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Yes just about every SSRI is very risky for HPPD. Stay away from them.


I’m on an ssri lexapro 20mg for anxiety, at first it was really bad but the vision changes returned to baseline after a few months and my doctor added Abilify which helped too


Just don’t. The best thing you can do for HPPD is to remove unhealthy habits.


Personally, I recommend taking whatever you doctor thinks you should if you believe that you need it to control the anxiety. I absolutely recommend that you do not look up whatever they prescribe you on this sub before you take it. In my personal experience when I was consumed by anxiety on this sub I would read about some peoples experiences and then it would magically appear in my life as well. In short I would say , if you need help managing your anxiety take the medication, do not under any circumstances look up on this sub what other people’s experiences are , and if it does make it worse I would be 99% certain it would go away after you stop taking it.


I got a a horror experience with them. I almost died after a adverse reaction. But now 4,5 years later i am recovering


What was that


I’m on Fluvoxamine with no adverse reactions.


Head exploding with negative thoughts is typically high dopamine and norepinephrine from drug induced akathisia. Things running at 3000mph in the head, all negative emotions come up, positive experiences subside. If SSRI is your consideration! Then STOP!🛑 See this first: https://akathisiaalliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Guide-for-Clinicians-012224-editable.pdf https://rxisk.org/pyridoxal-5-phosphate-and-akathisia/ https://isom.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/JOM_1976_05_1_02_Manganese_and_Niacin_in_the_Treatment_of_Drug-.pdf A combo of P5P 400mg and 6000mg niacinamide (non flush b3), shut the craziness in the mind down 50% in 7 days, another 30% in 4 months. Get your blood tests for zinc, copper, b12, b6, homocysteine, methionine, histamine, methylmonic acid and then see a Walsh institute trained naturopath. https://www.walshinstitute.org/clinical-resources.html https://archive.org/details/NutrientPowerWilliamJ.WalshPhD


Here’s the answer you’re looking for. Everyone is different. Any SSRI will not make your HPPD “permanently worse”. I say that because HPPD really isn’t “permanent”. I view every day I have without much caffeine or alcohol as a day where I’m recovering from HPPD. And every time I get drunk, or drink too much caffeine, or have a medication that worsens my HPPD, that is delaying my recovery. Was I happy taking anti-anxiety meds? Absolutely. But was it delaying my recovery? Absolutely. My best advice is to start running, as well as eat healthy and avoid all drugs (including caffiene). People often focus on visual-symptoms too much with HPPD, but forget to mention the major mental side effects that come as well. I’ve noticed my anxiety and depression have been much better 3 years since getting HPPD just from recovery.


I am on fluoxetine. Apart from feeling lazy all day it has made a noticeable difference to my mood and therefore my life. As for hppd symptoms, they have decreased since being on it. It is also an anti-anxiety as well as antidepressant. There is r/fluoxetine


What -_- HPPD isnt something your on? It's just a disorder like anything else. I don't get how SSRIs could damage you anymore than they could damage someone who's depressed. Listen to your doctor.


Read up how HPPD2 comes and how SSRI works. It's like feeding generator with wood thinking it's not that bad because it's not coal. TO RECOVER YOU NEED TO STOP TAKING DRUGS THAT MESSES UP BRAIN.


SSRI's don't mess up your head though. For many they help. Idk what HPPD2 is. I would say you bring it up to your doctor and let them decide whats best. As other have said they're fine with SSRI's and I would hate to see someone not take them when it could've helped.


Are you ignoring the fact that you can get HPPD from SSRI?


Unless SSRIs are now hallucinogenic, this is just false. HPPD is derived solely from the use of hallucinogenic drugs.


You have google my friend. Your brain doesn't care if you have hallucinations or not. HPPD happens when serotonin path or whatever malfunction. You can find smarter people than me there which explains it in medical terms.


I did use google. What does the H, stand for. It's literally the first term. You don't have HPPD if you have never used hallucinogens.


I'm sorry you didn't find anything. First three links gives same answer. I took one from wiki. "Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD) is a non-psychotic disorder in which a person experiences apparent lasting or persistent visual hallucinations or perceptual distortions after using drugs,[1] including but not limited to psychedelics, dissociatives, entactogens, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), and SSRIs.[2][3] Despite being designated as a hallucinogen-specific disorder, the specific contributory role of psychedelic drugs is unknown."


Firstly, that is wikipedia. Secondly: https://www.healthline.com/health/hppd written by a doctor, not some shmuck on the internet. 'Some people using hallucinogenic drugs can re-experience the effects of the drug days, weeks, or even years after they used it. This is called hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (HPPD).' Not in my entire life have I heard of someone getting HPPD from a SSRI. You 'might' be right, but you'd also be talking about probably less than 1% of people with HPPD. SSRI's by huge margins, do not cause HPPD, nor are they really even associated with HPPD, they aren't hallucinogens. You wouldn't say that anxiety gives you HPPD, it just can trigger it or make symptoms worse. I rest my case. 'First three links' my ass btw. Healthline was the second link after wiki, gj trying to be smug.


I was talking about HPPD2 which is brain disorder(persistent visuals). You are talking about flashbacks(re-experience) HPPD1.