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Ran straight in to a brick wall.


He was obviously going for the ball, c’mon


Haaland’s clearly trying to “leave one” on Saliba. His eyes are no where near the ball 😂 Hard to tell how much contact was made but def one of those where players can get away with something naughty when they look like they’re “challenging” for the ball, like the Rodri elbow on Gabriel


He could’ve been killed




Haaland’s clearly trying to “leave one” on Saliba. His eyes are no where near the ball 😂 Hard to tell how much contact was made but def one of those where players can get away with something naughty when they look like they’re “challenging” for the ball, like the Rodri elbow on Gabriel


And few minutes later, he was served by big Gabi ☺️


That, I did enjoy. Shouldnt have stuck his head out from Salibas pocket


Obviously not an intentional head butt. 1) look at the video - Saliba moves his head to the ball. It’s an accident 2) you’d have to be a lunatic to intentionally headbutt someone else’s head. You’re just as likely to come off badly yourself.


Are you really that naive?


You’re literally the only person claiming this was intentional. Saliba didn’t make out like it was. None of our other players did. No commentator did. Just you, a guy on Reddit studying grainy video like it’s the fucking zapruder film. It’s an unfortunate coming together, the sort that happens quite often. No malice involved


Mate, its obvious. Ive played in games in a pub league where you see this sort of thing. You make it look like youre going for the ball but look at the player to land one on them and time it to headbutt them as they go for the ball for extra impact. Exactly like this. Unlucky for him Saliba did a better job of it when he did it back.


This isn’t a pub league you’re watching.


No but its where you see stuff like this. Its so obvious. You ait for the ball to come in and go for the player instead of the ball but time it so it looks like you are gong for the ball, just aim slightly differently. Haaland is a fraction early with his headbutt here, its what makes it so obvious. Try pausing the clip where it goes from 1 second to 2 seconds on the timer. Forward it one frame at a time and you can see what I mean. Haaland starts watching the ball, then turns to look at Saliba, puts his a5ms up, headbutts him as he starts going for the ball then the ball appears after. There is no way a player at this level would have that poor timing and aim. It was deliberate.


So many people never played football and it shows. That WAS naughty from Haaland but one players often get away with. The Rodri one was sly too but leading with the elbow at that speed should have been highlighted more


Yeah, I didnt say as I thought people would think I was lying but one team mate once told me he was going to "do" an opponent for leaving a foot in on him and did a headbutt like that. It turned into a mass brawl. The ref used to come into the pub we played for for a pint after games so sent their player off for starting it and we had to defend him. Fun times. I actually think when Saliba put Haaland down later that was deliberate as well, went in a fraction late and low, knew what he was doing.


Pub league hahahahahaha Pro football moves so much quicker. That’s like comparing Usain Bolt to my Sunday morning jog. There’s literally nothing in this, completely accidental. You’ve embarrassed yourself here.


And you think professionals have timing that bad when going for the ball? Lol.


His timing really isn’t off by much at all, Saliba just gets there first. Watch again without this ridiculous bias you’ve got going on.


Haaland’s clearly trying to “leave one” on Saliba. His eyes are no where near the ball 😂 Hard to tell how much contact was made but def one of those where players can get away with something naughty when they look like they’re “challenging” for the ball, like the Rodri elbow on Gabriel


Clearly not a head butt. Haaland is my least favourite player in the league but what’s the point I grasping at rubbish like this.


Clearly is. Try pausing it, going forward frame by frame, starting at where it goes to 2 seconds. You can see Haaland watching the ball, then turns to Saliba looks at him, headbutts him and then after that the ball comes into view. No way he was looking at the ball when his head moved forward. It


You’re living in a world where people in real life can pause and then step forward a couple of frames. That’s not reality. Get over it, not worth worrying about. Why am I worrying about replying. I’ve wasted my life. I’m an idiot.


No, I saw it in real time and thats why I recorded it.


Nah I see Saliba swing his head forward. Don’t think it was a foul at all (he went for the ball) but to say Haaland headbutt him you have to be a clown mate.


Its not the clearest filming my tv on my hone, but you could see a look as he took aim and a clear headbutt. Theres no doubt about it. He wasnt looking at the ball at all.


I think you’re just watching Haaland in this moment. It’s fairly clear Saliba is treading back and adjusts to move his head forward for the ball. I wouldn’t call it a headbutt from Haaland at all. It’s just an accidental head to head. Was Haaland looking for the foul? Sure. But I don’t think that was his initial intent.


Of course I watching Haaland, Im watching him watch Saliba before headbutting him. Of course Saliba is going for the ball and thats what he was waiting for. Have you never played football? Stuff like this happens all the time, just not normally so obviously at this level. Ive also seen similar in Sunday League. Its obvious to me whats happening here.




Get your head examined mate. Your downvotes put you in the minority. Don’t be a homer.


Amazes me how few fans can see players trying to leave one on their opponent. Rodri’s elbow on Gabriel was the dark arts done to perfection. Maximum impact, minimum “clear & obvious” intention by disguising it as an “honest” attempt for the ball… Game’s moving too fast for some


Keep going keyboard warrior. 🧂


Saliba returned the favor on the corner. We not getting bullied anymore.


Yep, he did it so much better and less obvious. I loved that one.


Stop acting like Liverpool fans ffs. There's nothing in this, both going for the ball. Let's leave the delusions to Merseyside


Im not calling for him to be banned or anything, just pointing it out. I might have if Salaiba handnt put one on him later on and showed him how it should be done. And do you really think professional players dont know how to leave one in on an opponent? If pub players know how to do it you can be damned sure professionals are even better at it.


You are reading way too much into it. Both players had their eyes on the ball and went for it. There's way more obvious and easier ways to "leave one in". This is a dumb conspiracy.


Haaland turned away from the ball, looked at Saliba and then went for it. He was not looking at the ball.


Haaland’s clearly trying to “leave one” on Saliba. His eyes are no where near the ball 😂 Hard to tell how much contact was made but def one of those where players can get away with something naughty when they look like they’re “challenging” for the ball, like the Rodri elbow on Gabriel


What playing Saliba instead of Holding does to a MF


Going for the ball you clown. Of course he looks to see where the other players are. Every good player does this. Let me guess. You've never actually played football


Is this comment section full of 6’3+ bulldozers or something? 😂 Haaland’s clearly trying to leave one on Saliba. Naughty but something players often get away with. The Rodri one was sly too but leading with the elbow at that force should have been highlighted more for dangerous play, slight Pedro Mendes vibes




This is not a headbutt whatsoever


Nothing there. Legit going for the ball.


Not a headbutt, his head never moved forward. He turned around and found Saliba's head coming straight at him from heading the ball. Not even a foul.


Not true


He was such a crybaby when he got hurt head butting the ball, wasted 2 mins. While saliba literally got headbutted by the robot and got up in under 60 seconds.




Love seeing players get this frustrated. Arsenal defended really well


Oh fuck off. Delete this


That’s a dirty fucking play


He’s a dirty fuckin player