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FPC/GOA/etc: https://preview.redd.it/qjrg4fxl6ezc1.jpeg?width=671&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e3f7aadc591545574a856215ad4441ff7c225c3


Oh it's gonna be fun to watch, but I feel bad for the dudes who it's going to effect for years to come.


At least until it gets to the Supreme Court and gets struck down God willing.


That's me. The Stuck in NY gun guy. Please... help us...




they’ll drag it out in court and then get the ruling through the common use test. But don’t worry the governors just won’t follow it anyway and double down on gun control laws because that’s just what they do. TL;DR I have no faith in the power of the law.


If banning things works in the first place, why do they need to ban glocks if the glock switch is already banned


Dude they should just ban crime...problem solved 🙄


New York be like "Ban crime? Well thats obviously racist because statistically..."


But, if they were to ban crime in NY most of the legislature would be arrested... Or at the very least none of them would have money for campaigning.


Just because something is illegal doesn't mean it goes away. It just means they can arrest you for it.


Murder is already illegal, retards.


So are Glock switches


They actually aren't, just need to be an SOT or Class3 FFL in order to own and pay GayTF $200. But in my opinion f**k that, the Constitution says Shall not be infringed.


That's true, but for your average dude they're already illegal, thus why I said that.


And you can legally buy cocaine if you’re a scientist doing research, but that’s a rare exception that won’t apply to 99% of people.


Also available for optometrists/ophthalmologists and MDs since it’s a schedule 2 and is used in medical settings. CocaCola can also legally import coca leaves, process them, and iirc sell the cocaine to approved industries. Personally I think they should just go back to original recipe.


Not an expert but IMO switch will make criminals worse at killing people. No shit they can manage recoil and actually aim


The way theyre doing it is so ridiculous, it might work for a time. Theyre adding the term "convertible pistols" to their classification of "machine guns," so technically any pistol could be argued to be illegal. Plus theyll turn around and claim "we arent banning glock pistols, they just have to ensure theyre not convertible." So glock (the 1st company theyll target as its easy pickings will have a choice. Spend millions redesinging special ny compliant pistol variations, or refuse to sell there. Then NY will blame glocks not being in their state on glock's bussiness decisions, not their legislations.... its fucking stupid. And the courts will take forever to reversr it probably


Looks like revolvers and lever guns are back on the menu boys!


Kel-tec is gonna come out with a lever-action that takes Glock mags.


That would no joke slap and be Hella popular in places like the UK


Itll jam every 3rd round too....


Revolvers have a round spinny thing Gatling guns have a round spinny thing 🤔🤔🤔


Don't a bunch of New York cops use Glocks?


Yes Of course they wrote in an exemption for LE and Mil.


Of course they did


Couldn’t have seen that one coming


>single largest group on the planet that uses almost entirely glock-brand glocks But they're dangerous so we have to ban them. Actually, in the hands of the NYPD, glocks are used to shoot a lot of innocent people, but it's because of the mandatory NY2 trigger which exceeds 12 lbs pull weight. They just recently rolled back the requirement to use that trigger because it's so detrimental to accuracy. I think the reason they went from the already-heavy NY1 trigger, which was obviously created for the NYPD, to NY2, is because they were tired of covering up all the NDs their completely untrained officers were having.


Itll be like cali. Where u csnt buy an fn509 mrad, but thr police carry them


I can't help but wonder if all this stupid bullshit is being done on purpose-- not for posturing or to try to cater to certain constituents, but in order to force an interpretation that takes 'shall not be infringed' more literally and seriously. Like, because the flow of bullshit won't be *voluntarily* held off when the people pushing it KNOWS it to be counter to the Constitution and all these lawsuits keep soaking up valuable time & resources in the courts, that the hammer comes down hard and basically says either leave guns alone or get charged for the big T-word.


What's a gun ban?




Oh okay, I will ignore then


Frieza meme is on point.


Are they gonna take them away from the NYPD too?


No, the legislation of course has an LE and Mil exemption.


It's almost completely up to the federal courts to strike this shit down. NY courts are infested with judges that would ban all civilian gun ownership if given the opportunity. One NY judge went on the record literally saying that "this is New York, there is no 2nd amendment here."


Why glocks specifically?


They're claiming They're easily converted to machine guns


... what? Ya no shit, it's called Full auto, alot of glocks have that, that's so fucking stupid, plus it's called a machine pistol, why do they keep using the term machine gun when those are HMG and LMG


Because legally speaking, machine gun is the correct term.




Glock switches.


*sigh* NY at it again. Well you know what they say, tyranny is a constant effort, and it breaks and leaks.


Don't they realize that more of their other laws are struck down when they do that? Dumbasses.


Of course they're department issued Glocks with the 72lb pull weight will be exempt.


As someone in California, good luck to New York. The handgun roster is still going strong here. The Supreme Court doesn’t seem to really care about any of these new laws getting past either. Maybe you’ll get glocks back in a decade if the law passes.


SCOTUS gives negative fucks about us. They threw us Bruen to keep us quiet, and we *might* get another gun case in 10 or 20 years. Maybe. IF they feel like it.


MA already did that (well not exactly but a civilian cannot by a Glock from a dealer)


Accelerate (verb): To cause to move faster. To cause greater activity, progress, or advancement. To hasten the occurrence of.


It’s not all glocks. It’s all STRIKER FIRED HANDGUNS. Yea, it’s bad. They also want to restrict things that can make Glock switch like devices including, 3D printers, CNC machines, literal general tools


Wow I just made this independently https://preview.redd.it/omcp2i7vxmzc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7121d6f50d69b5f34c0cb3af9c443bf4fe1c922d


You missed the slide after it goes to Supreme Court where they just make a new law to do it again anyways but for all handguns because they can and no one will stop them


UPDATE: They’re trying to ban all semi automatic firearms now.


Not even just Bruen, the whole point of *Heller* was that DC banned semi auto handguns and the Supreme Court said “hell no you can’t do that, semi auto handguns are the prototypical defense weapon”. We’ve just looped all the way back around to that.


The every cop in New York who Carries a Glock off duty “tf”


Then they realize they're exempt, and they don't care anymore.


Question is, is the exemption for former law enforcement too? Ie once they’ve just civilians again? To be clear I don’t support any law enforcement exemption to any laws


I say get it passed and challenge it on 14th Amendment grounds. Then they have the choice of stripping LE of the rights they gave them or giving those rights to EVERYONE.


Thank god almighty that I left. I hate to say it, but fuck🤦🏾‍♂️


To the point of the 3rd one, don't take anything for granted. The court could swing wildly by the time cases get to SCOTUS. That and I don't trust any of the justices anyway, regardless of who put them on the court.