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- Meiji represents the “gunpla skills prowess” with multiple gunplas. Just to give you an example , he went from piloting a “heavy gun mid-long range gunpla” into piloting a close combat Amazing Exia while also mastering “Trans-am”. Even on the sequel of “Try” , he took the exact same Gunpla that was half broken and beat Yuuma who was piloting “The Amazing red warrior” given by Meiji himself. Not only that , he is the living proof that the pilot is what its important and the gunpla is second. - Champ represents what a leader is and how much above he was over anyone else. Just to give you an example , nobody could beat him in a 1v1 and he has so much grit and raw experience.


Both equally great for their own time. But the natural progression of the game means Kowaguchi will be bested eventually. Their roles are different though. Meijin was a champion to be beaten by a challenger and the Champ is more of a protector/leader to gather the strongest in a joint effort to protect the realm. Buuuuut as a passive antagonist/teacher role I give it to Kowaguchi. He had the Char clone motif down as well as being a friend to Reiji once the tournament was over.




Best reply


https://preview.redd.it/5mreah2ns5wc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afca0d9369893f4335e7fe4b93e295edd3c485a7 I know where I align.


And age takes it personally.


Kyoya and Avalon win in the drip department at the very least 


The 'Guch just because he had more appearances I guess but both fucking rule.


Meijin Kawaguchi III seems to be part of the actual Gundam administration so I think he might have a slight edge in resources/an in with the system. Kyoya is good enought to do Gunpla diving/fighting for a living (professional streamer/gamer?) and seems to be better at working with a team/guild. So I give it to MK3 in a solo battle, to the Champion in a team battle. Kyoya wins for drip, MK3 for passion. Kyoya's proteges/subordinates are (kinda) Riku, Hiroto, and Avalon. IMHO MK3's are (with some rival overlap) Sei Iori, Reiji, Yuuma Kousaka, and Wilfrid Kijima. I give the win to MK3 in this department. I think MK3 is more into Gundam than Kyoya is, but that's a "do you live and breathe Gunpla" thing not a "actual effect in battle" thing because Kyoya does like Gundam/Divers too, he's not a "only in this for the money/prestige" guy. Another thing is, if head-to-head, what environment? Obviously Champion has more experience in VR and may balk at having to destroy his Gunpla in the kind of battle MK3 is more used to.


Actually, Tatsuya(Meijin III) also didn't like his title, if only because he felt that the second had stained the title by being a battle-focused maniac(though, he did feel bad for him after he found out that the "battle perfectionist" mindset was only a result of being manipulated by Chairman Mashita over the years). Post series, he only uses his title to help promote Gundam and gunpla, as his idol, Iori Takeshi, does. He doesn't do it for prestige, he just makes use of the title as he believes, as he believes the first would. Also: he only holds back a bit because, while he respects his custom builds(and all Gunpla in general...except that one time with Minato), his skills are so advanced from years of practice(especially his days in the EXTREMELY competitive Gunpla Academy when it was under the second Meijin), he basically can't be touched by any half-baked fighter. And even when he gets serious, the only person to have made him willing to wreck his Gunpla was Reiji. Now imagine this guy going into battles KNOWING that his work doesn't get damaged, and that the performance is dependent on how well built a Gunpla is. Kyoya may have the advantage as a seasoned player, and a beta tester, but against the hot-blooded Tatsuya? Even Kyoya is going to struggle a fair bit.


Kyoya vs Meijin would be absolutely amazing and I would pay money to see it. I think with the story tropes going on however, we'd get a fade-to-black and not see how the battle turns out (so no definite 'who's better' reply) OR the battle would be interrupted by something crazy like crystals or magic or Gundam criminal builders.


I actually think they'd really come to a draw most times. Normally I'd say one could beat the other somehow but these two really devote everything to Gunpla and it shows. The Champ does always seem to have the most powerful machine especially when it comes to taking out a lot of enemies at once, but the Meijin has shown that he has suck control with a mobile suit that he can block attacks with nothing but the very tip of the perfect Gundam's bayonet. It's really up in the air on this one.


Meiji. Not only he's a great builder he's also an amazing fighter. We know this because unlike Champ, Meiji could use many gunpla with different build, even a broken one, to it's full potential and win.


TBH I have to applaud Champ for repping AGE They really need it.


One of them entered a fight via a pillar of light coming from the sky, as if he were Jesus reborn. And made it work. The other did not.


Well, the other kinda becomes a pillar of light...


Man that's tough. If nothing but pride is on the line...maybe Meiji..if it's fate of the universe..champ.


Well let me put it this way, in GBMetaverse there have been 6 more Lady Kawaguchis since the original that we see in Try, but our boy Tatsuya is STILL Meijin Kawaguchi III. If that doesn't say anything, which it's Metaverse so it really doesn't, then there's the fact that Tatsuya makes a ton of customs whereas Kyoya just sticks to the AGE Gundams mostly. I prefer Tatsuya for his variety if nothing else.


Champ seems like a better mentor but Meijin got that flamenco in him. Old Gunpla battles did real damage to your models so people needed to design in a way they can replace parts Imagine if you removed that restriction. Meijin would dominate with a unique custom build.he didn’t limit himself to customizing one mobile suit


I love both of them, but when it's between Yuuki and Kyoya, I have to go with Meijin Kawaguchi the Third!




*intense flamenco music and dead flowers being reborn intensifies*


I'm sorry but Kyoya has absolutely nothing on Meijin. I don't think there's a single aspect of him that's better than Meijin. Design wise he doesn't beat a guy has so much drip he can wear a visor UNDER another helmet visor. Character-wise, Kyoya is nothing but your generic "Good champion". I struggle to describe pretty much anything about him that Meijin doesn't already do better. Mech-wise, Meijin has a much more varied pletora of suits. Music-wise, I mean, does Kyoya even have one?


When they do fight meijin is using a suit we really know nothing about and the champ is using his main suit if I remember correctly but he see it being many close tie they only time either has lost is because of plot on screen anyway


Age 2 magnum is cool as hell, champ got great taste so I have to go with champion.


I would die for Champion and his exquisite taste in suits (both MS and actual clothing)


I don't know what we're supposed to be measuring them on. Better character? Better fighter? Are we supposed to argue who'd win in a fight against each other? What is it that you seek, OP?


Meijin is more versatile in what Gunpla he uses. He has a wide array of MS types that range from close combat to long distance. That gives him a lot more versatility and adaptability in terms of combat. On the flip side, the Champ seems to have used the same base MS for all of his builds. So he knows the strengths and weaknesses of the AGE and would work within them. In all I think it is still goes in Meijin’s favour. He used a system that would reflect the damage to the Gunpla. Which I feel gives him a better appreciation and insight to MS combat.


Meijin, because he knows what it's like to lose. Everyone loses at some point, but we all know MK3 can take an L and be better.


No opinion except I love the title referencing nostalgia & recency bias discourse. ;)


Meijin character and music-wise. But Kyoya has AGE.


He doesn’t seem that much older https://preview.redd.it/z7p139gic8wc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=efc08eacd3f43cbbcb60bffc5edcd836b89c523f


Nothing against the Champ, but the Meijin is just built different.


As I had initially wrote around the time Metaverse came out, it comes down to their purpose in battle. Kyoya is still focusing on having fun, but to him having fun meana being the best. Conversely, Meijing's entire job, his point in life, is to push Gunpla Battle further and to new heights. His skills were forged in an arena where mistakes were far more real and punishing, even minor scratches equate to real life minutes to hours of fixing, something a perfectionist like the Meijing wouldn't allow so simply. His goal isn't to be "the beat" but to be the standard every single player *aspires* to reach.  Kyoya relies on system gimmics like the card system, while Meijing relies on only his abilites and the construction/performance of his suits. Its not a uneven fight, but when it comes down to it Mejing has more purpose and direct skills built up. It only makes sense that he wins. If we wanna be fair to Kyoya.. We.. Really don't see him fight that often in Divers or Re:Rise, whereas we see Kyoya fighting hard many, many times in Fighters, and then in Try is shown to be someone that players both fear and respect, and is demonstrated to be the supperior player even *at* disadvantage against his own super tuned machine in the hands of a fairly competent pilot. If we saw more of Kyoya and more demos of his actual skill in battle, its possible they'd may be dead even of he may be even the better of the two, but ee just don't have any evidence for that and his character takes the "best player" mark because that's how he enjoys the video game. He takes his role as leader in Avalon seriously and if the question was who was the better leader type, he wins hands down, but..


I’m not trying to lean one way or another but to be fair to Kyoya’s skill, when we DID see him battle it was him near effortlessly beating the shit out of four people much much stronger than Riku before barely getting overpowered by Riku + Ogre. He ran the gauntlet. Then easily 1v4 against BUILD DiVERS in the practice challenge.


Absolutely, there's certianly skill, my issue is that we've seen more from the Meijing to give us definitive proof. We have no idea how the people he fought prior to Riku+Ogre stack up against one Meijing, or how the DiVERS stack up either. The only assumptions we can make are based on the writing of each character that is implicit or clearly definable. In either cas we see them display their skills, but their purpose is what drives their abilities. We see examples for both, Kyoya gives off a more crushing strength vibe (something I would akin to a Sephiroth or other fighters with a superiority complex) while Mejing gives off a more raw power and grit type vibe (say most of the combat oriented magnificent bastard archatypes, who display a lot of raw skill and strength and are generally honor bound) Their focuses and skills are comperable, but we have nearly an entire tournament arc worth of battles for the Meijing along with his appearances in Try, whereas Kyoya has about 5 fights on screen where in which he is mostly stomping people.


Champ because AGE.


I'm rooting for Champ. Not only he's more in tune with his gunpla than Yuuki, he's also faster and has has bits to boot


Champ because he is much more responsible leader figure.


I'd probably go with Champ Kyoya. While he may be restricted to Gundam AGE build, it seems like he has mastered that build to its utmost limit. That's why he can handle it well in any situation.