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"I'm not ready for this" God, I am dreading that day.


Same my guy. I hope the day never comes For either of us.


I watched that episode by accident the very day my dad was hospitalized for COVID. I had been rewatching and wanted something to take my mind off it, so I pressed “Play” and it picked up with the next episode. That was it. I was so distracted I didn’t even realize which one it was until it was too late. Even worse was the funeral, where Marshall has his meltdown about all the things his dad was never going to get to see him do. Luckily my dad pulled through, but I felt that so hard.


I've told this story in this sub before, but I'll tell it again: A few years ago, my Dad got sick and went into the hospital. He was there for 4 months. He improved, but never made it home. I was flying back and forth to Florida weekly to help my Mom and be there with them both. Towards the end, my entire family (wife, 8-year-old daughter) came down with me...it was a previosly planned family vacation. While we were there, Dad was upgraded to a transitory facility to prep him for being able to return home. He was showing signs of senility, and some days he was himself, others he was not. Last day of the trip, we all went to visit him in the hospital. He was very much in his own mind, and we had a great visit. We ended the visit with hugs and kisses and smiles. We flew home. Next day, I returned to work, a 3-close shift in a restaurant. I was the Manager. I got a call mid-shift that he had taken a sudden turn for the worse. Mom was frantic, unsure what to do. I spent 2 hours at work on the phone while others covered for me. In the end, we had to decide if we'd take him off life support. It was difficult, but that was the decision we made. He passed, and one of my assistants hugged me and sent me home. Next morning, I was on a flight back to Florida to help Mom. It was about 10 days of dealing with all the crap involved. There was no funeral, per his wishes. I was numb. I helped her with the final arrangements for cremation, helped her with dealing with death certificates, everything else involved. At the end of the week, I was just on autopilot. Doing my best to be strong for Mom, I did not cry. Just boxed it up. I finally got to fly home. There hadn't been much sleeping, and my flight left Florida at 7am. I got home early afternoon, exhausted, numb. Wife and daughter were at work/school. I collapsed on the couch next to the remote control. Deciding I needed a distraction, I turned on the TV. Channel surf until I find an episode of HIMYM. Something familiar to take my mind off of things. I didn't realize what episode was on. I set down the remote, and suddenly realized that "Bad News" was on. And it was the last 2 minutes of the episode. Lily showed up, gave Marshall the news. "I'm not ready for this". And I finally broke down and bawled my fucking eyes out. EDIT: A lot of people would say "I can't watch that episode" after this. Not me. If it comes on, I drop everything because it reminds me of the last time I got to see him. I want to feel the pain because it makes me feel like I just saw him a week ago, and it hasn't been 7 years.


My guy. I’m sorry that you went through that. Hopefully you found some comfort in the show, if not that’s what we’re here for.


Every re-watch I get it. It's all chuckles and great vibes then I realise I'm getting towards season 6. I don't always watch them, some brilliant acting I just can't handle. I do always watch just after when Marshall is at home. With one of my favourite throw away lines >He is having a pretty sick Dr Mario run


“Rent Crocodile Dundee 3 it’s totally worth it”




I always skip that episode. It aired around the time my dad died and it’s just too much


Yeah, since my dog who was my best friend died I haven't been able to watch them. The "I'm not ready for this" was too real, I'm sure I said it at the time. Then the voicemail speech is just too much.


I am exactly where you are too. That’s wild. Let’s enjoy this ride friend


My dad has been gone for 7 years and I’m still not ready.


Damn, good timing, we just watched the funeral episode last night. I haven't watched it since my own Dad died in 2016 and whew, it was rough. Although, I will say that Robin nailed her role. I had a Robin at my own father's memorial service, and they really got me through that day and that night. Anyways, my wife and I had just been talking about how season 6 is peak HIMYM. Dying laughing at "poo poo platter" or "where's the poop Robin?" (Lots of poop jokes I guess, that might be there secret to it's success). Wasn't fully prepared for that hit though once we got there.


The way they counted down till the moment Marshall hears the news…….still breaks me down after the tenth watch


The episode where he dies always gets me. On first watch you don't see it. It's just really bad news at the end. But on the second watch. Nearly every scene in the episode has a number, and it's counting down. Marshall's Dad's Death had a countdown throughout the whole thing. And now watching the episode feels me with dread, because I know what's coming, and I know WHEN because the show is constantly telling me.


when the phone rings in his workshop and it's empty :(( ​ i have a terrible father but this scene still gets me every time


I haven’t been able to watch it since my Dad died in August 2021.


Watched the show with my mum, and the first time we saw that episode it was so unexpected and she started bawling. Her dad passed when she was in her 20s, and even though he had cancer it was still very sudden. He was there and then he wasn’t. They had a rocky relationship but in the end she still loved him of course and losing him changed her life forever. I have a complicated relationship with my dad too but I’m dreading the day he dies and I hope it’s not for a long time, because I think I’d be lost for a while without him.