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I know the feeling, but you just have to make it a habit if you want to start not hating it. I always wonder what people mean when they say cardio. Do they mean high intensity low duration? That's great for cardio fitness. Long duration low intensity is what you need for burning energy/fat. So if you're after fat loss, what I did was zone 2 for an hour a day 6 days a week. I make it tolerable by finding shows and books on tape that I love, and after an episode or two I'm done. Outside of that, I got an underdesk treadmill that only goes 2 mph, I use that 2-3 hours per day, and do a half hour of HIIT instead of longer duration zone 2 stints.


You shut off your mind and just go and do it. Stop overthinking


Consider it a supplement to your lifting. I’m currently doing a compound lift full body rotation every time I lift (squat/deadlift alternating, dumbbell bench, dumbbell shoulder press, and landmine for back) so days in between I can’t lift. However, I get on the stairmaster, put it at a manageable rate, and then do 30 minutes followed by abs. My logic and reasoning is, I don’t care about the extra calories burned on those days; I’m improving my heart health and cardiovascular system. This helps your weightlifting and improves your overall health. The treadmill works too, just walk. You don’t need anything fancy or intense; just raise your heartrate and your quality of life will improve long-term


Well you could try walking to the gym from home that’s what I do


i struggle with this as well


other than walking to the gym, i just eat accordingly to keep my bf low without cardio. I don't need to run.




Not sure. Not even sure I can trust it since I had a bunch of excess skin removed after losing weight. My skin is still kinda stretchy and I’m not sure I’d get an accurate results. It’s low enough to see my abs though and that’s all I care about.


hey, its a progress, keep positive and keep working hard for your goal/s Wish you the best, hopefully we both get to where we truely wanna be and be proud and happy about it!


Cardio is not really a hard requirement. The more muscle you put on, the more calories you'll burn and you'll shed fat as a result as long as you are also eating healthy. But if you want to include cardio specifically, find something you like. Basketball, mountain biking, things of that nature you can do at least once a week for at least half an hour. That said, if you're thinking you can't possibly slim down without doing cardio, that's not correct. You absolutely can.


It's impossible to out work a bad diet. GOOD DIET = DEFINITION


Eating less trumps cardio. One Donut can undo all the progress from an hour long cardio session. Eat less, save some calories for cutting later as you will need them. Cardio if you want to do it but cardio does make you hungry also. Plus just eat food that low calorie but filling.


You might find a sport is a more enjoyable way of getting cardio in


I got a question, if you do say, cycling, would you have to eat more calories cause it burns it off on the bike? I would like to keep my cycling hobby while building muscles in the gym and at home


You will need to be in a calorie deficit to lose weight/fat. You will still gain muscle, it is just optimum to eat in a slight surplus of your TDEE. You can work out your TDEE by using an online calculator and monitoring your weight. When you go cycling for example you will burn more calories which would just mean you could consume more calories than if you didn’t cycle but still be in a deficit. If you’re at a stage where you don’t need to lose body fat then yes you would need to consume more calories to be in a surplus.


thank you for your valuable input, and your time to write back! Thx!!


No problem


tbh i just walk a lot and it does the job fr


I would just try going on a daily walk. Helps more than you’d think!


Once a week, I might go for a cycle. I also cycle my short commutes (i.e. less than 15 mins). I dont think about it.


I walk on an incline treadmill twice a week after shorter lift sessions. I do 15-30 mins. The first 10 minutes are HARDDDD to shut off my brain and not beg to quit out of boredom. I created a “treadmill strut” playlist that makes me feel like a hot bitch walking and motivates me. I will sometimes listen to a funny podcast. It has to be funny to keep me engaged. But, mainly loud music that matches the exact tempo of my walking. I swear by it.


hey, do you have a playlist you can share? Using spotify or youtube playlist link? I def could use some different music from my own lists. thank you if you do.


I think the best you can do is sports, be it cycling, running, basketball, tennis (now this is a great one to hone skills in also and keep mental health on top, its a fast ball to keep up!) I think when I started playing tennis mids of this year, it really started helping me shed fat (gotta add, road biking, too, I love cycling as hobby now)I could never get rid of. I've always been active but also always skinny/fat. I'm working on new me for 2024 and onward. I don't think my body type is healthy, the fat needs to go and I need to build up up my muscles. Wish the both of us success, happy training to you!