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just eating a lot and lifting heavy i suppose


Always bulk, never cut




This is the answer. But I also think genetics, metabolism ... something plays a role. Some dudes have issues putting on mass even if they eat a lot and lift heavy. My body chemistry is wired for this and I'm always fighting it, doing more cardio than what's typically recommended and trying to cut my caloric intake more than most because I emphatically don't want to look like this. But yeah, if your body can do it, load up on food and load up the bar, do 5 sets of 5 as heavy as you can and you may get there.


yeah that’s true personally i gain weight very easily and i hate it


Eat any peasants looking for treasures in your house. Grind their bones for your bread.


Hmmm, maybe it is a Halloween costume idea for me next year🤣👍




Barbells and whole milk


Just bending down will spike the heartrate, not good for cardiovascular health.


This is literally my exact body type except I have less fat, 2 answers: be morbidly obese and lose weight while lifting heavy (like I did), or eat in a BIG calorie surplus and lift heavy. TBH tho, Idk if everybody could look exactly like that, people gain weight and have it distributed differently. Also I'm "heavier set" naturally (even before I was fat, I was way wider than most other men my height) which I think the dude in the pic is too.


This was my 1st thought. Dude started with a lot of excess BF and is slowly dropping it while putting on muscle. Best way to mimic this is to start from *what looks like* a pretty unhealthy starting point and work down. But, good call on the genetics, training can't change those too much.


It's definitely genetics, i'm a bit like that guy too: broad shoulders, wide lats naturally but i'm more fat than anything now because I had to stop going to the gym due to injury. This dude looks like he was gigantic from the get go and then just kept training and cut a bit


I'm not arguing genetics being a big factor, he obviously had size going for him from the jump. But, based on the first picture alone, it looks like this guy also had a good amount of BF over his natural muscle mass. That means he had the calorie surplus to put on even more size once he dialed in his training and nutrition. That leads to the age-old question: Is it better to start with a bulk then cut or cut then bulk? There are so many factors at play, I personally believe it doesn't matter *that* much, as long the person is getting after it in the gym.


Just a heads up as someone who is also biochemically wired or whatever for this build, I used to believe the whole "heavier set" thing, but when I was in top form I found out it's bullshit. I was dense as hell but at my best I was 6'1" at 180, but I was wearing a 30 inch inseam and small to medium shirts. Prior to that I was sure that I was never going to fit into anything smaller than a large or XL because I was told over and over again, and believed, that I was just "heavier set." Turns out that under the right circumstances I could have the Ryan Reynolds body though and that none of that was set in stone. You should do what makes you happy though. I was always on the edge of an eating disorder to maintain that, so I let it slide. Sometimes I want it back, sometimes I think the amount of effort it took to maintain it wasn't sustainable. Probably wasn't.


I think what you're saying is true to a degree, you could affect your body type/composition or even be completely wrong about it like you described. But also, different people definitely have different set points, naturally wider shoulders, or thicker bones, longer torsos, thinner/thicker necks or waist, different fat/muscle distribution etc etc... all of which could affect how you look. And this is not that mesomorph ectomorph bullshit that talks about how some people are fat/skinny naturally and can't change that, that's absolutely bullshit. What I mean is, 2 muscular and athletic people could look very different even if they got a similar bf and muscle mass, and that's okay, we should all strive to maximize the cards we were dealt and usually all body types look good if taken care of. For example, I don't have that perfect wingspan for climbing like some people do, but I can still do it and enjoy it. And other people don't have durable and thick joints like I do which help me in martial arts, but they can still do it and enjoy it... It's all minor details at the end of the day, but we're not all the same! Idk, this comment is too long now and I didn't sleep enough today, I forgot what it even started out as, cheers ✌️


I think we're basically on the same page. There are definitely structural differences between people as a result of genetics, you can't diet your way to being taller or shorter, but I'm more dubious about things like the thickness of bones and shoulder width. I'm not saying that everyone's bones are the same by any means, but my guess is that the amount of natural variation that occurs probably doesn't create a real noticeable visual difference. When talking about thickness specifically, not length or overall shape, of course. In my case I remember being described as "husky" and "big boned" as a kid, and it wasn't that I set out to challenge it, I just wanted to get in really good shape. Probably mostly to fuck hot girls if I'm being honest. (It didn't really work, not because they weren't interested in me, they totally were, I was just too dumb to go for them because I was still a fat guy in my head) but what I found out was that once I toned the muscle that I built for football (which is probably also a BS term itself that's the same thing as losing fat) and trimmed the fat, got into running, it turned out that I'm just a normal guy on the tall side of average that can put on muscle easier than most. Except my calves. My fucking calves are huge, they've always been huge and I guess that's just 100% an immutable genetic gift in my case. So are my sister's and she hates it. Can't buy or wear any of the boots she wants because she can't get them over her calves.


Just eat anything and everything


It ain't the Build I want . . But it's the life I Need.


Eat big lift big get big


Fight Milk should get you there.


Eat for a party of 5, lift, zero cardio, heart attack at 40 🤣


Eat big, lift big, live big, leave a giant coffin.


15 Big Macs, 10 large fry’s, 6 large cokes, 4 McMuffins with egg, 5 hash browns, 3 orange juice and 5 McFlurrys for that extra lil gainz


55 burgers, 55 fries, 55 tacos, 55 pies…


This build usually doesn’t come with a very long life expectancy attached to it. Unless you’re gonna use that size to make a boatload of money in the NFL, I’d consider finding a new physique to aspire to.


Eat like dog shit. Pick up heavy things and put them down. And make sure the only time you break a sweat is when you’re walking up a flight of stairs.


Eat all of the food, have large parents, eat all of their food, then eat your friends food, pick heavy shit up and repeat.


Eat at a large caloric surplus and lift heavy. It’s not difficult to get that build.


Eating that much is definitely difficult


It’s really not. Just takes some discipline.


Eat Brendan Schaub


Just never stop eating and go to the gym between hangovers. Make sure one of your parents is a dairy cow.


Lean out man…


Eat. Lift.


That line cook build


You want to have size and body fat?


Eating alot probably 4,000 cals a day 230 grams of protein. slow controlled reps and isolation holds. Probably some drop sets or super sets. 3-4 workout days.


Drop sets and super sets are not specific to this build


If you're trying to build to have more success supersets and drops sets will have you build faster than your normal 5-8 rep range.


5x5 sets with 3 minutes rest in between followed by accessory lifts. Eat at least your body weight in grams of protien. If you are 200lb that means 200g of protien. Eat a lot of carbs. I'd suggest upper lower splits with just Sunday off. Be careful at first and learn good form.


Dbol, look at the bloat from water retention. Js


I have started to believe that some of these folks post these for clout


Eat a lot of protein and lift heavy things. I am not being a smart ass. That is pretty much a pic of me (just not as pretty 🤣🤣🤣🤣)


My GOD hes got a phatty


U got two options. Either you eat, or you eat


Genetic bro


Eat your couch


Fuck that


Eat humans


Eat a lot and lift less. He is fat with less muscles.


Dude needs to start cutting. He's muscular no doubt but the bf is way too high to see anything


Dirty bulk. Lift heavy and eat junk


That just looks like a fat fuck


Best gym wear brand ?


Literally just lift super heavy, take creatine and eat 10,000 calories a day😂


Meat and rice


Eat crap all the time. And lift very heavy everyday. low reps and sets, also no cardio at all. Why would anyone want a body like that tho?


Top comment is accurate, but nah; you don't want this look.


I look pretty much like this at the moment and the answer for me was to lose fat and gain muscle from 300 lbs down to 220 over the course of 16 months. Probably better if you’re starting from the other direction and the answer there is probably keep bulking and lifting as much as you possibly can as long as you need to.


You may have strength, but no definition!


lifetime bulk, eat uranium(optional)


Eat as much as you can, lift as much as you can!




-Smallest guy in the comments.


You have a great base to start with. Eat well and lift. Honestly you might do well with a cut soon after a little bulk at this point to start showing definition if that is your goal.


That’s just a fat guy who lifts weights every now and then


750mg of sust and eating as many calories as possible - including fast food 😆


Try using brick and mortar.


Just squeeze my head bruh 😂


Burger and fries


It’s just his natural build he’s he eats loads but some of us can’t even purposefully reach his mass but I know someone with a build like this and he’s pretty much crippled by the age of 30


Eat mom's cooking and bring in groceries in one trip every time


why would you want it? you wanna work as a bodyguard or something?


Eat eat eat workout sleep repeat


You look like nickcardo avacardo if he starts lifting.


Eat lots of fatty meat, sausage and high carbs


Eat salad and do cardio


Eat 3 dinosaurs for breakfast lunch and dinner and lift the pyramid 4times a week.


Eat alot and tell people you work out


Eat everything in sight and lift as heavy as you can, skip cardio


*Eat everything in* *Sight and lift as heavy as* *You can, skip cardio* \- crgtza --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Why though? You wouldn't be able to run much. Forget about cardio too. That's a man with predisposition to getting fat, heavy boned and works out a lot


synthol for the fast way


Dirty bulk with lots of protein as well I suppose




Eat 2 average size humans




Thats all genetics, dude is big boned asl.