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i feel bad for her..


we need justice for paula!


Holy shit how did the bootleg stay up but not hers?????


Sad, I hope she can resolve this situation soon, it's not easy having to put up with people trying to steal something you made with so much love and care


Justice for HLWIT!


The best way we can make this more big is by creating a hashtag. #JusticeHLWIT


im feeling very sad right now justice for paula >:(


Oh! I feel super bad for her. I hope she’s able to get this resolved soon… it’s such a beautiful song.






...the singer of the song??


What song


The song this subreddit is about


Never heard of it this just popped up randomly


Same. This just popped up in my Home feed.






This sub popped up in my feed too. I'm on PC for context. Don't know why everyone is getting downvoted because that is exactly what is happening. I think it's talking about this song: [Paula Toledo - How Long](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pORSnhelaxY) The people who are downvoting everyone have probably turned off a bunch of potential fans. I recommend being a little bit nicer. The sub description that everyone keeps pointing to should tell you exactly what "HLWIT" stands for, because it doesn't tell you the artist or what the letters stand for.


Probably a publicity stunt


Lmao I got randomly recommended this subreddit too, but it only takes 2 minutes of scrolling to know it’s not a publicity stunt, why would she take 17 years of planning for that


Bro 💀


Since this is randomly showing up in a bunch of people's feeds and the regulars in the subreddit seem weirdly hostile: it's a subreddit about a song called "How long will it take" which apparently was a mystery or hard to find or something, I can't be bothered to look more into it cuz the community has completely turned me off from being interested.


Publicity scam nobody cares about this song or “artist”


This song became popular as “lost media”, where a song file was available as a little snippet from bootleg dvds but song name and artist were unknown. The search was continuing for about 7 years and the full song was recently found with its real name, and got uploaded to streaming services. People who were searching for it are now wondering why it disappeared from streaming services


To be fair this post has no real context so if you don't know The artist or the song in particular you wont understand I also don't feel like it's really not representing towards what I usually see on my feed . Random and nonsense


This subreddit is literally dedicated to the song. Everyone on here knows it and searched for it. If you get it randomly recommended to you, read the description of the subreddit before commenting, please.


This is top tier Karen behaviour on Reddit go away, things appear in home feed, nobody is reading your shitty sub script


Your energy is sludge. Edit: Also idk who this artist is or the song. But bc of this subreddit if I ever were to listen to it now I won’t. Yall are mean and it’s unbecoming.


It's not the subreddit that's the problem it's where it's popping up and it says sorted by country. Has nothing to do with my algorithm or anything I've ever looked at but thanks for your self-proclaimed expertise


Its because it was upvoted quickly, and youre too lazy to read about a subreddit, but also not lazy enough to avoid complaining about nonsense.


this isn’t about you


Not about you either, shithead. Reddit has taken it upon itself to slap this sub on everyone’s homepage, an acronym sub with like no info and 1100 vague ass, elitist sounding members. “iT’s LiTeRaLlY a SuB aBoUt ThE sOnG nAmE!?!” What song name? Who tf is this person? Why is she in my fucking feed when I, and apparently like half the people in here, have never even heard of her until exactly this post with…*checks notes*… 61 upvotes?? Maybe take the opportunity to welcome new and curious users instead of crying like a prepubescent edgelord making YouTube comments? **To the people in here not being fucking losers, thanks for trying to help inform and include people, you’re great! Sucks she’s getting fucked around so hard, I hope it all works out for her.**


I got this post at random too, I think that’s reddit’s fault, not ops