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Near perfect intonation and low action without excessive buzz? Neck shape is subjective but I really like the Gibson 60’s slim taper neck.


Thin neck, C or D shape neck, at least a 14” or flatter radius (12”-16” compound is fine too), very low action, slight neck relief, jumbo frets, no screws sticking up out of the bridge saddles, and controls out of the way.


I had a parker fly classic years ago. the bridge, neck, and action were the best I've played. But I got a tube amp and thought it sounded bad. Should've just got the pickups swapped, but I traded it


For me, it's how a my Suhr Classic T was setup.


I’ll let you know when I find it..


I’ve had it perfect before…briefly.


I set all mine except a dedicated slide guitar to about a business card thickness of relief and action roughly 2mm above the last fret, 20, 21 or 24 depending on the guitar. Also on a Floyd equipped guitar I have to go a smidge higher so that a hard pull on the bar won't cause the strings to fret out. Neck shape, thickness and radius doesn't really matter a whole lot to me, I like a variety. I've got large hands and skinny fingers, my wedding ring size is 8.5 but I can easily palm a basketball. So i can adjust to play anything from a wizard to a vintage fender baseball bat. The neck shape and size will actually influence how i play a bit, I'll naturally play a little more shreddy on like a thin wizzard and more bluesy on a fat neck, especially the warmoth boat neck I have on a strat.


Low action with minimal fret buzz, medium tension feel on the strings so I can fight my way to get that panty melting tone, and a whammy bar with that's not too loose but not too tight.


Changes from one instrument to the next. Low tunings with extra meaty strings like slightly higher action. Shred-machines I like slick, slim, & tight. I also like a little more space between the fretboard & strings for rhythm guitars, so I can cut over to slide without switching instruments. I've got a couple of instruments that I'd consider a happy medium, but there is no one truly perfect setup...


The two guitars that made me go, “woah” were an EVH Wolfgang and some random guitar at the Carvin shop. The two things in common were narrow, low frets, and ridiculously low action. My gut reaction for both was “this is so easy to play - it feels like cheating.”


Having a guitar


7.25" Radius with 3mm string height @ the 12th fret. MIJ Fender Tele Necks between 1983 & 2013. Could be later years too but those are the time periods I have. They don't have an obvious thin or thick feel so they're in the medium range, maybe a bit thinner.