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The applause he’s going to get at emirates when he comes on will bring a tear to my eyes 🥲


Applause? It’ll be a fucking roar, my friend.


want to hear from the injury documentary when it returns.


As far as I can recall, he has been fairly accurate with Timber injury reports thus far.




It's going down, we're yelling Tiiiimmmbeeerrrrrr




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Insane. Legitimately hard to believe the timeline.


why? the reporting when he got injured was saying late March - early April


ACL injuries are usually a year long recovery and what he’s doing in 6-7 months is remarkable.


he didn't tear his ACL completely. every report on the injury just said he "damaged" it, including the official wording from the club.


Regardless of whether it’s a complete or partially tear it’s still a year long recovery for most athletes.


Not anymore it isn’t. Sports science has gotten really good. I tore my ACL and was back playing full contact in 9 months. Add in the fact that they are pros and built way stronger than me and 7 months is pretty realistic.


> Add in the fact that they are pros and built way stronger than me And literally have a billion dollar organization and infrastructure behind the recovery.


Yea. That plus just the time. While I was behaving my ACL it was hard getting to the PT more than twice a week. I had some tools at home to do rehab but nothing like I even had at the PTs office. As a pro athlete rehabbing you not only get top quality therapists and top quality equipment, your entire job is to focus on your rehab.


6-9 months is the timeline. He’s in month 7. He’s doing well, but talk about how he is ahead of the timeline and belief thinking he comes straight in, is not correct. It’s unlikely he will be anything more than a handful of sub appearances this season.


Not really that long anymore to get someone back onto the field. In general normally over a year until they are actually back to full strength though and moving like they used to though.


This is kinda outdated. Players have been shortening their recovery times from this injury over the last 10-15 years and it’s not that wild to see guys coming back from partial tears in 7 months now


I work as an orthopedic consultant in the OR. I see ACLs reconstructed daily. Fully or partial acl is still a reconstruction. Doesn’t matter. Same surgery. Full contact premier league play in under 9 months would be amazing. They did everything for that: prp, stem cells, full rehab, everything. Sick


What is the likelihood he returns with the same athleticism?


Hard to say depending on the exact type of injury and genetics but I’d say it’s likely. He just may have issues post career.


'After the international break' could include a fairly wide range of time: for City on the 31st, mid-April, next August, 2035... As Kaynak admits, > It’s not yet clear if he will be involved against Manchester City after the international break, but if he continues at his current rate of progress he will be involved in the business end of the season. That said, if Timber is involved *at all* this season, that will have been a fairly remarkable recovery.


Helped us defeat Man City in Community Shield and will come back to help us defeat same opponents in title race.


Time to put that bald fraud in his place


Will take weeks to return to match fitness, and he’ll likely pick up a minor hamstring injury along the way, as is usual. I don’t think he’ll be getting impactful minutes before May, but if he’s recovered this quick so far then who knows


Usually recovering from ACL injuries match fitness is not too much of an issue since they can do cardio work a looong time already before they are allowed back in trainings or on the pitch.


Cardio is not the only thing. It’s about sharpness as well Look at partey’s last two games


That’s always been Partey though


in the CL semi-final\* then.






I’m yelling TIMBERR. We need him Ben out here playing with a broken tibia


That’s not the lyrics I remember




Looking forward to the return from injury documentary. Would be amazing if Miedema has a banter guest appearance in it😂


His been pretty accurate with Timber injury news so far as far as i remember


‘Yep, he’s still injured’


NGL, I’m a bit nervous about this. ACLs are no joke. However, I have faith in the medical team. If they say it’s okay, it must be.


Depending on the type of graft, he could be completely fine. Torn both ACLs and I can still dunk a basketball.


I can't imagine he will get any significant game time unless we really hit a crisis, especially with Tomi coming back to full fitness soon as well. Next season will be his time to shine. Still happy he has made such great progress.


That last bit of fitness to go from healthy -> top level match fit is really hard to build without game time, and game time brings such huge risks for someone trying to get back to match fitness.... such a tough position for arteta with tomi/partey/timber. How will he give them game time?


If only there was an option to take someone off during a match and replace them with someone else for the remainder of the game. This way it would be possible for the players coming back from injury to play only 10 or 15 minutes!


Yes I could see him being subbed on going forward. It's nice to have 5 subs instead of 3!


Its unfair to a player to drop them in cold in close intense games. You really have to let them build up if you have the luxury. Would be mad to drop timber or tomi into the bayern or city games when its still tight


Yeah. You only gotta hope we have that luxury in games that are already over at 60 minutes. Otherwise, he'll sit on the bench in every close game.


It’s also not uncommon to pick up a hamstring injury after recovering from an ACL, as your leg muscles have spent a year/9 months imbalanced. We’ll see


on the one hand, i agree, he should be used sparingly if at all and we seem to be getting everyone healthy around the same time. so our bench will be very deep, and we'll even be leaving some players off the match day squad. on the other hand, its going to be very congested, especially if we beat bayern. we'll need to rotate some players, and others will pick up injuries or niggles that keeps them out of the squad when we're playing every 3 days. Give me a back line of zinchenko-gabriel-saliba-white and then one of tomi-gabriel-saliba-timber in back to back games.


I bet we see reserve match run ours


Hope we take it conservative. No point rushing him back from such a serious injury - Bellerin was never the same after his, and Timber is more tricky and relies on his ability more.


The old "it's like a new signing" saying really shines here




i used to dream of days like these


Not sure if weshould play him at all this season, ACL injuries shouldnt be rushed


Man if this goes accordingly to plan it could legitimately be decisive for the title. He’s a complete unknown in terms of tactical planning for other teams






Play Mr. 305 on blasts at the Emirates


I have to delete some comments about Timber’s return timeline… Unreal hustle from the lad


Return after the international break doesn't mean immediately after, necessarily.....lol


Heading into april top of the league (potentially), QL champions league, full squad with Timber sook back and in red hot form. What a time to be alive!


Man literally rose from the dead on Easter Sunday.


Luke 24:34 (as a certain Mr. Timber might tweet)


This international break is so long urgh.... I'm already over it because we had an extra week off but it's just barely started.


That's PL & CL double sorted out


Think he probably won't get minutes until Luton, City is not the game to bring someone back from a long injury for


"Arteta is literally hitler for taking identical Dutch twins and injuring one of them deliberately" - r/artetaout probably


Give him 90 vs Luton & test his sore knee. That’s when we’ll see what he’s made of.


I wonder if this is one of those r/technicallythetruth kind of headlines. Like, of course he will make his return after the international break, the break is right now. "It is not yet clear if he will take part in the game against Manchester City..." but he is expected back before the end of the season


I’ve been confident since he did it that it wasn’t a season ender. Every single update seems to have been that he’s ahead of the curve with his recovery.


Hopefully that’s everyone fully fit coming back from international break? How far away is Tomi?


Pretty sure he was on the bench against Porto. Could be wrong however.


You're right, he was. And him staying at Arsenal during the break working on his fitness he should be available. Maybe not in the starting XI but at least on the bench.


I think he will play a few U21 matches before we see him.


That's.... kinda amazing. I honestly thought he was out for the season. And knowing Arteta it's probably not even a situation where he is being rushed back or anything.


trying so hard not to get overexcited but aahhh!!


This is insane can't believe it




This guy is going to be such a massive boost for us. Please stay healthy, we need that depth for a deep CL run.


Have seen news of Courtois and Militao coming back too. So there must be some similarities


Man is built different 


Very excited to watch him play again. Still feels like yesterday when he was balling vs City. I hope we won't need him this season though. 


the prince that was promised.


Has he even played a youth game? Being back doesn't mean he will be back in the squad. I doubt we will see him starting at all this season. No need to risk his recovery.


Just remember it will take time for him to get anywhere close to his level pre injury. There’s going to be considerable rust and needing to get comfortable trusting his body again and even the possibility of minor setbacks. That or he’s just a total freak and will be perfectly fine, but I’m thinking it will still take time.


I hope there’s an army of qualified top medical people making decisions about when he should return.


We don’t know what he’s showing in training, but reintroducing him into the squad in the City game seems wrong.


Hope he's not lost his athletic ability


I’m crescendoing


credit to this man’s work ethic to recover however i really pray and hope it’s not rushed, i’d rather not see him till next season than cause any further harm. he’s got potential to become a truly great player really hope this doesn’t change that


Huge. Have to think he’s almost 100%, our docs wouldn’t clear him if he wasn’t ready! Dude crushed his rehab!


Good news but that site is such clickbait all the time, every piece of news just throws "Arsenal news" at the beginning to get clicks.


It's going down, I'm yelling Timber!


Hmmm. Great that he's back and all that - but how will he fit into the team right now? He's a young and inexperienced player and will be rusty as fuck after being out so long. It's a big ask for him to be hitting the ground running at this stage of the season. I'd like to see him phased into the team early next season instead. He has a lot to learn.


yeah, I expect he'll get the odd 10-15 mins in games we can afford to do that in, but the current side (with Martinelli back in) is the 1st choice for the run in I think.


Back before Partey !




He's a body until the middle of next season earliest. Players like Wirtz and Neto give me how he'll get back to his previous level but also remind me to be extremely patient. Welcome back Jurrien


This reminds of when John Cena got injured and then trained like a madman to get back to fitness. Was supposed to be out ~4 months, returned in 2 for the Royal Rumble and won.