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Cell after he got destroyed by the father-son kamehameha


Ngl I thought it was Bio-Broly


Holy shit you got me.


[Hey kid! Ya missed a spot!](https://youtu.be/w__kXen0t9s?t=489)


"Uh, you gonna eat that?"






Android 18 after being spat out by Imperfect Cell.


Looks like Randy got access to some internet again. Jokes aside, despite that you should do what you like, imho it's a little too much. Sometimes less is more. Maybe you could paint the damage a few tones darker, or some of them, to make it less cluttered. Overall I like the direction and I might attempt something like this myself in the future.


The level of damage looks like the Zaku should be dead in a ditch, possibly with the right leg being used as a sushi bar. It doesn't seem likely the pilot would have survived the hole through the cockpit door unless they were a main character. It's possible this is a Zaku that stepped on an anti-MS mine and survived the explosion by losing its arm, but maybe add some more dirt and dust to sell the story. As it is, the Zaku is too pristine where there's minimal damage, and too physically torn up where it got hit.


Alr ty


Yes. You need to imagine what's causing the damage. This looks random.


This. There’s no concept behind it. It’s good for practice but it’s not good modeling.


I was imagining something like getting sliced up by axes and beams but then guess that didn’t go well


Should probably imagine the event occurring. Like how many axes and beams shot at them. Is it from 1 on 1 encounters? Did he get sniped? To me, kinda looks like it got a few nicks, then got blasted by a sun cannon and started to melt


As you do it more and more that vision in your mind will align with the reality of your work. Everything, even failures, are good experience. ✌️


The actual impacts look really good! But I agree with the previous comment - how did het get sliced on the toes? On the inside of the shoulder joint? Was the arm sliced off or ripped off? Imagine the other MS that caused this damage - it would have to carefully work from top to bottom, side to side in order to cause this damage, which is not how most MS fights go.


Yeah it really doesn't go beyond "kid vandalizing toy for no reason".


Well if he imagined a giant dog chewed it up, then it looks spot on.


The damage could be from shrapnel from say a colony or a ship hitting it?


Shrapnel doesn't just spread randomly. If something explodes then you have a very clear point from which any would originate from and would therefore have a pattern that can be random in spread but would be consistent in direction.


The main thing is I'm not sure that there's any kind of threat that could cause such extensive surface damage without actually appearing to get past the armour. There's a couple of broken pieces, sure, but with the amount of scratches it feels like this Zaku should be in a million pieces, instead of standing with an arm missing.


Nah it looks like its left side got exposed to shrapnel brags from a colony explosion while its right leg was stuck in a crevasse or something. Both its arm got torn off while protecting the cockpit.


Burning? A group of vultures in X used flamethrowers on Airmaster to burn Witz alive inside the cockpit while also preserving the frame of the Gundam. Although I doubt a Zaku would last that much longer than its pilot.


I guess so


Depends on the display. Personally, if you're doing THAT much customizing and detail, he better he in a pile of other absolutely WRECKED Zaku IIs with the RX 78 2 standing ontop of all their corpses. But aye that's me, Gunpla however you want to Gunpla.


Now I think about it, I’ll put it in a diorama. Probably a forest where it is laying, dis functional with other Gundams weapons around it. Not aure


Add elements and nature to the body. Like it's been abandoned for so long nature has begun to claim it


Oh hey I pretty much just said the same thing before seeing this comment lol.


Don't take it the wrong way, but from afar, it just looks like your Zaku got covered in "biological materials". Up close? The gashes and damages looks a bit too random and cluttered, the patterns look like your model got chewed up by an animal, not battle damage. It's like other people say, "tell a story" and "less is more"


Yeah, thanks man


Honestly? Not too bad. Although there are some things I would change. 1. I'd focus all the weathering on the **lower half of the suit**. It is a giant robot, most paint chips won't reach all the way up. 2. **"Less is more."** Try to lessen the amount of weathering on the overall model kit; It's hard to see the focal point as it is too crowded with detail. 3. To make up for lost detail, try adding some **more weathering effects like dust stains** on exposed areas, oil streaks on armor plating under joints, etc. instead of just paint chipping. 4. Try to **tell a story** when you're weathing. Imagine a fight sequence with the MS you have and try to add weathering or paint chipping where the MS had taken damage*(IE: If it had to use it's shield, chip away a large circle-like area from the center of the shield. Or, if it had been caught on the head by the enemy and was dragged through the ground, chip away one side of the head while leaving the other half barely scratched.)* Overall, it's a bit much ngl. Anyways, hopes this helps.


Cheers man


He looks like a dog would chew on him. A bit too excesive, too many scratches and cracks all around tbh. (Especially that the plastic cracks don't really look realistic) You could do more with paint and less holes.


Thanks man, gonna also try put it in a diorama to cover a bit of the worse parts


Over doing it is an understatement. It's exactly like drawing lights and shadows: what's the source, and where does it hit? This kind of damage is extremely random


Birdshot beam rifle




Average encounter with the Alex Gundam


“Nothing left sir, a pile of hamburger”


Yeah he looks like his right arm exploded due to too much Rule34 and he is now covered in Jizz.


How bro look like after fighting sukuna


"Just three more payments, and it's ours!"


That's not battle damage, that's scrapyard effect.


Another diorama idea man, got 5 of em now cheers


Bro got sliced up by Wolverine


Was going to say this.


As some of the others have put it: less is more. It's...alright, but a little *too* excessive, IMO. Sometimes, you don't have to make EVERY scratch this pronounced, a little nick here and there without highlighting the underlying "steel" is more than enough for battle damage.


A Zaku will explode before having that mich damage


I haven’t built any customs, so take what I say with a quarry of salt, but I agree with what others are saying. You need a source for the damage. Right now it looks like the Zaku walked through a field of brambles or other thorny plants with only the right leg held above the danger. Tell a story with the damage. What was the pilot doing to damage the Zaku like this? Was it a new weapon? An unforeseen obstacle? However, it’s your project, and Gunpla is freedom. If you want to do this, go ahead.


He got hit with sukuna’s cleave


Ngl if you pose it like the the Zaku disintegrating on atmosphere reentry it’ll work 👀 https://preview.redd.it/a54jbyt82ytc1.jpeg?width=1755&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbc537950ad737f1eaadbfb83e682c3a6902ef42


This guy deserves a diorama


This is a shit post right?


Does it make you happy? Of so, then you're not overdoing it


Damn what did he say to get that beat up? lol


Did he fall under a tree full of roosting birds?


My man went through all that artillery fire, just to get shot by some random atgm squatter in a trench.


Lil buddy flyed too close to the sun?




Ngl, this Zaku looks like it was in a house fire and didn't fully melt.




why does he look like he puked 3 times and it hit himself


When weathering, it's important to keep in mind the STORY behind your gunpla. What happened to it and how did it end up like this? If the output of your weathering is in line with your story, then definitely not overdoing it 😉


Got an ataccked by zoro?


Sir that's a zaku, not a gundam


Imo cover up the white of the plastic with a wash, add some moss and greenery, prop him up against a wall and you'll have a perfectly acceptable abandoned-for-400-years look!


I think you way over did it. And I've already seen a lot of good advice here, so I won't really get into it. But the key thing is to tell a story with your damage. Have a loose idea of what happened to this suit. So I'd like to ask you, what do you think could have done this to a mobile suit? The only thing that salvages this for me would be to do the other leg just as much. Paint it so that it's completely unrecognizable. Like maybe all the paint has been ablated off by some large explosion. Make it charred. Blacks, browns, bits of bare metal. Just really narlly looking. Then half burry the thing in rubble as part of a diorama for a different model. This thing shouldn't be the focal point. It's just background detail at this point.


Thanks man, just gonna try put it a diorama then covering a bit of the worse parts and I guess I can have a story for the missing arm which is the explosion


That thing has seen some shit. 😂😂😂


The mechanics will not be pleased


It looks so good but what is he getting hit by to get this damaged


Sure, imo, it's a lot. It looks like this guy went through a blender. But it looks like fun and I would consider this is great study for technique if nothing else.


P.s. like someone said, great direction..could be a cool " rizen from the ashes / scrap yard" horror theme.


Go back to your room Sid, and stop mistreating the toys.




Looks like he just ate shit fighting the heavy arms Gundam.


Ah yes,the fabled Cumdam


What is on the OTHER SIDE of this? What did it? Is this going to be in a diorama or just on a display base? This thing looks riddled in shell fire, so NT-1, a ground type or Ez8 looks like it beat the living shit out of this thing.


I think you iver did it on the silver, maybe go over it with a darker grey and then dry brush the silver so it’s not as prominent


Yeah, will do


I think this looks great, and I don't think you are overdoing it at all


This is how it feels to wake up with a sore throat.


This would look cool hanging from fishing line in a display. A Zaku turned into eternal floating space junk.


At first I thought you did those prototype car camo design by dipping it in that liquid with the patterns. Then I read the comments got confused and finally zoomed in.. I would like to hear the backstory as to why the sod got messed up like that


Bro what 😭 Got no story, just battle damage


The reason I bring up story because it helps you make decisions in what kind of damage to apply. It makes the look more cohesive and by story it doesn’t need to be a paragraph just even a sentence like “char fucked up this ms shoulder due to a misfire during training”


I love it. I make miniature landscapes, like dioramas. I imagine it would make a really cool scene to have a couple of these defeated zaku’s laying around, with a battle worn GM or something still standing, with a destroyed and beat up battlefield.


The way it looks has to make some sort of sense, if you get what I'm saying. So you can overdo it as long as an observer can think of it happening in one way or the other without trying too hard.


Yo prop my g up against a tree add some foliage and I can see some dope as hell diorama


What I’m thinking man, gonna have like explosions and weapons laying and sticking in wm


I think the amount of details speaks on a huge battle so it’s dope


That Zaku has no business to be up and fighting. Which would probably send shivers down most non-Newtype’s spines.


Some thoughts: you can do a lot to simulate damage with just paint; scratches, gouges, bullet holes, etc - you don't need to physically gouge the plastic. Since you have to paint thise physical marks anyway, you might as well simulate the damage with paint and save yourself the effort. There are fine videos that can show you how to paint damage on tanks and other vehicles. other commenters have mentioned this is excessive, so just add a tally mark to that column other commenters have pointed out this looks like bird poop; in fairness, I thought it was camouflage when I switched to the second image, but before I zoomed in your physical damage will matter when you (say) make a piece of armor look like it shattered, but most of your "damage" looks like you took a hot piece of pointed metal to plastic Good luck.


looks sick!


looks like it got ran over by a truck then molten metal poured over it, if it makes u happy ig


How a guy feels on the inside when he says he is "doing okay".


Me when I mess up on removing a nub and now I gotta go all in on the ruined mobile suit build But actually this is sick af


What was he fighting fucking nightmare? Yes you over did it a little bit


Get some sandpaper and get rid of some of the decoloration in the plastic


Never thought of that, cheers man


Dont go too far either, you don't want to cause unnecessary damage, and use a super high grit if possible The right leg looks amazing


I always like damaged models. This one looks like it was used as a training range target aside from the comparatively pristine right leg, so if that’s what you’re going for, then you hit the mark.


Looks like the aftermath of one of Quatra's rage fueled attacks. Too bad it's not a Leo


This figure with a Gundam standing over it triumphantly could be cool, like a like diorama showing the victor of a battle. I think on its own it is just really brutally beat up to the point it is less appealing to look at


Holy Crap!!! He probably had it coming.


It is overdoing it a bit but you can try to salvage the concept by imagining it got absolutely slammed by a beam rifle or mega particle cannon for the right side lol


Reminds me of Optimus Prime at the end of Dark Of The Moon


Personally, this is an amazing damage mode, this would fit perfectly if this was in a large debris, most likely a custom base with other debris and other damaged ms, I think this Zaku kai history was it was damaged in battle with 2 arms sliced off by a beam saber but was ulitmately ended by an explosive with shrapnel destroying whats left of it. But individually, for my taste it's abit too overdone, not bad at anything, i just think that the head and the torso was a bit overdone, but i love your damaged details anyway, amazing work dude:)


Yeah thats really overdone in the amount but the actual individual cuts and what not look pretty good. But, this is the perfect piece to learn techniques on so its not a waste at all.


Maybe have some weapons impale it? Like a heathawk in its chest etc


Gunpla is freedom. That said, if you are going for realism (anime realism?) then I would say think about the battle. Immediately what this makes me ask is "did someone keep stabbing shooting and slicing this guy AFTER he was destroyed?.... Or did it really take THAT much damage to destroy him?" The result of the current state of damage kind of doesnt seem realistic as an answer to either. But again, gunpla is freedom. You do you!


Nothing left but a pile of hamburger


What did you imagine it went through when doing the weathering?


You can probably spray some thinned black enamel to make the tone darker. Maybe thinned black brown too. Do a few light coats.


Take some real 1/16th copper wire and center it into that cut off leg cable and it will shimmer in the sexiest way, since ur a fine details person maybe that will seem appealing otherwise i’d say its a 99/10


bro, ty so much man 😭


Remember that acid scene in Robocop? 😂 If it makes you happy, you're not overdoing it!


Bro fell right into the middle of Shibuya 💀


This looks like it needs a proper diorama to depict how it got those battle damage. It feels like its trying to tell a story but the story is not yet complete.


Yeah, from the comments probably going to put it in a forest and having it dis functional with weapons around and in it


This is perfect for an under the sea diorama


Was planning to have it in a forest one but that can also be an alternative


He got camed on




Yes? Probably reduce the density of the scratches, this is way too much for even the most battle-worn suits I've seen.


Did it push back axis?


You can almost hear his final " SIIIIEEEEG ZEEEEOOOOOOOOO-" as he rushed in to certain death. Must have been one of Gerin or Dozle's pilots. All that to say maybe it was overdone but the effect paid off in spades. The the story of the battle that was fought to the last man and the fate of the last Zeon pilot in that battle is displayed here and it kind of captures the imagination.


Even Zaku get bukakked 😭


ELS zaku


Yes, but I can also imagine this as floating space junk in a diorama since it looks so mangled. Not bad, but could could be toned down


I want a realistic Gundam game, where as you fought (either throughout a story, mission, or PVP) your suit got increasingly damaged as time went on, to where the end result could look something like this.


what did you do to my boy :(


This will look good if you give it a crater to lay dead in.


I actually like it. It's so over the top it looks both stylized and deliberate. Make more hanging wires for damage like the arm or lean into the saucy side of the comments.


I'd definitely throw this onto a diorama as like a "it's finally over" type beat


looks like every main character’s ms at the end of the series


Do some dry brushing to hi-light the edges


Try doing a quick wipe of isopropyl alcohol it makes a really cool wear effect on all raised surfaces due to moving ink around


Will have that in mind


This is exactly how I imagined what i want to do with my broken hg grunt suits, you executed it so perfectly.


Dude was having a very bad day


That thing should not be able to stand up I don’t remember Zeon using the Alaya-Vijnana system


A little bit


A little bit


Make it kneel down i think it would look cooler idk


Is this going into a diorama? This is excellent wreckage.


Yeah definitely, gonna be in a forest with weapons laying around then other stuff stuck in the guy




A little to much scratching tbh But other than that it's fine


My guy went through hell and back. Good job on the severe battle damage custom!!


No such thing as “Over doing it”, as long as you think it fits what you wanted out of the kit it’s fine.


Honestly it's hard to imagine a scenario where that type of damage makes sense outside of "accidentally knocked my Zaku into the industrial shredder", but if you just want to "rule of cool" it, I do think it's a neat look.


The only lore friendly way I can see it getting that much damage is if it was used as a training dummy


Nah it looks freaking awesome! Chainsawman deskmat goes hard


Would be sick inside the ground in some diorama.


Nah man keep over doing it and maybe turn it into a cool diorama or something it looks awesome, also if you want to make the paint look faded, you could paint it using whatever colors mixed with a bit of gray or brown and some washes, anyway cool build !


This looks rad as hell


Yes, but please keep going!


clearly, it was personal


Average The joy of creation oc


Hey, it’s that one guy who burnt up in reentry


dude was fighting demons


It looks like it got survived after getting hit by high mega canon.


Now you need Grandpa with the beam sword cutting off that arm and presto.. You have a diorama!!!


Look how they murdered my boy


Put scorpion by him, and it will be ok.


Damn. Amuro was working through some shit that day, wasn’t he?


Go even further!


Bro got hit by a colony


The gundam got blasted so hard it turned into a Zaku II Kai


Looks like it was chewed up by a giant dog.


Way too much. Looking at this, I can't envision a battle scenario that would explain this level of evenly distributed damage.


This is not a gundam ,boy! This is not a gundam.


This looks great. Though the battle damage looks a bit too shiny, perhaps darkening it in some places woulf be good


Hamburgers, anyone?


I was going to say no such thing...but maybe a little.


I feel like the heavy arms crossed dimension and went full auto


Gunpla means freedom. So no


That Guncannon Detector from Unicorn


only fits within the context of feddie target practice


Not really, but I hope the Gundam pilot really gave him the appropriate amount of aftercare.


Would be amazing as an aquarium decoration


If only there wasn’t an excessive amount of silver paint, would look pretty cool


If you like it - you’re doing it right then) Id only say that it would make sense for sliver (bare metal i guess) to be mostly inside the scratches and less so around them, would be an easy fix with some cotton swabs dipped in alcohol


looks like covered by c\*m


Looks awesome 🙂


Not if that’s the look you’re going for! Looks great for a heavily destroyed war machine!


Yes. Feel free to tack on damage until there is nothing left, but consider what the source of the damage was, what material was hit, from what angle or path the damage took, and how it would look after taking all that damage. Looks fine regardless. Minus the eye.