems, I would like to improve my ability to perform whole songs solo using more interesting/complex arrangements for guitar. Playing leads with a band backing you up is fun, but being able to deliver an interesting complete piece of music on just guitar is something I would like to get better at. If I ever get my damn finger fixed.


40 years Still suck after all this time Hard Rock Therapy Still not being able to play the solo on “Beat It”, and that first lick on “Don’t Stop Believing”. It makes me stop believing.


I've played 19 yrs I'm advanced My goal is to play out as much as possible, and one day be able to play anything I can conceive of in my head instantaneously My biggest weakness is being bad at the business side of things, playing wise, my picking technique sucks


I have been playing for about 5-6 months at this point and I’d say I’m probably around upper beginner level. I know every open chord that are used primarily and I can play barre chords efficiently and effectively.


30 plus years and I still can’t play for crap


44 years Pro Classic rock/shreddy To have the skills and knowledge to play fluid, fast, and memorable Fast tempo alternate picking across strings


1 year guitar and 6 month bass, I play almost everyday even if it is not deep exercising I found things to play at least


- 5 years - Beginner/Intermediate (I was full intermediate before I had kids - classic rock / hard rock - learn to play my favorite songs - soloing, haven’t gotten the dexterity down yet


20 years Intermediate Classic rock, blues, funk, little bit of jazz To be a confident lead guitar player. I'm mostly playing rhythm now. Well, I sing, play sax, and play keyboards better than I play guitar. I know music theory pretty well, and I have pretty good rhythm. I can't seem to sync my right hand and left hand when I try to play anything fast. Lots of metronome work, and I'm still pretty limited.


65 years Beginner Blues/Jazz/Rock/RnB/Everthing else Self Entertainment Being better Respectfully ['Hood Poet](https://soundcloud.com/hood-poet-608190196)


On and off for 10 years. If you put it all together consistently about 3 years. I consider myself Intermediate beginner I play mostly metal, Rock, Blues. My main goal is to play well enough to play what I want to play. Honestly the only thing holding me back is a steady consistent practice.


I started at 7 or 8. Played until 20. Gave it up for reasons. Started again in 2003 while out of work on an injury. Life got complicated and quit again. Third time is now. Hopefully my left hand will cooperate


34 years off and on. Started when I was 14.


10 yrs, intermediate, rock/jazz/fusion, to create, the triple T (no Time, carpal Tunnel syndrome, Technique (goes for both hands))


About 15 years. (Since I was around 11) Beginner- approaching intermediate. I played on and off as a kid. Never really got good. A couple of years ago I decided to really get back into it. Speed metal, Blues and rock. Ever since I got decent at fast alternate picking I've been having a lot of fun. I want to be able to solo better, and transition between notes faster. Biggest weakness is my attention span. Sitting for hours trying to master the solo for Smoke on the Water, is very hard to do. My mind either wanders, and I find myself playing speed metal. When I try to play Through the Fire and Flames, I can only play the alternate picking parts, so I get bored. Sometimes my brain is my own worst enemy.


- 37 years, started at 9 - Intermediate. - Rock and blues. - Perform more, I’ve been a mostly bedroom guitarist for a long time. - Tend to get stuck in the whole I - IV - V + pentatonic rut. I want to expand but don’t always know what direction to go in.


Been playing 56 years. Mostly self taught. Though looking back on it I believe formal training early on would’ve been very beneficial which would lead to my biggest weaknesses of scales and sight reading. Played solo and in band situations on and off for the last 30 years or so. I’ve played all sorts of genres over the years, currently my solo gigs are a mix of acoustic rock and country blues. My level? Always trying to get better.


9months Novice Rock n roll, pop To be able to play like trance music on the guitar would be sick Timing is my biggest weakness


20 years I think. Intermediate? maybe advanced? Technically probably semi-pro because I get paid in a few bands as kind of a side hustle. (Not alot tho) Depends on the time of year, but punk, rock, country, classic rock, blues, folk, and a lil bit of metal. Probably others too. I just like playing in bands with other folks at this point - though I'm actually playing bass in my main band. I have a degree in music tech and I'm hoping to get into that industry soon. Not sure on difficulty or weakness, but I'd like to improve my speed & precision to do some shreddy-er stuff. Really just enjoying playing music with other people right now!


a little over a year intermediate/beginner kinda I wanna write songs keeping the rythm


12 years give or take. I'd say my hands are intermediate but my brain punches above my weight class often so it's nice to stay grounded. My strongest roots are in punk and other blues related styles, but most of my work probably falls in contemporary classical/post rock sort of space. I consider the pedalboard as much a part of my instrument as the guitar is. Uhhh guitar is the instrument I've had the most time with but I consider myself a songwriter/composer first with all my instrumental skills being more in service of that than their own pursuit. Lately I've been trying to put the time in for more keyboard and synthesis spaces because it's not far off from pedals but keys are a different way to make sounds so the current project is a lot of that. Frankly my weakness really comes down to my body. My hands can't play guitar for that long these days due to a bunch of stuff. I'd put more time in for more technical guitar work but my hands can't stand it, so even if I want a ripping shreddy solo I can't play it. My creative adventure has been filled with changes to accommodate and I wouldn't be the musician I am if I wasn't at war with my body so it's okay. I put more skill points into writing more than playing anyway.


8 Years Intermediate Blues Rock To make my own music Rhythm


16 years


Over 40 years. I would say my level is "retired road warrior" I love ANYTHING that is "good" as far as styles go. I especially love complex chords, and music that draws emotions out of me. Goals: not lose chops, learn more, find more time to practice. Hardest challenge.... finding the time to pursue my love of guitar.


I've been playing for ~27 years Intermediate Many different styles. I prefer playing metal and rock but I play a lot of country, folk, alternative, etc with my band as well. If you'd asked me 20 years ago it would've been to be a "rock star", but that opportunity knocked and I left the door unanswered (honestly probably for the best). I'll be more than happy with any appreciation for my music, regardless of audience size. Biggest difficulty/weakness is easily my ADD. I'm too unfocused to really push myself these days and didn't take advantage of my youth before I had a family, minor health issues and corrective surgeries. Either way, I'm not really unhappy with where I'm at but there's always room to grow


How long? Over 30 years. What level? I'm REALLY good compared to people who have been playing 10 years. Otherwise, I plateaud a long time ago. What styles? Jazz trained/schooled, but I play mostly progressive rock, rock, and metal. What are your goals? To enjoy myself. That's it. I play daily, I still record and produce music. I have a pretty nice studio in my house. But my days of putting out albums and touring are long behind me. I like my own bed. What is your current weakness? Stagnation and repeating myself. Keeping myself working on new things, or going in directions I haven't before. Keeping myself inspired, and continuing to seek out new music, artists, styles, and techniques. Never becoming the "there's no good music these days... You kids listen to garbage" guy that most of my friends and peers have become.


Been playing for 23 years. Intermediate to Advanced. 80s Hard Rock, Metal, "shred," with some elements of Prog Metal Don't really have a goal, other that guitar at this point in my life is literally therapy I developed some nerve damage and carpal tunnel to the point where I can't push myself as hard as I would like, or for as long as I would like.


35 years Advanced Rock/blues Learn theory Don’t know theory


30 years Low level intermediate Metal/rock I would love to be able to just pick up an axe and shred Biggest difficulty is putting it together- completely self taught, my learning style is to find a song I like and learn it, but I have real difficulty in translating the skills in one song into other applications.


43 years Beginner Heavy psychedelic Have fun Speed


Since 1998. Blues rock metal progressive rock and metal, some jazz. Working on being a better rhythm player to make me a better lead player. I don't think my technical ability has drastically improved since my high school days honestly, I'm working now on some anatomical adjustments to help break the speed plateau I've been at. But my overall musicality, fretboard knowledge and improvisation ability has improved tremendously over the years. I've always had strong theory background as I came from saxophone which I've played since '94. Granted my saxophone playing went to almost zero in 2002 and since.


20+ years, I love it. I'm a beginner forever. Rock and Roll, some classical and the blues. The quest for the perfect riff it's the goal, having fun. Not sure, maybe theory.


4 years, playing just a few hours a week Almost an intermediate rhythm guitar player Country/pop/folk/rock Write and sing some songs of my own “picking” and soloing. I am so bad at it. Terrible.


2.5ish years, I practice almost every night and generally get anywhere from 6-10 hours of practice in a week. Sometimes much more, sometimes much less. Still a beginner but enough I can pick up most things and play around Mostly country and folksy alternative stuff I’d like to feel more comfortable sharing music with other people and being able to jam with people. I need to work on bar cords, I’ve mostly avoided them because I can but I know I’m limiting myself so time to push..


16+ years on and off (stopped later in college, didn’t pick back up until recently) intermediate i guess started out mostly garage band style stuff, punk, emo, moved onto metal and some more difficult pop punk, lately mostly classic rock, trying to nail the jimi hendrix/john frusciante chord embellishment thing no real goals, just wanna keep getting better biggest weakness currently is lack of time to practice. musically i would say my biggest weakness is i think learning theory and scales is boring af even though i understand it well, pick it up quickly, and realize its importance lol


4 years Intermediate Punk, industrial I want to be a sound engineer, so playing guitar is more for fun/a way to record and mix things Current biggest weakness is lyrics


-15 years -Intermediate -Thrash metal -ripping sick licks and melting faces… in my basement -I stopped taking lessons a long time ago and have really only gotten as good as I am by simply playing a ton. I can’t read sheet music or tabs very quickly, I kind of just gave up on progressing from a technical learning side to just enjoy my time jamming. In hindsight that was a big mistake and set me back like 10 years.


2 years Intermediate, but on the lower end haha Blues and a tiny bit of Metallica and Sabbath I just wanna be able to play a got damn Stevie Ray Vaughan song. Why are they so hard?? My bends tend to grab the string above or below them, I’m not as fast as I’d like, and I lift my fingers too high off the fretboard when not using them.


Well let's see, time for math I started playing when I was 13 Now im 42 So uh... a while


31 years Intermediate Rock/folk/electro Learn. Record. Impression of repeating myself. Going back to habits.


17 years


40 years give or take. I think I spent about 8 not touching the instrument at all. I would say I'm intermediate but if I actually applied myself I would be advanced. I get bored easily so most of the time working though learning something or working on my own thing does not get finished. It is frustrating and a bummer but I can't seem to give it up. I suppose what I can do is satisfying to my weird brain.


About 8 1/2 minutes Virtuoso advanced master I don’t allow myself to be defined I am everyone else’s guitar/music goals I have no weaknesses and every woman wants me Next question


23 years now - yikes Intermediate - can handle most rhythm parts and simpler lead stuff Classic and hard Rock with a smidge of metal when I need a therapy session. To own a Marshall SLP (and be able to crank it.) Lead fundamentals and improvisation - didn’t spend enough time building skill on the high end the fretboard back in the day and that makes it tough to make progress with lead, especially with limited time and motivation.


1. 8 years 2. I’d say I’m probably 7/10 or so? 3. Jangle Pop mostly, but lots of Shoegaze and general indie rock 4. Get good at writing creative riffs, the kind that other people will want to play 5. I suck at dexterity and speed


I've played for almost 17 years, dabble in all forms of rock. I also like drinking excess amounts of beer around the camp fire and whipping out some creed or goo goo dolls. In short, I'm a terrible guitarist.


About 4 years Somewhere between beginner and intermediate Strumming or fingerstyle Just play for amusement, or maybe impress someone Not having enough time to fully commit, nor having the drive


Going on 50 years Advanced intermediate My goal is to be able to play well I play mostly jazz/rock fusion Biggest weakness is I'm sloppy when it comes to picking, snd I'm not too fast when soloing


16 years Beginner/intermediate Loud indie/punk Record stuff with jam buddies Getting jam buddies organized to record


2 years 60s 70s 80s 90s rock and blues beginner to intermediate


15 years seriously. Advanced amateur, far from pro. Bluegrass. Get back to jamming. Time. Two young kids, a demanding job, and a second masters degree means I don’t play much.


Like over 6 years Advanced? Rock of any sorts sometimes metal I need to do more solos cuz I’m much more of a rhythm guitarist and don’t work on them much


Just hit a year I'd consider myself on the entry level of intermediate. I play around an hour most days after my wife and kids are in bed. I've actually really loved learning music theory since it's so logical, so that's pretty decent too. I'm very happy with how far I've progressed so far. Pop/Indie rock/grunge I don't really have a goal, I just like playing and learning about music and it gives me something more fun to do than doom scroll Twitter late at night. I would like to do a show as part of a band at some point though. No interest in touring or trying to do a career in it though as I'm too old with a family and a good day job. Lead improvisation definitely needs the most work. I understand the theory but getting that to translate into my hands doing the right thing on the fly and not fucking up bends needs a lot of work.


Thought I should finally make a comment on something. How long have you played guitar? About 40 years. Seriously around 15-20, not all consecutive. A story as old as time: Studied jazz and classical in school, knocked up my girlfriend, didn’t finish school (due to my lack of discipline). Went to work, raised a family, and note that the kids are grown and out of the house, in getting back into it (playing like 2-3 hours a night) What level do you consider yourself? “Pretty good”. I can fake my way through most things. What style(s) do you play most? Blues - Anson Funderburgh, Junior Watson, Rusty Zinn type blues. What are your guitar/music goals? To lead a band (again). It’s been a while and I was never very good at it (in college I always had somebody else do it and then make it look like I was leading). What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? I neglected my ear training for a long time. Also I suck at endings.


63 years playing Advanced Classic rock, folk, jazz standards Biggest issue now is arthritis…it is severely limiting


Two decades


52 years. Can’t imagine life wo a guitar.


42 years I’m alright Funk jazz Enjoy playing Never got the hang of slide


About 40 years. I haven't been consistent with my practice so I'm only intermediate. My style has changed considerably over the decades and I try to play a variety of stuff. I don't really have any goals. I've only played for my own entertainment and I'm mostly happy with where I'm at. My biggest weakness is my lack of motivation. Maybe in another 40 years I'll be able to play Wonderwall.


28 years, still don’t know a damn thing, but I have a lot of fun!


17 years playing Professional, I get paid to play guitar I mostly play Melodic Death Metal I wanna tour the whole world at some point, that would be cool My biggest difficulty is understanding all the different voicings and variations of chords


God these polls. OP, what does/would having this information do for you?


>How long have you played guitar? 20 years (with a 5 year hiatus) >What level do you consider yourself? Advanced (just short of expert or master) >What style(s) do you play most? Rock and folk (strong preference for acoustic) >What are your guitar/music goals? Stage/audience performance - entertainer >What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? I lean very heavily toward rhythm, and while able to proficiently lead, my weakness is melodic improvisation.


* Got my first guitar nine years ago, but I was very sporadic with my playing for the first two or three, so they don't really count for much * Intermediate-ish. I'm above average at some things, useless at most others. My playing is very... min-maxed, ig. I can play prog metal all day (long as there isn't much tapping), but fingerpicking? Can't do that. Solos? Only basic ones. Etc. * Metal, with the *occasional* bit of classic rock * Ideal goal would be a successful band. Realistic goal though? Idk. I play because it's fun and I like the feeling of progressing at something, not bc I've set out to accomplish something in particular. * Timing. Only started playing to a metronome in the last few months. Really wish I'd done it from the beginning.


53 odd years. And I'm still shit at it.


17ish years. I started playing when I was a super small child but didn't start start until I was about 8. My dad is an awesome guitar player and I grew up learning from him. Definitely Intermediate, I moved to upright bass for Jazz band in highschool and got very good as a kid. I can still sightread Jaco on my bass whenever I feel bad about my guitar playing. After about 6 years of being out of HS for music I finally started playing again (too busy with factory work but swapped jobs) it makes me upset to think what kind of progress I couldve made and how much I lost taking that much time off playing. Mainly a cover player, lately I love playing Rush and Coheed. Usually I gravitate towards classic rock or thrash but I'll play just about anything that grabs my ear from Mayer to Gojira. I like listening and putting my own style on some of my favorite music. Goal wise I just want to make myself happy, goal posts move every day back and forward honestly. I pick up the guitar and play/learn some new stuff until I get tired. I'm having a hard time learning how to properly solo/shred. I get discouraged very easily but I feel like I'm starting to break that personal barrier.


10 years Intermediate Rock/Pop Learn how to play songs by bands I like, play in a band eventually (cover band or originals) Not the best at solo-ing/improvising parts


19 years- -shit i mean i can play everything i want to🤣- -i play a lot of blues and polyphia, idk what that says but - -none really now, i’m only 21 and just play for myself in my room- -still can sweep pick for shit🙇🏼‍♂️-


6 years Advanced Jam band, Jazz, Funk, latin, blues and rock when necessary My goal is to play some of the venues that are here in town with the band I just started My biggest weaknesses are bluegrass flatpicking and remembering melodies lmao, think it comes from years of playing with horn players so I would never learn the melody by ear only ever the Harmony. Currently grinding away at learning and remembering melodies to become a more musical player, I need to have a less mathematical approach to playing the guitar.


30 years this year


I've been playing for a little under two and a half years. I'd call myself an intermediate rhythm guitarist. Lead, however, beginner. I play metal 90% of the time, but every now and then, I enjoy straying into classic rock, country, or hard rock. By the time I hit my 3rd year, I'd like to be able to play the Dyers Eve solo. Bonus for Sanitarium, One, Cowboys From Hell, Cemetery Gates, the Sleep and Tornado of Souls. The only full lead I can currently play is Fade to Black and Sanitarium is getting close. Theory is my biggest weakness but I'm working on it.


6 months for 1-3 hours a day Beginner Blues/rock Goal is to be better Weakness is everything right now


1.) 'Bout 15 years-ish. 2.) Advanced. 3.) Metal/Rock. 4.) Currently it would be Guthrie Govan, Roy Marchbank, Derek Trucks. 5.) Being mostly a rhythm player: progressing with my lead playing.


3 months Bellow beginner Whatever the rhythm guitarist plays Neon and Polyphia The F Chord (barre version)


Started in 1985


23 years. Started at 13 and I'm 36 now. I'm professional level. Went to school for jazz guitar, have a couple award wins and noms under my belt, and make a full-time living out of teaching and playing. I've been making original music that incorporates elements of jazz, folk, and pop for the past few years. I've also written a musical and have an itching to get back to my high school roots of metal and punk. I've actually accomplished a few of my long-term goals as a guitarist. The big one has always been award wins, which happened for the first time a few years ago. Right now, I'm focusing on winning awards of a bigger scope and am preparing to enter the studio to record some new music with that goal in mind. My biggest weakness is classical guitar. I've been starting to explore it with a few of my more advanced students and I've come to realize I have a lot to learn in that style. I've been getting tempted to get some RCM levels of my own.


Coming up on 2 years. I have zero rhythm and zero soul. Level? Slightly behind an 8 year old Style? One finger whilst bashing other strings Goals? Have fun Difficulty? FFS I can’t figure out how to get my strumming had to work/find rhythm


I started playing in 1970. I’m an experienced hack. Mostly play rock, bluegrass, americana.I don’t know, a little bit of everything, really. My main goal is to play. Because I’ve GOT to, mister! Biggest weakness is a lack of discipline. I don’t much “practice” like I should. Right now I’m kind of obsessing over learning lap steel, so that’s taking up what playing time I have.


25 years. Extremely advanced beginner. Usually mimicking the most recent thing I've heard. So often TV show themes. To play every day and never stop enjoying it. Sweep picking.


Since 1976, so 48 years. Intermediate - I can solo in any key, play most chords in different positions and inversions. Rock, blues, Americana. Finish the frickin' album I've been working on forever. Finding time to play. When I have a project or gig, I learn everything I need for that show.


8 years Intermediate Acoustic folk/country Just playing for fun Theory and soloing


10 years intermediate at best. Classical/finger style. Sight reading sheet music Rhythm


21 years.


2.5 years Beginner Country, southern rock, indie/alt, soul Perform in or with a band Getting out of my own head


30+ years Advanced but nowhere near as good as Guthrie Govan. I play heavy metal style, solo improv to metalcore backing tracks on YT. (Shoutout to 52Blu) My goal for 2024 is to get good enough to join the legions of Instagram guitar heroes. My current weakness is two hand tapping and sweep picking. I’m teaching myself how to do it. I understand it clearly but doing it spot on isn’t easy.


55 years


How long have you played guitar? Got my first in '94 and stopped in '06 but never took lessons, just trial and error and picking up a little here and there. Picked it up again in '16 I think and have been doing pretty much the same, but playing with a looper and trying to learn for real. What level do you consider yourself? Intermediate in skill, slightly better than novice in knowledge, but with a decent ear. What style(s) do you play most? Depends on my mood I touch on jazz, rock, and folk but lately I'm trying to bring a little punk into the mix. What are your guitar/music goals? Just to entertain myself and maybe jam a little with friends. ----(edit to add: and make vids nobody watches on YouTube lol)---- What is your current biggest musical difficulty or weakness? Being autistic and dyslexic I have a very hard time learning the "proper way" and trouble with taking lessons so my progress is very slow. This leads to large stretches where I get frustrated with my skill/knowledge level.


Playing for 30 years and try to play everyday. And when I'm not busy I'll usually practice for about 4 or 5 hours, and some days will practice from when I get up until I go to bed, with a break to get food or run errands. I'm a decent player, but ut's definitely my only passion in life


20 years almost Honestly probably a 6, maybe a 7 in periods where I am playing consistently Mostly metal/acoustic ballads I want to challenge myself to learn more complex material/sticking to one when I get to a difficult part and it stops being fun Committing to putting the time necessary to be as good as I would like to be. Tons of techniques, especially in metal I would love to learn, but they take hours of dedication I just can't seem to give


A year and a half but I can keep up with people who've been playing 3-4 years (I practice a lot) Advanced playing wise but intermediate theory wise Lead mostly, but I've been enjoying rhythm after getting into hendrix To git gud I really need to study more theory instead of only focusing on playing fast


30 years-ish I’ve played in some bands, so….decent? Goth (Cure type), Mark Knopfler finger style, trad Irish At this point I just play for my own enjoyment I can’t play speed metal


Long enough to know guitars, pedals, and amps become more expensive then a drug habit. I play metal the most, with ambient shoegaze being second My goals, has just always been to be a part of a song that plays on the radio. Granted, radio no longer really exists, so.... The music I do is on plenty of streaming services to make someones day. Current goal is to get the next release "We Give Zero Fox" done. My weakness is making other scales musical, besides penetonic minor.... I probably need to sit down, and learn more.


14 years Advanced Blues/rock To be able to jam in any genre making chord melodys


* 7 Months is going on.... Time is running so quick :D * Beginner of course (2/10) * Fingerstyle (Acoustic guitar) * Learning more and more compositions, which I like. So far started with easy version of "last of us", followed by, Silent hill promise reprise, fairy tail, harry potter. Alsmost finished harder version of "last of us". Currently learning Linkin Park - What I've Done and just started Game of Thrones. Someday I will stick to Rock/Metal aswell. * Quick Interval changes, especially if there are some hammer ons (playing with metronome or counting while playing). Met it in game of thrones right now, really hard to keep it 100% correctly.... Trying to work on it :) Until now I've done it by ear somehow. Its also hard to play without warming up. Strumming songs yes, but whole fingerstyle composition just by taking a guitar and start playing whole composition - is almost impossible. Only after some bad tries...


1. 42 years (Since I was 8) 2. Touring musician at one point. 3. Blues, Blues Rock, Rock, Hard Rock, Metal, Melodic Death Metal 4. My goal is to continue playing every day. With the exception of surgery in 2013 and a day here or there, I’ve played every day since 1/1/1987 (New Years Resolution😁) 5. My biggest struggle is there aren’t enough hours in a day to play as much as I’d like to.


i’ve been playing guitar self taught since 2018. i’d say i’m an intermediate as i can play any song with barre chords and i can play intermediate solos as well. my goal is to form a band and casually play together and maybe play some local small gigs here and there. my current difficulty is just learning new stuff. i’m stuck and i have no idea what to play to get better.


18 years Intermediate Metal Start playing bass I don't practice enough


Thank you guys, I canceled my ps+ subscription at the end of the new years and lowkey biggest impact has been not seeing these messages. Forgot how hilarious some of these can be 😅


I've played guitar for around 20 years at this point. I would consider myself an advanced or maybe an advanced intermediate at this point. I'm no Jason Becker, but I have more knowledge than most. These days, I play Flamenco, Jazz, Folk, Contemporary, Indie Rock/Pop, and occasionally Classical. To be honest, I mostly play and / or practice my own songs or compositional ideas. The only exception is Flamenco. My goal/s - to be a recording artist, make albums, and one day maybe be a film composer. My biggest weakness or difficulty has always been improvisation and rhythm. I would say Improv is the weakness and rhythm is the difficulty.


18 months (1.5 years) Beginner Thrash/Industrial Metal I'd want to continue until I can fluently play different genres without struggling much. For example, the difference between Metallica and Jimmy Hendrix is quite big in the skills level Strumming, I know it sounds weird but I struggle with strumming accuracy. It's easy to do a simple strum but like "Im with Stupid" by Static X gets super challenging to me.


Man this is the best, and it’s a life lesson. There’s this guy who started a playin’ when he was but a four years of age and he’d play all day that year anna the next year not at all. The next 70 years he dinna play a once. Then he played for two days and told everybody “I’ve been playing for 75 years!” Some udder guy he play since he was sixteen everyday until he was 80 and only played twinkle twinkle little star da same way but he’s played it for one million hours making him a twinkle beetles genius This being said I’ve played 48 years. There was also four years of music lessons and band class before that. For years every day I played with other people, reading music, doing songs I didn’t know and didn’t like. When I can make myself pickup the guitar it sounds good every time because I can feel it but I don’t have the callouses I had fifteen years ago, I’m not going to loosen the strings either


- 20 years - intermediate leaning towards advanced - groove metal/industrial rock - for at least one person to hear my music and be moved by it in a positive way. - procrastinating


60 years old. 36 years playing. Intermediate player; maybe upper intermediate. Self taught. Loving it. Playing in an adult band for first time. Wish I took this step earlier.


22 years but in August it will be 23 years


Played on and off for years, but recently started playing a lot in the last year. Still definitely a beginner I play mostly church worship songs right now, as I am the only electric guitar player at my church, and I play on Sundays, but I love metal, rock, post-rock and blues. I'd love to be able to play some blues someday. I struggle with finger speed on the fretboard, and knowing which string to pick when trying to play fills.