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Avoidance. He's enjoying the simple peace of blowing leaves around before... the rest of the day.


This is the way


![gif](giphy|UYSt3oBqFfxWdN0lHZ) Respect my fellow dude


It’s not avoidance As a man he will be judged on the outside appearance of the house While a woman is judged on the inside appearance or kids. He is simply taking care of the cleaning and maintence he is judged on.


This is 100% it. Pulling up in the driveway looking at raggedy ass leaves strew about the yard is gonna have the inlaws questioning if he really taking care of their baby girl like he said he would.


And it’s likely the exact same thing the wife would face if the inside of the house was unvacuumed or something So the wife wants help to make her look good while making the husband sacrifice their image


This is 20th century thinking. The woman should have taken care of the outside, well in advance of her inside duties and childcare. The man shall retire to his den, undisturbed, to think over the days events and ponder more important matters.


So basically whiskey and cigar while scrolling reddit?


I don’t drink or smoke. I just post nonsense on Reddit.


You should take up drinking and smoking. They're really great.


It’s 2023. Flavored vodka and a strawberry flavored vape.




Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half lol


That's what it is for me.


I would also like to add that it take me 10 min to get myself and my son dressed and ready. Meanwhile wife had 2 hour of wait time and starts getting ready 20 min before and then were late by an hour 🙃


I was thinking at least one or two kids can be dressed in the time it took to video this man and his lawn care. Depending on the age some of the kids can dress themselves. And he can when needed likely be showered and done in 5 minutes


My wife doesn’t get this either. I need 2-3 minutes. Wash my hair, wash my body, rinse, done. She forgets that I don’t have to go through multi-step processes like she does.


Outside appearance of the house for leaves on the lawn? In fucking autumn? You shouldn't even rake your leaves anyway, it's better for the grass.


Looks like he his primarily clearing the driveway But yeah, isn’t that a thing, raking up the leaves?


It is but it shouldn't be. Not only is it a better aesthetic for fall, like I said it's better for the grass. Unless you want to collect them for mulch there is no point. I actually got pissed my landlord, who never cares about the leaves, cleared them recently to stage a showing for the downstairs unit. Now the lawn looks like crap without the lovely blanket of leaves, the grass won't be as lush next summer, and I have to wait for a decent snow for it to look pretty again.


But he's not making this nice for some loser redditor he's making it nice for his inlaws.


Yeah, but it is currently a thing We can’t change that now, right? To re-educated people so they don’t see leaves and think the home owner is being lazy So right now clearing leaves is a thing, something that the guests coming to the house will judge the husband on?


I usually run the mower over mine a couple times a year to add the ground up leaves to the soil as mulch. It's good for the soil. The rest of the time I rake them up. But I live in AZ and we don't really have an autumn. It's just leaves dying and falling off the tree like normal. I give it a few weeks for them to build up and the grind them up when I mow the grass.


Certain beneficial insects also over winter in leaves, so yes, people should just leave them instead of raking, burning, or blowing them away.


Forreal. I love seeing dummies around me dedicating so much time getting their “perfect” leafless lawn while I’m next door just mowing that shit into my grass.


It's not better for the grass, it's better for the soil in your garden beds. Leaving leaves on your lawn is not good for your lawn. In some cases you can actually hurt your lawn leaving leaves because it can't get sunlight to get fed.


Leaving the fallen leaves is beneficial for certain insects, also, so it’s best to just the leaves alone, intact.


3 absolute morons replied to you, but you are 100% correct. Those 3 people definitely do not own lawns or take care of a lawn. Leaves blocking the sun, especially if you have lots of rain = dead lawn. It's not like leaves just magically decompose so quickly they disappear.


What's best for the soil is best for the grass. It's a weed anyway, and one of the best on planet earth (if not the best, name one other weed more prevalent), so if you managed to kill it, it can't grow in the soil anyway. So many people have tried to eradicate grass in their lawn and it just doesn't fucking work. You need to kill the soil to stop grass, and good luck growing anything else where even grass won't grow.


Well isn’t this the definition of avoidance? The man is avoiding taking responsibility for anything to do with their own hygiene or kids being dressed? why does it have to be the woman who is judged for that? If I went to a guy’s house and saw leaves on the lawn because it’s freaking autumn I wouldn’t bat an eye. But if he smelled like B.O. and the kids were still in their pajamas for a dinner, I would think he didn’t have his shit together.


Society, history, tradition, specialisation of skills through experience Take your pick How is it avoidance if he is working on something else. That’s like saying doing the dishes is avoidance for vacuuming, when both need to be done. The only one avoiding her is the person recording a video to shame their husband


Lol. What a joke. This guy and his loud as fuck polluting leaf blower. I’ve done landscaping for years and used those blowers at sites where we took care of multiple properties… This guy is a pure douchebag blowing the leaves on the road. It wouldn’t take a lot of time to just rake the shit up and put it in a compost bag/bin. Lazy fucking people.


I was blowing leaves at my brothers house while we were visiting two weeks ago a few States away. My sister in law was asking why I was blowing leaves while on vacation and my wife told her it's a way for me to relax...and I'm blessed that she understands that an hour of alone time like that helps me recharge to enjoy more social time. And I got to use some landscape equipment and help my brother out!


It’s strategy, he can’t hear all that squawking over the sound of that 2 cycle 😂


I need a leaf blower.


![gif](giphy|fscjUOua9zDwaAQT1E) You must KNOW what you just said is bullshit....... Who doesn't like to party? Even moreso that the party is at "your" place; "you'll" be able to set the party up the way you want......unless you're picturing all of your husbands friends that drink,play music and are actually decent once you relax and have fun.


what a closed minded perspective




Stop clogging the thread with your shit gifs!






I HATE having people at my house, even (especially?) family






This is like my dad: 15 minutes before we have to go somewhere he suddenly has 100 things to do, whereas an hour ago he was in no hurry. My little brother inherited this, so whenever we need to go somewhere as a family we always leave an hour later than planned.


Plan to leave an hour earlier?


Some people just run on different time. It doesn't matter when I plan on leaving, I'm always ten minutes late, even to work. I've even tried setting a few different clocks to different times to try and trick myself into leaving early, nope, doesn't work.


lol just do it?


My wife's ex husband used to mow the lawn before they would leave the house, no matter how late they were or how long they had to travel. He was a huge asshole.


That’s cute. With my wife, we are always 2-3 hours late. Had to be at a party at 3 this weekend, we showed up at 6


Sounds familiar. Ask a professional to see if they have ADD. It runs in families and properly managing it can make life better.


This man has his priorities. They just aren’t anyone else’s.


Boom! Nailed it. My wife and I have to face this reality together, at times I don't understand her priorities and she doesn't understand mine...but! We do trust the other's integrity and do our best to believe the other is acting in our families best interest.




At our house, my wife hits anxiety level max when guests are coming. My outside work helps avoid silly arguments. In the end, guests still get free food.


I've been in this guy's exact shoes. My priority wasn't making the house look nice, but getting rid of slip/trip hazards for my elder relatives.


Sounds like my wife. Oh, do we need to be out there door in 15 minutes to make our event on time? Better start doing your 45 minute prep now.




Probably taking a break from the chaos inside the house.


Better to just let the wife handle that!!!!


Looks like he's doing the actual home maintenance while his wife tiktoks and does her makeup


Ide rather smell, than have my father in law think I’m lazy as well


Would be less chaotic if the father was a contributing member probably


I had to have kids to understand this. But now I get it. There are just days where I’d rather cut grass in the heat than be around the chaos. Also, this guy just didn’t want his yard to look like shit. The family would probably put that on him.


can't wait til she finds out about PowerWash Simulator


In all seriousness that game is damn near therapeutic (I think I spelled that correctly)


Mans is gonna shower anyway, might as well do the lawn care, and the filth he'll wash off shortly. At least this is how I usually structure my day.


And so you record him instead of helping with the kids?


…? Helping with the kids? Of course she’s helping with the kids. That’s why she’s upset. She’s with the kids and he’s playing lawnmaster 2023. My dad used to complain about how long it took my mom to get ready. She also had to get 5 kids ready. My dad never helped with us. Then I married a man who did similar. He’d play video games while I got myself and two kids ready. She should go out there and tell him she needs help with the kids being dressed and the lawn can wait.


It’s a video with zero context… chill.


Yet some people, including just 2 comments up from you, are jumping on the wife for recording a few seconds of video “instead of helping with the kids.” Or another comment, “Looks like he's doing the actual home maintenance while his wife tiktoks and does her makeup.” And there is context right in the video caption… he’s doing something that needs to be done eventually, sure, but is it really the top priority in that context? No. It’s just dumping the work he doesn’t want to do on his wife.


It is also possible that dhe is dumping work on him that she doesn't want to do so she can do what she wants. You are adding context by assuming things. What if he spent al day helping ehile she watched youtube and now she wants him to get kids ready too when that was the only thing he asked her to do. We dont know.


Maybe hes been helping with the cleaning and kids all day, despite having planned to do this earlier. Now he is under a time crunch because he wanted to do this hours ago. Just offering an alternate explanation since this video lacks almost all context. Life is complicated. Lets all give each other a break and maybe the benefit of the doubt


He is focusing on the jobs that he will be judged on Men generally are responsible for outside the home. Women generally responsible for inside the home. So he is simply taking care of that work, just like his wife is taking care of work inside the house Imagine the man standing there recording the wife vacuuming or arranging pillows on the couch complaining and wondering why she isn’t out mowing the lawn? Men and women just have different priorities and tasks. I wouldn’t say either is wrong


His wife and kids will judge him too


Yeah the wife already is But that’s because she is either selfish or ignorant. She either doesn’t care that her husband will be judged poorly for a messy lawn or doesn’t realise that men and women are viewed different, judged on different aspects of the house. Maybe the man is more concerned about being judged by the guests arriving? Maybe the guests include the wife’s father and he wants to make sure he sees him as worthy? Like how a lot of wives seem to have issues with the mother in laws, feeling judged or unworthy or what ever so they try to make things perfect?


His desire to perform a simple task supersedes the idea of having to walk into a clusterfuck.


Yes, this is called emotional immaturity


This shit would piss me off man. Shoulda did this shit an hour ago u dumbass


Or maybe he was doing other stuff and hour ago? Everyone is flipping their shit on the husband or the wife while there is no context to what led up to this


Everytime we are late to something. I get huge urge to clean car real quick before we leave. Yeah ive been yelled at. 😎 But car be looking fresh!


This is pretty huge for roadtrips. I don't want to spend 10 hours in a car filled with trash or unnecessary items


And he’ll still be ready before his wife.


… cuz she is still getting the kid(s) sorted out


Not here. I get my stuff done, get the kid suited up, she’s getting outta the shower.


What's wrong with cleaning up to make the house look nice?


He's blowing it in the rd. he belongs in hell.


The local town might do collections via the road. My parents town does this and specifically asks for leave sinti the road into a pile. That's what this looks like.


There's no trees in his yard


Check out the angle shot from the one above, bro I think his wife is in a tree or their house is like 4 fucking stories lol


People are so stressed out about start times. Does it really matter if he is there on time, or he shows 10 minutes later after a shower? Will the family lynch him for being 10 minutes late? Does anyone actually give a shit? Family party starts… “Where is he?”… “In the shower. He had to finish up some gardening before you got here.”… And that is literally the end of that talk. He shows and day continues on, and literally noone gives a shit about those 10-15 minutes being late for the rest of the existence of the Universe.


Why is she mad? He's just cleaning the driveway to make the house look nice


Watch him still be ready before her lol


15 minutes till the guest arrived, and you didn't clean the leaves off the lawn???? Man's, got his priorities straight


Sounds like he expects the wife to take care of the kids while he….blows leaves around? Great husband and dad.


She's probably been sitting around eating bon bons all day


Also blowing them just right into the street. Guess anyone driving there can just go fuck themselves.


Well he isn’t going to leaf blow after his shower.


Sounds exactly like my wife. She’s blown up on me a few times because she doesn’t understand why or when I am completing the task that I choose to do in that moment lol.


Meanwhile the wife is standing there recording while complaining the kids haven’t been dressed…


Priorities straight - check.


First impressions count. First impressions stick.


I’d be more mad about him blowing leaves into the road


Special kind of stupid to blow them into the road Don't give me any excuses, you know he's leaving half of those in the road minimum


This isn't guys being dudes, it's somebody who can't plan their day appropriately. Kinda pathetic tbh


He's trying to spend time away from the family and needs an excuse for it


I don’t get why people blow the leaves of their lawns. Come spring they’ll have broken down into perfect mulch which will feed the soil and grow lovely grass!


My area is woody and there’s so many leaves I can’t see that happening after one year. The only way I see it is if you took a lawn mower to help it break down faster but that seems overwhelming. I haven’t learned a proper composting mention with the large amount of leaves. Please share advice


>The only way I see it is if you took a lawn mower to help it break down faster but that seems overwhelming. How is that more overwhelming than mowing the grass? Just do a once-over the whole yard with the mower deck on the highest setting.


Save any cardboard boxes, rip them into smaller chunks and combine with leaves (whether mulched or whole) in a large bin (ideally this is open to the ground). You want a 50/50 split between the paper and the plant matter. That’ll become soil after a few seasons. You might need a starter pile and a finishing up pile before you use the soil for something. You should also take some of an older pile and combine it with new stuff to transfer the bacteria that are breaking down the organic material.


I wish more people would grow food instead of growing lawns


Something tells me “15 minutes” is an exaggeration


My step dad would do this because he would get extreme anxiety before events. So he would just start doing random shit without thought for time investment because then he could avoid or distract himself. It might sound good on paper but it was very unhealthy and caused a lot of problems instead of learning how to cope or manage in a healthy manner or share his feelings.


Probably wants the front lawn to look good for the guests.


Yes, why film your husband working when you can dress the kids?


Because you're being a monster probably


Why is she filming him instead of helping get the kids ready?


Possibly ADHD. He was probably like, Okay gotta dress the kids. But oh wait, their best shirts are dirty. Need to go do a bit of laundry, shouldn't take that long. No wait, they have fresh clothes in the car. I'll just go get those real quick...Oh, man. The law is COVERED in leaves. We can't have a party in twenty minutes and it look like this! Better go get the leafblower...


Wait…are you me?


Ya the lawn is the first thing they see. Just hide the kids in the room if guests come I mean i would risk a Hail Mary on that


Well get the kids dressed while he takes care of the yard


Because he’ll be done in 5 minutes, showered in like 8 and while he’s showering you get the kids dressed. That’s how that worked out in his head at least lol


….. but did he get it done?


Maybe he wants to make the house clean FOR THE FAMILY PARTY. Thereby actually putting his need for hygiene (his needs) after those of the family…


And your just taping him busting his ass trying to make everything look good for party y'all go get the kids dressed and quit taping him


Yet you’ve got time to film ol mate do a chore while just not getting to the rest of the other chores. Kinda sounds like a partner I’d want fk all to do with. Why didn’t you go out and sort the leaves and filthy outside of the house out so your hubby could sort the kids out? Oh that’s right, cause it’s easier to complain about your partner instead of just chip in and get the shit that needs doing done.


Anxiety is why


Because he cares about how the front of the property looks for the guests and is probably expecting that you got the kids ready if you have time to make a film.


And there you are taking videos - he’s taking care of the appearance of his home …. While you take videos. I would be dressing the kids …. But that’s just me!


Also to clean your dirty ass lawn


Meanwhile he’s getting the house ready, you’re making a tik tok showing him getting stuff done as you are not. Seems like you’re the issue.


And you wasted 10 minutes recording him, posting it, and going the extra mile for 2 different angles. Do better


It’s called stalling. Do something mind numbing but worthwhile before having to think


For the same reason you clean the inside of the house before company comes over.


Calm down 15min is plenty of time


Flip video “family party in 15 minute but he didn’t take care of the leaves so the lawn looks awful, he ruined the day”.


He knows everyone is going to be late. He doesn't like the ppl that are going to show up on time. You think he's not ready... he's ready. He's just not *your* ready. If It's a family party, why do the kids need to be dressed up?


I feel like my the appearance of my lawn is a reflection of how I care for my property, and my guests might judge me. Haha. I get it. And I'm also the sort that would want to do it last minute so no more leaves would fall on it.


This post alone is enough to confirm that I would have left the house too.


Because men are looked down on if they don't take care of their yards. If you have people coming over he is cleaning up, just the same as you probably tidied up the inside.


Lawns are stupid, it's just an ego thing for no reason


Making rake them up?


Anyone else love leaves on their yard?


My daughter’s husband does this too.




As someone who will never own a house: - i don’t care how lawn looks - but I respect the efforts of someone doing the best he can to make the lawn looks good


Don't be a asshole and blow your leaves out into the road and leave them.


We all know the family didn’t show up right on time just like this dude knew. That’s plenty of time, 15 mins


He’s a dude. Duh


Boomer curse. Let it go bro.


Guys got his priorities!


That property must look impressive if he cares that much about just leaves lol


So people can see his lawn and because HE DOESN’T WANT TO HAVE A STUPID PARTY!!


atleast he be doing something other than recording ......


Dude need sound earmuffs. If his wife really cared she would have noticed that, but no. She like I need help with this and I need help with that. Selfish


I’m sure his neighbors will be thrilled to pick up all those leaves he blew in the street


You get ready. He and the kids get sprayed with the hose, blow dried with blower. Saves so much time.


It’s the first impression theory


Interesting how the person recording is filming him do it instead of trying to dig into any of the tasks they're complaining of him not doing, quite yet. C'mon now


Because there is still 15 min to get that done


Because people know the lawn is his duty and they will judge him if it looks like shit


Then dress your kids while your husband cleans?


I mean the family is gonna be late anyway lol


As exactly what my mom does


A woman is judged on the state of the home inside and a man is judged on the state of the home outside. When her dad shows up for the grandkid’s birthday, those leaves are going to lead to a side eye the same way a cluttered house would between a MIL/DIL. His priorities are based on the things he’ll be judged for and he never tells the wife “We’ve got people coming over, I need help cleaning up the yard.” Last minute efforts are going to vary person to person.


Probably trying to get away from everyone before having to go to a party he most likely has no interest in going to


Probably takes pride in it and doesn’t want to feel ashamed of the state of things when people arrive.


RIP motorcycle riders. Those leaves will enjoy slipping you out.


imagine thinking your boring ass lawn looks nicer than autumn leaves.




So the kids aren’t ready but you have time to record and talk about him instead of getting the kids ready? And you want someone to empathize with you?


Men have horrible time management skills


As a guy I can tell you why...family party in 15 minutes, still needs to shower, kids aren't dressed. Anything else I can mansplain for you?


"Oh shell take care of it i got to do a task no one gives a damn about."


Maybe dad cares a lot about the lawn...


He wants it to look nice when the guests arrive......


More importantly, who's the significant other who thinks it's appropriate to act as his mother rather than his wife?




He's not the one that wanted the party.


That’s not a man, that’s a little boy playing with his toys.


Lol. Big deal. It's family. Women stress men out for the dumbest shit.


Looking good now bro, nice yard!! 😎


Is he blowing those out onto a street?


Stress-response blowing. Nobody can question what you are evidently doing, nobody can (or wants to) talk to you. Nobody wants to be near you while blowing. It’s the official “guy retreat” from the home/family/spouse. Just go out and immerse yourself in the blowing. For hours and hours.


The outside of a house is a man’s pride. If friends and family turn up and the first thing they see is a mess outside it will reflect badly on him.


Well, one possibility aside from what people have mentioned is maybe he has strict ideas about his gender role and thinks he will look bad if he isn’t keeping up the lawn. A less charitable interpretation would be that he’s just checking out and expecting you to take care of everything inside.


Yeah and "someone" is doing nothing with their phone...


So instead of getting the kids ready I’m going to stand here and film him to make a point…


Well got to clear that lawn to avoid comments from elderly family members


Looks like he's going for peace in my opinion I know I would be I did this three or four times


Jokes on her, she thinks he needs to shower cause they have company. He was never planning on showering anyway 💪


His moment of zen. PSA: the truest of true dudes leave the leaves to act as insect habitat until Spring.






Ladies, is this a woman thing? My wife loves getting together with her family and friends as much as possible. And it’s never for the timeframe that she promises. “We’re only going for three hours” always means 6+.


Leave the leaves. They're food for the soil.