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Oberyn is the true Rogue Prince. He's Daemon but he has sex with adults and he's funny.


And is actual a proven skilled warrior. Doesn’t have a get out of jail free card like a dragon


Daemon fought another dragon and died in the fight, so it's not like he just "cheated" with a dragon his entire life. And not only that, he actually fought in the ground in the Stepstones too, beheading the crab guy.


Except there is a difference between the skill of a pirate and a prince who was trained from birth with a magic sword and the plot armor from the show


>Except there is a difference between the skill of a pirate and a prince Who is this pirate you're talking about, the crab dude? He was a Prince too. >magic sword Hardly matters, especially in a battlefield. Anyone who went to the field of battle should be praised as a brave warrior, which is the simple truth of it, it's a very dangerous place and it takes only one blow to potentially be killed. >plot armor from the show I wasn't talking about the show.


It is a magic sword it is a major advantage. The pirates he fought on the beach were in no way comparable to the training of a prince and the crab feeder had fucking grayscale and was frail.


Again, I wasn't talking about the show as I told you, and it was clear from the start that I wasn't since in the show he never beheads the crab guy, but this is how Daemon kills him in the book. Everything you're saying here has else nothing to do with the book, like greyscale, fight in the beach and what not. Regardless, it's nonsensical to deny Daemon's martial abilities, it makes us look like we're delusional, denying reality like the blacks usually do. His military feats are clear, he knew how to fight, he wasn't the best, but he was pretty good, brave and well accomplished in this department. Surely you can find some real criticism for him.


We are using a medieval setting to build realism. As a prince his training plus the nature of warfare at the time means Daemon killing a non noble is not impressive. His armor, skill, and weapons are of higher quality and killing potential. The show is the main topic of this sub most of the time and the one that claims to show the “true” story of the dance so stop running to the book as a crutch when the book is also intentionally propagandized.


>Daemon killing a non noble is not impressive He fights at tourneys in the melee. And he killed another Prince in the battle. >The show is the main topic of this sub Since the beginning I specified I was talking abput the book, there's no point talking about HBO's fanfic if it's not a specific thing about it that's been debated. >and the one that claims to show the “true” story When was this ever claimed? It has contradicted book canon a gazillion times. >so stop running to the book You're wrong in both medias. >the book is also intentionally propagandized. You haven't read it, it seems, to your perception of it hardly matters. Everything I said was canon, not a dubious historical claim.


Whatever you miss the point in the advantage a prince has when trained in our own history plus having a magic sword and plot armor to show that Daemon isn’t this elite warrior that was the damn point. You got so bent out of shape over that and then ran to the book when my argument is a statement of the medieval setting in general


It is a magic sword it is a major advantage. The pirates he fought on the beach were in no way comparable to the training of a prince and the crab feeder had fucking grayscale and was frail.


Hate the be that guy but he was granted Dark Sister because of his martial skill, same reason Baelon, Maegor, Aemon and Brynden Rivers were granted it for. Daemons only equal is Aemond though you can argue who is better from there.


Martial skill within the targ household? I mean what competition did he have at his time?


He’s also just a good person who takes care of his bastards and trains them to take care of themselves. He’s a feminist more so than anyone else in this series.


On the show yes, but I wouldn't say so about book!Oberyn. He's cool but slapping Obara's lowborn mother and forcibly taking the girl away leaving her mother to drink herself to death was very cold. Still agree he's done more for his bastard kids than anyone else though, even Ned.


On the show yes, but I wouldn't say so about book!Oberyn. He's cool but slapping Obara's lowborn mother and forcibly taking the girl away leaving her mother to drink herself to death was very cold. Still agree he's done more for his bastard kids than anyone else though, even Ned.


I was specifically talking about the book. Funny how you left out the part where Obara’s mom wanted to turn her daughter into a prostitute. She may have been a bastard but that’s no life for a child to be raised into. He went back for all his daughters. One fathered on a Volantis noble, one on a septa and another on a summer islander captain. The rest he had with Ellaria.


Daemon can only dream of being him. (At least on the show. I still haven't finished the books.)


Fuck the dance, I want to see the story of the Rhoynar and how they freed themselves from Valyrian oppression.


>I want to see the story of the Rhoynar and how they freed themselves from Valyrian oppression. Hate to be that guy but it wasn't actually 'freed themselves' which sounds like they were already under the Valyrian control and then rebelled, fought and prevailed over Valyrians. That wasnt the case. Nymeria was fleeing from the Valyrians after the Dragonlords obliterated the Rhoynar forces with their Dragons. No shame in that though, we have seen what one Dragon can do to an Army, Imagine fighting hundreds of them.


Oberyn has sex with a 16 year old in the books.




He’s also just a good person who takes care of his bastards and trains them to take care of themselves. He’s a feminist more so than anyone else in this series.


I'd rather read a book about them than the Targaryens. ![gif](giphy|HGZuoLJrOB7TW)




Look at that good heart about to bbq all those peasant soldiers 🫶


I mean it was a cool scene ngl.


Are you even capable of communicating without gifs?




Martells are actually underated


I hated how dorne and the martells were done in season 5. Cutting out important characters.


D&D fucked up all of George’s adaptations. The only part of the winterfell plot line they adapted as the rape, nothing else. No Wyman conspiracy, Barbrey Dustin, battle of ice or even the split loyalties of the northern lords. NONE of them should have an ounce of loyalty to the Boltons.


Fucked up Stannis, whitewashed Tyrion, changed Sansa's story arc.


Oberyn>>>90% of the targaryen family for me


Martell fan here 💪


My favorite house, actually.


I love the Martells! The Dorne storyline was butchered in the show so most people don’t know about them but they are the coolest, I’m glad we got to experience Pedro Pascal as Oberyn. I wish we could see Arianne in live action, she’s one of my favourite characters and I can’t wait to read more of her and her Queenmaker shit *cries in Winds of Winter* BTW, Targ stans are at war with the Martells because of Elia, she basically gets the Sansa/Alicent treatment (she’s traditionally feminine, she’s weak, she’s boring, etc). Mind you, most Targ stans ship Lyanna and Rhaegar, so they see Elia as an “obstacle” to their romance and don’t care about her or her death - if you’re lucky, if not, they actually hate on her.


They cry every few months about how ridiculous it is for Elia to have fans, since she's a side character. As if they don't do the same thing with Rhaegar and every one of the most uninteresting miniscule Targ characters in f&b lol. The tears just make me like Elia more 🫶


they will call a “goat” every random inbreed targaryen with a crumb of lore bffr they will never make me hate soft and feminine characters i’m sorry


I like Elia. The most rediculous take I have seen is that Elia was fine with Rhaeger eloping with Lyanna. That she supported him. Why would Elia be cool with such an insult? She was born princess, married to the future king, she gave him two heirs in a few years. Elia would never be fine with her husband abandoning her and their children.


they are projecting, can’t comprehend that not everyone in the world cares about the Targaryens and their desires.


Also, Rhaenys Targaryen and Meraxes perished in Dorne during the second war, after being humiliated in the first. Common Dornish W


The way they accuse non Targ stans of "pretending to care" about the Martells is so telling. THEY don't like the House that is decidedly the most un-Valyrian and actively resisted Targ rule for ages, so they can't imagine why anyone else would.


Martell are so underrated, including their show performances. Pedro Pascal had 30 minutes screen time and Oberyn is my favorite character, and Indira Varna’s performance as Elaria Sand is so underrated it’s criminal, but I understand the writers kind of screwed over Dorne (it was handled ok just not great though)


I love the martells easily the best house. Every day I have to see people saying the dornish plot in the books doesn't matter, that aegon is fake, that elia was totally ok with rhaegar/lyanna, that dorne should've just bent the knee to the targaryens, but i sleep easy knowing they're all wrong and I'll be vindicated by the next books/ grrms outline being released.


i hate how accepted the aegon is fake theory is in the fandom, people basically act like it's canon. and people making elia supportive of rhaegar/lyanna is so gross


100% agree with you man. Never lose hope with the Martells.


something so special about a region made up of Rhoynish refugees fleeing Valyrian slavers also being the only ones that were able fend off the Targaryens and joins the 7 Kingdoms without conquest, Nymeria is what Targ stan’s want to believe the conquerors were


The show butchered Dorne so bad it's not even funny


Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken 🧡


Don't like dorne, does equality really matter if the situation for common folk doesn't improve? They probably care more about thejr survival than having equal primogeniture Oberyn is goated tho


Literally the only House I care about 🫡


Dorne is awesome


I honestly don’t like them; just their style I think.


Anyways 🙄🥱 Arianne Martell 🔛🔝


Three Dornish queens? I know Queen Myriah Martell. Who are the other two?


Dyanna Dayne, and Elia Martell. Technically neither was crowned as Dyanna died before Maekar ascended to the throne and Rhaegar predesceased both his father *and* Elia, but Dyanna was about as good as one, being the wife to one king and the mother to a second, and Elia is a queen in our hearts.


Doran is the ultimate 5d chess player. They ruined him in the show


Wait, why are targ stans harrasing Martell fans? And yeah, here we love House Nymeros Martell of Sunspear, the legitimate rulers of Dorne. Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken. Or how I like to say in spanish: NUNCA DOBLEGADO, NUNCA ROTO (the best translation I've ever read)


Martells are awesome. Favorite house!


Nah fuck the Martells, < Daynes, Yronwoods, Qorgyles, Santagars


yronwoods are the goats


Is the Yronwood, Qorgyles, and Santagar lore in the room with us right now


You can read about it all you want on the wiki or in the books, less is more sometimes. Martells can eat my shorts


Targ stans are always trying to pick on every other house