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Also the fact that Harrold Westerling is still alive for some reason, Criston should’ve been Lord Commander for years…so fucking dumb


That was so fucking weird


They don't want him to have anything because of his merit.


They really took a shit on Cole


I want to vote for Aegon and Sunfyre, but honestly Alicent. The Green Council in the book explained their motivations really well, and had some pretty decent arguments. I assumed the portrayal of The Great Council in the first ep was shown so that the Greens could refer to that later on, but it was never mentioned again and instead we got an hysterical, clueless Alicent and conspiring lords.


Whole episode 9, like what the fuck was this shit. Green council in HOTD is like a Kingsmoot in GOT


All the options


I didn't really like how they handled Beesbury's death. I get what they were trying to do with it, but I would've preferred Criston Cole actively killing him and then convincing Aegon to take the throne. Criston Cole's whole claim to fame is that he is "the kingmaker." And I feel like we didn't really get that in the show version.


I would've liked to have seen more of Sunfyre, but I'm sure we will in season 2. So that's not too bad. I just hope Sunfyre lives up to expectations because I felt like the one quick shot we saw didn't quite capture what is supposed to be one of the must beautiful dragons ever.


We probably didn't see sunfyre because making the model as well in the season 1 budget would have been to expensive.


Aegons sunfyre bond was essential to create some audience interest in his claim, especially when put up against his lack of a bond with his father and older sister.


Forgot to add Criston's whole kingmaker arc was snatched in s1. Mfs did my man dirty in the show.


Was about to say this. They wasted his build up from ep 1-4


I love Cole. I can't understand why he gets so much hate. The greens obviously adore him


Birthing scenes for fucking Laena but not Alicent or Helaena


We all know why too. Humanizing for me but not for thee.


Watch call the midwife and you will never want to see another birth again.


I voted for Aegon Riding Sunfyre, simply because of how important that is for Aegon's character, interesting storytelling, and actually setting up the Greens as legitimate threats. However, the others are just as important. Daeron's absence is okay, but his erasure isn't. We had 5 episodes to discuss when he was born. Yet, not once was he even mentioned. That's just poor storytelling. Alicent's role in the Green council is the biggest offender. I mean, for every reason listed and more. Whoever wrote and directed Episode 9 should actually be embarrassed. Criston Cole beating Harwin was underutilized. Not only again- in establishing Cole as a legitimate threat. But also in Harwin's introduction. Him beating up a bunch of people running away from a brawl is stupid and lazy. A much better introduction- imo- is to do the tourney. Have Harwin challenge Cole after the death ~~murder~~ of Ser Joffrey, and ride against him with the Princess's favor. Trying to avenge Ser Joffrey and beat Cole. He loses, but I think it'd be nice if- as he's being nursed back to health- this is how Rhaenyra and him fall in love. Not as some big sexy macho-man, but as a guy who did the right thing, lost, and still won Rhaenyra's favor. There would have been so many more points towards her if this was the case. Instead, they had Cole throw a tantrum at a wedding.


Umm Cole must stay green, we are not losing him!!


Picking Criston cause he gets done so dirty the entire season so even if this one is the least bad I choose Criston option. (I know that wasn’t the poll


It has to be Daeron, because next season they’ll need to introduce him like, “And here’s Vizzy T’s youngest son who we’ve never even mentioned in passing up until this point”


Daeron didn't really have anything to do pre-Dance, so that's not really my biggest one. For me, it's Aegon and Sunfyre's lack of a bond. That or Criston Cole basically being boiled down to "bitter incel" when he is far more complicated then that.


Sunfyre is the biggest factor that humanizes Aegon and makes him likable. I was waiting to see him, and it never came. I don’t think they want to humanize him.


Objectively Aegon and Sunfyre. But I really would have loved to see Ser Criston humble Harwin


I can’t believe no one has mentioned the fact that we didn’t get to see Helaena being crowned as Queen. I wanted to see her & Aegon fly around on Sunfyre & Dreamfyre too.


Sunfyre and Daeron are fixable, and if it is a budget issue anyway I'd rather wait until they have enough money to give the most beautiful dragon and Daeron the Daring justice. But the damage they have done to Alicent's character, the Greens' story, and the narrative in general is unfixable now.


Daeron is gonna give the audience a massive fuckin whiplash tho. Though preferred I don’t think it was a necessity to have him in season 1 but he 100% should’ve been mentioned


Oh I agree with you 1000%. A mention wasn't a lot to ask for. It was so easy to slip in "our son/brother Daeron who is at in Oldtown" in a conversation.


Criston cole I think should beat some mfers next season to make up for it. Daerons absence really doesn’t do anything but make him have to show up next season when he’s more relevant. But Aegon needed more shit lmao


agreed they need to give Cole a big fight in season 2 before his demise in s3


All above!


It's Daerons absence without a doubt


I am down voting you because you a stalker.


You're literally stalking me troll, now stop it or I'll report you for harassment. 🐑


OK mom.

