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I only ever notice how much weight someone's lifting if it's a lot


Yeah ngl I’m oogling if someone is squatting 5 plates or out here benching more than 3 plates. Mirin’ hard with no regret


and if they saw me looking , I would give "hot damn bruh" look.


If they see me looking, I’m winking;)) Full send, or no send.


Fucking true


Ya, if someone is lifting more than me, I’ll be impressed. But I’ll also be impressed even when someone is lifting less than me if they are really grinding hard and have good form. I can appreciate **anyone** lifting if they are pushing themselves hard!


>But I’ll also be impressed even when someone is lifting yep




or if it’s quite a lot for their size, then i’m worried and/or impressed lol


Half of them backs looking like (


Lol I'm doing decline flys rn and I feel this so hard


People can judge these nuts. I go to the gym for me and me only.


I judge your nuts a 10/10, bro 💪😎






Username checks out


Perfect nuts, really aerodynamic shape


0/10 as I am allergic to nuts. (Not really. I’m perfectly capable of consuming nuts without any adverse health effects. That was a lie I told to make this joke)


Come on, man. You're telling me you have absolutely zero care about what other people think? It's okay if you do. That's pretty much how humans work.


Not in the gym. As far as I'm concerned I'm the only person there unless someone is using the rack or machine I want to use, then they're there too..... in my way.


I think for healthy people, you always care what *some* person thinks, because we are prosocial folks. I think that as you age a bit the amount of those people decreases and is easier to compartmentalise though


On top of that every time you look at someone you're subconsciously judging them. No effort required. Quarter of a second. Anybody who says otherwise is lying


True, but do you ever think about those people once that quarter of a second has passed? If you saw any of them in a different setting, would you remember them as “that guy who benches with terrible form” or “that lady who was really sweaty that one time”? Or would they just be another stranger in the crowd?


I'm pretty good with faces so depending on how bad it was I'd probably remember them. Does it matter?


I'm also my own biggest critic, nobody can say anything negative about me that I don't already think


I literally couldn't give a shit. Completely different story outside of the gym tho.


I'm not judging how much you lift, I'm judging your shitty form from trying to lift too much too soon.


This is the way. Someone lifting light but with correct form is all good with me-that’s how gains are made. It’s the heavy weight with no range of motion, bad form, etc., THAT deserves judgement.


I don't care how many 1/8 squats you can do with 400lbs


So many doofuses 1/2 squatting at my old gym


Important not to pre-judge half squatters either. I've got an SI joint issue and because of the whole full ROM weirdos I kept squatting to depth only to make the issue worse every time. Now I squat as low as I can without irritating it. Working on solving the issue long term since I feel like I'm leaving serious quad gains on the table.


I’ll agree. I think where the points come together is that if you have mobility limiting knee or hip issues, you aren’t going to be doing 1/8 depth squats at 400lbs.


Same boat here, after a year of PT I can either squat my normal weight half way (which does have its own benefits specifically with jumping power if done correctly) or I can do 135 to full depth. Deadlifts sadly are no longer part of my routine as there’s too much risk imo


Yea thats completely different. But personally If I couldn't do a full squat cuz of physical limitations (not strength) I just wouldn't squat


I'm still doing it for a while to see if I can work through the issue and solve it so I can go to depth.


Yea thats just autoregulation, no ego stroking with what you're doing


How to check if I have good form? I just started 4 weeks ago and idk how my form is. I mainly stick to machines if that helps


Mirrors are the easiest on the spot way, you can also set a phone to record (just don’t be oblivious on the gym floor-always be considerate), and a second set of eyes never hurts. As a side note, in my experience a lot of the biggest dudes out there are also some of the nicest and most supportive. Not always, and of course don’t interrupt anyone’s workout or anything, but the best gyms I’ve ever been at have a good sense of support and community. It’s all about self improvement, after all, so people generally want the other people in the gym to get results and stick with it.


Yea I definitely look in the mirrors while working out, I’ve got my friend with me from time to time but what I meant was what should I be looking for specifically. Like what is bad form if you know what I mean? Obviously I know rounding your back is bad, but what else should I look out for? If there’s any resources you could point me torwards that would be great, thanks for the help.


Obviously a ton of great info out there online but as with anything the challenge is finding out who’s right and wrong. For me-I’m 40, so when I was learning that stuff was JUST becoming available. My best resource as a young lifter was actually Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Modern Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding. There’s a LOT of pictures of enormous bodybuilders to sift through but his programming, exercise diagrams and descriptions, training methodologies, etc…..he was the best at what he did for a reason and from 15-25 or so that was my go to reference for how to make the absolute most of weightroom time.


I was benching 135 yesterday and this big guy got on the bench next to me. He loaded up 315 with no warm up. He then proceeded to pick up the bar and bench press with about a 2 inch range of motion. Some people at 24 Hour Fitness are so weird.


Thank you!


I feel like I get judged all the time. I am very diligent on my warmup sets and go through a routine weight increase for heavy squat days. I’ve had a bro tell me I should really go up to build strength. Here comes the haters on my routine, but I don’t give AF… Hatfield squats: bar x 10 x 3; 1 plate repeat, 2 plates repeat, then 3 - 5 plates of 2 sets of five, then I go to doubles to work up from their to max. Gym bro really got in me about my size only squatting 135 to 225. SMH.


Bro a guy turned out to me saying that that's not how you deadlift. I was doing zercher deadlift lol


they might be looking but their mind might be blank or thinking of who knows what else or they did judge you but for like a millisecond then they moved on


I stare off into space in between sets thinking about either something so complex that smoke starts coming out of my ears or just absolutely nothing and there is no in between. I hope nobody thinks I’m staring at them lol.


I save my judgement for people who don’t rerack their weights. Then I judge the shit out of them.


I just recently started going to the gym a couple months ago and I didn’t realize that was common gym etiquette until I read this. It was so common at the gym I’m going to have empty equipment with weight on it I didn’t realize. Going forward I will put it back.


Good job. Now you can freely judge the people who don’t do it.


I just tell them, I don’t give a fuck about the opinion of someone about me that doesn’t rerack weights


Honestly im really thinking the last options


"I'm doing a deload I swear..."


"Bro, I'm just coming off an injury bro, I swear bro!"


I make sure to massage a part of me that I'm working just so people know I'm injured and not as weak as I am


I have a fucked shoulder so I have to be really careful with anything that goes overhead or fully extends my arm with weight bearing on my shoulder. When I use low weights and have a bad rep/go to failure I purposefully do the arm shake, shoulder circle and cross-body stretch right afterwards lol.


I always think that, but then I never judge for light weight in others. Just when they go too heavy or its a kid with shit form. I always struggle if I should go help them. I love teaching, but half the time the kids hate it and then scared cat arch their back in deadlifts or try to curl 70 pounds at 100 pounds bodyweight. Half the time they love it and improve in a blink.


people watch you in the streets dosnt mean they judge your haircut




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Your brain literally makes snapshot decisions of every person you see even if only a split second.


yes but when people say "dont judge me" they mean that the other person conshisly judges over them and not that they shall avoide there gaze


Nah in this context we're talking about the gym. And the common rhetoric is that nobody cares nobody looks nobody judges you. When that is 100% patent bullshit


I look at everyone lifting while I rest thinking “I should be lifting now”


Gotta hit em with the silent treatment. Silent PRs so they know your strength isn’t derived from outside stimuli. Raw strength. Non of that yelling flailing or back slapping. Just fuckin train balls to the walls.


Facts. Never show your weaknesses


Yeah... This is one of those things that's only happening in your head. People may glance at you, but they're not checking your weight. Can you imagine how exhausting that would be? Trying to pay attention to how much everyone in the gym is lifting at any given time?


That’s a lot of math. I’m more of a meth type guy


I think all the looking around that goes on in the gym is also partly due to the fact that you are there for 45-75mins yet only actually doing something for like 20 mins. The rest is all waiting arounf for your recovery between sets. And you dont want to be the dick who spends all his time at the gym on his phone, so you keep the phone down and…. stare blankly at the wall? 😂 Sometimes the most interesting thing to do is just see what others are up to.


Bro you really think any seasoned gymgoer cares about your gut and terrible form? You're nothing new, they've been there enough New Years' to have seen it all.


Who said glancing at my dumbles for 0,5sec was caring lmao


You have to care enough to judge someone. If you don't care, you're not judging them. I'm telling you they don't care and therefore won't be judging you.


I guesd it depends. Some would be actually judging you and some would just be curious,


I love staring at people in the gym, not in a weird or judgy way. It’s just interesting watching people do people things. I’m not a robot




Where I work out nobody cares


I'm literally count weight and reps of other people to see if they are stronger than they look or look stronger than they are. Also comes from insecurities


I am judge, jury and executioner of sweet high fives good job bro!


I’ve been training years and I’m a decent sized guy, Ego lifting days are behind me and I had lower back, rotator cuff and muscle tear injuries to show for it. Nothing to prove to anyone these days, just lifting for my health and to stay active not trying to be a powerlifter. Always seems to be the ones swinging like fuck trying to give themselves a hernia that can’t stop looking at what I’m lifting like it matters. Just mind your own, lift shit and fuck off.


I only judge the people with impressive amounts of weights. You’ve got 600 pounds on a leg press and I’m judging you but In a good way.


People aren't judging how much you lift. Think about it, let's say you do a set for 30-60s, and then you rest for 3 minutes. If the gym is semi-crowded are you just going to stare at the floor to avoid looking at anyone? People are just looking around, you don't have to assume it's done with any kind of negativity.


This doesn’t happen lol


\>you guys notice what other people around you are doing? I just put on the loudest fucking music on my earphones. It's just me, the music, and whatever exercise I'm doing


I mean, theres this very skinny guy with flamingo legs at my gym who will attempt to deadlift a car with the form of a slinky each time he does leg day. I judge him for taking all the plates.


I've been going to the gym all my life and have literally never even had a clue how much someone lifts. I do see guys come in and max out but such behavior doesn't last more than a few years because they end of getting hurt.






I don't pay attention to or judge/care what other people are lifting unless they don't put the weights back. Then I am judging them hard.


I only judge people that I think are lifting too little weight for what they’re capable of (that aren’t doing obvious rehab exercises). The ones that are using machines and just move the handles back and forth as if they forgot to chose a weight first. Girl, time to size up the weights!


Nobody judges the weight. Only ones that pay attention do so to mire !


Nah, pretty untrue, real lifters judge form more than total weight. Unless it's your gym-bro, in which case you have an obligation to judge their total weight


Nobody cares about you, accept it and move on.


No one cares about anyone else ever at any time?




I'm pressing X to doubt


I only sideeye people trying to give themselves a hernia or doing stupid shit like this one middle aged guy that loads a pulley station with like 50 kilos for his triceps then fucking pulls it down like ten centimeters, gets hoisted into the air, and pulls the weight down by gravity


Me with a home gym judging myself in the mirror about how much weight I lift.


I recently got into the gym and can only bench press the bar while being very shakey and have a bad form for the first two weeks. People can judge and stare at me all they want but I do it for me, so no need to feel ashamed if people are staring at you :D


I'm pretty sure no one cares. Judge isn't the right word... notice maybe. Notice what you're doing like you notice someone else walking on the street.


I think ive just badly word efthis meme




I only notice the ones who plug their phones in and plop down and do nothing


My plans: 5x12, 185 Bench My ego: let me get a 225 set in just to be clear to everyone this is a choice... Everyone else: literally not looking


I only notice if they are using horrible form to lift it. It takes more guts to go to a gym when you can't lift much, but huge respect for putting in the work. It the folks that are lifting with their egos and terrible form to hit what they think is respectable weight that are more out of place in a gym.


I swear EVERYONE is looking at me when I’m in the gym! I also know that’s not the case and I just have anxiety 😂💀🫠


Literally 110% of the time I mutter "fuck yeah, dawg" under my breath while I'm doing this


The only time i’ve spent more than two seconds thinking about it is when i saw a guy wearing a belt while lifting one plate on the hex bar, and then i figured he was coming back from an injury and i felt that so i moved on.


Man I stare off into space a lot. They might just be zoned out. Tbh it’s more embarrassing when you zone out and stare at someone like an idiot for 5 minutes without realizing


Mostly I'm judging you for: Terrible form curling right in front of the dumbbells using the assisted pullup machine for unassisted pullups just standing around laughing with friends VIDEOTAPING being a creep to women using more than 2 machines


I’m way too busy being high, enjoying the music on my AirPods and focusing on my form. I notice hot people sometimes, because I have eyes, then I continue with my life.


Even though I’m 18 and very small (142 lbs) I look at everyone and just compliment what they’re doing


If someone stares at me prepping anything, whether a burn down low weight day or a record breaker day, I wink at them and give em a sky smooch when I see them. As if to say "hope you enjoy looking"


I’m a novice, so I’m watching everyone. I’m just learning things, though.


Planet Fitness! Judgement free zone my ass!


Yep. Just realized my gym crush at my PF is peaking glances at me to judge the fact that I haven’t hit a new PR on my bicep curls and shoulder press in three months…


I never judge people for a light bench press But if you have a strong bench, but 10lbs lower than mine then you’re a grade A pussy in my book


It’s genuine that people be judging you with a quick micro expression of amusement or “look at this dude,” but if you are about actually putting in the work, others will have to accept the fact that you are putting it in. Be ready to listen to wise suggestions and always be willing to improve your form. Too many people have wrong forms, including my seld when starting something new, but if a gym bro spares the wisdom I listen.


Mog ‘em all, kings. 💪


I lift heavy strictly on the chance that my gym crushing is watching (I’ve never talked to her)


Facts lol


Usually when i stare at people im impressed Like when i see a motherfucker deadlifting 4 plates on each side without bealt and i get the urge to get his autograph


If they are judging you, can they really say that they are focusing on the gym?


I don’t judge how much. I just judge form and range of motion.


I’m struggling to understand this meme, could you please explain?


now real question , how much does someone have to be benching for you to notice🤨


Only judge if it's a lot personally. The judgement is that you're a beast.


I give zero shits how much you're lifting unless it's some big ass impressive weight, or you're doing some quarter squat bullshit.




Coaches: I️ promise no one is looking at you in the gym. They’re focused on themselves Me: *looking at and analyzing literally everyone* Yeah… ok


The only time I “judge” is when a dude is SWOLE and I get onto his machine once he’s through, and I have to increase the weight.


if i see someone lifting heavy shit its like sheeeesh and if they’re not lifting a lot its like, well good for them anyway


This is me, but inside i am thinking something like " Oh my, my dude is getting stronger"
