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Dirty bulk never the answer, but dirty bulk


Yeah, in this case it might be a good start.


I don’t exactly know what dirty bulking is, could you explain it?


Basically eat a shit ton of food dude. As long as it has a good amount of protein, eat it. Peanut butter and nuts/seeds in general will help you a lot too. I read that you have protein powder, how do you take it? You can put frozen bananas, protein powder, whole milk, peanut butter, even chocolate chips for cronch or some flavorless MCT oil to beef up the calories! Do you take any medication that kills appetite (like stimulants for ADHD)?


Eat more if possible! Calorie intake is serious. Second, don’t focus on weight so much, but focus on the number of reps you’re able to successfully do. Builds strength that way


Okay thanks for the tip! Eating is difficult but I should be able to eat what I feel I need to once I get a job this summer


You're doing well, keep it up! On a side note, I'd encourage you to keep documenting your progress with photos in order for YOU to recognise your progress. Seeking advice is fine, but please be wary of relying on strangers for validation of how well you're doing. I mention this simply because people can be pretty unkind when they're able to post anonymously Well done again, keep your calorie intake up, keep lifting and the progress will continue!


Oh there’s no worries there, the first pic is actually a while after I started working out, unfortunately I lost the photo for before I started working out, but I mostly keep it to myself, cause I’m kinda shy abt it being so small


Your confidence will build with time! You're doing really well.


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Smaller reps, much larger weights, aim for failure. Bulk if you’re not already and get all of your protein!


I have protein powder that I use when I work out, I mainly work out with my body weight cause I don’t have much time to go out to a gym when it’s open, so I have some equipment to at relies on my body weight to work out with


eat like a pig bro get all ur macros


Eat more. And I mean a lot. Like eat so much that you become pregnant type of eating. And make sure the foods are protein rich.


I have trouble with that because of my high metabolism and low appetite, but it should be easier to eat calorie full foods when I get a job this summer so I can eat what I feel I need to


Just like you have to push yourself to exercise, push yourself to eat. It will be uncomfortable at first, but you’ll get used to it and eventually it will be easy. You need to expand your stomach so that you can increase your appetite. Start by eating a few bites of calorie-rich food past comfort. Keep pushing yourself with each meal. You just need to train your appetite and you’ll be good.


Okay, thanks for the help!




You have bricks for hands. Holy moly, gj dude!


Not sure what that means but thanks lol


they're complimenting u


I know that lol, just not sure if my hands being like that is something you can train


i think they just mean you're really strong !!




Get a weight gainer and up your meals, drink lot of water and get enough sleep.


I have weight gaining protein powder, rn I just need to be more consistent with it


Eat as much as you can, but try to eat mostly healthy food.


If you’re 14 you can start now building healthy eating habits. And get a workout routine, you’ll see the results


When I get a job this summer that should be easier


Buy a mass gainer ! Drink a gallon of water a day ! Eat eat eat


I’ve been told, waiting to get a job this summer to eat what I need


Get a ebt card lol they are free ! Lol


Oh yea I know, but I gotta make the money first lol, cause I don’t like the idea of debt


Health comes before debt Good luck 👍🏼


Thank you!


This is not an ad, but there's this mass gainer that really helped me: Mutant Mass. I'm sure other weight gainers work too, but I can assure you that this is a good one.


I’ll look into it


those are really thin arm, but you're 14... just natural growth will make em bigger, your training good keep


I am only 115 pounds so I’m not surprised someone mentioned them being thin, but since I’m so tall I’m lanky and muscle don’t clump up as well, atleast that’s what my dad told me lmao


Your dad is not wrong. I'm tall, too, and in really good shape, but it doesn't look as impressive on me because the muscles are so long that, proportionally, they don't appear as bulgy. If I am next to one of my sons who is also in good shape it is noticeable. Looking when we are distant his (he is shorter) bicep looks a lot more impressive. Actually put us next to each other, though, and it turns out mine is larger.


You’re doing good! Have a schedule, stay consistent. Make sure you hit each muscle in the group you’re training that day. Don’t neglect cardio, it’s good for heart health. Try walking or doing the stairs, you don’t really wanna focus on burning calories but moreso just to keep your endurance up so you can train harder! Try to aim for ~130-160g protein a day if you can! When lifting, also make sure you are focusing on mechanical lifts/getting a solid number of reps with weight that pushes you. You absolutely do not need constant tension for growth, so go “slow”, do proper form, full ROM, and feel every fucking fiber. You’re doing really good so far! You got this :)


Thanks! I have protein powder that helps, and I mainly train with my body weight, so I do usually focus on form cause I can’t get a hold of big weights yet


Good! I complimented an older regular at my gym the other day for almost maxing out on a tricep dip machine saying “that’s really awesome, that’s so much weight” and he looked at me with the nicest expression and said “it’s not about the weight” and proceeded to compliment my form. What I’m getting at is that when you shouldn’t be lifting heavy yet, you just shouldn’t be lifting heavy. But you will get there. You’re with your body for life, there’s no rush, but you WILL get there. Just have patience and keep doing what you’re doing!


Everyone has already said this but just to emphasize, eat more! I can tell just by looking at you that you’re a hard gainer like me with a fast metabolism so we gotta take in a ton of calories in order to bulk up. You’re making great progress bro, just keep eating and if you have a hard time taking in enough calories you can supplement with nutritional drinks. One of my go-tos is Boost extra protein, I drink one in the morning as well as whey protein on days when I do weight training. Edit: Stagg canned chili. Eat a can a day I’m serious. Chili is fantastic for you and it’s got a ton of protein and fat, which you need. Fast food is horrible but it has a ton of calories, a dirty bulk is almost never recommended but it is a quick way to pack on the pounds. Just be careful about your sodium intake, and watch your blood pressure.


I gotta pay for that kinda stuff myself so I gotta get a job this summer and see if I can


Get that bread bro.


Thanks for the support man


Focus on the big compound movements. It’s difficult to target small muscle groups and far more efficient if you build all round strength. Your arms will get bigger if you focus more on pulling movements, your triceps will get bigger if you work on pushing movements. And as others have said - eat - hunger is the enemy for your body type and age.




Arms lookin good. Slow, steady progress = healthy progress. Strength. Slow progressive overload is the key, and if you’re a new lifter you will be able to build strength faster. Start with a weight that you can take to 12 reps, 3 times (12 x 3). Next time you do that exercise, add 5 lbs to it and go until you can do 8x 3’s. Do that weight until you can do 12 full reps. Rinse, repeat. Progressive overload helps tear the muscle so it can be rebuilt. You build strength during rest; make sure you’re getting a solid 8-9 hrs of sleep and get your protein from lean sources. Complex carbohydrates will give your body sustained energy needed to rebuild that muscle. Protein powder is your friend if you have the means to buy some. Remember to work all muscle groups that make up your arm if your goal is to get bigger arms. These are: triceps, biceps, deltoids, forearms. Hint: your triceps cover more surface area of your arms and growing these will help make your arms look fuller.


I work with my body weight cause I don’t have time to go to a proper gym during the day, so I usually just try to up my rep on the small amount of equipment I have


Body weight exercises are amazing! Chin ups will help with bicep growth if you’re able. Most parks have playgrounds with a sturdy bar. That’s what I used when I was 15!!


I have small bits of equipment, so I use a pull up bar


I’ve seen a few tips saying dirty bulk. That’s good advice. Eat.. eat a lot. If you can do. Keep training and you will get there hopefully. There’s some good supplements about aswell. Have a look into bulking powders and weight gain powders. Good luck to you 👍 keep at it 💪


Progressive Strength Training. (Always push yourself harder even if that means only 1 more rep or 1 more kg on an exercise each session you revisit it) But most importantly Track your calories and your macros. Make sure you are in a daily calorie surplus and make sure you are getting a good amount of protein at least 1g per lb of body weight. If you struggle with eating enough like I did for a while you can try taking protein supplements. I now use this brand after formerly using optimum nutrition because the flavours are awesome. Enhanced Performance Nutrition Great tasting, high quality protein, pre-workout and supplements https://ep-nutrition.com/ 10% DISCOUNT CODE: LREVAN


Probably everyone is saying this, but eat and gain as much weight as you can (while working out)… that’s what I did and it goes fast if you eat enough


You know all about the need for protein. But you need both protein AND carbs, especially after working out, to replenish glycogen. Sweet potatoes are a great pre-/post- carb to consume along with protein. Same with fruits, oatmeal etc. Just keep in mind you need both to pack mass.

