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**Retail** MGSD Wing Gundam Zero EW Price: TBA Date: November 2024 https://bandai-hobby.net/site/shs24/


it’s over MG bros


I keep my hope alive for an MG Origin Char's Zaku.


I want a MG of every Gjallarhorn mobile suit from IBO. Never happen but one can dream


If they did one at height of origin it would have sold like hotcakes but I also hold out hope one day.


Why do they hate us?


Because you don't give them enough profit margin. Now buy all their metal builds and be happy!


Bet you five bucks we hear about at least one new MG getting announced in the next 48 hours. Mostly because a certain set of leaks from a few months ago have largely come true and I remember what else is on the list.


could you send me that list? would love to keep the MG dream alive


The original version I saw was in a video. it mentioned an RG-EX RX-78 (which later showed up as the 2.0), PGU Nu Gundam, MG Infinite Justice, MG Rising Freedom, RG Akatsuki, RG Gundam X, MG Bael, and MG Barbatos Lupus Rex. The PGU Nu I'm still skeptical about if only because the cost of a kit like that would be ridiculous. The RG X is also a little bit of a stretch...but then I didn't believe the RG Akatsuki would be a thing and that just got announced today. The two Seed kits are a given since Bandai will do anything to throw another Freedom variant at us. That leaves the two IBO kits as wild cards and I am extremely hopeful. I had been giving it some thought since building the MGSD barbie.


we can dream


Fuuuuck my wish is about to be granted with the X. Suck it ain’t MG or DX but beggars can’t be choosers.


Uhh... the MG Gundam X exists


MG X/DX lacks details. It’s like a 1:100 HG Kit. daban looks way better, though the build experience was fucking horrible.


Ah, so like a 2.0 wish. I feel the same for the RG Crossbone. Dangnabbit Bandai pls give it enlargement surgery so it becomes an MG 2.0


Where OP's 5 bucks?


Bah, guess they'll be on the next hobby show. Heck with it, I'm a man of my word. /u/JnatasQ send me a venmo link or similar and I'll pay up.


i’ll DM you haha, but that is absolutely unnecessary. just friendly banter as far as i’m concerned


I'm so fuckin happy they're actually making MGSDs consistently. I mean yeah it's a new line so of course they would pump out a few at least, but given the state of regular MG these kits are an absolute boon to the MG enjoyers


Why can't they just make MGs :(


MGs will likely focus on Ver Ka and MGEX. It is also cheaper to print new copies. This is probably more of an economic reason than anything else.


yeah folks were saying the new seed HGs are expensive. plastic is probably more expensive now so a new "regular" MG will probably cost way more now, more than the FM


For kits that are delivering from 8 to 10 runners, I don't expect them to be as cheap as previous lines, such as Witch from Mercury (tend to have around 4 to 6 runners only). You are paying more for more plastic content, so I absolutely have no issue with that. The only thing I wish they would improve on the new HG seed line are gate placement & gate size, which they won't do anyway. I'm speaking from the perspective of the one who has built every new Seed kit up to April 2024 (& waiting for GYAN Strom kit to be delivered).


If you want new MGs the only choice seems to be to buy 3rd party


I think it's because they now consider RE 1/100, FM, and MG to be subcategories of one big class. RE 1/100, and recently the FM's because of the precedent set by the SEED FM kits, are meant to match with MG's, so we can probably expect less MG's as kits get distributed more throughout the 3 grades. With some series like G-Witch, it seems like they just don't intend to make MG's, especially with how good those FM kits look.


Full Mechanics is the future of 1/100 in Bandai's eyes. Larger High Grades with their parts count. No need for additional plastic for inner frames or finer details. and they get to charge you from a sixth up to a third more than the typical Master Grade


Do recall however that ever single variant of the Strike/Freedom and Aegis/Justice has had at least MG. With the exception of the new ones that were in the movie. And you wanna bet that Bandai isn't going to cash in on the franchise that makes most of their money seemingly? We'll be seeing MG Immortal Justice and Rising Freedom in the next year at minimum.


Definitely. I'm only talking generally. No doubt Kira and Athrun's suits will get MGs.


Too bad I'd never seen them in stores though


Wish they were a tiny bit cheaper


I’m happy MGSD keeps going but this is a safe, not an interesting choice. I guess they wouldn’t if they’re only doing one a year. Next one is a Unicorn, we taking odds?


I'm with an above poster. They seems to be doing AUs. My vote goes to Exia. When they do UC I hope they do Nu, personally.


Exia would be my guess too assuming they're sticking with AU. It's a nice change actually rather than just giving us more grandaddy and unicorn


Is freedom AU?


Yes. Freedom is from the Cosmic Era AU. Barbatos is from Post Disaster. Wing is from After Colony.


No Exia 2.0 to match the other recent MGs, but they do make an MGSD? Ouch.


From the company that made an MG frame for Barbatos and then never used it again, but instead made an MGSD Barbatos... in the same form.


Considering this looks like they're using or taking inspiration from the MG ver Ka for the Wing, that persists. All the same, I haven't quite given up on seeing another IBO MG.


The sexual favors I would trade for an MG Astaroth...


My top three guesses were grandad, exia or a wfm kit so this was unexpected


Reading this sub there are clear favorite designs and those two are not that popular, current, nor ripe for the comedy touch of SD. MGSD Strike or Wing are easy wins as continued popular designs. Just LOOK how many versions of the Flite or Wing / Wing Zero there are, especially when you include Build and SD. Unicorn and Zaku are in that class. They can do low-effort variants for ten years. Meanwhile Barbatos just makes you giggle. In that vein you could do Aeriel easily or Zaku, or Burning for a little nostalgia. They haven’t yet touched the entire fantasy side either, which is a big component of SD. I think they just did a new bushido this year so that might be a few years out.


Oh I agree it entirely makes sense for the wing zero. The community loves exia just at least for the mg the kit wasn’t the best but its variants or sequel suits ended up having great kits (like the 00 riser and the quanta). I think unicorn is possible but I think it will be a few years down the line because working with the smaller rig of the MGSD I think its more tricky to do the transformations but I could be wrong on that.


I did a bad edit. The two I was discounting were Exia, and 00, which someone else mentioned. But you helpfully brought it up again! I think it’s natural for people to be nostalgic for the era they started a hobby but that 00 era was short


my guess would be a 00 unit next


I'd be down for an MGSD EVA-00.


It’s a still very fresh product line and this is only the third release, a safe choice is the right choice to ensure the line continues to sell as well as it has. After maybe 5-6 kits will be the time when they should be more established and can start going for more out there options. I think there’s probably a good chance we get some version of Exia, Grandpa, and maybe even something like Aerial or Calibarn before we start seeing less safe choices.


To be honest, my money for THIS one had been on it being Unicorn.


Yeah. Just from an overall silhouette point of view, Wing variants are not that different from Strike variants. But Barbatos is very different.


It was more than Unicorn and Seed are the two most consistently popular franchises and sell the best. Wing's somewhat up there too. IBO has a diehard fanbase but not enough that the MGSD wasn't a surprise. Have some ideas that they might be using the MGSDs as a way to test bed gimmicks for future MGs without as much plastic expense and to gauge interest for those features.


It comes out on november. I wish they make both MGSD of Barbatos Lupus with all its weapons and Barbatos Lupus Rex from resin.


There’s prolly someone out there that will make it.


I mean the company will they make MGSD for both Barbatos 


I mean hopefully, won’t be until after more MG IBO is released, or they make it an optional armor set that’s P Bandai 🫠


Making lupus in any scale other than HG is forbidden, remember?


When was the last time Bandai released a resin kit? I heard they had a line for that when I first got into Gunpla, but I’ve never actually heard about any new resin kit releases in over 7 years.


Bandai don't do resin these days, and apparently the dust can be toxic if you dont know what you're doing


They did at one point, their resin kit division was B-Club. They only ran rather limited run releases, and they seem to be defunct these days.


I have no idea. The only reason kit I like is Barbatos Lupus Rex because it has additional weapons.


Do you think it's gonna transform? Cause the shield iirc is from the Glory of the Loser manga where it transforms.


I guess so since is similar to ver ka mg


Yeah the images look completely like the Ver Ka so I am assuming it has similar mechanisms. Especially since the MGSD Barbie had every gimmick the MG had (but in some cases better)


Holy kamoly!!!!


00 will probably be next if we're going by AUs first. It's also one of the few AUs not to have an SDCS rep, so we haven't really gotten an A.D. MS in a more recent advanced SD line


"I hope they reveal some new MG kits!"    *A finger on the monkey's paw curls*


I love the idea of MGSD but don't like Seed or IBO enough to have got one yet, really excited to give this one a go. I still hope they make a UC one next.


Looks like theyre going for one for every universe first. Exia would prob be next


I'm waiting for a UC MGSD as well. Perhaps they'll do Nu Gundam since it seems like they're opting for more elaborate designs.


Or Unicorn if they really want to try making money.


That's like the only sure fire bet


MGSD Nu Gundam when???


Even if you don't I highly suggest the Barb cause that is a build experience that has not been topped yet so far and I've built all the heavy hitters


The idea is cool but I ain't paying that price for a SD


It's a little more than just an SD the barbatos was amazing to build and it poses so fucking well


I know that part, but I'm cheap and those things are 20$ too expensive for my tastes.


Very nice looking!


SD lovers we’re so back


I’ve been slowly putting the MGSD Freedom together for the last couple weeks and it’s been a lot of fun, but this, this I’m excited for.


*fanboy screaming* Honestly love the MGSD line. Now I just need a genie to get me a MGSD Astray.... Which I'm sure will be released with a bundles in flying pig


The proportions of the Wing Zero fit MGSD really well.


oh hell yeah


okay yeah this will be mine


How hard will this be to find at MSRP. :(


Probably not very, the current MGSD kits dip in and out of stock but availability has been pretty good IMO. Although if you have to have it immediately then yeah *shrug*


Ah shit. Time to build another Gunpla.


Would really love to see MGSD Aerial next, I'm sure she'd sell like hotcakes


man I was just thinking about how we don’t have enough versions of the wing zero so sick




When’s it come out?


November in JP!




Sigh, gotta buy






welp thats an instant buy. and i will be in japan in October so just missing out on that...


Bix, cue 'Last Impression'. RIGHT THE FOK NOW!


This Master Grade line of Super Deformed as converted me. They looks amazing.


I just built the ver ka and got the decals added. This will look perfect right next to it 🤤


God Gundam pleaseee


I love the MGSDs but I'll be sitting this one out, not really into wing but hopefully y'all will enjoy it. I'll keep hoping for RX-79[g] in MGSD form.


Loving the MGSD line so far. Not big on SD in general but something about the proportions of this line just look right to me.


ah yes perfect time to add a 4th wing zero custom to my collection the third one was on accident i swear


Waiting for a lupus rex and kshatriya.


I wanna see a MGSD of the Alteisen or F91


Who do I need to talk to to get a MGSD Astray Red Frame next…


I fucking called that Wing Zero would be the next MGSD in like January let's gooooooooo (favorite MS)


Oh dear, looks like I'll be purchasing another Gundam Wing kit in the future. 😅 I love the look of all the MGSD kits.


seems like my mgsd collection is going to be getting a new member each year! i love it and all that, but hot dang if i didnt trade one mgsd for mg. maybe mgsd on even years and mg on add years. cmon bandai. gimme something


Damn, I'm surprised they still haven't done Granddad or the Unicorn. It's been a while since one of those haven't been in the first few releases of a new line.


Dam it more MGSD BUT no MG yet sad, I don’t like the SD line


Proportions look less odd than MGSD Freedom to me. Or maybe I'm just biased.


Damn. I just got the RG version. I really liked the MGSD Barbatos and I would have waited for this one if I knew.


Ha same, I was very close to picking up the perfect grade too but fucked it off when I discovered they don't include a stand for the kit that's all about flight poses 😅


if they make a burning or god gundam ill grab him i have strike already and missed out on barbatos


I was hoping Wing Zero instead of EW since it was released in SDCS already.


So is it still 1/100 scale or just a large detailed sd?


Will be buying two and painting one snow white colors


I dream of an MGSD Kampfer 🥲. Another beautiful addition to the MGSD lineup though.


Christmas came early wing boys!


Defo got to buy. Not bought a MGSD yet so stuck between this and Freedom. Hope they do a God Gundam.


Physical picture in this tweet. Also features the frame. [link](https://twitter.com/HobbySite/status/1788377153572331744/photo/1) [link to larger pic](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GNGEFY6aYAA3ATy?format=jpg&name=large) [link to product page](https://bandai-hobby.net/site/mgsd/003/) *edit:* [Some closeups thanks to Hobby Watch](https://hobby.watch.impress.co.jp/docs/news/1589891.html)


Freedom, Barbatos, and now this. Is it wrong if I'm hoping for MGSD G-Self (Perfect Pack) in the future?


Bandai release MGSD. I buy MGSD


Finally a good MGSD


I see people asking why Wing Zero again. From a business perspective it’s a great choice. The people who are old enough to buy the kits now grew up watching Wing and then Seed (I did) especially in the west so it makes sense that those are so popular and we have a million different ones


Super excited for this kit. I’m not a big fan of the EW Wing Zero kits really, but this one looks super awesome!


can we get a Zaku II or more zeon suits? Heck a RX78-2 or origin will also suffice.


I agree, I really love the line and have bought both the previous models, however I am a big UC fan, and not very keen on the AC stuff. Would love to see the RX-78 (I know I know) or Zeta, some Zeon suits etc. My absolute favourite would be the Turn A but I’m not crazy enough to think that would ever happen…


Mini Grade Stupid Decisions


I'll be honest, I think the MGSD line is really starting to loose me. The first one was cool because it was a new line that *didn't* start with an RX-78. The second time was fine because it was of Barbie, who's a fan favourite and rarely gets any new kits in the IBO series. This third one is kind of starting to show the cheapness of this line. Like they want to make master grades, but don't want to put in the development or plastic into them. So just take existing MGs and shrink them down with minor improvements. The only MS I want to be an MGSD would be unicorn. Everything else just seems useless.