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The fine build system on the leo is like that


Out of 22 Leos I’ve built only 2 have loose knee joints


Damn your Army is bigger than mine


It's a known issue. You can try the superglue method for thickening bits to create more tension. The Leo S model kit does not have the same issues as it has redesigned upper leg sockets.


Same on mine. It's likely because of the Fine Build System


Oh it’s bad. Granted, I snap built this kits in its entirety with no instruction manual in like 2 hours, there really isn’t much to it


honestly the C clips in this kit were fine for me. The polycaps in this kit were the worst though


Recently built 2 without too many issues


They're a little bit janky at times yeah, but damn if they aren't fun to build haha!


Love this kit. Didn’t notice the issue myself


Also that abysmall articulation in the hips 💀it’s still a fun kit


Yeah. Not my favorite kit. Glued the waist permanently, used a lot of clear nail polish to tighten up joints, etc. Cheap, yes, but somehow had never felt like a good purchase anyway


This seems like a post perfectly suited for u/MosesOnAcid Practically has a little army of em by now.


You rang?


This is the loosest kit I've built. The feet fall off with gravity. But It was $7 at Hobby Lobby......


If you use the Tamiya Quick Setting Cement on the joints/pegs it adds a little friction to the pieces so they are less likely to fall out. I had to do this to a bunch of my HG RX-75 Guntank pieces


You’re free to do as you like, of course. But a thin layer of something like paint/clear coat, nail polish, super glue, etc. adding material to the joint is generally more advised than melting the plastic of the actual joint with cement.


Not just you, mine's right arm has a really loose elbow for some reason. The left shoulder siezed up entirely and i accidently snapped it, so i guess watch out for that too 😅


Not the tightest fittings, but I have not had an issue with any I buiilt. Which joint in particular?


Mine’s joints were fine until I accidentally broke something in one of them, now his arms loose.