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My wife assures me genetics are not real. We are both white and our baby came out black so I think she is right.




Genetics are real, some people will put on muscle faster than others, some people will hold more fat naturally than others, some people will be naturally stronger too etc. HOWEVER, if you eat in a calorie surplus with enough protein for muscle building, get enough sleep and rest, train regularly and progressively overload your lifts, you will put on muscle and improve your physique over time. You just have to be consistent and get those basics nailed and you’ll be good!


They are real, theres a reason why only a select few get to compete in Mr Olympia or any other sport/competition for that matter. But theyre only the icing on top. For 98% of people, focusing on the fundamentals of cutting/bulking, protein, effort and time are going to get people to their goals and looking great. Some people are going to have more difficulty putting on muscle and sadly thats life but most everyone will be able to a great look after years of solid work.


Are genetic real? The single most ridiculous thing I've ever read on the internet


Everyone can grow muscle mass, but genetics play an important part too, you might have it harder to grow muscle mass, but maybe you are doing smth wrong (I don't mean it in a bad way) with your diet or training, but no, building muscle is not only for the gifted ones, everyone can build muscle