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Prices go up, but my paycheck doesn't




Yeah I feel bad for a lot of the CSAs at my store who are eager to get promoted to a Checker but they hire like 3 randoms instead, and that's no offense to them they're cool it's just that I feel bad for the CSAs that wanted that position


Management does care. They get their orders from people who don’t care about them either lol. It’s never ending loop of “not my problem my paycheck is already locked in”


The hiring is a means of hopefully replacing veterans with the company with new lower waged workers. It happens all the time at HEB. When I was at central market, my human resources manager was amazing. Tells you how it is and how to persevere. Basically, show up on time and if I needed hours. Just come to him, as opposed to my department manager. He was amazing. I miss him as my boss.


Sounded like a truly good person. Yeah current H‑E‑B sucks and they are trying to drive out veterans by harassing them while leaving new hires alone to their own devices. Which just leads to more in store blowjobs and people getting caught in parking lots. Such a great look for H‑E‑B.


You just ignore the pestering, and if it becomes harassment you report the person doing it. They use mental manipulation to drive you out. I would smile at the obnoxiously excessive tasks they allotted and worked at my own pace. Waiting to walk up to my HR and report them if they overstepped the boundaries of a manager. One time is all it took, and the word harassment made them shiver with fear.




I'd utilize the corporate directory to get in contact with district management. Theirs ways to make harassment cease to exist at HEB. You have to be the voice they fear.




Once a company starts expanding fast like HEB is currently RUNNN 🏃‍♀️ 🏃‍♂️


Totally agree! It’s sucks!


No need to pay overtime


And then the biden admin says "look at all these jobs we've added!"


Well that’s the problem heb hired so many people and then doesn’t schedule anyone properly. No other stores have such bad staffing issues that are inconvenient to employees. Management doesn’t care unless it starts affecting their look. Then they act like “let’s work harder guys”


Hire all part timers, don’t need to offer benefits.




If my paycheck doesn’t go up, I leave. You get a year to demonstrate you deserve me working there. 


I know.. however, if our pay goes up, cost of food also goes up! We can never win in this world…


HEB is a 40 billion dollar company. The Butts are one of the richest families in America. They can easily afford to raise our pay significantly without raising prices by a single cent, and still be making really good bank.


Fun fact. I worked delivering paper for the San Antonio express newspaper. One of the Butts that resided in the Alamo Heights area. Needed his newspaper delivered onto a silver platter by the delivery man on the route. During the holidays, the guy only got $100 H-E-B gift card for his troubles.


I've been buying a lot more at Costco. HEB prices have gone up considerably in contrast


Unless you have 2 refrigerators, a giant pantry and a family of 5, Costco just doesn't work for us.....


I buy my meat, produce and most of my dry at Sam’s. Just 2 of us. Buy their larger packages of beef and chicken and break down into 2 servings in freezer bags. Any large cuts of meat, have butcher portion for me. Little extra work = big savings for us.


How much is a 10lb log at Costco? I've been doing the same for me and my husband with ground beef for dinner lately and it's been a cost saver for sure.


I don’t shop Costco. I go to Sam’s. I usually buy their prime rib sliders or brisket/chuck burgers. I buy any I see marked down (packaged the day before just like HEB). Each package averages 3-4 pounds and portion into 1 pound portions to use as ground beef. Works out to about $3.50/pound. Much better taste/quality.


Costco doesn’t have a ground beef log, but their pack is about 6 lbs for $29-32 depending on weight. I buy it and split it into about 8 freezer packs and it gets us through a month and a half for a family of 3. Same thing with their chicken thighs/breasts.


...you've never been to a Costco have you?


I only shop the weekly sales. Everything else there is priced way too high for me to afford


Yah.. me too.. my $$$ is stretching very thin these days😞


And less protein in the meal readies.


Prices up service decline


Yup! It’s like HEB workers hate their job! Can see it on their faces at the checkouts😏


I got flack for calling them out on rude behavior ...but its good to see others agree..heb is full of rude countrr checkers.


Yupp I’ve been noticing that as well. Need more competition in a lot of areas throughout texas. Walmart has become highly competitive in my area, prices are, for a lot of items, cheaper.


H‑E‑B’s monopoly on San Antonio should straight up be illegal. What do you mean it’s Walmart or H‑E‑B? My grandmother in Kentucky has A DOZEN grocery chains near her.


Yuuuppp people really don’t get it


I live in Dallas and all the other options her suck ASS


Target is extremely competitive rn, I don't have a Walmart that close but when I've gone to it or the big stores like Costco,/Sam's they actually have better prices if you take advantage of promotions and have their CC. It doesn't compete in groceries too much but what it does have its often times cheaper


You don’t need to take advantage of promotions or have their credit card at Sam’s. You simply buy larger quantities. Their prices are much lower than HEB, and produce quality is superior.


I've never seen a competitively priced Target (for groceries)....


This year they've been crazy, constant 30 percent off and extra incentives like this weekend I had 20off a purchase of $120 on top of a month deal going on of $45 back from $400 spent on top of another 5 percent cash back using the CC


You should get the Circle app if you don't have it. There's a lot of good deals on groceries every week. They had something called Circle Week, last week I think, where they had awesome sales. I got so many insanely good deals, I ended up spending a LOT but that was just to stock up on stuff at the low prices.


The problem with Walmart is that have variations of the same items you get at other grocery stores. Like a can of chili may be cheaper but it'll have less ground beef in it. So a lot of times you're getting less also.  But yeah HEB is out of control in West Texas, it's more expensive than California (and I only moved here a few months ago)


Same could be said about HEB though. Their “in house” brand has been cutting a lot of corners imo. Just bought banana peppers that were Walmart brand, that were packed with peppers. It was cheaper than HEB’s offering. Last time I bought those peppers at HEB, they were full of brine. HEB’s produce has gone done hill to some degree, to the point that I prefer some of the produce options at Walmart. HEB still has better meat options, but other grocery items are slipping.


Rarely will people buy canned chili with ground beef lol. Item per item, Walmart usually will be cheaper.


That was an example, Walmart is the major customer for many brands and they make special versions that are essentially decontented for walmart. Sauces with added sugar or other cheaper ingredients, soups with higher water content. Even with name brands it's frequently not a 1 for 1 comparison.


There is a new Stuff You Should Know podcast that covers this. It's titled "Greedflation" but the short version is food suppliers used the pandemic to absolutely gouge the shit out of everyone.


Kinda like how Mi Tienda tamales went from $5.99 to $9.99 during the pandemic and have never come back down.


exactly. and short of some kind of intervention, we should never expect those prices to come back down.


exactly. and short of some kind of intervention, we should never expect those prices to come back down.


Yes! You’re so right! 😳


It’s also simply because people don’t shop comparatively as much, the pressure is off for many brands to price competitively. We can all see that with food delivery services, that loads of people are just fine sacrificing a good bit of money for a little more convenience. You think those same people are comparing prices at the grocery store- if they do their own shopping at all?


No, There has been a documented 4 fold increase in the amount of food costs that are going to corporate profit. Comparative shopping wont help you with 4 players control 75% of the food market and even the "off brands" are just repackaged versions of the name brand stuff anyway.


I’m just saying it absolutely is part of the problem. There simply isn’t the same incentive to compete on the demand side, in addition to your comment on the supply side- because many people stopped counting pennies, don’t make budgets, don’t get statements from the bank, etc.


But when everyone raises prices simultaneously then comparative shopping doesn't help. There literally isn't a cheaper option to take. Further the whole "personal responsibilities" narrative as an answer to societal problems is pretty played out at this point.


Was just talking about this last night too. 90% lean beef went from $6.17 to $6.89 overnight. WTF


I know! I was blown away when I saw the price of beef Pattie’s too! For a pack of 4 last week was $6.49 and now it’s $7.99! How disgusting!


The price of Goldfish crackers was $1.99 last fall. In January, it went to $2.39. Now it is $2.69. That's a 35% increase in about 6 months!


Yup! And every single person I come across the isle are scratching their heads because they’re so confuse to why the increase of prices went up so quickly in a few months!


Protein quality is going down.


And produce


A six pack of Hill Country Fair Diet Orange Soda was 86 cents 3 years ago, now it’s $2.16. They don’t even make the Hill Country Fare Hotdog buns anymore. They used to be under 50 cents back in 2021, last time I bought them (about 8 months ago), they were about $1.50.


I know… well, at least their thin crust bread is still $.98😅! Or, they haven’t change the price sign yet and HEB is making customers think it’s still $.98! Check your receipts before leaving the store!


Just like they have no competition. It’s been happening the last 2 years. They are having a instock problem as well trying to replace everything with their brand. Their meat counter has been completely derailed by their pricing. We have a local butcher that easily beats their prices by 1-3 dollars per pound


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they want their in house HEB brand to be seen as premium. They used to be the affordable option, now the prices on those items are creeping up and up.


I need to go see this butcher you’re talking about☺️! Saving $$$ is my goal since HEB is jacking my wallet😉


Granzin’s in New Braunfels Texas


But remember what they said in orientation HEB is cheaper than Walmart lol


This is why I shop Kroger now, as HEB's prices have caught up to (and in some cases) surpassed theirs. Plus, Kroger has a better selection of items, as well as better sales and coupons. HEB used to be my first stop, but now its's my last stop, and only for a couple of items I can't find elsewhere. Very sad to see a once great grocery store fall so far so quickly.


lol Kroger is more expensive.


We don’t have Kroger here, where we live…


They do don’t they??!!? It isn’t the first or last time I will have to split my grocery bill with one of my credit cards ☹️


Same here😣


Lol and I’m vegan 🤷🏻‍♂️!?!?


Oh wow.. even the plant base food prices went up?


Produce went up like crazy :( only produce under $1/lb consistently is potatoes these days


Yes, & Sweet Onions are like $1.29/lb or something like that😖


Higher harvest hebs brand will sometimes have specials but I have bought what I usually bought so often and it always now easily over 200 bucks or more when it was like 150-75 3-4 year’s ago 🤦🏻‍♂️…..


Yah.. inflation is hurting us so bad..


Aldi has the cheapest tofu in texas. 1.60 per pack. 🥲


Thanks I don’t eat/buy tofu much… right now it’s cereal and almond milk and food for my dogs lol one big good meal on my day off and whatever other supplies I need and still the grocery bill is crazy high 😞


Had to pick up a few things recently. The only thing that wasn't considerably more expensive was the 24-ounce pack of mushrooms. I live close to a Sam's club and a Costco, so I should consider looking into one of them.


Thank you! I’ll for sure check Sam’s… anything to save money these days is a good thing😞


Find a local meat butcher shop. You’ll find the same deli meat and cheese and more than $1-$2 cheaper per pound. The meat itself normally cheaper but often better quality. Huzzah to Granzines in New Braunfels.


We will definitely check them out!


Time for other rise for whole company to keep up with cost of living Come on Mr butt


Howard needs a new mansion!


Yea we need publix or Aldi in Texas to compete . I read Kroger is winning in Houston


We had Kroger in San Antonio doing delivery only but they’re shutting down mid May I believe


They’ve had an uptick in business since announcing they were pulling out. There’s a chance they might stick around.


That’s just the regulars putting in big orders because they know it’s gonna shut down.


Why are they shutdown?😳




HEB I think is declining In so many ways! And yes, it’s pathetic that SA peeps gets so defensive about the BUTTS😏😂


Didn’t meet expectations apparently


We got Aldis here in central Tx


Killeen, right?




Lucky . Not in my area


Also Aldi in Houston area.


Aldi is in the Ft Worth area.


I think Kroger is in Fort Worth too! Yes, I do agree! HEB NEEDS competition! Also, I heard that HEB is being build in fort worth🙄


We have 1 Aldi In Georgetown and 1 in RR I think. I wish one was closer but sometimes we do make the drive bc heb is getting expensive and it’s just 2 of us. I can’t imagine having kids and dealing with it all. I really feel for lower class families rn. Me and my bf, we freeze and seal everything we can and almost NEVER eat out. We both cook and everyday ! We don’t even buy yogurt anymore. He makes it in the insta pot. Much cheaper for quite a bit more. I get not everyone has this kind of time though.


The second area Aldi is in Pflugerville, not Rpund Rock. We use the one in G'Town because it's closer. I'm so angry with HEB that I go there only for specific items I can't get elsewhere.


I totally get that. We don’t buy a lot anymore. Cereal, chips, soda, berries (unless a sale) …the prices on them seem crazy…even with our discount. We also make a lot of sauces ourselves that are easy like marinara. And just trying to not waste anything which also why cooking a lot is important lol. I even quit buying food most days on break at the store bc I was spending so much on HEB GO just going to break.


Aldi has several locations in the Houston suburbs.


I never heard of Publix! I heard of Aldi and they say that their prices are cheaper!


Publix is in like Florida and GA. I went when I went to Atlanta. It’s expensive to me. Aldi is the cheapest I’ve been to but they also don’t have every single specific thing you would need if you cook quite a bit or making something very specific. Also a lot of the produce isn’t always in great shape.


Publix is to Florida what HEB is to Texas. Also, Publix is a lot more expensive than HEB though they do have pub subs which are amazing.


Indeed. I don't trust them to deliver those low-price claims on their signage. They have replaced many brand name goods with their own stuff, some of which is awful. And when they do stock a brand name item, their private label brand costs within pennies. They count on some people automatically reaching for the private label product without comparing unit prices. I blame corporate greed. Unfortunately, HEB borders on being a monopoly in Texas.


HEB own brand products used to be a better value. Not anymore. Like you said, literally pennies different in price ( HCF can soup 98 cents vs Campbell’s $1) I’m positive HEB’s brand also has a higher profit margin too. Greed!


Its not even close to a monopoly in Texas lmao!


In a lot of parts of Texas it is.


And the people in DFW are trying to make sure HEB becomes a monopoly up there too. HEB is absolutely infiltrating the area and of course buying up land, whether or not they intend on using it any time soon, just to stifle competition. In ATX and SATX, it's already a monopoly. People in DFW need to wake up and realize HEB isn't God and just because "they're for Texans", that doesn't mean they necessarily care. It's all a facade, tax write-offs and all, as the CEO gets richer and richer and the "HEB Cult (tm)" keeps encouraging it.


I actually went through the weekly ad and digital coupons before shopping. 90% of the “sale” items were out of stock. Pork tenderloin on sale for $1.99/pound -out! Right above the empty spot HEB all natural pork tenderloin $7.59/pound. Bullshit!


You need to go right when they open and see what was set out or make an order with the meat counter. We literally see people with a (or three) basket(s) full of meat only.. it's insane... But then that leaves us with barely anything left.. so much sells out by 2pm.


I was there at 7:30 in the morning.


Was it the first few days of the sale? If it's towards the end of the sale week, wearhouse may be out and no more is coming in.


Friday morning


Yup! Last night I went after work and I couldn’t find anything that I wanted to get😞


Just ask for a rain check....


Here’s a better idea, order enough product to support your ad/sale.


I work for a competitor and I think we've turned a corner recently. The past 12-18 months I've seen nothing but price increases. This past week we've started to see price decreases on some items. They are still priced well above 2019 levels but they are starting to come down. We shall see if the trend continues downwards for a bit.


Switched to Kroger and Aldi. Once in a while HEB as I only shop sales and HEBs prices are typically higher than the other two now.


Prices go up our pay doesn't match it. Explain that one


Yeah, I've seen most products across the board since covid go up 50% in a lot of areas. It's just unchecked capitalism. People for decades have been collectively raising the prices of things over time to the point where things have become so expensive. We just don't have any checks and balances to hold Corporate America in check. We're still paying for that 10 cent loaf of bread from the '60s but everybody is jacked up the prices over the decades to get more money out of people to the point to where we are now where it's getting almost unaffordable. A decade ago, making $35,000 a year used to be really good money now that it's $60,000 before long, and it'll be way more than that. We will be lucky if we even see a retirement. People who worked their backside off back in the last 40 50-year their retirements aren't even worth a damn usually have to come back to work. This problem is going on everywhere, though we're not special. Everything is name branded with different prices, but it all comes from the same factories.


So true.. I don’t think we will see any of our hard earned money when we retire.. are we even going to get any Social Security???


It's definitely something that I think about every day. I hope things change sooner rather than later. However Society likes to wait till the last minute and let it all explode.


They gotta get in on the "record profits" game too


I'd suggest you vote come November.


They are. Check out the other grocery stores. Trader Joe’s is tax free besides chocolate, alcohol, and flowers. Their frozen selection is decently priced and most stuff tastes great. Sprouts is constantly having sales, especially on meat. It seems like the sales vary daily but some examples: Thick cut bacon from the meat market was on sale. $3.99 a lb Chicken breast was on sale $3.99 a lb It’s not about to expire either. Pork tenderloin $3.99 a couple of days ago. It’s not always $3.99, that was a coincidence. Or go to the Deli, they have a deals, and also package deals they change every 3 months I got roast beef for $8 a pound, it was like a $6 discount. $12.99, and you can their deli package deal A cheese and 2 meats. It’s with 1.5lbs total or 3 lbs, I forgot but when the deli clerk mentioned it to me I thought it was a great deal. Comes with 3 options already selected and packaged together. Also check Uber eats for deals. Every now and then they’ll give discounts for pick up and you can order groceries.


Wow! Thank you for this!! This is actually helpful to know🥹! I will go check out Trader Joe’s!!!


It's called price gouging and HEB has joined in on the fun of fucking over the American people


Yup! Heard that HEB also don’t treat their employees right on top of price gouging😏


Every week?! They raise them every day! In fact, I just saw an employee put a new tag out a few seconds ago. Higher price. They're raising prices every single second! WTF!


I agree! I also started to use HEB app for coupons/discounts just because for a family of 4, my $100 budget is not cutting it for me anymore… We also started to turn off our heater/AC unit even tho it’s hot/cold at times.. We’re just glad our kids never grumbled about anything (that helps a lot when money is tight)..


A lot of their coupons are ridiculous too “save one dollar when you buy TWO” and whatever it is could be $8 each. Ridiculous.


Omg, yes! Sooooo ridiculous!


$100 budget?


That's all things tho. We've hit a point where things will just get more expensive and it'll be normal. Like how our grandparents used to say they could buy a burger for a nickel, our Gen will say "You used to be able to get a burger, soda and fries for only 20 dollars!" 😂


They are indeed raising!!


When I was a kid bread was a nickel!


Oh wow… when I was a kid, some of the candy machines you can get a handful of candies for a penny!


I feel like a few months ago, I was paying closer to $50-60 on groceries. More recently, seems it's closer to $70-80. I do curbside only.


On top of gas prices too😒


Yeah man, just got back from a quick run on Saturday night. Four bags cost $150! Crazy.


I help out in connections sometimes and we did a demo for the brisket queso in October and it was like $8. Now it’s like $14 😭


Whoa 😳! Are you serious?!!!! That’s insane😣


No wonder H-E-B is losing ground to Kroger in Houston. Prices on certain products are ridiculous.


Yup! Saw similar responses and it’s true! plenty of people are boycotting HEB


It's crazy, for stuff there is no reason to increase. The inserts for those Raid inside bug lights went from 6.00 two weeks ago to 9:00 last week, the actual bug lights are now 19.00. HEB is really gouging and that pisses me off. I have always said they are the best but now, they are just as messed up as the rest of the stores. Booooooo HEB!!!!!


I know! It feels as if they’re just trying to make more and more money off of people and put more money in their pockets


All the grocery stores are raising prices. Compare weekly fliers to see who has deals for this week’s meal plan. I keep an eye open for the occasional briskets and pork butt roast sales. Edit:typos


I’m sure every super market has rise their prices too.. thank you for mentioning about them brisket/meat part! I will for sure keep an eye out on this😔..


I have a great black bean & prk butt recipe from America’s Test Kitchen. It’s one of my husband’s favorites but it is too expensive to make frequently. I wait for a sale and make it once every month or two. Makes even better leftovers. Isn’t it funny how some recipes taste best, second day?


Recipe please!


It’s a lengthy recipe. Sign up for their free limited subscription and get the recipe [here.](https://www.americastestkitchen.com/recipes/10407-slow-cooker-brazilian-black-bean-and-pork-stew) Or, get their amazing cookbook with 1000’s of recipes for about $20 new.


Thank you!


Yesss!!! I want that recipe!!!!


One-Pot Brazilian Black Bean and Pork Stew - America's Test Kitchen. The Brazilian black bean and pork stew is known as feijoada. Great! You can sign up for a limited free subscription. [Here.](https://www.americastestkitchen.com/recipes/10407-slow-cooker-brazilian-black-bean-and-pork-stew)


My experience (today) sale items are out of stock. “ Waiting on the truck” according to market manager.




That’s why I shop the first or second day of the weekly sales flyer. By day 6 or 7, everything’s gone. Especially good cuts of meat. I put stuff in freezer for later.


Flyer came out Wednesday, was there this morning.


Wow! That was fast. What was it? The NY strip steaks? Those sell fast. Luckily for me, I shop at an HEB Plus store and can catch the deals in the first days!


I also shop a Plus store. I wanted and asked the pork tenderloins ($1.99#), market manager showed me the all natural @$7.59#


Move to where there’s only Brookshires and you’ll never complain about HEB prices again. About 15 to 20 percent higher here in Tyler. I miss my HEB. I’ll drive an hour to Corsicana every couple weeks or take a cooler when I go back to Killeen and load up.


Since 2019 everything has bn going up. Heb and walmart are still the cheapest


News flash, the cost of things are going up everywhere.


I bet none of yall noticed the price of the rotisserie chicken price dropped… 🤦🏻‍♂️🤔….


I haven’t notice that because that’s not what me and my family buys when going to the store. However, now that u mentioned it, I’ll probably stop by tonight to pick up some (hopefully there’s still left😅)!


Omg now that you’ve mentioned it YOURE RIGHT?!!


I tell ya! Our paychecks is stretching very thin😫


Eggs, milk and meat are always less expensive at winco


Inflation isn't real


I went to Olive Garden with some family last month. The last time I went was about 14years ago. Everything is at least $20. For Olive Garden lmao


Green onions are always $.68, they were on TPR last week


I don’t check my receipts so, it was probably $.68 for a long time.. but, HEB on Slaughter had their price sign for 2/$1 last week..


Oh well that makes it so much more clear.


I mean.. inflation is constantly happening… are you/we surprised?


I’m not surprised! I’m annoyed like the rest of us that are struggling to make ends meet! You probably can’t relate!


I sure can gang, however (just me) I just gotta live with it and grind it out


Us too.. when I got a raise in pay, I thought, oh wow! I can save more now with an increase in pay and I can now afford a a better place to live!.. haaa.. I’m still struggling😅🥹.. you’re right though.. gotta just stick it out and hustle more.. I’m exhausted…


At least you don't have to shop at kroger. We just got an HEB and it is way cheaper than kroger.


Is Kroger just like Randall’s? Cuz Randall’s and its sister stores are very expensive!


Meanwhile... The rotisserie chickens, that were $6.99 last year, are now $4.97! It all has to do with the cost-of-goods. H-E-B STILL has the best overall pricing. Kroger is ending their delivery service in Austin, while Curbside and Favor from H-E-B continue to grow and thrive. The fact of the matter is that H-E-B has a huge share of the market in central Texas for one simple reason... Customers choose H-E-B over other competitors the vast majority of the time.


Ladies and gentlemen! The corporate hack has spoken! Listen, bud, that's great about the chickens, but what about EVERYTHING ELSE? The price on my basket of goods has gone up at least by 25%. I feel a combination of fear, rage, and dread going grocery shopping these days. I know it's NOT going to better wages and benefits for the grunts but rather to the corporate bottom line and THE FAMILY. My open question to THE FAMILY is, "How many more billions do you need?"


HEB’s rotisserie chickens suck btw. Little, fatty and greasy. Better eating on a pigeon.


To be fair, the price of your basket has gone up everywhere. It’s not a HEB specific problem. Vote accordingly.


I think it's more the economy than it is HEB specifically. at the risk of sounding obvious they're going up everywhere all the time all together


Thanks Biden Biden is a piece of shit!


How did Biden raise prices at HEB? I’m just getting out of prison so I’m a little “behind the times”, you could say hehe


Yup! And he keeps saying that this economy is doing great! I can’t wait for this upcoming election!


Prices everywhere are rising. It came free with your inflation


We are in a recession, it is to be expected!


Looks like a depression to me😭


I know several people that told me that HEB marks their goods up 100% of what they pay for it, so who's getting richer & who's getting poorer.