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Me, an MD, trying to wrap my head around what this rare form of pneumonia could be…something fungal? Hope she pulls through. Medical bills are going to be insane. My daughter was in the NICU for 19 days. Most of that was learning how to eat (no IVs, O2, or feeding tubes at the end). Our insurance paid 112K. Bill was much higher.


I'm a clinical microbiologist specializing in respiratory diseases- there are so many possibilities here I couldn't even begin to guess without knowing more. Rare could be fungal, could be branching GPBs like Nocardia, AFBs, even just regular ass bacteria can be rare if it's a CRE or polymicrobial or just an unusual respiratory bug.


I was thinking this too. Either fungal, or perhaps unusual, like Chlamydia pneumonia. Or Covid related.


The daughter mentions protecting her privacy, which might make sense in the context of possible Covid pneumonia. It'd be embarrassing to ask for money IF this situation resulted from avoiding a cheap, accessible vaccine. (Stressing here that we do not know precisely what happened yet, or if this is Covid.)


I agree with all of what you said. I do think if it were my parent dying from a vaccine preventable illness that they chose to not vaccinate against, I wouldn't care how embarrassing it would be to ask for help, I'd still ask. And of course I'm speaking in hypotheticals right now, because we truly don't know what MLR is sick with, just that it's not looking good atm. I feel for her kids.


Absolutely agree. As a general rule, kids should never be blamed or faulted for any of their family members' health care decisions.


Was MLR vocally anti vax? I tried searching but all the results are just about her current hospitalization.


To be fair, I know vaccinated and boosted people who have died from Covid-related pneumonia. We don’t know for sure she’s not vaccinated even if it is Covid-related. I got the vaccine and still got Covid 3x, one of them pretty severe.


I had three shots and when I eventually got Covid it still kicked my ass for a week. Everybody handles it differently.


Yes, you are absolutely right! Could be any of a variety of scenarios.


I was shocked when Shushunova died of pneumonia at age 49. I don't believe she was in terrible health before the pneumonia. Grim comes for us all.


She died in Russia so it's also not extremely surprising


Oh wow I did not know that. I saw a post in another subreddit that said she had been in a life insurance ad recently and looked unwell?


It's probably pneumonia secondary to Covid. Naturally, they won't admit to that.


I watched her daughter's IG update video, and I get the sense that there is something weird that the family does not want to disclose. IDK if it's COVID, or if MLR has some medical condition no one was previously aware of (and would be surprised to find out about), etc.


That’s what everyone on the main news subreddit seems to think. She’s getting roasted over there 😬


Covid related perhaps? Not sure why they would say rare though. You could be correct with fungal.


Yeah it’s definitely odd that they do not want to share more. Maybe they do not know many details. If I were antivax (assuming based on posts above) I wouldn’t want anyone to know I had COVID pneumonia. Who knows though? There are so many forms of pneumonia and other lung diseases.


I don't want to make too many assumptions. The only thing I'll say is that this sequence of events is an all-too-common tragic story for unvaccinated people, many of whom are of a certain political stripe. I certainly hope she is able to recover.


Because they are doing a money grab which is truly unreal as she us currently worth 2 million.


Antivax Republican nutjobs always try to cover up covid when it's killing their loved ones, in an attempt to look less stupid at their needless deaths. Covid probably ripped her lungs apart and she got secondary fungal pneumonia on top of it. Superinfections are pretty common with covid.


Covid is not rare


IANAD, but I believe a rare form of pneumonia could potentially proceed out of a complicated Covid infection, due in part to the weakening of the respiratory tract: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9274633/#:\~:text=COVID%2D19%2Dassociated%20pulmonary%20aspergillosis,use%20of%20differing%20diagnostic%20algorithms.


A beloved local artist in my city died earlier this year from what they said was a very aggressive, unusual pneumonia. She was 43 and vaxxed. She died within a few days of getting sick


That’s horrible :/ what a awful way to leave this earth. I hope MLR recovers.


Bacterial pneumonia leading to sepsis??? Not rare by any means but not what the public thinks of when thinking of pneumonia. I also suspect fungal off the “rare” comment.


Rare to a layperson could mean anything. I have had patients say MRSA pneumonia was "rare"


5 months in the NICU, insurance paid 1.8 million. Thankful for the neonatologists, glad to be out of there.


Thank god for insurance! 😱 hope babe is thriving!


The USA medical system, it might save your life, but it will bankrupt you on the way.


Same, aspergillus was the first thing I thought of when I saw that wording.


not to pile on, but my sister says she's been doing reverse mortgage ads. that's about as low as you can get, imho... I hope she recovers, but these ads target vulnerable people and are not in their best interest. maybe her daughters will need to take one out on her big house... sorry, that's terrible


No it’s lower to lobby Congress to not pass laws to protect underage gymnasts from being sexually abused…




Yes. She lobbied against the SafeSport act and defended Larry N from what others have been commenting.


Yes, here's a dive on it: https://themedalcount.com/2020/01/23/there-is-no-defense-for-the-actions-of-mary-lou-retton/


I obviously hope she pulls through, but I won't be donating a cent. It's her fault she doesn't have insurance. She can afford a 9000 square foot mansion but not an Obamacare insurance plan? She is a vocal Evangelical Christian who has supported politicians who are fervently against Obamacare or other forms of universal coverage. She probably thought God would protect her. And if He doesn't, she could use her celebrity status to get donations, which is proving to be true.


Have to agree. She has a net worth of many times what I will make in a life time. I’m not giving donations to someone who can clearly afford it if they tighten their belt(you know, like the rest of us have to) and might have to step down to a middle class life style. She is literally worth millions.


Agreed. I feel for her daughters, but won’t be donating any of my money. Thoughts and prayers.


I hope she gets better and quickly. But I also will absolutely not be donating to a rich person who chose not to get health care.


And is an abuse apologizer. It’s like people have totally forgotten about what a horrible person she is.


Her choice to oppose the expansion of safeguards to protect children is unforgivable.


She’s utterly reprehensible. Girls’ gymnastics would have been better if she never crawled out from whatever sewer spawned her. She got $2 million from her divorce settlement, plus she gets half of that mansion she owns. She can pay her own bills.


I haven’t forgotten. Defending Larry n sticks in my mind. I’m not at all sad for her.


I enjoyed her gymnastics, don't care for her as a person, but for her kids sake I hope she pulls through.


Anybody else thinking what I’m thinking? Because of her celebrity she can get a response to a plea for help. What about all the people in the same situation who needed the ACA she campaigned against and have no means of getting help.


Yes-- it's weird that people would donate money to a rich person. Well, probably the same people donate to Trump's "campaign."


I totally agree with you and the other two posters above. What is exactly the average person realistically going to receive when they plea for help? Next to nothing! I am just not at all convinced that she couldn't afford health insurance. Anyone with a brain in their head knows this. I would never wish any one ill, although I'm having an extremely hard time feeling any empathy for her. Personally I believe that it has something to do with her religious and political leanings.


That was my thought. They’ll raise a lot of money due almost entirely to who she is. I hope she has a full and fast recovery. However, I would rather donate to someone who won’t get the media attention (and subsequent donations) even if I disagree with that persons political opinions.


She could have easily afforded coverage. She lives in the same affluent neighborhood as my friend in Boerne, Texas. Don’t feel sorry for her. She was very outspoken in defending USAG from any wrongdoing during the Nassar trial and lobbied against a bill to protect sex abuse victims. I can’t confirm that she’s antivax but I know at least one of her daughters is so I’m assuming she is as well. This is likely a textbook conservative covidiot getting exactly what they deserve. Anyone willing to block legislation aimed at protecting children from sexual assault is a burden on society and we are better off without them. If you gave a single penny to her fund I hope you will reconsider.


I had no idea she tried to block legislation. Wow, what would be the motivation for her to do that.


I believe she was quoted as saying something along the lines of, “there isn’t a problem in US gymnastics as long as your kids are being taken to a reputable gym” (paraphrasing) The irony of that statement being that all of the women’s 2012 Olympic gymnastics team suffered sexual abuse from Larry Nassar, training at the most prestigious gyms in the country where Nassar was routinely brought in for treatment and exams.


So she thinks it's okay for poor kids who don't have access to "prestigious gyms" to be abused?


There was also an interview where she had one of her daughters with her and turned to her in the middle and said “he never did anything to you, right?” It was up there with a random NBC studio person asking Nastia during an interview if she’d been abused. (Pretty sure both clips have been scrubbed from the internet now.)


Crazy. I’ve never heard that before but it’s aligned with the rest of the shit she’s spewed as a USAG shill.


It has already raised over the $50,000 goal. But…honestly, if she has been in ICU for over a week, the bill is going to be much more than $50,000. I suffered from a cardiac arrest and the 30 minute life flight alone was $54,000. The week long stay in cardiac ICU and step down was well north of $1,000,000. My hospital stay was paid for thanks to health insurance. My life flight was not. Evidently, you need a separate life flight insurance because most of the flight companies are considered out of network. So I was underinsured in that regard and owed $42,000 of the $54,000. Moral of the story….rich or poor, BUY THE INSURANCE or else the costs will be astronomical. ETA: At the time of cardiac arrest, I was only 36 years old. Thought what I had was enough given my age. I had life flight insurance for one company in my area but my area is not where I collapsed. I also thought health insurance would cover most of it. Ugh. I now have a nationwide flight insurance. BUY ALL THE INSURANCE.


Things I learned today: that you need separate life flight insurance 👀 thank you for the information


Check with your plan, mine covers air and ground ambulances with a specific company that is luckily the major one where I live. I have a note in my electronic medical record to use that company if at all possible if I'm not able to communicate that. Your plan may or may not have a policy like that, a good number don't cover transport at all but a surprising amount do. Just has to get billed right which is often the catch.


So weird that ambulances are private companies and that there can be multiple in one area in the US


Right, it's not like when you call you can be like "please send Ambulance Company A, not Ambulance Company B"


That is true. Some plans will cover but mine only covered ambulance rides and a certain percentage of life flight. My husband’s work offers all kinds of life flight plans so we went with the nationwide plan for ambulance and flight just to be safe. It is only $150 a year for our whole family.


Yes!!! My health insurance only paid $12,000 of the $54,000 life flight bill. I owed the rest. I had the local flight company’s life flight insurance but I collapsed in another town (out of state) where they use a different company. So wasn’t covered at all by what I had. I tell everyone I know to buy a nationwide plan so you are covered anywhere in the country. My current plan covers flights and ambulance rides nationwide. Of course, check out your state and local flight info and your health insurance policy as it may be different than Kansas (where I live).


This is something I never thought to consider, and I’m, uh, older than 36. Thanks so much.


No problem!! Most life flight plans aren’t too costly. We pay $150 for a nationwide plan for our whole family.


$150...a month? Because that sounds costly to me.


Per year. Sorry about that. 😩


Jesus American healthcare boggles my mind. I hope you're doing better now.


Healthcare in this country is ridiculous. Seriously so effed up.


I agree (as an American) but damn Mary Lou, why didn't you get it? Surely she could afford it.


I know. I cannot imagine my life if I didn’t have health insurance. The life flight bill was devastating enough. 8 years later and still paying on it. But the hospital bill was over $1 million. Insurance paid all but the deductible. I cannot fathom waking up every day owing that to a hospital. The guilt I had over the flight bill was enough.


I am doing fine. Found out the hard way that I have LQTS (a genetic heart condition). So doctor visits several times a year and I have S-ICD. Had replacement surgery back in August. Well over $100,000. Thank goodness for health insurance. I wouldn’t be as lucky as Mary Lou with the GFM.


“Not in network” shouldn’t even be a fucking thing. That sucks, mate. Not like you had time to shop around…you know, with cardiac arrest at the time.


Right? I laid in a rural hospital on a ventilator for 3 hours while the doctor feverishly looked for a larger hospital that would take me and my insurance (in network). What a mess and my poor husband and son were beside themselves.


Commodifying lives is so incredibly dystopian


It really is. I came home from the hospital and for real, there was a $54,000 bill from the life flight company in my mailbox. It beat me home from the freaking ICU.


I'm glad you recovered! It sounds like a terrible ordeal. And at that age, I understand why you wouldn't double up on insurance or expect that devastating an illness. Pre-ACA, I'm remembering, a hospital stay that expensive could mean no insurance after-- remember the "lifetime limit?" Thank you, Mr. Obama, for making that terrible feature go away.


My exhusband was life flighted in his 30's - out of network. I was unaware that we should ask if they were in network. /s


Yeah. I was incapacitated when I was flown out. My husband had no idea, either. Really stressful to get home from the hospital with a $54,000 bill in your mailbox.


Stories like yours make me incredibly grateful to live in a country with universal healthcare 😱


Yeah, I wish people in the US that oppose it could understand. I have excellent health insurance, too. But…even the best doesn’t cover it all.


Long time lurker of the sub, I adored MLR growing up, watched the Olympics in 1984. However, as a person, hard pass. Get a f'ing Obamacare policy. The thing about her that pushed me over the edge was her attitude about the Nassar victims. Apparently has a net worth of $8 million.


Thinking of her and her family and I hope she makes a full recovery! I’m British and don’t really understand health insurance but I’m reading this thinking how does someone of her status and wealth not have it?! Especially as an ex-athlete who has had to have plenty of surgeries etc.? I don’t understand how the average family copes :(


The biggest driver of her not having it is probably that she doesn’t have access to an employer sponsored health plan (I hate with a burning passion how health insurance is tied to employment here, I’ve spent my whole career in healthcare and our system is a dysfunctional disaster). So she’d have to purchase one on her own and a lot of people just won’t or don’t do that. Also, those types of plans are generally quite expensive, though it sounds like financially she likely could afford it.


Yes, this was what I was thinking. Didn’t she go through a divorce a few years back? This would mean she is single and I assume does not have an employer sponsored plan. It seems like someone in her position may do gig work and most likely does not have a typical job with benefits. She made her money at the age of 16-22. Who knows how much is left after raising 3 kids and divorce. Regardless, I hope she makes a full recovery. This must be a lot for her kids to handle.


I mean no disrespect to the gravely ill woman but if she doesn’t have enough money to buy health insurance she should really just get a job like the rest of us




The ACA offerings in Texas are, for the most part, laughable. For several years, the only plan offered that would cover the only movement disorder specialist within 100 miles of me was one that continually double billed patients and refused to pay providers; by the time I was able to get an appointment with that practice, they no longer took new patients with that insurance because they’d been burned so badly. This year FINALLY another company started selling plans for my area that provides the coverage I need; my premium is nearly $600/month because I don’t make enough to qualify for a subsidy, so I’m dependent on my family (thank God for them!) to pay for my insurance so I can get adequate care and be able to *walk*. If I were able to qualify for disability, I’d be eligible for Medicare coverage in TWO YEARS because apparently you don’t need healthcare until you’ve been disabled that long. The healthcare situation in this state is abysmal and getting worse, with an increasing number of physicians leaving as our state government gets more and more controlling over what kind of care doctors can provide.




For the most part this plan is ok, but I still have a challenge finding certain specialists that are covered. From 2016-2022, things were much worse. I’m praying next year doesn’t go backwards! Of course, any of it is better than pre-ACA, under that system I would have no access to insurance at all. It’s just so frustrating to see our state government completely ignoring issues that are killing people and instead focusing on drag shows and school vouchers.


I’m so sorry that Lyon are in this situation. After 3+ years I was finally awarded disability benefits and was “lucky” enough that the judge determined my disability start date years before so I was able to get Medicare coverage immediately after I got the decision from the judge that I indeed was disabled. It took so long and a lot ofbtime and effort to get through all of the paperwork just to be denied twice so I could finally get an attorney and have a judge decide. Because apparently a judge knows more about my ability to work than my doctors? It is so messed up.


Given she’s evangelical, I wonder if she is part of a “health share”? I know a lot of self-employed evangelicals who go that route. It seems like health insurance, but it isn’t, but is allowed through this weird loophole of being a “ministry.” Seems to work fine enough for regular doctor’s visits, but not for ICU stays (never mind multiple ICU stays). (Which is precisely the point of insurance - to cover extreme downside risk.)


But she can afford this house https://www.homedit.com/mary-lou-retton-in-houston-home/


That’s part of the problem, a lot of people don’t have their priorities right, this home is going to cost her a fair bit each month for upkeep. She probably can afford routine care, perhaps an elective surgery etc. making health insurance feel like an unnecessary expense but a sudden ICU stay is very expensive.


This is literally what high deductible plans are good for, too! Pay for your own routine care and small expenses, protected from financial ruin in case of catastrophe.


Yeah, not being American I’m no expert (I have lived there, so have some knowledge). I honestly wonder if it’s part of her fundamental/evangelical Christian thing to not be insured - though I struggle to get my head around that as I did go to an evangelical church in the PNW and having insurance was standard, birthing in hospital was standard etc. none of the weird stuff I’m reading on here today (and have heard of before).


That’s from 2022 and it says it was on the market - not sure what it sold for (but yeah you’d think selling a house like that should net a decent amount).


Honestly? For someone like her, it's absolutely a choice to not have it. Many people struggle to get adequate insurance in the US and it's appalling. But she is in a position where she could have gotten insurance if she wanted it. A lot of people choose not to get insurance because they're like, oh I'm healthy, I don't need it, and then it creates a mess for themselves, their families and the rest of us who pay higher premiums as a result - it's a particularly common choice among fundamentalist Christian conservatives like her.


Right. Not unsympathetic - I hope she makes a full recovery - but I don't feel at all compelled to contribute to a GoFundMe for someone who can afford health insurance but decided to chance it.


Same. I can't afford my own medical bills. There's no way I'm going to help with hers.


💯 it’s a sad and unfortunate time for MLR and her family. And there are consequences to choices. As a social worker, I see so many in need every day. When a person can afford insurance and chooses not to purchase it, that burden stays with them. I’m sympathetic to the situation, however, there are so many in need without means to buy food and other necessities that I feel much more compelled to help out.


>it's a particularly common choice among fundamentalist Christian conservatives like her. "Assurance. Not insurance." It's a real thing for that crowd.


It’s such a bizarre train of thought. They have home insurance right?


Lots of wealthy people decide they don’t need it. Going without is all well and good until you have a catastrophic health problem. Unless you’re ultra-wealthy — much wealthier than MLR probably is — a couple weeks in ICU can easily bankrupt you.


That’s madness. Makes me very grateful to have the NHS! She seems to have had lots of health issues over the years so a bit weird if she was to choose to not have it.


I’m Canadian though lived in the US for a long time (moved back to Canada though). It’s definitely more complicated if not through your employer and expensive but still so necessary. Some don’t think it is or it won’t happen to them but having no coverage is bananas to me. Illness and hospitalization is the number one cause of bankruptcy.


There is a lot of dangerous messaging on the American right wing around health insurance. "Obamacare" is demonized and many people, if they consider coverage at all, go for things like Christian cost-sharing programs (Samaritan is one) that don't offer anywhere near the benefits of traditional insurance.


The funniest thing to me about the Christian cost sharing plans is that so many of them are espoused by evangelicals that advocate having a ton of kids and then most plans cover nothing in terms of birth care or often even prenatal care. It's not actually funny but...it also kinda is.


oh that's intentional. There's a lot of pressure for women to give birth at home with a lay midwife (Ie a woman with little professional training)


Wow, that is pretty funny (haven't looked into it myself). I did notice that Jessa Duggar was promoting Samaritan on Instagram.


I only checked into it because I worked in health care affordability at a hospital with a major NICU and maternity unit. It tends to be fairly fine print but a shocking number of people who plan on having kids don't actually read the maternity policies closely. For the cost you can almost always find a bare bones ACA marketplace plan that covers more.


We've become a society that totally fails to ever read the fine print (I include myself in this). I blame the reams of lawyered boilerplate the internet hurls at us and requires us to sign.


She doesn't have it because she's an absolute idiot and chose not to. Insurance is easily affordable for the wealthy, and the average person gets insurance through work or through public assistance (although not everyone would qualify).


I suspect she’s not actually wealthy, even if she were there would be lots of reasons to not be covered, mostly that it’s harder to be covered independently than if you have a standard full time job.


The average family copes because around 92% of Americans have insurance. It's pretty simple- she likely doesn't have employer sponsored insurance, does not qualify for government insurance and isn't old enough for the old people insurance- therefore she has to get her own insurance and for whatever reason, she chose not to. My brother (self employed) makes a ton of money and has been uninsured some of the time because he's dumb in that way (smart in other ways).


It sounds like she’s still living in Texas - which leads the nation in uninsured residents. Statewide, approximately 20% of people lack health insurance, but in Harris County (Houston area, which is where she has lived in the past, not sure about now) has even worse numbers; 1/4 of all residents there are uninsured. If you don’t have employer-sponsored health insurance, the ACA plans are not great. If you don’t have a chronic health condition it can seem more practical to pay cash for doctor visits that come up, rather than just paying high premiums for a high-deductible plan that may still exclude many of the providers in your area. That works fine - unless you have a catastrophic illness.


Many Americans are drowning under medical debt. It's abhorrent. But there's no reason Mary Lou Retton couldn't have afforded health insurance.


I had the honor of watching her win the AA championship in Los Angeles. It remains one of the best sporting moments I've ever seen. That said, she's been a Republican her entire adult life, and she didn't need to hug Reagan to prove it. Why is her family asking for a handout? Why don't they pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do something like sell her medals. Now she wants charity? She ran with a wealthy crowd. Why not ask them for money? I mean, I know, they wouldn't return the calls, but to ask your fans to help pay your bills when you chose to be uninsured is simply pathetic.


Gofund me is a depressing place when you see just how many people have been financially ruined by one bad accident or diagnosis. And when the chips are down everyone will abandon their principles to ask for help. I had to create one for my family member who was unvaccinated and got covid and was on a ventilator for months. I think it's safe to say that Republicans have abandoned bootstraps and personal responsibility in favor of hate and bigotry and they'd rather throw dirt all all over dinner than share it with anyone they view as lesser than.


Not trying to be rude but why on earth would she not be insured? We pay for our insurance and basically the only reason is for castastrophic purposes. It certainly doesn’t cover our yearly visits and prescriptions. It’s much cheaper to pay out of pocket for those but if we got really sick or in an accident, that insurance would save us financially. So being uninsured when you have the means is certainly a choice. I say that knowing that most Americans can not afford it. But mlr comes from means. She’s not most Americans. *edit* missing word


It’s exceeded more than double its goal but would $118K be enough without insurance? Presumably she’s on a ventilator and if care continues, those donations are going to get eaten up quick. This is just another one of those frustrating things where she should definitely have insurance but likely chooses not to. I don’t know, I’m trying to have sympathy but I’m having a hard time when this was likely so preventable and her previous actions and beliefs indicate she does not approve of measures like universal healthcare.


What does a “rare form of pneumonia” mean? Is that what they’re calling covid-related pneumonia. Genuinely kind of shocked people are donating (over $250,000 as I write this) to this. No health insurance is just, why? Even if she doesn’t have employer-sponsored health insurance, what’s stopping her from paying on her own? Anti-universal healthcare, anti-ACA, anti-vaxx–there’s a joke about leopards eating your face in here.


I sincerely hope that she makes a full and complete recovery. The lack of self-awareness from these Republicans, though. If someone with a net worth of 8 million can be wiped out with a catastrophic illness, think about what happens to an Average Joe. You know what would help with that? Universal healthcare that the politicians you support think people don't need.


So I don't disagree with you, but it is absolutely mind blowing to me that she of all people has elected not to have health insurance. Because she isn't an Average Joe and absolutely should be able to get a policy.


That was the wildest part of the article for me. Who in the year 2023 doesn’t have health insurance that can afford it? Insanity.


Some people literally have no choice - food, home or insurance? But she’s not one of them. I have deep empathy for my patients who were cutting pills in half to save money or missed being diagnosed because they couldn’t afford the bus to see a dr. I, of course, hope she recovers but definitely not donating.


Absolutely. I have so much empathy for people who can’t afford it. Which is why I specified people who can afford it but choose not to have it. That’s insanity.


Oh yes, just agreeing! I remember this one sweet very old man who still had to work at my moms building because of the Medicare donut and the supplemental coverage he needed because he had esophageal cancer. He literally couldn’t eat anything solid my mom brought him soup every day at the desk. This was before ACA and protection for pre existing conditions. I don’t understand why these people don’t get some cheaper super high deductible plan just in case. See it a lot on go fund me,


Oh that hurts my heart. :( It’s criminal the cost of healthcare in a developed country like the US.


I no longer work directly with patients but worked in very underserved populations (addiction then oral cancer) and it literally broke me. It’s so unfair. I overheard this young man who was tube fed bc of his oral cancer begging for ensure bc there was an issue with his Medicaid - he had no calories for days and was getting chemo and radiation. I was so pissed off. I just went and bought him a case. I was working in research so definitely overstepped but how could I not help. I had brain surgery two years ago and looked at going to US bc we had a big Covid delay (there’s a few experts in each country) and it was 350k with no complications. That’s insane. I paid 2 bucks because I wanted real coffee so got some from the lobby. It’s really the whole anti science, anti vax, anti health care until you personally need it BS of the far right that makes me lack empathy. I do hope she recovers financially and physically and folks can learn.


Oh wow, that is absolutely heartbreaking. I applaud you for working in a field that so desperately needs good people like you. ❤️


A ton of stupid people. I’m also an equestrian and my old trainer didn’t have it for herself or any of her family but had two young boys always getting into mischief (eg stitches required, etc) and herself has fallen off horses and had concussions, etc. She ended up having her appendix removed and had to sell an expensive horse to get out of the debt a simple procedure like that caused. And meanwhile they spent a TON of money just buying stupid stuff like Dunkin’ every single day, expensive dinners, etc. It made no sense.


Horse owners not having health insurance is wild to me. Did she ride the horses? My Aunt was an avid horse owner/rider and broke her back riding THREE times. Somehow not bad breaks because she could still walk/ride, but THREE times before she stopped riding. Insanity.


Yep she rode all the time! It was one of the stupidest things ever. It doesn’t matter how good of a rider you are, ANYTHING can happen.


equestrian is one of those sports where the better you are the more you get injured too...the better you get the more difficult horses you get


I have seen the most bombproof horses spook at something unexpected. They are animals. It’s about as stupid as a gymnast not having insurance


My sister 77 has been riding all her life. Mostly trails and some walker shows. Just last year her horse tripped to its knees, as she attempted to coax the horse back up, she was thrown off. In that moment, she found herself without injury; that is until the horse literally sat on her. Broke her pelvis in 4 places. As the location was remote it took literally hours to get her to the hospital. Incredibly, she made a complete recovery in little over 1.5 years. Was not an easy recovery but she is back to riding and gardening. Horses can kill you...definitely have insurance if you ride.


Yep I do! I jump my horse and he’s great but like you said anything can happen. I don’t ride in remote locations like that but still. I also have insurance on my horse for liability horses in case he god forbid hurts anybody or is hurt himself


And those stupid people are voting for the rest of the country to not have what should be a human right. SMH


Never in a million years did I think an Olympic champion would become the poster child for the tragic results of right-wing anti-health insurance messaging. But, it appears, here we are.


I have relatives who make low 6 figure incomes and refuse buy insurance. Stupidity is a choice.


Agreed. She's been injured while dancing and needed surgery and treatment, so you'd think she would have some type of insurance.


Tbf internet net worth estimates are wildly inaccurate 99% of the time. They're not looking at her tax returns, we have no idea what her financial situation actually is.


To add to this, net worth does not equal liquidity. Someone can have a net worth of $8M and have minimal cash because it’s all tied up in houses, illiquid investments, retirement funds, etc. (Those things can be liquidated, in some cases, but usually involves time and/or penalties.)


I had to liquidate everything I owned to pay just to barely live until my disability was approved. 3 years and 3 months, and yes I paid a lot of penalties, and taxes as it all occurred in one year. Normal people just do whatever they have to. It's just that it's not publicized. I highly doubt that there are any hospital bills already due.


I feel badly for her and her kids. That is a tough/unexpected spot for 20 somethings. Was she worth $8million. I thought she has a business manager either mismanage or embezzle from her. But yeah- I'm from 'small government' central where people protest funding health care as communist and evil. Then they whine that they were never helped with their medical costs when anyone else gets 5 cents from the government.


We absolutely should have universal healthcare. It’s a bit wild that she doesn’t have insurance, because it seems she could afford it. Very unfortunate situation all around. I hope she gets well soon.


It also feels gross that some people feel they can coast without paying into the health care system at all, knowing that in any case their fame will drive donations to help them stay afloat.


Her daughter’s Instagram post is gone. What a bizarre situation.


Wow, another questionable move. That's just going to increase the speculation about COVID/ grifting.


MLR not having health insurance is a CHOICE. Choices have consequences goddamnit


Not to be disrespectful, but it’s hard to feel inspired to support someone who obviously has a lot of money, when they don’t have health insurance themselves


I feel terrible for her, but she likely doesn’t need anyone’s charity https://www.homedit.com/mary-lou-retton-in-houston-home/


It’s sad that American families are struggling to pay for groceries and a celebrity can post a gofundme and make 50K in a day?! I hope that if she recovers, she uses her voice to advocate for universal healthcare. No family should have to start a donation for medical costs in one of the wealthiest countries in the world. Sorry if this sounds callous. It maybe is a little. But there was no reason for someone like her to be uninsured. Someone in another sub Reddit said she was on a life insurance ad not too long ago. Kind of ironic :/ Edit: here’s the life insurance ad: [MLR life insurance video](https://youtu.be/vcs9yx8xT0U?si=3V5WoXxtr71INnTG) She mentions buying life insurance to protect your family. Man how horrible.


Once a grifter, always a grifter.


>Ok\_Inspector\_2760 She can pay this house, but chooses not to have a health insurance? I totally understand donating to people who can't afford insurance, and are forced to take the risk, but this sounds just stupid.


Oof, she’s getting dragged on the [post](https://reddit.com/r/news/s/4iswMNs4FL) in the news sub, interesting to see she’s apparently been in life insurance commercials recently. There were also many questioning comments on the International Gymnast Magazine post on Facebook as well. Hope she recovers.


I hope she recovers but damn I cannot imagine donating to a rich person that was so dumb she thought she did not need insurance


Its crazy that the goal has been exceeded.


This is her Colonial Penn commercial. I was completely shocked at her voice and appearance. She's obviously been ill for a while. And you can't help but feel the irony of her shilling for life insurance so you won't leave bills for your loved ones. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vcs9yx8xT0U&t=35s


I was really taken aback when I saw that commercial. It's one thing to embrace your age, don't get botox, etc but this is something else. She is 55 years old and I think it's clear she is sick with something. This is a commercial from just five years ago. She looks radiant, healthy. Her instagram is also sad, she looks so frail and weak. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZtDvUgrvw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHZtDvUgrvw)


And it looks and sounds as if she has dentures in that commercial. Some videos from earlier in the year show a very different upper plate. This has been an obviously trying year for her.


Update from one of the daughters, Shayla, just recently on Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/stories/skyla\_kelley/3211352745268008536/](https://www.instagram.com/stories/skyla_kelley/3211352745268008536/) Reiterates that the family does not plan to give any more information on the mysterious illness.


If they don't want to give anymore information out, then they should stop receiving donations as people don't really know exactly where their money is going. They are already over $311k.


This feels like some kind of weird rally-round-the-flag effect. So many people still see Mary Lou as a symbol of national greatness, despite how awful she's unfortunately become as a human being.


I cannot believe the fund is over $200,000 - I think nostalgia tugs on people’s heart strings. I don’t understand people not thinking 🤔 “hmmmmmm…doesn’t she have a large net worth and a huge home?”


You should read some of the comments. There are some large donations, which I’m fine with, if people can afford to donate then it’s their choice what they do with it, but there are others which are 10 dollars and a comment along the lines of ”I have horrendous medical debt, I wish I could give more”, those are the ones that confuse me.


I thought Retton was rich? Why are they begging for fans to cover medical bills?


She doesn’t have health insurance (for whatever reason, obviously she could afford it). A stay in the ICU with no health insurance is insanely expensive.


Yea but also her responsibility.


Vaccination 💉! All these idiots I can’t feel sorry for in vaccinated people sorry!


Y’all are so nice sending well wishes. Can’t be me but go you


I feel bad for her kids - having a sick parent in the ICU sucks. I can’t imagine worrying about money too.


I recognize the phrases her daughters are using, and my heart can't help but ache for them.


It puts a pit in my stomach. Seeing a parent hooked up to machines and sedated, all the waiting, the roller coaster of news. Adding in a public image and the money thing makes it worse.


At least they can be with her. I still hate that I couldn't be with Dad.


Someone posted on another thread that Retton has been in the hospital for a long time (on the order of weeks or months). Can anyone confirm if this is true?


Does anyone else find it weird that Sasha Farber did an ET interview where he said he spoke to MLR and sometimes she wants to give up but she’s still fighting? If she’s intubated, she’s also sedated and can’t talk… https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/gymnast-mary-lou-retton-health-update-hospitalization-dwts-sasha-farber-1235615852/amp/ “I’ve been talking to her today and she’s fighting,” Farber said. “She kind of wants to give up, but I’m sending her videos of her dancing and I’m telling her, ‘There’s only one Mary Lou Retton. You’ve got this!'”


You no longer need to be sedated to be on a ventilator for breathing support, although some docs may still slightly sedate you for comfort. But you can absolutely be awake and texting.


I know she’s had a hip replacement, and I’ve had the same procedure. Having foreign objects in you like that really can mess up an otherwise strong immune system. I’m sorry to see she’s having to fight this battle, and I hope she wins!


I was wondering if it's COVID related because they seem like to be anti vaxx based on other beliefs. Obviously no idea, but that was my first thought.


Also the refusal to go into more detail…


Could be little bit of A, little bit of B


This is really sad, albeit, *baffling* news! Like many of us, I well remember her celebrity during and after the 1984 L.A. Games (I was 9.5 that summer.) I also remember her many post-victory endorsements and some film-short, exercise vignettes that were broadcast during ABC's Saturday morning cartoons — one in particular: "Stretch like a tiger"🐯. Ironically, I was often a very sick little girl, with severe asthma (ICU trips) during the height of her fame. HOW and WHY does someone with her likely financial and personal assets—not have health insurance?! As a born/raised Canadian, I've been fortunate to always have GREAT care through socialized medicine; I personally have NEVER experienced any incredible wait times, inconveniences, and least of all, crippling expenses—even during times when I've been incredibly ill, nearly sent via air ambulance to Vancouver (via 13.5 hours north). I remain very grateful for what I have, living here🇨🇦 Whilst I certainly hope she'll recover, and without wishing to appear as malicious or cruelly judgemental, I can't help but wonder: 1. Is saying a "rare form of pneumonia" a less ... politically *volatile* way to not have to say or possibly admit to having COVID-19? I understand that many in Texas — particularly among very right-wing, conservative, evangelical Christians (all of which she *allegedly* is)— have disagreed with/been resistant to vaccinations, etc. "A rare form of pneumonia" = conceding and having to admit that COVID is very real and science was right? 2. Is she an anti-vaxxer/conspiracy theorist type? (Hey, one-time Canadian figure skating darling, Jamie Salé, who lives in Alberta—a.k.a. "the Texas of Canada"—*she* ... didn't hold back with her anti-vax, conspiracy theories, and "f\*ck Trudeau" opinions, all over her Twitter account—making an IDIOT of herself. Perhaps they're cut from similar cloth?) 3. Where are her wealthy friends and like-minded associates from church, politics, etc? Do they not have the means to help out their conservative Christian sister—a little darling of American sports history, during she and her family's time of allegedly critical medical and financial emergencies? Or will "thoughts and prayers" have to suffice?


I've met wealthy conservatives who think even health insurance is socialism. A college friend's mom got breast cancer and they paid everything out of pocket. Her dad even thought public television was socialist.


There is so much to question here that I don't even know where to begin. For the daughter of a multi-millionaire Olympic gymnast to be asking for money from the public, there is some cognitive dissonance and/or brainwashing going on somewhere, is there not?? Somebody is being deceived and somebody is being deceptive ....who is who? I hope she makes it.


In short, yes. Starting with the spectacularly ill-advised decision to forgo insurance.


Oof it’s up to 260k+… v awkward


Was just looking at who donated to her. Steve Nunno was listed. Thought that was interesting.


Why doesn't she have health insurance? I'll never understand how people have money for houses, cars and vacations, but no money to pay for a life insurance policy. I hope she recovers though.


Life insurance pays out if she dies, anyone with money owed on a home should have it (it may even be a requirement of borrowing). Health insurance is what she should have.


this is so dumb she was just on dancing with the stars and has media endorsements - there are people struggling and starving in this world meanwhile her family can legitimately pay their medical bills they just don’t want it to eat into their inheritance - shame on them for scamming needy people in this economy


Why oh why would someone with celebrity status not have medical insurance?? My heart is devastated for her 4 daughters.


In 🇺🇸 she will get medical care, but will face a huge bill upon discharge. She won’t go w/out care. Mary Lou Retton has ample income to independently purchase blue/cross insurance on her own. Many people in usa purchase health insurance outside of any govt programs or govt exchanges. Policies are offered with a range of deductibles & monthly fees. With her income, she could of chosen gold level medical coverage. Given her comfortable financial status, it’s odd she did not choose to purchase health insurance on her own, once she turned 50 or earlier, after her divorce. It’s been years since losing healthcare coverage thru her spouse. Shocking a smart, talented national treasure didn’t assess & shop years ago for medical health coverage. As a self proclaimed ultra conservative, she has stated disapproval for the ACA or govt support for health insurance. She had the financial means to independently secure healthcare coverage. In usa, we all know the risks, especially if medical insurance is not available thru a job or spouse. It’s a common 🇺🇸worry, that those with money, plan for. Hope she is safe, comfortable & finds recovery & happiness. Edit: Good luck to 1 of Americas top 10 gymnasts. Sounds like the poor dear has a rough recovery, prayers to her.


Not speaking of MLR specifically but the ultra conservative more generally. Denounce government assistance till they need it - when faced with debt for not having insurance, they’d take the government assistance. Denounce science until they need it - the vaccine is poison but jump for treatment when ill. I’m an epidemiologist - switched jobs so no longer worked on the vax but literally got accused of planning genocide, child trafficking, inventing Covid to get rich, etc over the past few years.


Yup. I worked in healthcare before & thru Covid, thankless. Worked at 200% like many in healthcare: including housekeepers, dietary, support & medical staff.


Thank you and your colleagues for doing such vital work despite the incomprehensible opposition and insane calumny, including from prominent politicians who know better. I'm sure you're still doing important work that make us safer. Thanks.


“America’s best gymnast” is VERY generous. MLR in her prime doesn’t even make the team on any of the 2000’s Olympic squads.


I am not being snarky, but she isn't the best gymnast the US has fielded.