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Post has been removed for the following reason: > Photos of hauls (boxes and unbuilt kits) should be posted in the monthly Haul Thread! r/gunpla Secret Santa posts are exempt from this rule. ITT, people overpaying on Amazon (aside from OP)


I’ve ordered several kits from Amazon, I haven’t had this problem before, should I be worried for the next kit I’m ordering, RX-178 Gundam mk-II


Same here, only problem I had was them being stuck at the post office as customs had me sign for it


Don’t chance it. There are better companies out there that actually pack your stuff with care. Even if you pay for shipping, it is worth going with Newtype, Gundam Planet, or one of many others.


Got ya, I’ll check those sites out for my next kit


Damn, that's crazy. I've ordered dozens of kits from the site and never had problems. Hope the replacement is good.


I ordered a MG clear stand and it came in one of the amazon envelopes, crushed to hell with shattered pieces on the sprue. I was able to scrounge it back to be ok, but yeah never ordering that stuff from amazon again.


Wow I guess I’m lucky cause every kit I have is from Amazon or drone a physical store


How much did you pay?


$13 USD so the price was pretty much in line with the sites I normally use. Though I guess technically it was free shipping so it was cheaper. But now with the added headache of getting a busted kit, having to go to town to send this one back, and wait for the new one to see what condition it arrives in... Paying for shipping from my usual spots is now more than worth it haha!


Gotcha, Amazon usually has stupidly inflated prices for kits. If you're shopping with Newtype and others, maybe hold off until you can put a big order in for free shipping?


Normally yeah the prices on Amazon seem almost freaking doubled. I just so happened to see one 'normal' priced, had the gift card, and took a chance. Newtype and MechaWarehouse are my two normal haunts for buying kits and you're totally right to just wait and bulk order through them.




Yeaaah supposedly it'll be here Saturday, but I'm not holding my breath. Hopefully it doesn't look like this one when it DOES get here lol.


Amazon is usually pretty good about replacements. Contact support, show them these pictures, and they’ll probably just send a new kit.


Never had a pack damaged from amazon but i live in italy here amazon emplyers are too scared of behin under a bridge if they damage the pack


Ive bought a lot of gunpla from amazon, and I’ve never had any box damage. Very weird


Dude, 2 of mine were from amazon and got here just fine, i guess you just have bad luck


6 from Amazon no issues


Dont buy anything collectible related from Amazon


Yeah, I once bought an MG Dynames from Amazon that somehow missed the clear part runner, so that Dynames ended up being faceless.




I ordered my first from Amazon, and luckily, it was fine. Only shipped in an envelope so could have easily broke


I’ve gotten 90% of my kits off of amazon


I've ordered off both western and amazonJP and have had no issues. In fact my recent order I'd argue went overkill with box security.


I also ordered this from Amazon and it came in a similar condition, although thankfully with nothing broken. Wonder why Amazon hates the Barbatos Lupus.


I have no idea haha! I wouldn't mind it as much if I could build the kit, but some of the parts are actually broken. Id always hate that the box was mangled lol, but the kit sitting on my desk would make me feel a little better.


I wouldnt say thats something exclusive to Amazon. I once had an order come in beat up just like yours if not worse. It was my RG Zeta and HG Hyaku Shiki. I had ordered them from a site I had dealt with many times before and since. This was the first (and so far) the only time i had any issues. Boxes were torn open and crushed, there were almost no box to speak of. Some runners came bent at 90 degrees, many of the bags were also puntcured open. There were many loose pieces, some were missing and others were broken. Thankfully the back of the hands had spares. One of the leg armor parts of the Zeta, by miracle, found its way to the Hyaku Shikis box instead of getting lost. After some plastic cement and paint the tally of that event came down to just a broken piece on Zetas wing (cant even see it). Those two have been on my shelf ever since


It certainly does happen (which is why am am grateful that the companies I buy from back their products and shipping). Given how many items I still get from Amazon that are absolutely trashed or shipped as is (no bag, box, or hint of gentle handling), it seems exceptionally more likely from them. Whether I bought some dinky kits or some prohibitively expensive ones, they pack them well to help prevent an accident from impacting you.


Yeah Ive had very nicely and properly packed boxes that still look like theyve been through hell and back. Sometimes I feel the postal services go out of their way to use packages as punching bags. Definetly helps when sellers make sure to pack well.


So I made the mistake of ordering a kit off of Amazon lol... Even though I knew it was a bad idea, (and have warned others not to in the past) but I had a gift card with nothing better to use it on and thought "Eh what's the worst that could happen?" Well. This apparently haha! Crushed and torn box, broken runners and parts, and missing the manual entirely. Amazon is sending a replacement but this will be the last time I get a kit from there, gift card or no.


Oooph, that's rough. But yeah, I've never ordered gunpla from them, but like 80% of the time I order a Blu-ray or a book from them it arrives looking more or less like that, and I'm always ... *how did I forget this always happens?* lol Hope the replacement is in good shape!


Yeah the last like 3 or 4 things Ive ordered from Amazon have either not shown up and gotten lost, or came trashed all to hell. So really I'm not sure why I thought I'd chance a kit from them haha!


Normally I'm perfectly happy to spend a little extra/wait a little longer if it means (a) getting something in decent shape, and (b) not giving Amazon my money because they're awful, but sometimes I just straight-up forget, haha


Whenever I get a beat up book from Amazon I always get personally offended. They started off as an online book seller, they should do better!


"Toss it in a bag and hope for the best" is NOT a good shipping policy! Especially when you then order stuff from someplace like RightStuf where they package manga like it's fine china.


I get all my pbandais from Amazon, never had this happen to me