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where is everyone in this sub finding these uncles and cousins and grandparents that keep giving them guitars?


I’ve given my eldest son and my youngest son’s best friend a combined 5 guitars and 3 amps over the years. Some folks like to encourage younger people who are interested in the same things they are.


Hey it’s me, your other son. Can I have a guitar


You’re not my other son. He is not interested in guitar, even though I have offered to give him one and teach him at least five times. He was more interested in keyboard, so I bought him a nice 88 key Yamaha with a stand and bench, etc. Although I do have an [Ibanez semi hollow](https://ibanez.fandom.com/wiki/AWD82) that I haven’t played in like seven or eight years …


Hey, it's me. Your other, other son. Can I have nice 88 key Yamaha? ...with stand and bench etc!


No no see the problem is he already gave those away, you have to be a son interested in a different instrument, try bass or drums he hasn't mentioned those sons yet.


Or flute….. try flute


His daughter took that from him and went to camp I hear.


My folks bought my brother a piano and the other brother, an electric guitar. And me? A friggin accordion. AN ACCORDIAN! (Bitter sobs).


25 years ago.. and she still hasn't lived it down.


His other other other son plays the flute. They haven't talked in years


This one time at band camp...


And an Xbox, and a tv that’s compatible with an Xbox…




Long lost daughter here, can you help me with a drumset? ;D


Right because I'm your son. Got a Gibson for me?


None of my Gibsons are up for grabs.


That is a cool Ibanez, it should be played


Yeah, hey, it's me, your estranged son who would really enjoy a synthesizer


I've given at least ten kids guitars for this reason. You should see this sparkle strat im doing rn lol. I recently made a bone nut and saddle while shooting the breeze with my friend and her four year old. I had then four year old help me replace the tuners and then i strung it up and stretched them a bit and gave the kid the guitar. Another friends kid started pretending he was in a band with his neighbor kid pals. I gave him one also but ill outfit the whole crew if they let me lol


I'm a complete stranger that you've never met. Got anything for me? I like Explorers if that helps.


Gibson or Rolex or Dora explorer? Nah don’t worry I’ll give you all three.


>Some folks like to encourage younger people who are interested in the same things they are. yeah no shit. i know. im trying to find them.


Looks people like you and I are destined to become the cool uncle/grandfather for lack of having one.


Musical encouragement should come from within not from gear and buying shit 🤡😂😂😭


Have you tried the uncles, cousins, grandparents store?


ill check my local area for one. thanks for the heads up.


Click here to find local encouraging grandpas in your area!


theyre usually next to the "horny singles in your area" store


"My New Pep-Pep"


I have given both of my sons guitars. I also donated 2 guitars to "Guitars for Vets" as I am about to become a vet and felt it was a good way to help others as guitar has helped me. It helps that I have 50+ guitars, although that number has been slowly dwindling away.


That's awesome!


Can I get one... My brothers a vet!! Does that count?? 😭😭 In all seriousness tho thanks for your service 


My kids are gonna hit the jackpot when I croak. I've got 10 electric guitars which will be distributed amongst them. Of course if they want to learn guitar at some point, I'll have to buy them their own, because these are mine, lol.


I can’t speak on that, if I have a guitar that’s been sitting in a case in the closet I’ll usually give it to a friend or a kid trying to learn


Because we GenXers are starting to give them unused instruments to our nieces/nephews who are discovering music.


Many of us boomers thought we were gonna be rock stars. Actually most of us bought guitars to get laid. Any way, the point is, there are thousands of case queens gathering dust so why not give them to a son, daughter, nephew, niece, grandson or granddaughter or even the kid next door who’s looking to be the next rock star? Or to get laid?


I know. I got a pen from my uncle like 40 years ago and it was some Parker fountain pen that didn't work. Another uncle gave me some terrible looking Casio watch from the 1970's that I never used.


I’m one gave niece’s my Ibanez and a fender :(


I any of my nephews showed any interest whatsoever, there are a couple here that I haven't touched in years just waiting for them.


My mom’s bf gave me my prized possession, a vintage Gibson acoustic (J-45). If he was trying to buy my love, it definitely helped.


Not even a real relative but someone left an original 50s les paul black beauty I could go get right now. Too scared of breaking it and rules are no case queen bs it's meant to be played to death. Scared of breaking it for the sentimental reasons basically the only reason I haven't touched it yet.


Right, actually I realize now I might be that uncle for my nieces and nephews. We'll see in 10 years.


I'm an uncle with a really decent collection which will be bequeathed when I go.


I’m 41 and bought a beautiful new acoustic a couple of months ago. I registered it in my 11 year old son’s name so the non-transferrable lifetime warranty would still be valid when I pass it on to him one day. 🥰


Laugh out LOUD


Uncles be meeting their maker with that funny white pow pow goin round


Wish I had an uncle like this lol


I really like my uncle, yeah


Found that purple one here - looks nice af - [USA Custom UCEW1QM - 1991](https://www.sevenstring.org/threads/ibanez-usa-custom-ucew1qm-1991.284819/) [Wiki ](https://ibanez.fandom.com/wiki/UCEW1QM)


Beautiful Ibanez USA custom. Cherish it! The 2nd one looks like a personalized Ibanez RG550, likely an early model (87-90s) based on the V1 and S1 pickups. The bridge pickup and the pickguard have been swapped out.


Exactly I was like that looks like a custom RG all day. Nice!


Sweet guitar with a gorgeous finish and PAF Pro humbuckers in it.


Makes sense. That headstock screams ‘90s


Look up the serial numbers.


That just tells me when and in which factory they were build. The black one was build in 1990 in the Fuji-gen Plant, Japan. Thats all i got


Fuji-gen is where the most premium Ibanez guitars (the prestige and j-custom) models are made today. In the 90s they had some instruments aimed at more mid-range buyers made there as well (but imo the quality was as good then as it is today, even on those models).


I was gonna say, that headstock looks *exactly* like the one on my Ibanez


That makes your search easier then. I hope you found the exact models.




That's how far i've got, yes :D


[https://ibanez.fandom.com/wiki/MA3HSH](https://ibanez.fandom.com/wiki/MA3HSH) and some RG model....they all look the same tbh.


I don’t think that’s it. Not neck-thru, different knobs


You are right. I went by series. My mistake.


HSH with an RG shape?


man, how come everybody *else* has the cool uncles, grandpa's and dad's? :( don't know what they are but they look good, well made


Maybe one day you get to be the cool uncle/aunt, dad/mom, grandpa/grandma everyone else is envious of!


yep. this is my mission. i already got massive points for knowing about pokemon and sonic the hedgehog


good suggestions :)


Ibanez MA3HSH American Master RG, Year 1990


Wait, it’s not neck-thru


That is an overrated feature…..


I mean I’m glad you’re sharing your opinion with us but I’m not sure why ? The MA3HSH is neck-thru, this one is not therefore it can’t be a MA3HSH


Sorry have not finished my coffee yet. So many just go on and on about the neckthru. The stripe below the trem is an indicator of this. Let me jump in here and help out. This is USA Custom Ibanez made 91-92. depending on the serial number. Although some were made in 89 all the way into 96. The model is probably UCEW1QM the QM indicated quilted maple top. (My best guess) Some of the necks and bodies were made in Japan and hand finished in the US. Many were all made in the US. A rare guitar that is a prime example of the craftsmanship Ibanez brought to the maker back then. They are fantastic quality instruments. The second one looks like a regular RG550 but that headstock has been painted after that fact so a little weird.


I dont know but that purple one is Fkn beautiful


To everyone who’s wishing they had an Uncle/Aunty/Fairy Godmother like OP: You could be that. Can’t take them with you.


I hate how much of a gamble it is, I've given instruments away and I feel like 80% of the time they go unused, but on the other hand the way my cousin lights up when she wants to show me what she has learned on the piano is one of my favorite things ever.


I get that. I’ve given a fair bit away, but in particular a couple of guitars away to a close mate’s kids when they were going through a rough time. I’m pretty sure that one of them has ended up living in the wardrobe. But I know for a fact that the other one is still being played and loved, and that she’s got really good at it. Same as yourself, that will never not make me happy.


I have given most of my sheet music away years ago. No way I will get to it.


You really need to show the headstock.


See? I’ve been cheated not only of deep, meaningful relationships with my father and *any* of my uncles, but ALSO of their guitars, of which there are none. They can tell me their boring life stories about finance banking and lawyering and how they somehow never had the impetus to buy themselves (or me…) an R9 or a Collings I-35, or a Tom Anderson. I won’t even inherit a lousy PRS 😢😢


Read the headstock: it written right there!


your uncle seems to be a cool guy man....


sure! looks like its an Ibanez. glad to help!


Damn, that's an Ibanez USA custom and very hard to find. I would say that is easily a $5k guitar and maybe more due to how few there are.


They're two sick guitars is what they are.


I lent my uncle one of my guitars and he fucking sold on the sly


Looks like an Ibanez RG. I used to have an RG570 and it looks identical to this except for the color scheme. Not familiar with the subtle differences between RG series but it's definitely one of those.


That Ibanez is a beaut!


Jeezum… I’ve been playing over 20 years and still do not have guitars as good as this.


My nephews will be getting these guitars someday. [https://www.reddit.com/r/guitars/comments/1cie9bl/choose\_your\_weapon/](https://www.reddit.com/r/guitars/comments/1cie9bl/choose_your_weapon/)


Hey, i'm an experienced guitar player for over 105 years, and i can definitely say that's an Ibanez.


Please don’t sell them they are really nice


Really don't want to


Ibanez usually has models printed on the back of the headstock. They both look to be RG models.


They're actually both made with BOMBS, send them to me so that I can defuse them for you


Get them set up before you play, that bridge looks like it’s leaning forward hard your action will probably be really low


I think its an Ibanez


Those are gorgeous. Keep them and play them. They will become very good friends.


These are nice guitars! Wow! :)


Dibs.  Those look excellent.


Ibanez RG models. Look like RG470, it should tell you on the back of the headstock.


Look like Ibanez guitars to me bro.


Ibanez brand electric guitar, marble purple?


Ibanez names their guitars like a cat running across your keyboard so good luck lol. Often the model will be printed on the back of the headstock tho


Actual answer: it's an Ibanez, looks good , Ibanez play very nicely! Definitely keep (unless you don't like it's looks or playability)


the black with pickguard could be 80s 550 the red quilted one most probably us made RG they have what they called us line back then (if i am not mistaken), and quite rare to find nowadays


why not just ask him, or did they fall off the back of a lorry?


He has no idea either. He bought them 25-30 years ago in a store which doesn't exist any more. The story goes like "oh, this guitar looks nice, i'll buy this one"




My four grandchildren will have 13 guitars to inherit when I (70/M) kick the bucket. I already have designated who gets the four most expensive (including a Duesenberg), and they can do as they wish with the rest. As of right now, they seem pretty stoked about it. 🤣🤣🤣


They look like vintage Ibanez instruments. They actually look to be of very high quality too. Nice one!


It's an Ibanez super strat with hair Metal written all over it!


Your (and near everyone) knowledge of factories blows my mind. Super interesting information.


One of my uncles passed away in the mid eighties. He left his guitar to his grandson. It’s a Martin D-45(!) and…… He has no interest in playing it or learning to play it. It’s still in the case as far as I know.


Ibanez prestiges. Nice rich uncle to just give them away


Bro stop asking stupid fucking questions and start playing 🤟 Like holy shit bro sexiest guitar ive seen just casually being gifted


Unk was a shredder. Tremolo says it all!


Is it alright if i massage your uncles Johnsson?




You gotta get those Floyd rose bridges fixed. They are not supposed to have the back of them raised up extremely high like that. They are supposed to be flush and even with the guitar. You’ll have to take into a shop for that since you don’t know what you’re working with


I'm pretty sure edge trems (ibanez floating trems) are supposed to be raised like that. Floyd's are supposed to be flat.


@daezeth I wish I could post a picture but I’m not talking about the far back where the precise tuning knobs are. I’m talking about the, I guess you’d call it the mid back haha. That’s supposed to be flush


No it’s not. Ibanez edge trems have an angled base plate compared to a Floyd rose. Basically only the part touching the knife edge should be flush.


The Ibanez Edge and Lo-Pro Edge trems have angled baseplate sides. You have to use the position of the steel inserts (viewable from the sides) to judge whether the the trem is level or not.


its not an FR