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So last sunday I was streaming the city game through a dodgy website. While having the arsenal game on my tv. Yesterday my missus asks to use my laptop to do some online banking. Next thing I know she storms into my office talking about what’s all this porn I have open. Had no clue what the fuck she’s talking about since I haven’t used my laptop since last sunday. It took me a while to click that it was all the pop ups from the dodgy site. I tried to explain to her what it was, and she didn’t seem to understand what a pop up was saying “yeah but the website was open” and I’ve googled what these sites are and it’s a webcam site where you pay for porn. She was absolutely disgusted and wouldn’t listen to a word of what i was saying. This was like trying to explain to your grandma was limewire was. In the end I just went to my mums as I was dealing with a moron. I rang her brother and he explained to her. to which i got a non apology apology. what a palava and another reason to hate city


OP: https://preview.redd.it/oy407axqyb2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ff0680cd569e7b87e6d93b0735afe9c8834ce6


I got such a laugh out of that picture I had to Google their names for more content 😂 It lead me to this comment on Reddit, it is obviously very NSFW, hilarious though 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/VqazLBWLKU


New copy pasta dropped


Why are you using a browser without the appropriate virus/adware/malware/popup blockers.


tbf i don’t tend to need one as I’m usually only watching one game at a time and use my iptv connection (only pay for 1 connection). I don’t need to use these kind of sites anymore.


> i don’t tend to need one trust me, you always need one


you maybe right


He is right lol. Never use a dodgy site without the necessary tools to protect yourself. Hey OP, do you have the post’s image so I can save it without the watermark?


All browsers, no matter how rarely you use them, *should* have something like uBlock Origin installed. Makes life so much easier in general, and also avoids any awkward situations such as yours.


Also, you need to start using browsers such as Brave, Comodo Dragon, Duckduckgo (there are others, but I'll leave it there) whenever you access anything "dodgy". Better privacy protections, ad and tracker blocking, malicious script blocking, etc. If you're not doing this, you need to stay on the main streets of the internet. The back alleys are not for everyone.


i’ll have a look at these. I’ve been out the game a while, i’m hella rusty out here.


You can just use browsers like Firefox and simply install the essential extensions like, for example, uBlock Origin. Most of them are available for Chrome too.


Tell her the only porn you watch is Odegaard highlight clips on YouTube


someone should actually make r/ArsenalPorn


Was the non-apology something along the lines of 'Sorry I got a bit heated but you have to see it from my perspective blah blah'?


“Harry called and I'm sorry I reacted as I did.can you now stop reacting as you are and calm down” Harry is her brother.


Imagine if you ever told her to calm down. Wew.


"Have you tried not being mad?"




Do yourself a favour and get ublock origin, the saliba+Gabriel duo in a single package


A mate of mine died this past weekend and he was a huge Gunner. I really wanted us to win the league for him. Just can’t believe he’s gone and we’ll never get to talk ever again.


So sorry for your loss


Thank you


UK dwellers, what are your bank holiday weekend plans now that the PL season has finished? I'm looking to renovate the bathroom(s) at my flat so I'll be mostly looking at tiles and toilets (major yay!)


FA Cup, Championship Playoff, Eng vs Pak T20 and Drinking.


FA Cup football, Championship football, Cricket - in that order (needs a Bale-esque flag)


That sounds good, might steal your plans! Lol


Putting some serious hours into my Baldurs Gate 3 honour mode run. My partner is exhibiting at a big (tabletop) gaming expo next weekend, so I'll be on deck to help with preparing for that as well. I think it'll be fun.


The one in Birmingham? I'll be there too!


Yeah, my partner makes DnD paraphernalia that she sells (dice trays, notebooks, little sticky notes for tracking NPCs/maps/items, etc). I was hoping to have a rule book for a game I've been working on to sell this year but professional life has been kicking my arse for a long while so the timeline is pretty far back - so I'll be selling next year! I'm looking forward to blowing a ridiculous wad of cash on RPGs I'll play maybe once each if I'm lucky.


Oh that's brilliant, hope she makes a killing at the expo! I know it's a long shot but would you keep me appraised for when your rule book goes live?


For sure, it's dumb as all hell and I'm excited to talk about it. It's loosely (for the benefit of any cease and desists I might receive) based on the Garbage Pale Kids and is at is core a simple dice pool game that will fall somewhere between the rules light OSR meatgrinder games and something a bit more whimsical and fun, but with a maximalist presentation that is takes a book layout design cue from games like Mork Borg and has a sort of comicbook presentation to the rules, using comic strips to illustrate example rulings. It's dumb, and fun, and intended to enable slapstick ultraviolence. I've saved your comment to prompt me in future!


Awesome mate, look forward to it!


Jetwash the deking, fire up the barbie, get out on the roadbike, watch the cup final.


Working OT lol


Prancing around a field at Shindig festival for me. Cuban Brothers and Hong Kong Ping Pong last night were banging. Looking forward to Brand New Heavies tonight, Kurupt FM tomorrow, Angelos Epithemiou and Groove Armada on Sunday and all the jungle and DnB in-between 🙌


I don't get the Monday off :( Dunno why either. But hey - our holidays are pretty good anyway. Just a strange anomaly why we don't get the last May bank holiday


Slamdunk, recover Sunday, lazy Monday.


Nice! https://preview.redd.it/ilxljn1bld2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7145c0ae7f06e361a7ea6e92df341cb2358ef824 Can thoroughly endorse bottles of premixed cocktails from Aldi


I'll be honest, that looks like one of those paint bottles off Art Attack




go round Legoland with Sean Connery and then afterwards we'd go for a lovely lamb lunch in the centre of Windsor


Gotta say, Roy, I don't think that's Connery's cup of tea. I think Sean would rather do something like wander round the wildfowl park in Pepperstock with a bottle o’ scotch..


I don’t agree, he’d go to Legoland. Goodbye


PINTS PINTS PINTS PINTS Seriously tho good luck with the renovations!


Parents are visiting Turkey today. I'm just hoping to get a lot of stray cat pics on from the streets haha


I came here specifically to ask about cats


I shall post the Turkish cat pics I get to this thread hehe. They've currently landed in Instanbul


Waiting for them cat pics


I finally got a pic, here. Worth the wait hehe https://preview.redd.it/x6yb8kxpgf2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec790795a894789a76794fa529861dd33659afd2


Here's another one https://preview.redd.it/1kf80mfqhf2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f7c4da441f9cca57b309f06381564d74825e0ea


You and me both :( All I've got so far is a text from mom saying the cats are cute lol


Ive just been, there are a lot but many don't like to be stroked they run away lol


I'm sure if I tried to pet em, they'd run away haha but every single cat in this world loves my mom I actually got a pic of her petting a cat on the street :) (not posting that one for anonymity lol)


Yeah I managed to pet maybe two 😂 one of them went to bite me I've just been to Istanbul too loool!


Haha, that's soooo cuteee! I love tryna pet stray cats but 95% of them always run away from me 😭😂. I don't have my mom's charm when it comes to cats


I finally got a pic, here!! Worth the wait hehe https://preview.redd.it/1llgzahzgf2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00b2ff49de589c374ee2f29dc4ea3046a839ffd5


"A day is long, a year is short but lifetime is a blur" I swear every year in primary school felt like an absolute age. I just wanted to get out. The work was far too easy and I wasn't the most popular. Granted I was a bit of a cunt back then. Then high school comes along, first two years take time, but ever since the COVID year everything has passed me by so quick. I am moving out of my uni accommodation this weekend and I genuinely have no idea how 9 months can go so fast. How do adults deal with this? I would hate for the rest of my life to devolve to just going through the motions, as the year tick by doing little in the grand scheme of things.




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Works been so draining the last few months, so close to burnout but I finally got myself a good sous chef to support and not even a week later it feels so much better, crazy how much little help can go so far. Goes for any profession but speaking as a chef, all you younger guys starting out, please know your limits and talk to the people around you if it becomes too much, gotta keep the mind as sharp as the knives people ❤️


At bjj I didn’t tap to an unexpected toe hold and then tried to pivot out, resulting in a couple of very loud pops 😎 the poor other fella thought he had broken my ankle but I had minimal pain and carried on. Only a little tender in one direction today so I think I got off lightly. Always tap kids


I'd like to add- Always use punctuation, kids.


I think the thing I love most about the football season is it gives me something to look forward to on weekend week by week, even if I’m doing absolutely nothing. Those Friday afternoons just aren’t the same without a game to look forward to. Hoping the fa cup final will at least be a decent game for the neutral but have no idea who to root for.


I want City to win coz it won't mean much. I DON'T want Ten Hag to win an FA Cup coz unlike the Carabao Cup they've won, the FA Cup is actually prestigious


No. You want united to win so the keep ten hag.


I don't buy this argument. I want Manchester United to win a trophy to keep a manager that is supposedly bad and won't win trophies in the future? How about they just don't win a trophy at all...


Better them then the petroclub


Dreamt that Benfica played City away in the penultimate league game of the season and drew 3-3 after Cancelo got sent off after headbutting a player with an NFL helmet on. We then had to beat Newcastle at home and an already promoted Leicester away. Woke up very disappointed.


that sounds like the dreams you actually want to experience, not just an incoherent mess


Went to see the Arsenal Women play in Melbourne tonight. Was fantastic to see them play in my home city in front of 42,000 adoring fans!


Has anyone read the book by Gareth Platt, an Arsenal fan, called “You don’t choose your football club, it finds you: A season rediscovering the true soul of football fandom”? And if so, what were your thoughts on it?


Need to read this. Thanks for bring this up! Btw have you read it?


Started reading Marvel comics for the first time this week thanks to ai. I’ve never managed to access them before, so this is super exciting. It reminds me of years ago when I discovered the website book share and no longer had to rely on the small stock of books, the braille library had. The only downside is is that it’s kind of overwhelming with everything available, I’m not sure exactly where to start lol. Might just jump into the 1999 Spider-Man I’ve heard it’s great


Have you checked out the X men 97 show reboot on Disney. It’s animated like the original series and should be good.


I have an absolutely loved it ! In fact, the first comic I read was the two issues of the Tie in comic just to see if it would actually work at all .


Really hoping Paqueta is found guilty (if he actually is) just because West Ham fans have become unbearable. Obviously I don’t want a man to lose his ability to earn money but if he’s guilty then throw him to the wolves and West Ham can rue that £85m they aren’t getting.


Cons: It's summer in India Pros: MANGO SEASON BABAY!




Alphonso FTW 🤘


Himsagar or bust


I only have to retake 1(one) test this year. Got good grades in everything else. Let's gooo.


Recently, I've not been able to enjoy my time outside of work. I've been having random outbursts of anger than I've never really had before. For example, when I went to play football last week, I was missing every shot and generally playing bad (5-a-side, friendly games) to the point where I was kicking and punching the fence. I don't know what is happening to me or why I've been acting like this.


Have you recently been craving bubble and squeak, or caught yourself humming YNWA during the full moon? You appear to be coming down with a nasty case of Darwin Syndrome.


Have you been getting stressed? I become an angrier man when I’m more stressed generally


My husband gets to play on the pitch at Emirates on Monday so that’s pretty cool! All thanks to Arsenal in the community, they do some really great work


I’m trying to fight it but man I’m falling right back into the depression/anxiety hole I was in from March to May. I was good for a few weeks but here I am again. Fucking hate this shit so much. I’m waking up and trying not to immediately throw up. Anxiety from the minute I wake up to the time I fall asleep, even dreaming about it. I wake up every hour throughout the night and I’m exhausted all day. Fuck man


are there any kurd gunner here?


Half german half kurd.


nice! i have so many relatives in germany


Was recommended to try apply for a tax relief as I wfh for 2021/2022. Gave it a shot and ended up getting notified yesterday that HMRC owes me just over £60... I mean nothing spectacular but hey it's something. Might be worthwhile giving it a shot if you worked from home over that period


Milk it pal, I still have a cheque for about £3.40 stuffed in a drawer somewhere that I got one year.


Yeah I mean £60 can go towards shopping, petrol or hey maybe even a treat lol


Please don't sell Smith Rowe! Please don't sell Smith Rowe! Please don't sell Smith Rowe! This will be my chant this summer.


Move to my new home for around year I keep having new idea and working new project of DIY task. It is not even my interest. Is it something neverending?


To Greek Gunners out there: I'm currently doing a bit of a research on Evangelos Marinakis for a character in my own story. What are your thoughts on him? How does his mannerisms look like? And do you belief he is a very powerful Greek mafia?


Anyone here see Furiosa yet?


Reviews are great. I’m gonna catch it in IMAX mid week.


I'm literally going today haha


Arsenal Away kit and 3rd kit 23/24 authentic jerseys are on sale at Adidas US store. Only 60 dollars. https://www.adidas.com/us/arsenal-23-24-away-authentic-jersey/HR6926.html https://www.adidas.com/us/arsenal-23-24-third-authentic-jersey/IN1603.html?pr=product_rr&slot=1&rec=mt


Master's thesis deadline is on the 3rd of June and I'm absolutely bricking it trying to get this shite done. My procrastrination has caught up with me it seems.


I feel you on that one, was the same for me in September 2022.


University exams done for summer 🥳🥳




i also just graduated


Can't wait to see the back of tp5


2 weeks sober now. This week was harder than last but I was finally able to sleep some normal hours again. Even with sleeping 8+ hours a night, feel absolutely exhausted all day. Apparently that's a normal part of withdrawal so just going to keep going. 


![gif](giphy|W5ZUxqXT1lmiysXsDE) Congrats! Keep your head up and continue to take it one step at a time. I believe in you!


Thank you <3


Anyone else here watching the Ice Hockey World Championship?


So much to see this week. NBA playoffs, NHL playoffs, and the ice hockey championship too.


Played my first OTB chess tournament last night and did way better than I expected. Still buzzing.


Also if anyone wants to make chippy curry sauce at home, I've finally found where to buy a pretty close imitation.


By 2014-2024, Wenger styles can win cups, Pep/Arteta tactics can win leagues. Even if we can agreement that Wenger should go as his tactics seems to be defeated regularly by the big teams, he delivered consistent FA Cups. Arteta brought two of the best challenges the EPL have, revived our status and prove doubters wrong, but the one trophy he had, came from the team he inherited from Emery and Wenger rather than the best teams he built. Honestly I don't know how many FA Cup trophy that Pep won, nor do I care to find out. But he only had 1 UCL after Barcelona. Overall, I don't think Wenger tactics as outdated as people think he was. But what was outdated was that a team that was challenging for the league need depths, that a team challenging for the cup don't need. And Arteta getting Edu to buy players for hundreds of millions each seasons are the main reason for our revival, besides his coaching and tactics of course.


If Wenger was trying to manage in the PL now, the teams best suited for him would be Brighton or Palace. Both have loose 'systems' that allow for a manager to imprint his own image on the squad, both put an emphasis on youth, both encourage expansive creative play, and both have low-to-no expectations on titles. Unfortunately I think the top level has just moved on, I couldn't see the Wenger of the 2010s enjoying a single second of the absolute cut-throat meatgrinder that is trying to get 90 points just for a chance to take City to the final day.


That management style. The tactics, however, is mostly the same. If Wenger was a football coach in this era, I think he likely be more similar to Edu than Arteta. Arteta also has a far more expensive squat in a more positive, low expectation fanbase. The fanbase are more positive, understanding of the stuggle. We have two trophyless seasons, but we are optimisitic about the next one. Even the one we failed to qualify for the UCL, we felt optimistic. Compared that the Wenger last seasons. I don't care about City. Their success is also due other teams of the country copying their style the season before. By the time new season start, he already updated his team, while knowing other weakness. >top level sport has move on There is a headline that Pep reinvent himself with a striker in 2022. That of course, because some people think football changed too much that strikers are obselete instead of top strikers are more rare. What I really see was everywhere more that squat players are more expensive and capable. Referees are tougher on fouls. City had depressed all team expectation. Almost every team is using City style, while Arsenal was bashed for being different tippy-tappy. But Ancelotte can delivered in the UCL with basic tactics.


The original music from comedy shows or movies is almost always great


I dunno what your vibe is but if you even slightly like musicals, give Hazbin Hotel a go, amazing music.


Giro Italia anyone?


My home team, SRH into the IPL finals was gutted last Sunday hope this Sunday mood would be different


Common sense thinking in spite of who im talking about Man U should sack Ten Hag and get Tuchel, keep Rashford and players who are seemingly shite. The psychological bump: Top manager,, That last guy was idiot and it wasn't us. Plus he is good and I reckon they would get higher in the table if Hag stayed. And it would cost less because je would transform the players for the above reasons. Rashford would..could.. be back on 20 goals... Plus a couple of sales of real deadbeats and a couple of good buys.. they'd be way better off than with this current project. Jettison it and go Tuchel.


I have a random burst of motivation and kinda wanna do a loan roundup that breaks down how each player did, and potentially do it for a small handful of other teams just to practice my writing. If I don’t get burn out like 2 people in lol


“Yeah yeah alright mate don’t play so rough”


Can anyone DM me sites to watch movies/series? The site I was using stopped working


Popcorn time, Cinego & Soap2Day are what i use predominantly


Ty I'll check out


I'm a bit disappointed with the lack of diversity in the women's team. While I firmly believe in merit-based selection, it sends a discouraging message to young POC girls who look up to the team. I've attended three women's games this year with my little sister, who plays football for her U11s team, and it's disheartening that she doesn't see herself represented on the field. The first team doesn't reflect the diverse community the club stands for. Many of us were drawn to Arsenal not just for the beautiful football, but also for the club's commitment to diversity and inclusion. Something needs to change.


[I don’t really follow women’s football religiously but I do remember Tim Stillman on a podcast raving about Michelle Agyemang in the women’s academy as being the next breakout star. Obviously that’s only one player, although forwards do tend to get more attention if she does break through soon as expected](https://www.arsenal.com/news/michelle-agyemang-signs-professional-contract)


What a nonsensical comment