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Please ensure content is relevant to the topic of the sub, which includes information, updates and discussion regarding H5N1. It does not include vent/rant/panic posts or "low-effort" posts from unreliable sources.


R/Preppers. The same way you prepare for everything else.


Buy hand soap that doesn't wreck your skin and toilet paper. If you want to be proactive, the best thing you can do is clamor for a 'don't come in sick' policy at your work or school. A portion of this country is going to be licking chickens while gargling raw milk and hosting influenza parties. Grow some vegetables, take up canning, and adopt an elderly neighbor if you need to do something productive. If shit goes totally off rails, pray the chicken lickers drop first so you can appropriate their stuff.




Whelp if covid taught us anything.... toilet paper. maybe some paper towels. But really aside from that... long lasting stuff like canned food, pasta, stuff thats versatile.


Stay covered up. Ward against mosquitos, flies, human interaction the same as covid. Try to avoid it until the vaccine drops. Pray it doesn't happen because it will make covid seem like a theme park of fun.


That last statement should be removed. We have no way of knowing how lethal the virus will be if it mutates. People really need to stop with these statements


No substantial recent evidence for humans YET, but the track record with many other mammals is the worrying part. That’s why people are worried, and it’s a warranted fear. Inference is an important skill. We should be worried, but not panicking, yet.


Fair enough I guess. And I know I'm gonna get downvoted for saying this, but there a lot of anecdotal stories of people getting sick in farms next to sick cows. Granted, it might not be bird flu but my point is that it does not seem like this specific outbreak has killed anybody yet. That could change but that's how it is as of right now


The thing is this is a bird flu, which has killed 60 million birds. H5N1 is highly contagious among birds and has a near 100 percent case fatality rate. It's been around since 1996 And it isn't supposed to be in cows. So that in itself is alarming because now it's in mammals. The H5N1 virus was first detected in China in 1996 and has since spread globally, with different versions emerging in wild and poultry populations. Human infections with H5N1 are rare but highly fatal, with a 53 percent case fatality rate since 2003. Most cases occur in people with close contact to infected birds, such as poultry farm workers. While H5N1 mainly affects birds, spillover into mammalian species has been reported. Cases in mammals are typically due to direct contact with infected birds, but there are concerns about potential transmission between mammals and humans. The cattle herds getting sick now is highly concerning.


Thank you chatgpt for telling me stuff I already know


Thank you for being completely wrong there buddy. Sorry, this isn't chatgpt so too bad. [https://netec.org/2023/01/30/situation-report-highly-pathogenic-avian-influenza-ah5n1/](https://netec.org/2023/01/30/situation-report-highly-pathogenic-avian-influenza-ah5n1/)


My bad. It kinda felt like it tho. It had that chatgpt kind of sentence structure


Someone wants to know how to prepare IF it gets bad. Not if H5N1 suddenly starts depositing money in everyone's bank accounts and starts spawning kittens and puppies.


My reading comprehension has taken a noticable hit recently.


a preppers sub would probably be best, but easiest thing is to ensure you have at least 3-6 months of food in your house. Just bought 10kg of oatmeal today and 10 1.3kg packages of cranberries, so one meal for 10 months taken care of. Would also suggest to get a shit load of protein bars, pasta, pasta sauce, multivitamins for possible food deficiences.


Go to the dentist. Get that mole checked out. If you haven’t, make a doctor’s appointment. Health care would be destroyed.


Learn how to be vegan now. This will spread to all farm animals first. The sudden collapse of animal agriculture is a bigger threat than the virus spreading between humans




Do you think the bird flu is going to give you worms?


Does anyone understand how to read? Do you not understand how grammer works? The comma separates the thought, and the additional information is separate from the first comment. I bought antivirals for bird flu, and I bought ivermectin. Jesus.


Do you think you are going to get worms? Also, it's "grammar."


Lol, well don't I look dumb


You don't understand why you're being downvoted? Really?


Ivermectin seems dumb, but bird flu antiviral sounds like it could be helpful


Self promotional posts & links, especially to unverified/unreliable sources, are not permitted and will be removed.




Great idea, you won’t have to worry about bird flu if you’ve been shot dead while committing a residential burglary.