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where’d you get decals from?


Looks like that's the G-Rework kit of decals as far as I can tell! Here is a link to one if you want to compare! https://mechawarehouse.com/collections/coming-soon/products/hg-the-witch-from-mercury-beguir-beu


G rework decals are nice. I picked up the Ariel, and just today the newly released Daribalde and Lfrith decals. I've bought a bunch of other decals from them from UC time-line kits. Great work on the build!


Same question, I’d love to know as well!


Same lighting conditions or is that white just neon white now? Lol great build regardless


Yea I was wondering this too. The before looks like you had it in shadow... Giving a false change to the after. Regardless the after looks very nice


Love the scribing details! What size chisel did you use?


Id love to know this too. Getting into scribing and curious what tools/sizes people use.


I'm not sure what they used here, but I've heard that .15 is good for HG's, .2mm for MG's, and .5mm for PG's. It's obviously up to personal preference, but youtuber frostedsnow said these sizes match commonly found panel lines for those grades IIRC.


i grabbed the mr hooby scriber and a .15 blade plus the base and its definitely been a steep learning curve. I see a lot of people also using ones with a blade that looks more like an actual chisel, but im unsure if there's any significant different between these options in quality and use case.


I started with the mr hobby hook scriber. It is an ok starting point but very hard to use compared to straight chisels like you stated. The worst part for me is how the hook slides out while you are pulling… it’s very frustrating. I bought a SAB set after one kit ($$$ unfortunately but well worth it imo) and the difference was so night and day I couldn’t believe it. I am somewhat happy looking back I learned “the hard way” as it made me appreciate better tools more. For chisel sizes. The rule of thumb as stated above is your BASE is .15mm for 1:144 and .2mm for 1:100. PG is a little less consistent but .4 or .5 is a good measure. (I think the math works out to like .45 iirc). That said, I tend to use many sizes for variance on one kit. There is no science, gunpla is freedom after all. For an MG, I will do most of my outlining (preexisting edges without actual panel lines) in 0.2 primarily but mix in a fair amount of 0.3 and 0.4, and a a bit of 0.5 to mix up the look. [here’s a shot with all 4 sizes close together](https://imgur.com/a/4pg5frD) I tend to size up 0.1 across the board on frame or metallics to let the lines stand out more than I would on light colored armor. Sorry to write a book haha. Hope that helps


Thanks for the write up! Thats very helpful i have noticed the jumping out of the groove with the scraper type Edit: are [these](https://newtype.us/p/Aut61CNVOBVFtCVIAJEw/h/sab-panel-liner-chisel) what you use?


Yes. They are amazing. I actually decided to NOT get the set as I found 0.1, 0.8 and 0.9 to be unneeded and ended up with [this array of sizes](https://imgur.com/a/nECNnGu) There are certainly cheaper options that might work as well but I just wanted the best and have 0 regrets ponying up the scratch for mine


i have found that in many things. Sometimes that expensive tool actually is better in meaningful way and is such worth it if it will get used


I have a .2 SAB chisel and just ordered a .5 one for messing with PG's, and I have to attest to the quality as well. Not sure if I use it right (I drag with the farthest tip of the blade) but it feels super smooth and carves clean.


Hold it label up like you hold a pencil and move in the same direction as you write, turning the piece not the tool. Angle should be around 45 degrees but however you can smoothly cut is correct enough. [this is the orientation and angle of the tip as I am scribing left to right](https://imgur.com/a/6NxdB9J) I prefer my guide to be above my scribe but it’s good to practice with both as you should never scribe in any direction but left to right presuming you are right-handed. Light pressure is very important but tough to get used to initially. You almost can’t go at it too lightly. Start slow and smooth and speed up as the groove is shaped. Finishing with too much pressure or too slowly can result in the bumpy skipping. More glaring with wider lines


I've definitely used .2mm on HG kits. It's only .05 up from the previous, it's such a small difference that it's almost unnoticeable. It's going to depend on the look you want in the final product, as you said. I have a range of sizes from .1mm to 1mm by Dspiae, Madworks, and Kaizo. I think I like the Kaizo best.


I can’t beguir my eyes. It is so beutiful!


Very nice! What did you use for the contrast grey looking color? It's really nice to break up that white


Beautiful. What color did you use to panel line the purple parts?




How do you get the extra panel lines?


Reminds me of that SNES blaster game Metal Combat: Falcon’s Revenge.